6/23/19 Douglas Dietrich Critical Omissions “CYBER PSY-OPs”

UncategorizedAIAmerican Concentration CampsArtificial IntelligenceAsylum SeekersCensorshipCommunist ChinaConcentration CampsDeath CampsDouglas DietrichDouglas Duane DietrichHong Kong ProtestsICE Detention CentersImmigrationInformation WarfareIranMichael AquinoPsyOpsRacismRefugeesSocial Media

Subscribe: https://youtube.com/c/douglasdietrich Livestream is every Wednesday and Sunday night starting at 8pm EST. Topics: Marijuana Legalization Russia – Not a place you would want to live. Russia has nothing to offer the world besides weapons, historical revisionism, and propagnda to affect regime change in other countries such as the US and Brazil. Misson Bell Removal

6/19/19 Douglas Dietrich Critical Omissions “JUNETEENTH DAY”

UncategorizedAlt RightCensorshipClimate EmergencyCommunist ChinaCorporate ChattelDouglas DietrichDouglas Duane DietrichHong Kong ProtestsJuneteenth Independence DayRefugeesSlaverySlavery InsuranceVenezuelaWealth Inequality

Subscribe: https://youtube.com/c/douglasdietrich Livestream is every Wednesday and Sunday night starting at 8pm EST. Topics: American Slavery and the Violence of Slavery Juneteenth Independence Day should be made a national holiday like July 4th. Slavery Insurance and the Highly Skilled Elite Slave Class Who Built the American Industrial Revolution Corporate Chattel Trump the Fearmonger There are