End Violence Against Women and Girls Around The World

“¡ — Don’t Do Me The Way Daddy Does Me …!”

              ~ Convicted San Francisco-Born American USA (UNITED STATES ARMY; C[ondīta] est 1775—) VETERAN PÆDORAPE-MURDERER RICHARD ALLEN “RANGER RICK” DAVIS (b[irthed] 1954—aged 65 yrs ATDE [At-Time-‘o’-Data-Entry]; Currently on Death Row in Adjustment Center at San Qᵫntin State Prison, California, Convicted in 1996 ‘o’ First-Degree Murder and Four Special Circumstances [Robbery, Burglary, Kidnapping and a Lewd Act on a Child]; his Criminal Record fueled support for Passage ‘o’ California’s “Three Strikes Law” for Repeat Offenders) Reïterating what he insists were The Last Spoken Words ‘o’ Twelve-Years-Young POLLY KLAAS (b1981—d[ecedent] 1993; Torture-Murdered) – whom he had Abducted-at-Knifepoint from her Mother’s Home during a Slumber Party – during his Trial in The World’s Second Largest Democracy (after भारत गणराज्य [“Bhārat Gaṇarājya,” or The “Republic-‘o’-India”]; Cest 1947—[sic, see Directly Below]) : These USA (United States of America; Cest 1776—). 

“… Burn Them Alive …”.

            ~ The Last Will and Testament ‘o’ JYOTI SINGH-PANDEY (b1989—d2012; Gang-Raped Unto Death (see Family-Provided Photographic Image @ <shecampaign2531.files.wordpress.com/2017/10/6bee1c95839c7558287b225476677a11_400x400-23680864.jpeg> – circulated by ONE MILLION VAGINAS [“LIKE” & Follow @ <facebook.com/onemillionvjj>], a Nonprofit Female-Rights Organization [Anyone wondering as to why a “Female Rights” Group be necessitated ô’‘ēr “Human Rights” Groups need only Review this entire Column in its totality + electronically-access Links Provided] : Jyoti Singh was a Twenty-Three-Years-Young Female Medical Physiotherapy Intern whose cries for help were drowned-out by onlookers’ cheers as Six Males, inclusive a Juvenile, Tortured her for an hour aboard a moving bus circuiting नई दिल्ली [“Naī Dillī,” or “New Delhi”]; National Capital Territory ‘o’ The Largest Democracy On Earth : Bhārat Gaṇarājya [The “Republic-‘o’-India”], taking turns to Rape her, bite bodily chunks-‘o’-flesh out-‘o’-her, break every bone In her body w[ith] an Iron Rod – impaling her w / same only after using their bare hands to tear the majority ‘o’ her inner organs out – including ninety percent ‘o’ her Intestines; yet maintaining the will and wherewithal on being thrown off same Moving Vehicle At-Speed to survive long enough [Fēowertyne Niht : A “Fortnight;” literally “Fourteen Nights,” id est : Twa Weeks] To Identify her Assailants [The Abettent Bus-Driver was Identified independently thereafter]. She Is Not At Peace, as her Attackers Were Ne’‘er Punished As Reqᵫsted [they were quickly and mercifully Hanged, not Burned Alive], such be the shamelessness ‘o’ The Asian-Indian Phallocracy [confer <shecampaign2531.wordpress.com/2017/10/27/16-december-2012-the-black-day-for-india>]).




THE USA IS A “PŒNAL KOULTOÚRA (‘Penal [Prison] Culture’ – and while not at’‘tall intended as a phallic reference, said term most certainly serves functional Innuendo ‘o’ such [see Later Sections Below])” PRODUCTIVE ‘O’ A FEMALE-TARGETED RAPE UNDER LESS THAN EVERY PASSING SPAN ‘O’ FOURTEEN-And-A-HALF SECONDS ‘O’ E’‘ERY CLOCKING MINUTE (sic [see Below]) AND WELL Ô’‘ĒR A THOUSAND LIVING, BREATHING, BRUISED And BLEEDING FEMALE BODIES SUNDERED INTO LIFELESS CADAVERS By THEIR DEMONSTRABLY MANIACAL “MASCULINE” INTIMATES EACH AND E’‘ERY YEAR ( ’‘ [“Ditto” / “As Above”]).







By-Way-‘o’-Introduction :


MALE-AMERICAN SPOUSES ARE THE LEADING CAUSE ‘O’ DEATH FOR PREGNANT WOMEN IN THESE UNITED STATES (a solid argument for my Late Lesbian Sister’s Proposal for Same-Sex Female Marriage and Select-Donor Reproduction if e’‘er therebe one [obviously American Men also suffer Violence – nigh-exclusively at the hands ‘o’ Other American Men; betraying, incidentally, most Violence Against Homosexual Men as being Perpetrated by Same-Sex Intimates]).

This Pending (ATDE) Mdy 112519 (Monday, November 25th, 2019) : We as a United Nations Observest The Global Pandemic ‘o’ Violence By MAW (Men Against Women) – Both IN-VAW (INtimate Violence Against Women) and NONIN-VAW (NONINtimate [id est “Stranger”] Violence Against Women) – In Principle via THE INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ELIMINATION OF VAW (VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN); see <un.org/en/events/endviolenceday>. 

The Twenty-Fifth Date-‘o’-November was Chosen to Commemorate LAS HER’‘MANAS MIRA’‘βAL (THE “MIRABAL SISTERS”), Four Political Activists from República Dominicana (The “Dominican Republic;” Cest 1844—), who were brutally Mass-Assassinated (Three Perished and The Last Surviving Miɾaˈβal Sister, BÉLGICA ADELA MIRAˈβAL [Alias “DOÑA DEDE,” b1926—d2014], Transitioned just w / in This Decade; see “CODE NAME : BUTTERFLIES – A DOCUMENTARY” @ The MARIPOSA CULTURAL FOUNDATION via <mariposaculturalfoundation.net/index-3.html>) circa AD (Annō Dominī) MCMLX (1960 CÈ [Commonal Èræ]) Under Dictatorship ‘o’ EL ‘XEFE SOLDADO (“THE BOSS SOLDIER”) RAFÆL LEÓNIDAS (“EL JEFE [‘THE CHIEF’]”) TRUJILLO MOLINA (b1891—d1961; 36th & 39th Presidente de La República Dominicana [“President ‘o’ The Dominican Republic”] : 1930—1938 & 1942—1952 [Functional Ruler : 1930—1961]; Assassinated).


From The Twenty-Fifth Day-‘o’-November (International Day For The Elimination-‘o’-VAW) Through The Tenth Day-‘o’-December (Human Rights Day) on an Annual Basis, therebe Sixteen Days-‘o’-Activism Against GBV (Gender-Based Violence) – a Time to galvanize Action to End Violence Against Women and Girls Around The World. Make This Tenth Season ‘o’ Distaff Advocacy Known To Those Who Care To Listen.

For it be Here in This Deïndustrialized Fourth-World Cesspit ‘o’ a Corrupt Constitutional Republic deemed Our United States that therebe a REPORTED FTR (Female-Targeted Rape) E’‘ery Seventy-Twa Seconds (72 Seconds = 6.2 Minutes [FIFTY FEMALE-TARGETED RAPES AN HOUR E’‘ERY SINGLE HOUR AS REPORTED = TWELVE HUNDRED REPORTED FTR’s E’‘ERY SINGLE DAY ‘O’ E’‘ERY SINGLE YEAR, YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR …]).

It Is OFFICIALLY ACKNOWLEDGED That One-In-Five (1 : 5 = 20%) American Women Will Be Raped In Their Lifetime – a Body ‘o’ Gynomerican Victims Equal to That of THE ENTIRE AFRIKAN-AMERICAN POPULATION ‘O’ THESE UNITED STATES.


Specifically : The Propagandized Democracy ‘o’ These Contradeveloped United States (a Democracy in which Ô’‘ēr Half [52+%] ‘o’ The Baseline Taxpaying Population [The Female Half] is, quite literally, Unaccounted For [sic, just keep reading]) Abides an ANNUAL REPORTAGE ‘o’ Rapes Totaling Well Ô’‘ĒR EIGHTY-SEVEN THOUSAND (87 000+ [per] / Annum) – Yet Each and E’‘ery Single One ‘o’ These Sexual Assaults is Conspiratorially (id est, KNOWINGLY and INTENTIONALLY) Dismissed as an Isolated Incident.

The dots draw so close they splatters-melt into a Stain On All Humanity – Yet None Other Than I Dare Connect them – or Dare Name The Composition ‘o’ The (Sub [?]-)Human Stain (so-called “Men [Who But Be Beasts By Another Name]”).

While a Rape is Reported “Only” E’‘ery Seventy-Twa Seconds In This Failed Misogynist Republic, Factoring-In UFTSA’s (Unreported Female-Targeted Sexual Assaults) QUINTUPLES The Calculated Total to a number Five Times (5X) as High = a FEMALE-TARGETED RAPE OCCURS UNDER E’‘ERY FOURTEEN-AND-A-HALF SECONDS (14.4 Seconds) That Ticks ‘Round-The-Clock In These United States :

Resulting In NIGH TWENTY-TWA HUNDRED THOUSAND (Two Million, Twa Hundred Thousand [2 200 000]) FEMALE RAPE-VICTIMS E’‘ERY SINGLE YEAR – YEAR AFTER YEAR – Rendering Traumatized Sex-Negative Women These United States-‘o’-America’s Outstanding (almost Singular) National Product via The Output ‘o’ TENS-‘O’-MILLIONS ‘o’ UFARV’s (Unacknowledged Female-American Rape-Victims [and American Men Wonder Why It’s Hard To Get a Date …] …) …



That Amounts To NINETY-SIX HUNDRED FTB’s (Female-Targeted Batterings) A DAY (Nine Thousand, Six Hundred FTB’s Daily [9600 / 24 Hours]).

‘O’ Ô’‘ĒR THREE-And-A-HALF MILLION (Three Million, Five Hundred and Four Thousand [3 504 000]) AMERICAN WOMEN SO-INJURED ANNUALLY; Ô’‘ĒR ONE-And-A-HALF MILLION (Ô’‘ēr One Million, Five Hundred Thousand [1 500 000+]) ‘O’ THOSE INJURIES REQUIRE IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY MEDICAL RESPONSE.

Per The US CDC (United States Centers For Disease Control and Prevention; Cest 1946—) :

“Approximately One Hundred and Forty-Five Thousand (145 000) of Such Casualties (Injured Persons) Require Overnight Admissions (Hospitalizations [and you don’t e’‘en want to know about the Dentistry Required afterwards – many American Men prefer Women toothless that they cannot engender serious Penile Injury when Reflexively Gag-Biting while forced to “Deepthroat Cock,” especially preferring freshly Mandibular Fractured Female Faces suffering Impact-Exodontia as Broken Jaws In-Tandem with Forced Full-Mouthed Dental Extraction allows for unparalleled Thoracic Penetration and warm lubrication by-way-‘o’ Opened Bloodflow; and yea-so, Surveys ‘o’ such Motivations have indeed been Systematically Collected via Studies In Pœnology per such Penitentiary-Contracting Institutions as The Formerly Operational LAMC / Letterman Army Medical Center at El Presidio Real de San Francisco; Cest 1898—1994 ~ DDD]).”

Indeed : SO MANY MALE-AMERICANS GO SO FAR AS TO MURDER THEIR “FIP’s (Female-Intimate Partners)” AND “FI-FEMP’s (Formerly-Intimate FEMale Partners)” THAT OUR ALL-PERVASIVE PRISON-RAPE CULTURE ACCOUNTS FOR WELL Ô’‘ĒR ONE THOUSAND HOMICIDES W / in SAID CATEGORIZATION ALONE A YEAR (1000+ / Annum) = E’‘ERY THREE YEARS (3 Yrs) THE FIP-FAT (Female-Intimate Partner FATality) TOLL FAR EXCEEDS NINE-ELEVEN’s (9 / 11’s) OFFICIALLY-ACKNOWLEDGED FATALITIES (between Twa Thousand, Seven Hundred and Fifty-Two through Three Thousand [2752—3000] Federal / Foreign Terror Victims [it being Federally Admitted that The Controlled Twin Towers Demolition Kill-Ratio Attains The Later Number [3K] By Addition ‘o’ Another Two Hundred and Fifty Dead, Approximated, when Factoring-In Decedent On-Site Illegal Immigrant Employéés, In-Area Homeless Deaths, et cetera]). 

Yet No-One Dares Declare a War On Domestic Terror; though the mountain-chain ‘o’ WELL Ô’‘ĒR THIRTEEN THOUSAND (13 000+) GYNḖCOLOGICAL CADAVERS From DVH’s (Domestic-Violence Homicides) as churned out through America’s Most “Productive” Cottage Industry (Homespun Gynocide) SINCE 9 / 11 Exceeds The Number ‘o’ Both The Officially-Total(ed) Deaths ‘o’ Victims On That Trᵫ Day-‘o’-Infamy In-Combination w / The Number-‘o’-Deaths ‘o’ All American Soldiers Killed In The Ô’‘ērseas “War On Terror” E’‘er Since – Exposing it Far More Dangerous (and Potentially Fatal) to be an American Woman Residing “At Home” than to be an American Serviceperson Deployed Ô’‘ērseas In-Combat …


¿ And, In All Fairness, What ‘o’ Foreign Women Murdered By Foreign Men Worldwide ?

Per Actuarial Analyst NICHOLAS D KRISTOF :

“Women Worldwide Ages Fifteen Through Forty-Four (aged 15 yrs—44 yrs) are More Likely To Die or be Maimed By Way of MAN-VAW (‘MANly’ Violence Against Women) Than By Way of Cancer, Malaria, War and Traffic Accidents Combined.”

And In-Course of Waging That War On “Foreign” Terror (known in “Mil-Speak [Professional American Military Nomenclature]” as The OCO [Overseas Contingency Operations]) – a nebulous “Threat” which NEVER Strikes Home From Ô’‘ērseas :

As a Former US DOD (United States Department ‘O’ [the] Defense; Cest 1947—) Research Librarian, I myself could most certainly Speak To The E’‘erescalating Epidemic ‘o’ Rape(s), Sexual Assault(s) and Sexual Harassment(s) in The US (United States) Military, where None Other Than FORMER CIA (Central Intelligence Agency; Cest 1947—) DIRECTOR and THEN-US SECRETARY OF DEFENSE, FIRST LIEUTENANT LEON-EDWARD PANETTA, US ARMY, RETIRED (Rṓmãn-Catholic Republican [—1971] / Democrat [1971—], b1938—aged 81 yrs ATDE; USA [United States Army] : 1964—1966; Member, US House ‘o’ Representatives [16th District, California] : 1977—1993 & 17th District, California : 1993; Chairman ‘o’ The House Committee on The Budget: 1989—1993; 29th Director ‘o’ The Office-‘o’-Management and Budget : 1993—1994; 18th White House Chief-‘o’-Staff: 1994—1997; Director, CIA : 2009—2011; 23rd US Secretary-‘o’-Defense: 2011—2013) Quite Conservatively Estimated there were TWENTY THOUSAND (20 000) SEX-ASS’s (Sexual Assaults) On Fellow Soldiers circa 2010 Alone and Frankly Admitted The Ô’‘ērwhelming Majority ‘o’ Assailants “Got Off (obviously both Physically and Litigiously).”

Mockingly : Seven Annī (“Years”) Agone (in September-‘o’-2012) – e’‘en as I myself wast (but briefly) Serving Jury Duty on the popularly referenced “MICHÆL MYERS (see <imdb.com/character/ch0003211/bio>)” Court Case of DOD-DARPA [Department-‘O’-Defense / Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency; Cest 1941, sic—]-Motivated MASON MAYER (Brother ‘o’ Former AMIC [American Multinational Internet Corporation] GOOGLE LLC (Limited Liabilities Company; Cest 1998—) Executive-Defector and Then (thereafter)-AMIC YAHOO! (Cest 1994—) CEO (CHIEFTAINESS-EXECUTRIX OFFICIÈRE) MARISSA-ANN MAYER (b1975—aged 44 yrs ATDE), sic : See “VICTIM OF BRUTAL BEATING SAYS SHE IS ‘AFRAID’ OF DARPA [Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency]-GOOGLE EXECUTIVE’S FAMILY” @ EVERYTHING DARPA-GOOGLE DOES NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW via DARPAGOOGLEEXPOSED : <googleexposed.wordpress.com/2012/03/31/victim-of-brutal-beating-says-she-is-afraid-of-google-executives-family> for Details per Said Charges and “THE TRUTH ABOUT MARISSA MAYER: AN UNAUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY” @ BUSINESS INSIDER – AUSTRALIA via <businessinsider.com.au/marissa-mayer-biography-2013-8> per Marissa Mayer’s Corporate Executrix Officerial Defection to YAHOO + confer my Personal Experience [and Additional Pertinent Linkage] Further Below w / in This Column) – Token “Example” was (Finally) made ‘o’ Currently (!) “Serving”-In-Consultancy FOUR-STAR GENERAL JEFFREY ALLEN “THE JAS” SINCLAIR, “RETIRED (Personnel Records Since Seqᵫstered & Classified, hence b.ca [born circa] 1962 [?]—; Commissioned Officership : 1985—; ‘Retired’-At-Rank ‘o’ Lieutenant-Colonelcy w / Pension ‘o’ Brigadier-Generalcy [see <nytimes.com/2014/06/21/us/general-in-sex-case-jeffrey-sinclair-to-retire-with-a-2-rank-demotion.html>]),” who was Simultaneously (09 / 2012) Indicted for “… a slew of Sex Crimes Against Women (it is understood “General JAS” was Personally Supervising [per Compartmental Justifications ‘o’ High-Level International Security] The Detention, Torture and Forced Lesbian & Ménage-à-Trois Intercourse ‘o’ both US Servicewomen Identified as Devotedly Practicing The Christian Faith and Foreign Female ‘Terrorists [Purportedly Captured Combatants]’ ‘o’ Known المسلمين [‘Ǣhl-Mäʊo͝ozslīəm,’ or ‘The Mʊŏzlīm;’ literally ‘Submitter’ – presumably In Devotional Dedication to ‘The Will of ALL-LLĀĀH & ALL-LLĀĀH Alone’] Conviction[s] Together In Pairs Integral an Experimental ‘MAD [Mutual Adaptation & Damnation]’ Prógroamme wherein Declared Enemies ‘o’ Mutually Antagonistic Religious Backgrounds were Forcibly Modified-in-Behaviour[s] to Convert To Worship of a ‘Mutual Adversary [‘o’ Both Antithetical Belief Systems as Summoned and Manifest-In-Person ‘o’ The JAS]’ Under Hypersexualized Physical, Psȳ́chological and Emotional Stress[es] so Extreme as to Compel such ‘Torment Teams’ ‘o’ Involuntarily-Bonded ‘MAD-Women’ to ‘Simultaneously Submit Unto That Which Would Eternally Damn Them w / in The Paradigmatic Matrices ‘o’ Both Subject’s Separate and Contradictory Belief Systems [By Atheistic Rationalization ‘o’ Psȳ́chosocial Engineering, such Atrocity be deemed Therapeutic Disconfirmation ‘o’ ‘Mind-Binding’ Paradigms – albeit Notably Reinserting Bondage unto The Torture-Trainéé’s Tormentor, rendering the entire Series-‘o’-Experiments an Exercise in Self-Gratification On-Part The Reprogrammer]’).”..



¿ Who Then Art The Terrorists American Women Need Fear Most At Home ? American Men.

¿ Still In Denial ? Ask a NAI (Native American-Indian)-Woman ‘o’ The Original Peoples’ Nations that Once Spanned This Continent. Statistically One-of-Three (1 : 3 [33%]) FIP’s (Female Indigenous Persons [NAI-Women, in-disambiguation from NONA-FIP’s, or Nonnative Female Indigenous Partners]) Will Be Raped – and On The Reservation(s) Eighty-Eight Percent (88%) ‘o’ Those Rapes are by Nonnative Men Who Knowest Tribal Governments Cannot Prosecute Them (as US Citizens they enjoy Diplomatic Immunity from Aboriginal Prosecution on This Darkest-‘o’-Continents [Benighted North America]).



The Book “VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND CHILDREN : A CHRISTIAN THEOLOGICAL SOURCEBOOK (pub[lished] 1998),” as Edited by CAROL J ADAMS & MARIE M FORTUNE contains a seminal (to employ an à propos crassitude by way-‘o’-punnery) Contributed Work : “CHRISTIAN CONQUEST AND THE SEXUAL COLONIZATION OF NATIVE WOMEN (pub 1996),” by an Emerging Leader in Progressive Political Circles, the Intellectual Feminist and Antiviolence Activist ANDREA LEE “ANDY” SMITH (CHEROKEE), a Recognized Native American Scholar and Cofounder ‘o’ INCITE! Women-‘o’-Colour Against Violence, the largest Grassroots Multiracial Feminist Organization in The Country.

Said Article should help one understand how Various Indigenous Nations ‘o’ Native Americans used to React to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Antecedent Colonization, and how that has Changed. Though different Nations had different Valᵫs, many were similar. Women were regarded with Respect and Honour, because they Insured Continuation ‘o’ The Nation and taught The People Valᵫs essential for Racial Survival. Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault were Uncommon, and when it occurred Methods to Restore Balance ranged from an Exchange-‘o’-Goods to Banishment or Death ‘o’ The Culprit. The Sitka Nation (Western North American, Coastal) tied a Perpetrator to Stakes at Low Tide and Justice was left to “Greater Powers;” if The Perpetrator Survived, then he Survived; if he did not … Who Cares The Fate a Breaker-‘o’-Vessels Bearing a Peoples’ Future?

Same Article has since been Expanded into the much more Publicly Accessible (not to mention Affordable) book, “CONQUEST : SEXUAL VIOLENCE AND AMERICAN INDIAN GENOCIDE (pub 2005),” which places Native-American Women at the center ‘o’ her Analyses ‘o’ Sexual Violence, Challenging both Conventional Definitions ‘o’ the term and Conventional Responses to The Crisis.

Beginning w / the Impact ‘o’ Abuses Inflicted on Native-American Children at State-Sanctioned Boarding Schools from The Eighteen-Eighties Through The Nineteen-Eighties (1880’s—1980’s), Smith adroitly expands our Conception-‘o’-Violence to Include Environmental Racism, Population Control and the widespread Appropriation ‘o’ Indian Cultural Practices by Whites and Other Nonnatives. Smith deftly connects these and other Examples ‘o’ Historical and Contemporary Colonialism to the High Rates ‘o’ Violence Against Native-American Women – The Most Likely Women In These United States To Die of Poverty-Related Illnesses and / or Be Victims ‘o’ Rape and Suffer Partner-Abuse.

‘O’ course Ma Dame Cherokee Andy Smith’s (entirely Valid) Perspective(s) be Derivative (if The Reader hasn’t Deduced such by now) her Experience(s) and Ideological Development as a Lesbian Social Worker (unto Alarmists : Such Fact be hardly Casual Assertion on my part, see her “QUEER THEORY AND NATIVE STUDIES : THE HETERONORMATIVITY OF SETTLER COLONIALISM” via GLQ [GAY / LESBIAN QUARTERLY]: A JOURNAL OF LESBIAN & GAY STUDIES, V[olume] 16, Number 1—2, 2010, pp [pages] 42—68 @ <redland.voices.wooster.edu/files/2011/08/16.1-2.smith_.pdf>); whereas I myself as a Former DOD Bureaucrat and Military Analyst can Attest to The Co-Ördinated Strategy Behind The Ills she so adroitly Articulates : I Definitively Concur that, while Forced Relocation To Reservations had something to do with The Trauma that has led to Devaluation ‘o’ Native American Women, it was Forced Relocation to Boarding Schools that has had even more to do with such – Stripping People(s) of their Valᵫs, Beating them, Sexually Assaulting them (Males and Females) – Generations ‘o’ Native Americans have been Warped by such Experience(s). And Outsiders wonder why so Many Native American People(s) face Challenges Involving Alcohol and Drugs.

But Above and Beyond such by my Analysis : The Tertiary Phase Postcolumbian Destruction ‘o’ Native American People(s) Systematically Realized its most devastating Potential during “The NAI-Rail (Native American Indian versus Rail) Wars (1865—1895),” Wars ‘o’ Steam-Age Technology ’gainst Stone-Age Tribes Fought in a way that has Nothing to do w / Honour and Everything to do with Genocide.

The Federal Policy of Termination Targeted Native American Women and Children for Wholesale Killing in order to Destroy Indian Nations. Accounts ‘o’ Massacres in Reports made by The US Cavalry are always Assumed by Postmodern Reviewers as having somehow more to do with The Officers On-Scene than being Integral to Successive Executive (Presidential) Recommendation(s).

Indeed it was Officially Recommended that Troops Systematically Kill Indian Women and Children Aftermath Massacres in order to Complete Extermination as Ordained By  Colonizer-Administrations from that Slaving Masonic Traitor To The Crown : GENERAL ‘O’ THE ARMIES GEORGE WASHINGTON (Episcopalean-Persōnāted Deist, b.ca 1731 / 1732—d1799; Regimentalist, Militia ‘o’ The Virginias : 1752—1758; CinC [Commander-in-Chief] ‘o’ The Continental Army, American Revolutionary War-‘o’-Independence : 1775—1783; 1st US Presidency : 1789—1797; Senior Officer ‘o’ The USA [United States Army] : 1798—1799; George Washinton is Called The “Village Burner” in The Mohawk Language because ‘o’ all The Villages he Ordered Razed [Villages would be Surrounded and, as The People came running out they would be Shot and Stabbed – Women, Children and Elders alike; In One Campaign Alone “… Hundreds-‘o’-Thousands Died, from New York across Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Into Ohio,” Yet his Disgraced Name Still Shames The Capital ‘o’ These Cursed United States]) through MAJOR-GENERAL ANDREW JACKSON (Presbyterian-Democratic Republican [—1828] Democrat-Unto-Death [1828—1845], b1767—d1845; Member, US House-‘o’-Representatives From Tennessee’s At-Large District : 1796—1797; US Senator From Tennessee : 1797—1798 & 1823—1825; Military Governor-‘o’-Florida : 1821; 7th US Presidency : 1829—1837; In 1814, Future President Andrew Jackson [whose Features Stain your U$D20 Bill, giving the term “Filthy Lucre” a depth beyond description] “… Supervised The Mutilation of Eight Hundred or More [800+] Creek-Indian Corpses – The Bodies of Men, Women and Children that [his Troops] had Massacred – Cutting Off their Noses To Count and Preserve a Record of The Dead [presaging The ‘Body-Counts’ of American Counterinsurgency In Việt-Nám]; Slicing Long Strips of Flesh from their Bodies to Tan and Turn Into Bridle Reins [per ‘AMERICAN HOLOCAUST: THE CONQUEST OF THE NEW WORLD,’ pub 1992, by Professor ‘o’ American Studies, University-‘o’-Hawai’‘i, DAVID EDWARD STANNARD, b1941—aged 78 yrs ATDE; chapter 5, page 186]”) and Beyond – Dans La Deuxième Moitié du Vingtième Siècle (“Well Into The Later Half ‘o’ The Twentieth Century”).

For Thirty bloody Years after the much Publicized Closure-‘o’-Hostilities between The United and Confederated States-‘o’-America at Appomattox on The Ninth Day-‘o’-April in 1865 (Surrender ‘o’ The Last “Officially Recognized” Confederate States Army in The Field was at Shreveport, Louisiana, on The Twenty-Sixth Day-‘o’-May, circa 1865), Native American Indian Fighting was a Year-Round SAD-CAMP (Search-And-Destroy CAMPaign) that wreaked Wrath throughout The North American Plains from The Méxican to Canadian Borders. The Regular Army ‘o’ The United States Fought Ô’‘ēr Fourteen Hundred (1400+) Battles, Statistically One Battle / Massacre-a-Week, during America’s Genocidal Century. It was hard and ruthless Fighting, Marked on Both Sides by The Torture-‘o’-Prisoners, The Killing ‘o’ Women and Children and Mutilation ‘o’ The Dead. By-way-‘o’ Atrocities Incurred amid ANY ‘o’ The Guérilla Actions ‘o’ Modern Times – To Include 대조선-한민국 (“Dæ Chosŏn Han-Min-Gugk [‘Korea’]”), Indochinǽ (Việt-Nám, Laos & Kâmpŭchéa [“Cambodia”]) and Ǣf’ġhǣnist̪ǣn – Little Compares with the Inhuman Barbarism ‘o’ The Native American Indian Rail Wars as Conducted by The United States ’gainst America’s Original Inhabitants. Comparable level(s) ‘o’ Savage Butchery will be found in Postmodern Warfare as seethes Today w / in the depths ‘o’ The Afrikan Kongo(s) in an endless slaughter that has claimed the lives ‘o’ an Approximated Three Million (3 000 000+) Kongolese in Afrika’s Corporate-Manipulated “Tantalum War(s).”

With such Historic Trauma, it is ‘o’ no wonder so many Native Americans are still dealing with the fallout. And if one be so privileged as to presume Trauma cannot affect Generations after an Event, consider people whose parents lived through The Great Depression (1929—1939), World Wars, or The First, Second and Third Indochinǽ Conflicts-‘o’-Việt-Nám. What amazes myself is that the very Taxpaying American Electorate which e’‘er assumes such a “Holier-Than-Thou” Stance on Human Rights Violation(s), still has not Apologized for The Genocide it Demanded Waged ’gainst Native Americans (for a most Scholarly Analysis ‘o’ Native American Genocide as Manifest in that most “Liberally Progressive” ‘o’ All Socialist American States, see “CALIFORNIA’S YUKI INDIANS: DEFINING GENOCIDE IN NATIVE-AMERICAN HISTORY,” by BENJAMIN MADLEY, Printed in WESTERN HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 39 [Autumn 2008], pp 303—332).

F__k The US Government – it is The Imorally Supportive American People Who Must Ultimately Apologize for Historically Upholding Said Criminal Régime … and Just Look At How They (quite Literally) Eat Their Own …


But Rapes are Investigated Lackadaisically (if at all) In The Case(s) ‘o’ ALL American Women ‘o’ ANY Ethnicity – there being a Backlog Approaching Half-a-Million (Four Hundred Thousand [400 000]) Untested Rape Kits languishing In This Perverted Madhouse ‘o’ a Republic At Any Given Time.

This : While Rapists Who Impregnate Their Victims Have Parental Rights In Thirty-One (31) ‘o’ These Satanic United States – a Fact All-The-More Disturbing When One Realizes Eleven Percent (11%) ‘o’ All Rapes are Committed By Either Biological Fathers or Stepfathers.

¿ Fathers Breeding Their Own Broodmares By (Someday [soon?]-To-Be Legal [?]) Right To Foster Future Familial Foodstuff(s) …?



The Nonstop Prosecutive War of RA-VAW (RApe and Violence Against Women) as Extant on This Planet In General State-‘o’-Hostilities (and w / in This Dementedly Aberrant Republic as Mobilized In Gynocidal Totality) is quite Intentionally Never Presented by American Mass-Media to its Taxpaying Electorate as a either a Civil Rights or Human Rights Issue, let alone a Global Crisis – Nor Even as a Pattern.

But One Outstanding Problem being there is all-too-ô’‘ērwhelming an Amount ‘o’ Inflicted Hostility to Observe. One Observation that demands our attention is The Rise In Gynophagy (Sexualized Male Cannibalism ‘o’ The Female Half ‘o’ The Human Species).

Self-Proclaimed Participants in such questionable Epicure seriously Arguest that The Female “Animal” is Not ‘o’ The Same Species as The Male “Human” at’‘tall (but rather a Lower-Mammalian Vessel to Carry and Deliver The Human Seedline-‘o’-MAN-Kind [the terms “Man” and “Kind” being Oxymoronic on the face-‘o’-it as Evidenced by this very Column]) and therefore Advocate for Redefinition ‘o’ The Term “Human” as Evidently Separate from the word “Woman.”

Such be the Open Stance ‘o’ comparatively Youthful Six-Years NYPD (New York Police Department; Cest 1845—) Veteran GILBERTO VALLE III (b1984—aged 35 yrs ATDE; see his OkCupid [Cest 2004—] Dating Website Profile @ “OK.STUPID” : <huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/26/gilberto-valle-okcupid-profile-cannibal-nypd-cop_n_2022716.html>) ‘o’ Forest Hills, Queens, NYC (New York City) Borough.

Debriefing as Follows in The Paragraphs Below be neither gratuitous nor divergent but rather Serves ugly Necessity as Exposition ‘o’ The New Societal “Normative(s).” The Former NYC-PEA New York City Peace Enforcement Agent (id est, “Law Enforcement Officer [we used to call them ‘Policemen’]”) was Arrested The Month simultaneous mine own Dismissal From Tribunal Service (in October-‘o’-2012) amid the so-called “ALLHALLOWE’‘EN [pronounced ‘ˌAohʊæ-ləˈwˈiːn’]” Abusive Assault(s) Proceedings (see “MASON MAYER, MARISSA MAYER’S BROTHER, TO PLEAD GUILTY TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE” @ HUFFPOST SAN FRANCISCO via <huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/14/mason-mayer-domestic-violence_n_1885033.html> + confer [ ’‘ ] Further Below w / in This Column) for Serious Promotion ‘o’ Professional Prospectus to Establish an “Empire (New York) State”-Based Gynophagous Meat(s)-Sharing Coalition (we have such aplenty here in California – for Distributive Consumption ‘o’ [Recordedly] Bovine Meat[s] Reputedly Unmolested by Genetic Manipulation[s] and / or Hormonal Alteration[s]; as well as Unadulterated by the e’‘erincreasing Phenomenon ‘o’ Bestial Flagranté Delicto Committed by [this almost goest sans saying] American Males) wherein he would Contract as Primary Wrangler to Expedite The Abduction(s), Rape(s), Preparation(s) and Consumption ‘o’ (Human) Women – ANY “Delectable” Women – because such Deeds to he be as Impersonal as The Rustling and Slaughter ‘o’ Cows (yet one cannot help but Note the Preëminent Distinction here being Insurmountable Urge[s] On-Part Both Proprietor and Client[s] to e’‘er “Play w / The[ir] ‘Live Raw’ Food” Prior Partaking such rariefied Repast) …



New York City Peace Officer Gilberto Valle III was Indisputably Found Guilty (NOT “Alleged”) ‘o’ Abusing his Authority as a Sworn Upholder ‘o’ Law Enforcement to e(lectronically)-(a)ccess both NYPD and NCIC (National Crime Information Center) Databases Under Open Permission from The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation[s]; Cest 1908—) for Unlimited Retrieval ‘o’ Unauthorized Data so as to Research Potential Feminine Meat Victims. Said Sources allowed him to Amass an Avocational Database ‘o’ Ô’‘ēr One Hundred (100+) Women he PIC’d (Plotted-In-Conspiracy) to Kidnap, Rape, KBCA (Kill-By-Cooking Alive) and Cannibalize.


You know your society be sick beyond either recovery or Redemption when a Defendant’s own Legal Representative presents a photo(graph) as described immediately Below to Prove how “Normal” their Client is :

“Photo of Hogtied, Nude Blonde” – Lying Prone on a Serving Tray, with an Apple stuck in her mouth – is among but Three Images The Defense Showed Would-Be Panelists for the Trial ‘o’ Gilberto Valle.

Another Photographic Pic(ture) Submitted showed a buxom “Brunette Bound, Gagged and Tied to a Spit” ô’‘ēr an Open Fire in a Wooded Clearing. Off to the Side, a Man Shielding his Face from The Camera Appears to be turning the Naked Woman ô’‘ēr the flames.

Yet a Third was a Cartoon ‘o’ a Nude Woman Partly Submerged Inside a clear, bubbling Pot-‘o’-Vegetables atop a Stove being Tended by a Mustachiœd Cook wearing an Apron and Hunting Cap :

“Well Karyn you seem to be Cooking up quite nicely … Your Gᵫsts are going to get a very Special Dinner Tonight,” the Chef says in a Dialogᵫ Balloon (The Cartoon Woman’s face was Obscured by a Hot-Pink Triangle – because Valle or “Someone Else” had Superimposed the Face of their Targeted Victim).

The Pics were Submitted by Gil Valle’s High-Priced Representative JULIA L GATTO and her Intentionally All-Female Dream Team – Parcel a Jury Qᵫstionnaire to Screen Out people too squeamish to deal with the Testimony and Evidence at his Trial. According to Court Papers, the Images were given to The Defense by Prosecutors after Investigators Seized them from Valle’s Computer Following his Arrest.

The Defense Attested Potential Jurors needed to be “Especially Vetted,” In-Part because “— At Trial Mr Valle will Acknowledge that he has unusual Sexual Fantasies which involve Acts of Violence Against Women – a Fetish that will be difficult for most Jurors to comprehend (confer ‘ABOVE THE LAW’ @ <abovethelaw.com/2013/03/cannibal-cop-convicted-in-kidnapping-conspiracy-case>).”

Simultaneous my own Call-To-Service By-Way-‘o’ Civil Responsibilities On-Panel ‘o’ “Ordinary People (one wonders how they e’‘er Erred so blatantly by my Selection)” on The Other Side ‘o’ The CONUS (Continental United States) In September-‘o’-2012 : Gilberto Valle’s Estranged Wife KATHLEEN MANGAN-VALLE Contacted The FBI in Reno, Nevada, after Discovering Information on his Home Computer so alarming (quite Sensibly) she Immediately Fled the Couple’s Apartment in Queens with their Baby Daughter to her Out-‘o’-State Family (her Relocation Beyond his Legitimate Jurisdiction being Primary Reason both she and her Child are Alive At-Time-‘o’-Data-Entry). From her Parents’ Home in Nevada, Mangan Continᵫd to Monitor his Online Life (Mangan had Installed Spyware on the Computer that Recorded All her Husband’s Online Activities) and came across an Exchange in which Valle bespoke ‘o’ Butchering her.

She Testified: “I was going to be tied up by my feet and my throat slit, and they would have fun watching the blood gush out of me because I was young.”

One of Valle’s Online Pals had Said: “If she cries, don’t listen to her, Don’t Show Her Mercy.”

Valle had Replied: “It’s okay, we will just gag her.”

Still : It was ONLY by Insistence ‘o’ an NYPD sorely weary of a Culinary Deviant in its midst that The FBI was Compelled into Co-Öperating In-Seizure of “Cannibal Valle’s” Computer and Examination ‘o’ its Contents – particularly Focusing on FACEBOOK, INC(orporated; Cest 2004—) Postings and DIP-MESS’s (Direct Instant Private MESSages) Dating Back To January That Year. What they Recovered is a Trove-‘o’-Evidence that takest us deep into the distorted Mentation Process(es) ‘o’ “The New Normal Man.”

According To The Court Papered Criminal Complaint :

February 28th, 2012 :

Communications Opened Between Then-Sworn Active-Duty NYPD Officer of The Law Gilberto Valle and his CC / CD (Co-Conspirator / Co-Defendant) MICHÆL VAN-HISE (b1989—aged 30 yrs ATDE; see “CANNIBAL-MAN WALKS FREE” @ <nydailynews.com/new-york/ny-metro-vahhise-cannibal-cop-sentencing-20180724-story.html>), ‘o’ Trenton, New Jersey ô’‘ēr Negotiating Price To Be Paid For Manhattan Schoolteacher KIMBERLY SAUER to be Kidnapped and Transported to New Jersey in a Suitcase for Michæl Van-Hise to Rape and Thrill-Kill (confer <nytimes.com/2013/02/27/nyregion/in-cannibal-case-recalling-a-warning-from-gilberto-valles-wife.html>).

It is ‘o’ some Note that Valle’s Coconspiratorial Defendant Vanhise was Arrested On Charges ‘o’ Plotting-and-Planning Crimes Against Children in his own Family. Michæl Vanhise Confessed to an FBI Agent he and Valle were “Serious” about their Plot to Kidnap, Rape and Murder a Woman. He also Admitted to getting Sexually Aroused Around Children; alluding that he and his “Cannibal Cop” Partner wanted to keep Children as Sex-Slaves – e’‘en going so far as to casually Chat Online about Raping his Newborn Baby Daughter.

In Posting a Photo ‘o’ his Wife’s Seven-Years-Young Niece – Offering Up Both her and her Nine-Years-Young Sister For Rape to Twa Individuals : Police Officer Valle and an-as-yet Unidentified “MOODY BLUES (Now Known To Be a CHRIS COLLINS),” on a <YAHOO.COM> Chatroom Website – Vanhise said he wanted to makest his own Three Years-Young Stepdaughter a Sex Slave and would like to Rape his Young Nieces and “— Do The Newborn.”

Vanhise’s Recipient “Moody Blᵫs (Identified In Court as CHRISTOPHER COLLINS)” Replied : “Yeah that would be hot to hold The Infant Between Us …”. 

Vanhise’s Pointedly Female Attorney ALICE FONTIER Accused Prosecutors of Building a Case on “Everyday Everyman’s” Racy Talk – while it be Commonsensibly Obvious Vanhise’s Abnormal Plotting w / Officer Valle went well Beyond Fantasy to Felony. Conspiracy-To-Murder was (at one time, in the not-too-distant Past) A’‘gainst The Law …

In a Direct Instant Private MESSage (DIP-MESS), Valle For The First Time Openly Discussed Kidnapping Kimberly Sauer and “Selling” her to Vanhise for Five Thousand United States Dollars (U$D5000). Valle Asked Vanhise whether he wanted The Woman Clothed or Naked and Vanhise said he wanted her Clothed.

Per Officer Valle : “Excellent. I’ll leave her clothes on. I’ll give you the pleasure of Unwrapping your Gift;” on which the Conversation devolved (even further) into an absurd argument over Price:


“About the price … would you do a payment plan or full up-front ?”


“Full payment at delivery. Just so that you know, she may be knocked out when I get her to you. I don’t know how long the solvent I am using will last but I have to knock her out to get her out of her apartment safely.”


“I definitely want her and how much again ?”


“$5,000 and she’s all yours.”


“Could we do 4 ?”


“I am putting my neck on the line here. If something goes wrong somehow, I am in deep s__t. $5,000 and you need to make sure that she is not found. She will definitely make the news … It is going to be hard to restrain myself when I knock her out but I am aspiring to be a professional kidnapper and that’s business. But I will really get off on knocking her out, tying up her hands and bare feet and gagging her. Then she will be stuffed into a large piece of luggage and wheeled out to my van.”


“Just make sure she doesn’t die before I get her.”


“No need to worry. She will be alive. It’s a short drive to you. I think I would rather not get involved in the rape. You paid for her. She is all yours and I don’t want to be tempted the next time I abduct a girl.”


“I understand. Also is there anything I can trade you that might knock down the price a bit ?”


“No nothing at all. Like I said this is very risky and will ruin my life if I am caught. I really need the money and I can’t take under $5,000 for her.”

March 1st :

Cellphone Records Indicate Valle’s Phone was used Outside The Apartment of “Victim 2.” The Woman Later Told The FBI that she “— has never invited Valle to her home and does not know him well.”

May 31st :

Valle Illegally Exploited his Position as a Police Officer to e-ccess The NCIC (National Crime Information Center) and Obtain Information about Yet Another Woman.

July 9th :

In his DIP-MESS’s to Vanhise and “Moody Blᵫs (Chris Collins),” Valle has moved Beyond Desire to be a “Professional Kidnapper.” He now appears to want to Torture, Cook and Eat his Would-Be Victims. In one Correspondence, Valle Suggests Kimberly (Sauer) – would be Easy Prey because she Lived Alone. He and Vanhise thereafter Proceeded to Discuss-in-Detail how best to Accomplish this insane Task. Chris Collins Suggested Eating their Victim Alive but Valle Responded : “I’m not really into Raw Meat.”

Sauer was to prove a Central Subject for Valle and Collins, who Claimed he had Fantasized about Cannibalism since he was but Six Years-Young but did not Fulfill the Desire until Thirty-Five Years Later. Acting Mentor to Novice Cannibals, Collins said he had already Eaten Twa Women (sic), while Valle Wrote, “I’m dying to taste some Girl Meat. I just can’t wait to get Kimberly cooking.”


“How big is your oven ?”


“Big enough to fit one of these girls if I folded their legs … The abduction will have to be flawless … I know all of them … (Kimberly Saᵫr), I can just show up at her home unannounced, it will not alert her and I can knock her out, wait until dark and kidnap her right out of her home.”


“You really would be better to grab a stranger. The first thing the police force will do is check out a friend.”


“Her family is out of state.”


“It’s really hard to dislocate (lock) a jaw. Also how could we put her over the fire, spitting kills the girl. Have to put her into a kind of cage. What is your favorite cut of meat ?”


“I was thinking of tying her body onto some kind of apparatus … cook her over a low heat, keep her alive as long as possible.”


“I love that she is asleep right now not having the slightest clue of what we have planned. Her days are numbered. I’m glad you’re on board. She does look tasty doesn’t she ?”


“You do know if we dont waste any of her there is nearly 75 lbs of food there.”

July 10th :

Valle Creates a File-Document in his Computer Titled “ABDUCTING AND COOKING (VICTIM-1 [KIMBERLY]): A BLUEPRINT,” Content(s) ‘o’ which Detail Personal Information ‘o’ an Identified and Targeted Female Victim Kim Sauer, Inclusive her Full Name, her DOB (Date-‘O’-Birth), Her Weight and-Height – e’‘en her Bra-Size. Under The Subject Line “MATERIALS NEEDED” is Entered a List of Materials needed to Carry Out a Kidnapping:

– Car (I have it)

– Chloroform (refer to website for directions)

– Rope (Strongest kind to tie her up) …

Collins also Offered Valle Culinary Tips, such as Brushing Human Skin with Olive Oil while Cooking it Ô’‘ēr an Open Fire. They also Discussed Cooking Saᵫr, Basted in Olive Oil, Ô’‘ēr an Open Fire and using her Severed Head as Centerpiece for a Sit-Down Meal: “— frozen with her Final Expression of Fear.”

Collins told Valle he wanted to Dine on Sauer’s Liver, “Lightly Cooked to keep it sweet and tender.”

Valle in turn Expressed a fascination for feet, and Collins Suggested Cutting Off One Woman’s Feet “— and Barbecuing them In Front of her” while she was still Alive.

Collins asserted that “Face Meat” is “great for Sandwiches,” and Recounted :

“As for Feet they are Favorite of mine along with the C__t Fillet. Cut Off their T__s and Slow Roast. That way you’ll got lots of Girlfat. Great for Roasting Potatœs and Yorkshire Pudding.”

Alas : The Much-Sought-After Meal herself – Kimberly Sauer, Originally-‘o’-Germantown, Maryland (she had Attended The University of Maryland w / Valle) had nothing bad to say about her Former Classmate. Like The Other Women, Including One Who Had Never Met him, she Knew Nothing about The Outspoken Internet Desires ‘o’ Valle and his Partners in Gastronomical Exploration. On Cross-Examination, Sauer Told Defense Attorney Julia Gatto that she never felt Threatened by Valle.

This : After Sauer Received a disturbing FaceBook Message from Valle’s Wife Kathy Mangan Last Year In The Middle ‘o’ The Night that sounded so “Alarming” that she Texted him to Warn that The Account must have been Hacked. Either that “— or you’re trying to Sell me Into White Slavery,” she Recalled Joking in the Text.

Convergent w / The Suicide-Team ‘o’ Self-Loathing Female Attorneys who Represented Valle, Vanhise and Collins; Testimonial Naïvité On-Part the very ditzy B_tch who had been Destined for Penile Turkey Basting prior Dinnerplate Display got All The Boys Off (doubtless in e’‘ery sense imaginable).

– and Cannibal Valle has Since Openly Asserted his Intention(s) In-Pursuit a Second Career as a Barrister himself – Legalizing The Darwinian Selection and Consumption ‘o’ just such Feminine Specimens as American Staple through All Our Coming Dark Tomorrows …


(And, For That Matter, Which Be Worse?)?

Mayhaps The Gynophagous Act was much more “Personal” as took place here in my own State of Involuntary Residence (California) for The San Diego Man who actually Killed, Cooked and Dined on his Wife Through The Holidays’ Thanksgiving Mourning Before some Half-a-Decade Agone-by-now (in 2013) – and perhaps so as well for The Man from N’‘Orleans Who Served Epicurean Precedent by Killing, Dismembering and Cooking his Girlfriend circa 2005.

One Wishes The Above Were Currently Exceptional Crimes (If Only Such Were So – obviously There Exists a Longstanding Network for Black Market Butchery in “Pink [id est Feminine] Sweet-Meat[s]” that would take an entirely Separate Column to Address [The Above Elements ‘o’ This Column being, in-and-‘o’-themselves, Generally Distressing enough to catalyze Gastronomical Trauma amid Holy-Days Revelry]).

Exemplī Grātiā :

A Forty-Six-Years-Old Woman was Found Stabbed To Death in her Jeffersonville, Indiana Home in September-‘o’-2014) and her Boyfriend Charged w / her Murder. TAMMY-JO BLANTON’s (b1968—d2014; Cannibalized) Remains were Recovered from her own Bathtub – Part(s) ‘o’ her Brain, Heart and Lungs Removed. Police Confirm JOSEPH OBERHANSLEY (b1981—[aged 38 yrs]) himself Confessed to Killing Tammy-Jo Blanton and Devouring The Missing Body-Parts, yet he be Walking Free ATDE On-Mistrial (sic, see <usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/08/22/cannibal-trial-judge-grants-mistrial-case-joseph-oberhansley/2091720001> and confer per his Original Release precepts his Perpetration ‘o’ what wast but his Latest Crime Further Below).

The Incident ‘o’ Anthropophagous Consumption Directly Above (À La Carte a VERY Personal Indulgence) is becoming Repetitive enough This Far Down The Column where The Jaded Reader may Wonder at my e’‘en Relating such. Herewith, then, that Ô’‘ērarching Factor which renderest All such Incidents Inevitable – theybe Knowingly Expedited By The Pœnol Phallocracy :

The Same Joseph Oberhansley was Arrested for Shooting his own Mother and Killing his Seventeen-Years-Young Girlfriend when he was but Seventeen Years-‘o’-Age himself; but Served Only a Dozen Years in a Utah Penitentiary On Pleading Guilty to Manslaughter. In Brazen Forewarning ‘o’ his Ultimate Objectives Once Released Among Us Yet Again, Jœ Oberhansley had The Phrase “MURDEROUS DEEDS” Tattooed upon his Nape On-Entering Imprisonment. Complacency ?

Most Certainly Not : Had “Hungry Jœ” Opted for “FORGIVE ME (Admittedly difficult to Imagine and Highly Improbable On-Part a Psȳ́chotic Adolescent already Callous[ed] enough to Slaughter their own Mother and Underaged Girlfriend)” he would still be Incarcerated Today (Accusation[s] ‘o’ “Attempted Escape[s],” C2C [Convict-To-Convict] Violence and any number ‘o’ other Rationalizations doubtless having been found to Maintain his Penitent Presence Behind Bars ‘Til The Day he Died).

¿ Skeptical ? In Pœnophallocracy-Damning Contrast : Circa 1998, Regenerate Axe-Murderess KARLA-FAYE TUCKER (b1959—d1998; Martyred) became The First Woman Executed in Texas In Ô’‘ēr One Hundred Years Since The American Civil War Between The States (1861—1865). Prior Martyrdom, The Born-Again Christian – whose Case (quite rightly) sparked Debate ô’‘ēr RvR (Redemption versus Retribution) – Apologized for hacking a Man and Woman To Death with a Pickax during a 1983 Break-In (Female-American Folk Singer-Songwriter MARY VERONICA GAUTHIER [b1962—] has but Recently Expressed her Impressions ‘o’ The Mitigating Circumstances via “BEHIND THE SONG OF KARLA-FAYE” @ <marygauthier.com/news/behind-the-song-karla-faye>).

Minutes Before her Execution, Karlafaye Tucker was Denied E’‘en One-Time Month’s (Thirty-Day) Gubernatorial Reprieve By-Rationalization her Cause had been “Thoroughly Reviewed By Appellate Courts (see Further Below).” The United States Supreme Court also Rejected Sans Comment Twa Eleventh-Hour Appeals To Halt The Execution. A Month Prior Execution, shameless Jewish-American Exploitationist LARRY KING (born LAWRENCE LEIBEL HARVEY ZEIGER, 1933—aged 86 yrs ATDE) Interviewed Karlafaye on Death Row Onsite her Texas Prison Facility solely to net himself a News Emmy Award. A more savory Source of Detail(s) is to be found in LINDA STORM’s “KARLA FAYE TUCKER SET FREE : LIFE AND FAITH ON DEATH ROW (pub 2000).”

Polacky (“Polish”) Ecclesiastical Stato della Città del Vaticanostra (“Theocratic Vatican City Statist”) POPE SAINT IOANNES PAULUS (“JAN-PAWEŁ [‘JOHN-PAUL’]”) II THE GREAT (Sacerdotal-Monarchical Rṓmãn-Rite Catholic, born KAROL JÓƵEF WOJTYŁA, 1920—d2005; Ordained : 1946; Consecrated : 1958; Cardinalized : 1967; Ascended-Unto-Infallibility : 1978—2005; Beatified : 2011; Canonized : 2014) Appealed for a “Humanitarian Gesture (as he had at least a Half-Dozen Times for Other Inmates on Death Row America).”

Perhaps much more impressively (as in This Case his Advocacy was far from Reflexive and indeed Exceptional) : American Media Mogul, Executive-Chairman and Former Southern Baptist Minister MARION GORDON “PAT” ROBERTSON (Conservative Christian Republican Idealist, b1930—aged 89 yrs ATDE; First Lieutenancy, USMC [United States Marine Corps] “Liquor Officer” : 1948—1952), Founder ‘o’ The Christian Coalition and an Outspoken Supporter ‘o’ The Death Penalty, Asserted The Then-Thirty-Eight-Years-Old Former Teenage Prostitute, Drug Abuser and Rock-Band Groupie should be Spared To Continuest Preaching God’s Word To Others In Prison (his Television Prógramme, “THE 700 CLUB (Syndicated 1966 [sic, mine own birthyear – its been Running as long as I have …]—),” Broadcast Karlafaye’s Last Prison-Cell Interview).

Indeed : The Cause of Karlafaye Attracted Support from Around The World, with Appeals for Clemency from The United Nations and The European Parliament. Surely it was Beneath Pointless and Beyond Cruel Before The God so many Americans Claim To Worship to Keep a Repentant Young Woman on Death Row for Nigh a Decade-and-a-Half ‘o’ Internment and Rehabilitation from a Youth that could only be considered as Nothing Less Than Tragic Prior Carrying Out her Sentence In The Most Anticlimactic ‘o’ Turnabouts.

Yet : To Spite Karlafaye’s Case being entirely Antithetical In Every Detail To The Publicly Unknown (and Legitimately Uncared for) Unregenerate dangling Testicular Ornamentation Desribed Above; THEN-TEXAS GOVERNOR GEORGE WALKER “W (pronounced ‘DUB~YAH’)” BUSH (Episcopalian (—1977) / United Methodist (1977—) Republican, b1946—aged 73 yrs ATDE; First Lietenancy, US Alabama & Texas Air National Guards [The “Champaign Wing”] : 1968—1974; 46th Texas Governorship : 1995—2000; 43rd [Nominal] US Presidency : 2001—2009) as much as Personally Killed The Lady-In-Question Before The Eyes ‘o’ All The World Around Him BECAUSE she WAS All She Represented as a Reformed Woman whose Life was his To Legally Snuff at his Pleasure for Reasons as Gratifying Sexually as they were Pragmatic Politically – “Erecting” Fellow Male-Americans Nationwide by Injecting a Helpless Woman Unto Death Following Almost Fourteen Years-‘o’-Confinement that he Capture The Impotenté Vote and Secure himself The Oval Office (see “1998 : KARLA-FAYE TUCKER, FOR AN AXE MURDER AND A REPUBLICAN PRESIDENCY” @ <EXECUTEDTODAY.COM> via <executedtoday.com/2008/02/03/1998-karla-faye-tucker>).

Because That’s What Get’s your Average Male-American Off … and the blatantly obvious Mīsogynous Conspiracies ‘o’ Your Constitutional Republic Get Much Worse From Here.


– FROM THE PRODUCERS WHO BROUGHT YOU “BUMF_CKS (a ‘pornoplay’ on ‘BUMFIGHTS [see “THE GUYS BEHIND BUMFIGHTS GOT ARRESTED FOR TRYING TO MAIL INFANT BODYPARTS FROM THAILAND” @ <uproxx.com/filmdrunk/the-guys-behind-bumfights-got-arrested-for-trying-to-mail-infant-body-parts-from-thailand>]’) …”.

The Above Conference ‘o’ Which Forces Issue ‘o’ Quotidian Assault(s) – the very Reality ‘o’ American “Rape Culture” is readily Dismissed as but a “Buzzword” for Western Feminists – the Φαινόμενόν (“Phænómænón [‘Manifestation’]”) ‘o’ GSA (Group Sexual Assault [id est, “Mob-Rape”]) in-its-stead being popularly Propagated as Nonextant in Western Culture – simply by “Virtᵫ” ‘o’ being Socially Unacceptable (and, as All Not Forbidden Be Compulsory, such Assertion Implicitly Insinuates 1 | 1 (One-on-One) Mono-Yæ-Mona [“Man-Handling-Woman”] Rape be deemed perfectly Acceptable [which, as betrayed via this very Column, is demonstrably so]).

By-Way-‘o’ (Promoted) Contrast : Instead ‘o’ Condemning Rape as Malum In Se (“Wrong In-and-‘o’-Itself”), Mob-Rape(s) ‘o’ WIP’s (Women-In-Public) are Presented as having become Commonplace as Integral to “Growing Pangs” ‘o’ “Young Democracies” The World Ô’‘ēr, such as The Postapartheid Republic ‘o’ South Afrika (“Rape-Capital ‘o’ The World”) and Democratically Infantile لحراسة جمهورية مصر العربية (“Ǣhl-ǦJumhūrīyyàht Mişr Ǣhl-Mahrousa Ǣhl-ʿAräabīyyàh [‘The ʿAräabïï-Guarded Republic-‘o’-ǢIgyptous’];” Anglocorrupted as “Egypt”) e’‘er since American-Sponsored Ô’‘ērthrow ‘o’ that Ancient Nation-State’s Legitimate Government, w / Women being Routinely Targeted in Crowded Public Places such as on Buses in an Atmosphere ‘o’ Masculine Immunity From Prosecution (for an indispensibly astute Analysis ‘o’ The Politics ‘o’ Sexual Assault as an Instrument-‘o’-Oppression per Half The Population [The Female Half] – By a Male-ǢIgyptian Author, no less – see “RAPE IN ساحة التحرير، القاهرة [‘MĪDĀN AT-TAḤRĪR, ǢHL-QĀHIRAH,’ or the all-too-ironically Misnamed ‘LIBERATION SQUARE, THE CAIRO’]” @ MUFTAH via <muftah.org/rape-tahrir-square/#.VH2otMnGBV8>).

This manner ‘o’ Mass-Male Behaviour is oft Marketed in sharp contrast w / the Behaviour ‘o’ Western “Mass-Man.” We ‘o’ The West be Deluded that Our Women be Rarely Assaulted by Groups-‘o’-Men they Do Not Know in Public Places before Cheering Crowds ‘o’ Spectating Male Impotentés and Silenced, sullen Women slinking elsewhere in Haste (see “WOMEN STRIPPED, BEATEN AND SEXUALLY ASSAULTED ON-SITE MARTYRED LIBERATION SQUARE, THE CAIRO’] ON A DAILY BASIS” @ <egyptianstreets.com/2014/06/09/woman-stripped-beaten-and-sexually-assaulted-at-tahrir-square>).

Indeed : W / Each-and-E’‘ery New Gathering in Democratized Ǣhl-ʿArábǣigyptous (“Egypt”) Comes a New Wave ‘o’ Sexual Assaults as Perpetrated By (Male) Soldiers, (Male) Police and (Male) Protesters. Since 2010, HarassMap has been Collecting Reports on Sexual Harassment to Document Where it all Takest Place, Who its Victims are and How Prevalent it is (see “HARASSMAP: WHERE ARE SEXUAL ASSAULTS HAPPENING IN ǢHL-ʿARÁBǢIGYPTOUS?” @ DATASTORE – SHOW-&-TELL via THEGUARDIAN’S Link : <theguardian.com/news/datablog/interactive/2013/jul/02/harassmap-where-sexual-assaults-happening-in-egypt>).

And, as an Entirely Necessary Subjection ‘o’ The MATURE ADULT VIEWER to Democracy-In-Practice :

Review Footage Linked Here ‘o’ Highly Organized and Well-Armed Male Attackers Manipulated by America’s Machismo-Machinated Democratic Ideal and Trained in United States-Styled Homeland Security Tactics who Fend Off True-Conservative (in-disambiguation from Reactionary) Men Attempting To Save The Female Victim w / Knives, Swords (sic) and Improvised Flamethrowers (sic : Flamelit Gas-Tanks) = Clear Evidence o’ Systematic Effort(s) to Assault-and-Rape WIP’s as an Instrument ‘o’ Mass-Intimidation and Mob-Domination (see “VIDEO OF GANG-RAPE OF A WOMAN IN ساحة التحرير، القاهرة [‘ǢHL-QĀHIRAH’S MĪDĀN AT-TAḤRĪR,’ or ‘THE CAIRO’S LIBERATION SQUARE;’ Increasingly Referenced as ‘MARTYR’S SQUARE’ Since The United States Instigated Democratic Junta]” @ <LOITER.CO> via <loiter.co/v/video-of-gang-rape-of-a-woman-in-tahrir-square-sho/>).

Yet “Bus Rapes” – once considered a “Foreign Affair” – have long been “All The Rage” in Our United States – Specifically Targeting “Retard-Hœs,” to Employ The Postmodern Urban Colloquial. Just plucking Random Incidents From Memory where I myself be Stranded in 大旧金山三藩市 (“Dà-Jiùjīnshān-Sānfānshì [The ʻGreater Hedge-Fenced City On The Three-Peaked Mountain ‘o’ Aulden Gold;’ exonymous throughout The Sinosphere for ʻSan Francisco’ by way ‘o’ The Gold Rush : 1848—1855]”) Metroplex Region : There Occurred The Abduction ‘o’ an Autistic Sixteen-Years-Young Girl Aboard The Regional BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit; Cest 9 / 11 [September 11th], 1972—) Train System as it Traversed The Heart ‘o’ Darkest Oakland, California (she was Raped Repeatedly by her Abductor Ô’‘ēr Forty-Eight Hours (Twa Days) In The Winter-‘o’-2012 – Kept Captive on The Train and Sexually Assaulted In Public for All-To-See; BART Police Passing the salacious Scene By as leering Voyeurs Assured them her Assailant was a “Loving Father Administering Physical Therapy To His Seizure-Suffering Daughter” – and I would Lay my Soul in Wager on The Altar there was a Digital-Load ‘o’ Cellphone Camera-Action Recording Every Moment ‘o’ her Pains for Later Leisuretime Review whilst Masturbating …

Circuiting Southward w / in mine Resident-State-‘o’-California I reluctantly Recall The Rape ‘o’ a Developmentally-Disabled Woman on a City ‘o’ Los Ángeles Bus During The Month-‘o’-November Some Seven Years Agone.

And there was a Gang-Rape ‘o’ Multiple Women (Tourists [?]) on a Bus Transiting from Los Ángeles into México City The Holiday Season-‘o’-2012 as well. I Have E’‘ery Confidence that I could Assail The Reader w / Far More Immediate Cases were I but morbid enough to Seek.

And we could Speakest-at-length to the Universally Passive Encouragement ‘o’ “Campus Rapes (High School SEX-ASS’s and CAR’s [College-Athlete Rapes]),” which University Authorities have proven Notably Disinterested in Responding To in All-Too-Many Cases (indeed many a Proud Father has Privately Expressed an “ ‘Atta-Boy” Pride in his Son’s Aggressive Self-Assertion[s] and Insertion[s] – doubtless Relieved The Seedbearer ‘o’ his Bloodline isn’t so Gay after all …) – Inclusive ‘o’ that High School in Steubenville, Notre Dame University, Amherst College and oh-so-many Others.

Indeed Gang-Rapes are always Everywhere In The News (one simply need but Scan). Yet No-one aside myself  Dare(s) Add Them Up To Indicate Therebe an Undeniable Pattern – an All-Pervasive Pattern ‘o’ Co-VAW (Co-Ördinated Violence Against Women) – a Pattern Broad and Deep and Horrific and Conspiratorially Ignored : The Perpetual Horrorization ‘o’ America’s Feminine Sex.


Occasionally : A Case Involving a Célébrity or particularly Lurid In Detail(s) earns a flurry of Media Attention but All Such Cases are Consistently Misrepresented as Anomalies while The Abundance ‘o’ Incidental News Items about Co-VAW In America – and Other Nations On Every Continent (Inclusive Antarctica [sic]) – Rate as Nothing Other Than Background Static For The News.

If We Were To Speak To such “Crimes Against ‘Womanity’,” as Manifest By Way ‘o’ All The Above and Why Commitment ‘o’ Such Horroristic Acts be so Endemic – We could Commence by Speaking To The Fact That American Men Commit Murder-Suicides At The Rate ‘o’ a Dozen-a-Week (12 / wkly [sic]; so-much-so that one so wishes they would simply Commit Suicide En Masse in a Nationwide Orgy ‘o’ Bromantic Bonding and Spare The Fairer Sex their Troubles), Reportedly “Because This Economy Is Depressed (even though Male-Americans Commit Murder-Suicides At Precisely The Same Rate When The Economy Is Flying High and, ‘o’-course, therebe those E’‘erpopular Excuses : Intoxicants and / or ‘Mental Issᵫs [¡¿¡ No Sh_t ‽ Being born Male-American strikes myself a Mental Issue];’ and – Just For Jocks : Therebe Head Injuries]).”

Such Murder-Suicides Receive Less and Less Media Attention as therebe So Many More Spectacular Mass-Murders To Report In This Country Each and E’‘ery Passing Year.

Unreported be The Fact That : ‘O’ One Hundred-and-twenty (120) Mass-Shootings (Defined as Generating a Body-Count Above Three [3+] Cadavers) In America Ô’‘ēr The Past Four Decades (Forty Years), Only One in All Recorded History wast E’‘er Perpetrated by a Female (an Underage[d] Girl; and we can only Imagine what had been done to her to Drive her to such Desperation) – because when you say Lone Gunman Everyone Talks About Loners and Guns – But Not About Men. This, when Well Ô’‘ēr Half (Two-Thirds [67%]) ‘o’ All Women Killed By Guns Are Killed by either Their “IP (Intimate Partner [implied Male])” or Their “XIP (Ex-Intimate Partner [implied Male]).”

A Recent Spin was that Lead Exposure was Responsible for much ‘o’ our Violence (Willfully Ignoring The Obvious Fact that while Both Genders be Exposed [Effectively] Only One Commits All The Violence). The Chronic Epidemic-‘o’-Violence is Fore’‘er Explained Away As : “Anything But Gender” – Anything but The Most Painfully Obvious Explanatory Pattern ‘o’ All : “Being Born Male Has Been Identified a Primary Risk Factor For Violent Criminal Behaviour In Several Medical Studies; as Has Exposure To Tobacco Smoke Before Birth, Suffering Antisocial Parents and Belonging To an Impoverished Family.”

Wake Up and Face It : America Is Incontrovertibly a Patriarchally Universalized Prison-Rape Culture and The Average Male-American is a Pathologically Self-Centered Bully Who Ceases Emotional Development Long Prior Puberty – Some Months Out ‘o’ The Womb For Most (Quite Seriously). ‘O’ The Prison Population In The PUS (Pœnol United States [quite Factually a Populace in-and-‘o’-itself far larger than those ‘o’ Many Internationally Recognized Nation-States on Earth]) – The Largest In The World Proportionate To Comparative National Baseline Population-Bases, it cannot be overemphasized – Ninety-Three and-One-Half Percent (93.5%) ‘o’ Said Prisoners Peopling Our Penitentiaries be ‘o’ The Masculine Persuasion (for All Intents and Purposes The Only National-Static Level Economy on Earth Consistent ‘o’ a Nigh All-Male Constituency-at-Baseline).

And that’s just The Poor (Said Term Applied in The Fiscal Sense Alone) Pricks what Get Penned Into The Pokey. For those Possessed (Said Term Applied in Both Senses ‘o’ Provision and ‘o’ ψυχή [“Psȳ́ckhḗ,” or “Soul”]) ‘o’ enough Prosperity to Purchase their so-called “Peers” on The Panel, “Go-To-Jail” is just a Stop on The MONOPOLY Board. For, unfortunately, Violence Against Women – VAW in ANY Form – is all-too-readily The Sport ‘o’ The Wealthy in e’‘en Grander Fashion (indeed it is just such Constant Monetary Influx “From Above” that Maintains The Aforementioned Black Market in “Pink Sweet-Meat[s]”).

As a Strandéé In the sordid City-and-County ‘o’ San Francisco, I can Personally Attest Through Jury Duty to The Exgirlfriend ‘o’ MASON MAYER (his alliterative name [as Christened by Insistence ‘o’ his Filmgoing Father] purportedly Inspired by The Cinematic “MICHÆL [AUDREY] MYERS” ‘o’ “ALLHALLOWE’‘EN” Slasher-Franchise Fan-Fame [see <halloweenmovie.wikia.com/wiki/Michael_Myers>]) Providing Testimonial In-Court during The Autumn-‘o’-2012 :

“He ripped out my Earrings, tore my Eyelashes off, while spitting in my face and telling me how unlovable I am (…) I was on the ground in The Phœtal Position and, when I tried to move, he squeezed both knees tighter into my sides to restrain me and slapped me.”

As it has since become a Matter ‘o’ Public Record, I can Personally State her Attorney also Testified :

“Mayer slammed her head onto the floor repeatedly and pulled out clumps of her hair, telling her that the only way she was leaving the Apartment alive was if he drove her to The Golden Gate Bridge ‘where you can jump off or I will push you off’.”


As I myself Have Nothing Left To Lose To Threat(s) nor harbour enough sense-‘o’-desperation (or perhaps I simply Lack The Sense ‘o’ Common Man) as to succumb to Bribery, I Openly Advocated Penalization ‘o’ The Man Aliased as “Evil on Two Legs.” As a Matter-‘o’-Course : Once my Dishonorable Discharge From Service in The USMC (United States Marine Corps; Cest 1775—) was Exposed By Litigation Team Mayer (In-All-Honesty : Mason Mayer’s Defense Team oft-referenced themselves as “Team ALLHALLOWE’‘EN”), I was Thrown Off The Jury.

All-Too-Predictably : Subseqᵫnt my Dismissal, Mason “Allhallowe’‘en” Mayer Nigh-Immediately Got Off On-Probation (for further details, see “DARPA-GOOGLE EXECUTIVE’S FAMILY ALLEGEDLY MADE LIFE OF ABUSE VICTIM A LIVING NIGHTMARE” @ EVERYTHING DARPA-GOOGLE DOES NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW via DARPAGOOGLEEXPOSED’s: <googleexposed.wordpress.com/tag/mason-mayer>; as well as, most tellingly : “MARISSA MAYER DOESN’T MESS AROUND WHEN SHE WANTS SOMEONE GONE” @ BUSINESS INSIDER via <businessinsider.com/marissa-mayer-doesnt-mess-around-when-she-wants-someone-gone-2012-12>). 

In-All-Seriousness, I have Since been Informed that All Record(s) ‘o’ my e’‘en “Sitting On The Bench” Prior Dismissal have been entirely “Scoured” from Publicly e-ccessible Search Engines (hardly inconceivable considering “M&M’s” Family Runs The Both ‘o’ Them By-Way-‘o’ DOD [Department-‘O’-Defense]-Sponsored Delusion-Maintenance per “Freedom-‘o’-Choice” in Information E-ccess) … and, as well, I Since Hear Tell through The Undervine that Mason Mayer is Currently Seeking Ladies Dating Online For Dining at Cannibal Valle’s Commercially Proposed “Cop‘erass (‘Cop-her-ass’) Café …”.


Top-Ranking Female Officers In The US Military – So Unlike Their Male Counterparts – Are NEVER Accused ‘o’ Sexual Assaults; and Young Female Athletes, So Unlike Those Male Football Players In Steubenville and practically every other Campus at some point or another all-‘cross These United States, aren’t likely to Urinate On Unconscious Boys – Let Alone Violate Them, leave them Infected w / Crabs and all manner ‘o’ STD’s (Sexually Transmitted Diseases [oft a Variety ‘o’ such Sourcing from each ‘o’ The Young Lady’s Individual Rapists]) and Immediately Thereafter Boast About It via YOUTUBE, LLC (Cest 2005—) Videos and TWITTER, INC(orporated; Cest 2006—) Feeds w / the smugness ‘o’ Impunity.

No Female Action-Movie Starlet Has Ever Been Charged w / Domestic Violence, Because ព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា (“Preăh Réachéanachâk Kâmpŭchéa [‘Kingdom-‘o’-Cambodia’]”)-Adopted and Huron-Iroquois-Related Deutschen (“German”)-American Actress and Filmmaker ANGELINA JOLIE ‘o’ The Most Distinguished Order ‘o’ Saint Michæl and Saint George (born ANGELINA JOLIE VOIGHT, 1975—; Winner : Academy Award, Two Screen Actors Guild Awards and Three Golden Globe Awards; Named Hollywood’s Highest-Paid Actress by FORBES Magazine [Cest 1917—], circa 2009, 2011 and 2013) Just Isn’t Doing What’s Been Done by Officer ‘o’ The Order-‘o’-Australia MEL GIBSON (born MEL COLM-CILLE GERARD GIBSON, 1956—aged 63 yrs ATDE; American Actor, Filmmaker and Screenwriter) and American Hollywood Icon TERENCE STEVEN “STEVE” McQUEEN (Alias[ed] “THE KING OF COOL” By-Way-‘o’ his “Antihero” Persona as Developed At Height ‘o’ The Việt-Nám Conflict-Èræ Counterculture, b1930—d1980; Active : 1953—1980; Nominated, Academy Award, for his Rôle as “MACHINIST’S MATE 1st CLASS JAKE HOLMAN” in “THE SAND PEBBLES” : 1967; Accounted as Highest-Paid Movie Star In The World : 1974; Decedent Due Malignant Mesothelioma Incepted via Inhalation-and-Ingestion ‘o’ Asbestos Fibers Directly Resultant Massive Exposure Whilst Removing Asbestos Lagging from Pipes Aboard a Troop Ship when In-Service with The USMC [United States Marine Corps]).

No Major Female Pop-Starlet has e’‘er yet Blown The Head (the one atop the Clavicle [“Collarbone”] at least) Off a Young Man She Took Home w / Her, as did Jewish-American Record Producer and Self-Asserted Songwriter PHILLIP-HARVEY SPECTOR (Alias[ed] PHIL SPECTOR [born HARVEY PHILLIP SPECTOR], 1939—aged 79 yrs ATDE; Supposed Originator ‘o’ The Wall-‘o’-Sound Production Method); who is now (quite Deservedly) part ‘o’ that Ninety-Three-and-a-Half Percent Male-Gendered Prison Population for The Shotgun Slaying ‘o’ American Actress and Fashion Model LANA-JEAN CLARKSON (b1962—d2003; Murdered, Apparently, for displaying Moxie enough to Refuse Phil Spector’s lewd Advances).

And there are simply Not Any Célébrated Female Movie Directors Who Slipped a Thirteen-Years-Young Child a Nigh-Fatal Cocktail-‘o’-Drugs Before Sexually Assaulting Them While They Kept Saying “NO” – As Did Naturalized-Français (“French”) Film Director, Producer, Writer, and Actor ‘o’ Judeo-Polacky (“Polish-Judaic”) Extraction ROMAN POLAŃSKI (born RAJMUND ROMAN THIERRY POLAŃSKI, 1933—aged 86 yrs ATDE) Unto an American Girl ‘o’ That Age (yet Postceasefire Europeans Grant him Immunity From Extradition because he was once Interred in a NAtional-SoƵIalistiche Konƶetslagen [NAt-ƵI Concentration Camp] where he obviously belonged as an Individual and, unlike so many Others, Deservedly should have Perished); while Any Attempt(s) To Bring such a Célébrity Pædorapist ‘o’ Untouchable Èthnicity To Justice Be Excoriated (see GABE FRIEDMAN’s “THE UNITED STATES TRIED TO ARREST ROMAN POLAŃSKI AT JEWISH MUSEUM OPENING” via THE (all-too-appropriately named) SHMOOZE @ THE JEWISH DAILY FORWARD : <blogs.forward.com/the-shmooze/208653/the-us-tried-to-arrest-roman-polanski-at-jewish-mu>).

Which brings us back to The Grand Strategic Repercussions of WWW ([The] Worldwide War on Womanity) …


No Female Bus Riders in The Republic of India (Bhārat Ganarājya) have E’‘er Ganged Up to Sexually Assault a Man so Grievously he Dies ‘o’ his Injuries (One ‘O’ The Very Few Places On Earth E’‘en Worse In Most Every Respect Than These United States; Inarguable Cause ‘o’ Much ‘o’ India’s Nigh Innumerable Wœs Being Fact it Presently languishes Undersway Insurmountable Burden[s] As The World’s Largest Democracy – Said False Ideology Bringing Nôaught But Ill To All Humanity By Its False Promises Since Modern Revivalism as a Mass-Movement ‘o’ Societal Subversion [see “ANOTHER YEAR, ANOTHER DEATH OF A GANG-RAPE VICTIM IN INDIA” @ RAPE – THE WOMEN’S BLOG via <theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/womens-blog/2014/jan/02/death-gang-rape-victim-india-new-years-eve>; Provided Linkage Propounding Ramifications per a Sixteen Years-Young Girl Who Reported Two Brutal Assaults and was Conseqᵫntly Found Dead herself By New Year’s Eve-‘o’-2014] – almost Exactly a Year After The Fatal Gang-Rape and Mobile Disposal ‘o’ Jyoti Singh-Pandey on an Indian National Capital Territory Bus. ¿ Has Anything Changed ? Obviously Not – Nor Will It So ‘Til Democracy Disappears From The Face ‘o’ The Earth; for it is Only in Postmodern Mob-Rule[d] India that The National Institution-‘o’-Rape has flourished so immensely as to Present Itself a Challenge to Contemporary Thinking Worldwide. Gender Equality is Farcically Enshrined in The Modern Indian Constitution, yet it was In Ancient Times that Rape Existed in Europe while Women in India Held Divine Personification as शक्ति [“Shakti,” or “Power”]).

Neither are Marauding Packs-‘o’-Women Terrorizing Men in ميدان التحرير‎ (“Mīdān at-Taḥrīr [‘Martyr Tahrir’];” id est, “Liberation Square”), القاهرة (“Ǣhl-Qāhirah [‘The Cairo’]”), as المصرية (“Ǣhl-eʾMiṣrǣīyyäh [‘The ʿArábǣigyptian’]”) Men have been So Doing Unto Women (‘o’ Any Nationality [Inclusive Foreign Journalists, who are being Targeted e’‘ermore Freqᵫntly]) since Arábǣigyptian (Anglocorrupted as “Egyptian”) Installation ‘o’ Nouveau Régime (“New Governance”) to Disastrous Effect[s] via so-called الربيع العربي, (“Ǣhr-Ràibīˁ Ǣhl-ˁArábī [‘The ʿAráb Spring’]”), Circa AD MMXI (2011 CÈ); whence : Resultant The ʿAráb Spring (ǣhr-Ràibīˁ ǣhl-ˁArábī) Riots, المارشال الجوي محمد حسني السيد مبارك (“ǢHLṢH-MARŞAL ǢHLṢH-CWÎ [‘AIR MARSHAL’] MUOÆˈḤÆMMÆD ˈḤUOSNĪ ǢHLṢH-ˈSÆJJYYIED MUOˈBĀRAK [Anglobastardized as “HOSNI MUBARAK,” b1928―Aged 91 Yrs ATDE;” Commander ‘o’ القوات الجوية المصرية [“Ǣhl-Qūwāt Ǣhl-Gawwīyäh Æhl-eʾMiṣrǣīyyäh, or “The ʿArábǣigyptian Air Force”] : 1972―1975; Æhl-eʾMiṣrǣīyyäh [“ʿArábǣigyptian”] Vice-Presidency : 1975―1981; Æhl-eʾMiṣrǣīyyäh Prime Ministry : 1981―1982; 4th Æhl-eʾMiṣrǣīyyäh Presidency : 1981―2011; Secretary-General ‘o’ The NAM [Non-Alligned Movement] : 2009―2011) was Forced to Announce his Resignation and Cede Power Ô’‘ēr Ǣhl-ǦJumhūrīyyàht Mişr Ǣhl-Mahrousa Ǣhl-ʿAräabīyyàh’s (“The ʿAräabïï-Guarded Republic-‘o’-ǢIgyptous’s”) More Than Eighty-Four Million (84 000 000+) Inhabitants To The Military (see “EIGHTY SEXUAL ASSAULTS IN ONE DAY – THE OTHER STORY OF ساحة التحرير، القاهرة [‘MĪDĀN AT-TAḤRĪR, ǢHL-QĀHIRAH,’ or ‘MARTYRED LIBERATION SQUARE, THE CAIRO’],” @ ǢHL-ʿARÁBǢIGYPTOUS via <theguardian.com/world/2013/jul/05/egypt-women-rape-sexual-assault-tahrir-square>)

The Epidemic(s) ‘o’ Stalking, Harassment, Intimidation and Violation-‘o’-Women – ANY Women – for The Perceived Affront ‘o’ having been Born ‘o’ a “Lesser” Gender in ميدان التحرير بالقاهرة (“Ǣhl-Qāhirahi Mīdān at-Taḥrīr [‘The Cairo’s Taḥrīr Square’]”) Ô’‘ēr the Few Years Following “ʿAráb-Spring”  Refuted The Very Freedom They Célébrated During Ô’‘ērthrow ‘o’ Their Legitimate Government – Now They Are “Free” To “Live” as American Women Do : Under Eternal Threat ‘o’ Degradation, Torture and Death (see “REPORTS OF WOMEN HARASSED, STRIPPED, BEATEN AND SEXUALLY ASSAULTED AT MARTYR-TAḤRĪR SQUARE MET WITH MOCKING LAUGHTER FROM TV [Televisory] NEWS ANCHORS BECAUSE ‘BOYS ARE JUST HAVING A GOOD TIME BEING BOYS’,” @ <buzzfeed.com/sheerafrenkel/at-least-five-women-were-raped-in-egypt-last-night-because-p>).

And I Could Go On … And On … And On …

The Lives ‘o’ Ô’‘ēr Half The Human Race art Dogged By, Drained By and Ofttimes Ended By This Pervasive Variety-‘o’-Violence. Think on How Much More Time and Energy We As A Species Would Have To Focus On Things Creative If But Half-‘O’-Us Were Liberated From Surviving Terrorism As A Way-‘o’-Life. Female Employéés, and Employers, are Afraid To Walk Home At Night. So They Stop Working Late. ¿ How Many Women Have Had To Cease Contributing To Our National Work Effort – or Been Stopped From Attempting Such Contribution(s) By Their Loved Ones – For Collateral Reasons ?


Actual Management ‘o’ The Majority ‘o’ Our Physically Accessible Planetary Resources is Not At’‘tAll Administered By The United Nations – but rather by The Bretton-Woods Monetary Agreement-Incepted IMF (International Monetary Fund). ‘T’‘is No Exaggeration To Say That, To Large Extent, Whome’‘er Runs The IMF Runs The World. It Should Come as No Surprise ‘t’‘all then that, Presently : Our World Be Run(down) by a (Male) Serial-Rapist.

But Rest Assured : Unlike The Last (Male) IMF-MD (Managing Director, International Monetary Fund): Français Attorney, Economist and Politician DOMINIQUE GASTON ANDRÉ STRAUSS-KAHN (Parti Socialiste [“Socialist Party”], b1949—aged 70 yrs ATDE; Républiqᵫ Français [“French Republican”] Minister-‘o’-Finance : 1997—1999; IMF-MD [] : 2007—2011); The Current Woman Who Runs The World: Centre-Rightist Français Attorney & Politician CHRISTINE MADELEINE ODETTE LAGARDE (née LALLOUETTE [Union Pour un Mouvement Populaire, or The “Union for a Popular Movement”], b1956—; IMF-MD : 2011—; e-friend The Woman Who Runs [much-‘o’] Your World Through her Personal FB-TL (FaceBook TimeLine) @ <facebook.com/christinemadeleine.odettelagarde.3>, Since Merged w / her FB (FaceBook) PCF (Public Community FanPage) @ <facebook.com/christinelagarde>), Is NEVER Going To Assault an Employee at a Luxury Hotel (so One Small Victory For Humanity is Struck at Last amid The Slagheap ‘o’ Global Phallocracy …) …. 



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– Renegatus Humanus Arma ab Massa-Eruditio

(THE “Renegade Human Weapon ‘o’ Mass-Instruction”);

The Germanic Surname “Dietrich” – as Transliterated into The Ænglish – means “(The) Master Key, Skeleton Key, (a) Key That Can Open All Doors” :

The Д‘трăцк’с (“D‘trăck’s [‘Dietrich’s,’ or ‘Dragon’s’]”) 中國人 (“ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuárén [literally ‘Middle-Kingdom People’s,’ id est ‘Chinese’]”) Lineage-Derived Surname is 「林 (“Lin [the iconographic character for ‘Tree’ represented in plurality – id est ‘Forest’ / ‘Jungle’]”)」; both ‘o’ his First Name Elements 「一 (“yĪ [‘One,’ ‘Singular,’ ‘Throughout’ – id est ‘Totality’]”)」 and 「平 [“Píng [‘Calm,’ ‘Peaceful’ / ‘Flat,’ ‘Level’]”);」 combining as 「一平 (“yĪ-Píng [‘Striving Toward Attainment ‘o’ Peace;’ ‘To Tie,’ as in ‘Even The Score’ / ‘To Draw-Up;’ ‘A-‘leveling’ / ‘An ‘Evening Up’ / ‘A-‘Reckoning’ – id est ‘Cosmic Balance’ / ‘Divine Retribution’]”);」 – Familial and First Name Elements combining yet again (in Proper Asian Order) as 「林 一平 (“Lin yĪ-Píng [‘Path ‘o’ Environmental Harmony’ or ‘Law ‘o’ The Jungle;’ something akin to ‘Gǣĩǣn Sustainability’]”)」。

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