
Ô’‘ĒR And ABOVE ALL, REVIEW THE FILM I CONSULTED ON (The Music Scoring Finalé served as my Personal Thème when Hosting @ AMERICAN FREEDOM RADIO [Condīta est 2008—]), but E(lectronically)-(a)ccess All Other Links w / in Text as well.
“ONE FROM ABANDON(ED) MINE SEVEN HUNDRED & THIRTY(‘Tapped-Out Mine 731 [One From Disused Pit 730];’NOT RATED in the United States)!”
HBO (Home Box Office) Asia’s Debut Original Full Feature Film (This Film is The First In HBO Asia’s Output of Original Film[s] Anterior to Television)
“HAIKŌ (‘DEAD MINE’)” is a fascinating Dungeon Crawl Beneath The Indonesian Jungle whilst watching it straight, but Scan The Full Length of my Column Below Prior Reviewing The Film Toward(s) Contextual Appreciation of its Content(s),
THE FULL-FEATURE HDBR (High Definition BLU-RAY) FILM LINKED HEREIN @:<youtu.be/TizurMdKbcw>
The Column Below is Dedicated To The Memory of American Actor PAUL WILLIAM WALKER IV (Alias[ed] “BRIAN O’CONNER” in THE FAST & FURIOUS Film Series, b[irthed] MCMLXXIII―d[eceased] MMXIII; Incident Motor Vehicular Accident [<entertainment.time.com/2013/12/04/director-justin-lin-on-paul-walker-a-fast-friend>]) – Professional Affiliate of JŒ TASLIM (Details Clarified Through R/E[lectronic]-view of my Column Below):
Released: 092712 (September 27th, 2012)
Genre: History / Education | Indonesia / USAHBO Asia Originals.
Ninety Minutes, Plus or Minus(One-&-a-Half Hours [90± Mns]),Time Approximated by Infinite Studios
F-bomb(s). No Sex or Nudity.
“HAIKŌ (‘DEAD MINE [2012]’)” is an Easy Sell for most Cinephiles. It boasts JŒ TASLIM from “THE RAID: REDEMPTION (2011)” in an Action Rôle, it weaves an “INDIANA JONESED (‘Punked,’ ‘Screwed’ or ‘Burned [in The Postmodern Salvageurs’ Colloquial]’ as pertaining to Treasure-Seeking or Archæological Ad / Venture[s] that have ‘Backfired’ or Ended In Misfortune[s] – as opposed to yielding Fortune[s]; leaving The Adventurer[s] So-Involved either the Living or Posthumous Butt of Jest)”-Plotline revolving around The Legend of The サムライ 変異体 (“Sămu-Raï Heni-Tai [‘Mutant Servicemæn’]”) Sentinels of The Long-Lost 山下の黄金の貯蔵 (“Yamashita-no-Ōgon-no-Choƶō [The ‘Golden Hoard of Yamashita’]”) – Secreted Treasure(s) Looted from Across Asia by 日本人 (“Nīpp-hôn-jīn [‘Japanese People’s’]”) Forces during World War II (Eastern Hemisphere PTO [Planetary Theatre of Operations]: 1937―[sic] 大日本 [“Daï Nīpp-hôn,” or “Greater Japan”] is still Legally In State-of-War Under Condition[s] of Ceasefire w[ith] / The Постсоветский [“PostsƵoŵjetskij,” or “Postsoviet”] РСНГ [“RSHG,” or “RCIS”]: Российский Содружество Hезависимых Государств [“Rossijskij Sodružestvo Heƶavisimyh Gosudarstv,” or The “Russian Commonwealth of Independent States”] regards NEA [Northeast Asian] Territories).
The Film is definitely a “Tunnel(-Rat)-of-Love” Ride with solid Production Value, a decent Cast of Characters, and just enough 変異体 (“Heni-Tai [‘Mutants’]”) – both サムライ (“Sămu-Raï [‘Servicemæn’]”) and POW’s (Prisoner[s] of War) – to maintain the Foreshortened Attention-Span(s) of Today’s Electronically Overstimulated.
Late In The Year of my Sainted Mother’s Murder (c[irc]a A[nno] D[omini] MMXI C[ommonal] È[ræ]): I abetted my evasion of Morbid Reflection(s) via such Activities as that of Communicating my casual Collaboration as both Military Historical and Occult Technical Consultant for HBO’s First Ever Nontelevisual Project through Infinite Frameworks.
Much Credit is Dᵫ British Film Director and Screenwriter STEVEN SHEIL (who has Managed to make The Movie look really good with some Innovative Camera Angles and Suspenseful Scenes) that he strove to Co-Öpt Historically Accurate and Alchemically Relevant Factors into an Educational Action and Historical Horror Film as was already Then Set for Theatrical Release out of Singapore Come Late 2012 (092712 [September 27th, 2012]). His Premise: As The Second World War Goes truly Global, the sinister 731部隊 (“Shichi-San-Ichi Butai [‘UNIT 731’]”) of The Daï-Nīpphôn Teikoku Rikugun (The “Army of [The] Greater Japanese Empire”) explores Methods by which to Engineer The Perfect 日本人 (“Nīpp-Hôn-Jīn [‘Japanese People’s’]”) Supersoldier (Note there are no “Flashbacks” to 1937―1952 / 1953 – this is all provided in Exposition as The Story unfolds).
I personally feel quite satisfied with – and indeed can take some pride – in The Resultant Product. The One Scene that Forced my Withdrawal of Nominal Affiliation (and therefore Right to Endorsement of Product at Time[s] of Cinematic / DVD Release and The Following Year’s Time as Stipulated Thereafter) was understandable as a Plot Device by which to expedite The Narrative as constrained within Time Limit(s) – Limits further compressed by Median-Line Budgeting as Provided for what was / is an Experimental Foray by HBO outside of Television.
Said Critical Scene (rendered painfully obvious In Course of one’s Review of The Film itself) being that in which a Digitalized Archive of Reel-Footage is R/E-trieved for Display upon an i(nternet)Pad from The Infamous Mock-“Surrender” Ceremony Aboard The USS Missouri (BB [Battleship]-63) as Perpetrated by the United States’ Highest-Ranking Officer in The Pacific Theatre-of-War: Supreme Commander of Allied Forces, South West Pacific Area; General, USPACOM (United States Pacific Command) and Chief of Staff of The United States Army 外人将軍 ダグラス·アーサー·マッカーサー (“GAI-JĪN SHŌ-GÛN DAOGURASU· ĀSĀ· MAKKĀSĀTURA [‘BARBARIAN GENERALISSIMO DOUGLAS ARTHUR MACARTHUR’],” Rep[ublican] US Presidential Candidate: 1944 [sic, Affiliated by Nomination for US Presidential Candidacy with / Various “Far-Right” Political Parties; i[d] e[st] Constitutionalist, America First, Christian Nationalist Crusade, et cetera: 1948, 1952]; b1880―d1964 [Known in Upper American Military Echelons as “The Emperor’s General” by Time of his Relief From Command]; Fired amidst The Second World War by his WW―II [1937―1952] Executive CIC [COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF] & PRESIDENT: HARRY SOLOMON TRUMAN [b1887―d1972; US Senator from Missouri: 1935―1945; 34th US Vice-Presidency: 1945 – 2 Months & 22 Days; 33rd US Presidency 1945―1953]; Said Termination Effective: 041151 [April 11th, 1951]).
Said Farce is conveyed as “Evidence” enough to convince 中尉木下隆一健治 (“LIEUTENANT KINOSHITA I KENJI RYŪICHI [‘LT KENJI KINOSHITA THE FIRST, PENDRAGON’]”) – a Worthy Officer of The DNMKR (“大日本帝國陸軍 [‘Daï-Nīpphôn-Mikado Kuni Rikugun,’ or ‘Army of The Greatest Japanese Emperor’];” bastardized in The Ænglish as IJA [Imperial Japanese Army]) – of Resolution to 大きい東アジア太平洋戦争 (“Ōoki-i Higashi-ajia Taiheiyōusensōu [The ‘Greater East-Asian Pacific War’]”: 大日本帝國 [“Daï Nīpp-Hôn Tei-Koku,” or The “Empire of Greater Japan”] v[ersu]s The Anglo-American Allied United Nations; Hostilities Commencing w[ith] / USS [United States Ship] Panay & HMS [His Majesty’s Ship] Ladybird Incident[s]: [12 / 12] 1937―Cessation of Hostilities: [08 / 28] 1952 – 日本人 [“Nīpp-Hôn-Jīn,” or “Japanese People’s”] / Anglo-American Peace Treaty of San Francisco Effective as Recognized by The United Nations – of which both The United Kingdom and United States are Founding Member-States).
While Said Conflict has INDEED been Resolved (inasmuch as such an Apocalyptic Convergence of Events could / can EVER be Resolved [and ever Only To Extent]: The [한국]의 공화국 / Republic of [South] Korea & The 민주주의 인민 공화국 [북한]의 / Democratic People’s Republic of [North] Korea being locked head-to-head In State-of-War To This Day) through the United States’ Consignment of its own Republic to The Nīpp-Hôn-Jīn (“Japanese People[s]”)-American Peace Treaty of San Francisco In Terms Most Favourable to The 天子様 (“TENSHI-SAMA [‘SON OF HEAVEN’]”) on The Eighth Day of The Ninth Month (8th of September), AD MCMLI CÈ (1951; Effective: 082852 [August 28th, 1952]), the Visual Representation of the Propaganda Circus aboard the “Mighty Mo” would Paradigmatically Register as utterly Irrelevant to a 武士道精神 (“Bushi-Dôuist [‘Warrior Wayfarer’] Seishin / “Sămu-Raï [‘Servicemænly’] Spirit”) Servant of 昭和天皇 (“SHŌWA TEN’‘NÔ [literally ‘GOD-EMPEROR OF ENLIGHTENED PEACE / HARMONY’];” Hirohito’s Later Entitlement of Posthumous Apotheosis).
And while it would have been Historically Accurate, as well as entirely Apropos, to Script The Nīpp-Hôn-Jīn Scientific Research Retrieval Historianess Specializing in Suppressed WW―II Technologies (named “理恵 [‘RIE,’ literally ‘BLESSING of TRUTH / LOGIC’]”) – who has been Tasked by her own Government on Covert Assignment to Recover Underdeveloped Formulæ for Postmodern Medical-Industrial Application(s) – as briefly articulating unto the DNMKR Bushi-Dôu Seishin (“Army of The Greatest Japanese Emperor’s Serviceman”) 大日本帝國’s (“Daï Nīpp-Hôn Tei-Koku’s [The ‘Empire of Greater Japan’s’]”) Victory in 大きい太平洋の競合 (“Ōoki-i Taiheiyō-no-Kyōgō [The ‘Greater Pacific Conflict’];” 1937―1952 / 1953) as regards A-PTO (Asia-Pacific [in Disambiguation from CBI: China-Burma-India] Theatre-of-Operations) – even whilst explaining the Multinational Composition of her Party In Context of Said Victory (a stance which Recalcitrant American Reality Revisionists and Diehard Racist Reactionaries among The Viewership could easily digest by Interpreting such Fact[s] within their Referential Framework as a Patronizing Lie) – the simultaneous Actions of her / their Indonesian-Assigned Security Escort Minders as Presented In Context of The Plot would soon render all such Communication(s) irrelevant to The Situation at any rate …
Concurrent with The Second World War, a Covert Organization Known Only As きんのゆり (“Kin-no-Yuri [The ‘Golden Lily’]”) was Established to Organize The Looting of Gold Throughout The Orient – one of its Primary Objectives being Ultimate Transmutation of vast Quantities from such Subseqᵫntly Acquired Asset(s) into MAPM (Monatomic Aurum Potabile Monotonic) for Ingestion to Prolong Life. This was not the haphazard Looting of a rampaging Army – it was a highly Organized Military Medical-Industrial Effort – perpetrated on a massive scale.
Kin-no-Yuri (“Golden Lily”) Teams Systematically Emptied Treasuries, Banks, Factories, Private Residences, Temples, Churches, Mosques, Museums, Pawnshops and Art Galleries, as well as Stripping Ordinary People of what little they had, even as Daï Nīpphôn’s Top やくざ (“Yakuƶa [‘Sămuraï Mafia’]”) Gangsters Looted Asia’s Underworld and its Black Economy. The Inventory of Stolen Property is Reportedly Inclusive of Gems, Golden Buddhas, Private Numismatic (Coin) Collections and Assorted Precious Metals of immense Value. Not since The Españ (“Spaniards”) Conqᵫred Tawantinsuyu (The “Incka Empire”) in 1532 had The World seen such an aggressively thorough Looting Campaign to Transport Plunder safely and efficiently back to The Conqᵫrer’s Homeland in an uninterrupted river of Riches.
The Kin-no-Yuri had been Assembled Under Innovation of None Less Than DR 裕仁迪宮医者天皇陛下, ペーハーD, 海洋生物学 (“D[OCTO]R HIROHITO [lit ‘ABUNDANT BENEVOLENCE’] MICHI-NO-MIYA [‘ISHA’] TEN’‘NÔ HEIKA, Pēhā D [PhD], KAIYŌ SEIBUTSU-GAKU [‘GOD-EMPEROR DR MICHINOMIYA HIROHITO THE MAJESTIC,’ Philosophiæ Doctor, MARINE BIOLOGY];” b1901―d1989 [124th & Longest Reigning Emperor of 大和朝廷 [“Yamato Chōtei,” or The “Yamato Court”]; Ascended The 皇位 [“Kōi,” or “Chrysanthemum Throne”] on Christmas Day of Yuletide: [12 / 25] 1926―1989 [Reigning For Over Six Decades]; [The] Last Survivor of All World War II Heads-of-State and Longest Ruling Monarch in [The] Recorded History of The World, His Rulership In War Won The Peace which Established Daï-Nīpphôn-Teikoku as One of The Most Powerful Economies in The History of Humanity]; See Shōwa Ten’‘nô’s [‘God-Emperor of Enlightened Peace & Harmony’s’] Photo[graphic] Still & Micro-Bio[graphic] Origin[s] @ <historytoday.com/richard-cavendish/birth-emperor-hirohito>).
To Head The Kin-no-Yuri Enterprise’s Systemic Plunder of Asia, Dr Hirohito Michinomiya Ten’‘nô Heika, PhD, Kaiyō Seibutsu-Gaku (“God-Emperor Michinomiya Hirohito The Majestic, Doctor of Philosophy, Marine Biology”), Appointed None Other Than a Former Officer, 最初の近衛師団 (“Saisho-no-Konœ Shidan [‘Of The First Imperial Guards Division’]”) w / Frontal Combat Command Experience Against The Cоветский (“sƵoŵjetskij [‘Soviet’]”) War Machine in 滿洲國 (“Manƶchoshū-kokuguoia [lit The ‘Manchu State,’ or ‘Manchuria’]”): His Own Ænglish-Speaking Brother (of Native-Speaker Flᵫncy in The “King’s Ænglish [in disambiguation from The ‘President’s Ænglish’]”): 秩父宮雍仁親王主な一般的な, 大日本帝國陸軍 (“YASUHITO SHINNŌ CHICHIBU-NO-MIYA [‘ATSU’] OMO NA IPPAN TEKI NA, DAÏ-NĪPPHÔN-MIKADO KUNI RIKUGUN [‘PRINCELY MAJOR-GENERAL YASUHITO CHICHIBU, ARMY OF THE GREATEST JAPANESE EMPEROR’];” Supreme Order of [The] Chrysanthemum, Order of [The] Rising Sun, Order of [The] Sacred Treasure, GCVO [Grand Cross of The Royal Victorian Order] – Greater Britain, Order of The Seraphim [Sweden], b1902―d1953; Promoted to Major-Generalcy prior Official “Retirement” from [the] Conventional DNMKR [Daï-Nīpphôn-Mikado Kuni Rikugun; so-called in The West as “IJA,” or “Imperial Japanese Army”], ca June of 1940; upon which He is Propagandized via Publicly-A/E-ccessible Venᵫs [such as Wikipedia] to have Withdrawn from Public Life to Convalesce as a Tuberculetic in a Villa on 富士山 [“Mount Fujiyama-Sama”] through WW―II [a Cover Blown In Retrospect by His Acknowledged Repute for Postwar Pursuit of Personal Participation in Multiple Sporting Pastimes] – In Reality becoming Actively Involved from that point forward in Acquiring Buddhist Votive Gold from “Burma [now Myănmar],” British Gold from “Singapore [now Singapura],” Français [“French”] Gold from Sài-Gòn [currently “Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh,” or “Ho Chi Minh City” At Time of Data Entry], et c[etera]; Shipping such Plunder to The Pilipinás [“Philippines”] where He Supervised Slave Labour to Bury it at One Hundred and Seventy-Two [172] Sites. When the Americans Threatened The Filipino Archipelago, PMG [Princely Major-General] Yasuhito Chichibu Ordered Over-a-Dozen [12+] Nīpphônjīn Warships Scuttled [Sunk] w / Gold Cargoes in Green [Shallow] Waters and had their Crews Machinegunned to Prevent their Potential Capture and /or Disclosure of Said Sites. By August of 1945: PMG Yasuhito Chichibu had been Pseudonymously Redeployed to 大日本帝国朝鮮 [“Daï-Nīpphôn-Teikoku-Chōsen,” or The “Greater Imperial Japanese Peninsula of Korea;” also 일제강점기 – “Il Je Gang Jeom Gi” in The Korean: Annexed Dependency of Daï-Nīpphôn-Teikoku] Under False Persona to Evade Identification whilst Commanding Nuclear Detonative Generation of Today’s Korean DMZ [Demilitarized Zone] and Simultaneous Destruction of His Old Enemy’s [The Советы’, or “sƵoŵjety’” / “Soviets’”] Advance Into Daï-Nīpphôn-Teikoku. Like All Members of 家族のヤマト [“Kaƶoku-no-Yamato,” or The “Family Yamato” – The Imperial Dynasty of Japan], He was Exonerated From Criminal Prosecution[s] Before The Tōkiyō-to Tribunal by “The Emperor’s General”: Gai-Jīn Shō-Gûn Daogurasu· Āsā· Makkāsātura [‘Barbarian Generalissimo Douglas Arthur MacArthur’], who was Later Considered a Traitor to His Nation Bought by Golden Lilly Lucre and Relieved of His Command for just such Collaboration[s] w / The Enemy Court In Time of War; See Omo Na Ippan Teki Na Yasuhito-no-Miya’s Still Photo & Micro-Bio[graphy] @ <ww2incolor.com/japan/454px-Chichibunomiya_Yasuhito.html>).
The Original Hub of The Kin-no-Yuri Looting Network was The Philippine Island of Luƶon – its Strategic Location and Proximity to Daï Nīpphôn making it a natural and necessary Transshipment Point. Although Gold Deposits have been found in all parts of The Philippines, it is Luzon that was Referenced by ƵChuōngg-kHuóuá-Rén (“Chinese”) Traders in Le Troisième Siècle (“The Third Century”) as The “Isle of Gold.” The Cities of Manila and Olongapo are Located on The Island of Luzon. Gold Mines in The Philippines Yield Over Thirty Metric Tons per Year (30+ Tns / Yr) – Nearly The Same Amount as Before The Industry Collapsed Dᵫ to Ōoki-i Taiheiyō no Kyōgō (The “Greater Pacific Conflict [during World War II]”). Whatever The Going Value of Gold is This Day, it almost goes without saying that this amounts to an extraordinarily continuous flow of Gold.
With The Opening of The A-PTO (Asia-Pacific Theater of Operation[s]), Yamashita Shō-Gûn (“Generalissimo Yamashita”) Initiated an intensive Treasure(s) Sequestration Campaign. 一般的な 山下 奉文 (“Ippan-Teki-Na Yamashita Tomoyuki [‘General Tomoyuki Yamashita’]”) Personally Oversaw the Digging of massive Tunnels into The Mountains Outside Manila, some to Depths of Hundreds of Feet (100’s’), leading to the final “Storage Chambers.” Many of these Tunnels were Excavated just Below The Water Table during The Dry Season, which meant that they would eventually fill with water In Deterrence to any Future Salvageurs. As if that were not enough: Most – if not all – of The Tunnels were Booby-Trapped with One Thousand and Two Thousand Pounder (1000# & 2000#]) Bombs and Poisonous Gas(es).
Allied Prisoners were used to Dig the intricate Tunnel Systems and once The Gold was safely stashed in The Pits, The POWs were Executed and Buried along with The Treasures. In Rare Cases: Nīpphônjīn Officers even Authorized their own Soldiers Killed and Buried along with The Treasure(s) to Protect the Secret Locations.
Ippan-Teki-Na Yamashita Tomoyuki (“General Tomoyuki Yamashita”) also Oversaw the Blasting of Artificial Caves into Coral Reefs and Sank entire Shiploads of Valuables in The Seas around The Philippine Islands. When Allied Forces Landed on Luƶon in October of 1944 there was still much so Treasure remaining to be Buried that Ippan-Teki-Na Yamashita Tomoyuki Loaded the Remaining Loot on Trucks and took it with him as his Army Retreated-in-Order across The Island.
It is Legendarily Recounted that, as Ippan-teki-na Yamashita Retreated, he Divvied The Treasure into numerous smaller Stashes that were Hidden Along The Line-of-Retreat, the Bulk of Said Stashes being Concentrated in The Mountainous Region where Yamashita Committed to his Last Stand against the marauding Americans.
Popular Lore Relates One Hundred and Seventy-Two (172) Officially Documented Teikoku Nīpphôn (“Imperial Japanese”) Burial-Sites: One Hundred and Thirty-Eight (138) On Land and Thirty-Four (34) in Deliberately Scuttled Ships – not to mention Uncounted Instances of Loot Buried by Rogue Officers and Renegade Soldiers.
The Worth of all this Booty is Estimated as Three Billion United States Dollars (U$D3 000 000 000) at 1940 Rates: The Equivalent of Over One Hundred Billion United States Dollars (U$D100 000 000 000+) Today. By Postwar Estimates: The Gold Bullion Alone Totals Some Six Thousand Tons (6000 Tns).
Many of Those Who Knew the Locations of The Loot were Killed during that Final Battle or were Later Tried by The Allies for War Crimes and Executed. Refusing to Break Under Torturous Interrogation(s) and Submit a single Detail to his Captors, Ippantekina Yamashita himself was Executed for War Crimes on The 23rd of February in 1946 – Taking The Secret(s) of His Eponymous Treasure To The Grave: The Greatest Secret of All being his Successful Diversion of Allied Attention(s) from The Bulk of Bullion – which is not even in The Philippines …
This Year’s February Symposium of The American Association for The Advancement of Science Heralded The Fact that we are amid an Alchemical Revolution. The Modern Ænglish Term “Alchemy” derives from The ʿArábic كيمياء (“Ǣhl-Keīmiyāʾ [pronounced similarly to: ‘Leukemia’ and tansliterating as ‘The Art of Transformation’]”) – a term incorporative of a Spectrum of Knowledge of Chemical Properties and Practices From Ancient Days – but it has only been within The Past Three Decades that Articles about Alchemy have been Accepted into ISIS, one of The Leading Journals Devoted to The History of Science. Prior that a Prohibition on Alchemical Subjects had been in place. Only of Late are Historians Recognizing the pivotal rôle Alchemists have played in Productivity.
The Manufacturing of New Gold was of great concern to Monarchies as it would have severely Impacted the Valuation of Coinage. This is why Transmutation was Considered a Crime – and why Alchemists oft Resorted to Conduct of their Research(es) In Secret.
But Alchemists did something more important than Manufacture New Gold. They were instrumental in Development of many Technologies throughout Premodern Europe as Prototypical Industrial Researchers. WILLIAM NEWMAN of The University of Indiana has pointed out (rather turgidly) that Alchemists “… integrated a host of pursuits that can be loosely labeled ‘chemical technologies’ with an experimental practice that was linked to various theories about the nature and operations of minerals and metals.”
Newman References a host of Examples: Alchemists were Active in Assaying Metals, Refining Salts, Manufacturing Dyes and Pigments, Manufacturing Glass and Ceramics, Artificial Fertilizer(s), Perfume(s) and Cosmetics. An Alchemist’s’ Shop was oft The Place in Town where one would go for Medicine(s). Even in Today’s Europe one goes to “The Chemist’s” for Medicine – as opposed to a “Drugstore.”
Alchemists Perfected the Process of Distillation (in which a Mixed Substance is Boiled in such a manner as to Separate out a Singular Component by letting a Vapour Collect in a portion of the Apparatus where it can be Drawn off). Distillation is well known as the means of Producing Spirits like Whiskey but it was also used by Alchemists to make powerful Acids, which in turn were important for a variety of Industrial Purposes, such as for Separating Metals from their Ore(s).
The Career of Le Dix-Septième Siècle (“The Seventeenth Century”) Anglo-Gæilge (“ÉIrelish [‘Irish’]”) Natural Philosopher, Chemist, Physicist and Inventor ROBERT BOYLE (Fellow of The Royal Society, b1627―d1691) Personifies The Postmodern respect for Alchemy. Bobby Boyle has long been Acknowledged The First Major Modern Chemist – a figure whose Quantitative Laboratory Practice(s) rendered him The Propagated Antithesis of Alchemy. But XVIIe Siècle (“17th Century”)-Èræ Documents – Fully Interpreted for The First Time – betray Boyle an avid Practitioner of Alchemy. So too was One of The Most Influential Scientists of All Time: English (later British) Mathematician SIR ISSAC NEWTON (President of The Royal Society & Member of Parliament, b1642―d1727) – The Man most Cited as The Father of Modern Physics.
The Father of Toxicology: Deutsch-Schweiƶerischen (“German-Swiss”) Renaissance Occultist, Physician, Botanist, Alchemist and Astrologer SAINT PARACELSUS THE GREAT OF THE ECCLESIA GNOSTICA CATHOLICA (“GNOSTIC CATHOLIC CHURCH,” born AUREOLUS PHILIPPUS THEOPHRASTUS BOMBASTUS VON HOHENHEIM: 1493―d1541), Developed Hundreds (100’s) of Elixirs for Treating various Medical Conditions, Disorders and Illnesses – his most Famous being Aurum Potabile (“Potable [Digestible] Gold”).
Immortality Elixirs are more common in Eastern Alchemy than in Western Alchemy. In 中國古代 (“ƵChuōngg-kHuóuá Gǔ-Dài [‘Ancient China’]”), various 皇帝s (“Huáng-Dìs [‘Emperors’]”) Sought The Fabled Elixir Vitæ with varying Results. In Time of 秦王朝 (“Qín Wáng-Cháo [The ‘Qín Dynasty’]”): 第一個皇帝秦始皇 (“DÌ-YĪ WÈI HUÁNG-DÌ QÍN SHǏ-HUÁNG [‘THE FIRST EMPEROR QÍNSHǏHUÁNG’],” birthed AChN [Antechristum Natum; Latin: “Before Christóús was Born”]: 259―d210 ANCÈ [Avant Notre Commonal Èræ; French: “Before Our Common Era”]) Despatched 道家方士徐福 (“DÀO-JIĀ FĀNG-SHÌ XÚ-FÚ [‘TÀOIST ALCHEMIST XÚ FÚ’],” b.AChN 255—d200 ANCÈ) The Eastern Sea(s) with an Entourage of One-and-a-Half Thousand (1500) Young Men and One-and-a-Half Thousand (1500) Young Women to Utilize as a Human Experimental Pool in Efficacy-Testing on Isolation of The Elixir but – on Encountering The Realm of 和国 (“ʼWÂ-Kokuguoia [‘State of Harmonic Equilibrium’];” The Ancient Name for Daï Nīpphôn, The Nīpphônjīn of That Epoch being Renowned Throughout Far East-Asia as 和国人 [“ʼWÂ-Kokuguoians,” or “Embodiments of Inner Peace”] – He Never Returned; instead Settling to Establish The 神道 (“Shint’-Dôuist [‘Godly Wayfarer’]”) Diecracy (Government by Divinity) of God-Emperors as Incarnate Today through The 皇族 (“Kouƶoku [‘Imperial Family’]”) of Japan.
Circa AD MCMXLIV CÈ (c1944): In The Spirit of The サムライの戦士 (“Sămuraï-no-Senshi [‘Servicemænly Warriors’]”), DNMKR (“Daï-Nīpphôn-Mikado Kuni Rikugun [‘Army of The Greatest Japanese Emperor’]”) Units were Issued Small Quantities of Experimentally かみ (“Kami [‘Spirit’]”)-Blessed Body Armor that The 武道の精神 (“Budôū-no-Seishin [‘Martial Spirit’]”) of The Ancient Sămuraï Take Hold of The Bearer(s) and Overcome The Material Power(s) of Allied Forces whilst providing Protection that demonstrably Saved many Nīpphônjīn Soldiers who were only Injured instead of being Killed Outright.
Type(s) I, II and III Armor Combinations were Encountered by US Marines In Course of the brutality of Close-Quarters Combat and were Shipped back to The ‘States for thorough Examination on Removal from both The Living and The Dead Among The Nīpphônjīn.
Consultant in Surgery, Southwest Pacific Area, LIEUTENANT COLONEL (later COLONEL) I RIDGEWAY TRIMBLE, MC (MEDICAL CORPS), AUS(TRALIA), Then-Chief of (The) Surgical Service, (The) 118th General Hospital, Sydney, Australia (1942―1944) and Chief Consultant in Surgery, Army Forces Western Pacific and Army Forces Pacific (1944―1946 [Now Associate Professor of Surgery, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland and Civilian Consultant in Surgery to The Surgeon General]), became very interested in The Captured Body Armor and Pioneered an Allied Counterpart.
After a great deal of difficulty and Personal Disappointment(s), he was able to Secure a Copy of Nīpphônjīn Armor. Based on The Nīpphônjīn Design and his own Personal Observation(s) as to The Areas To Be Protected and The Most Commonly Encountered Wounds and Causative Agents, he Developed a Model for United States Ground-Trooper Armor.
This led to Four (4) Different US Body Armor Types of Protection. By Summer of 1945 Over Two Thousand and Two Hundred (2200+) Armored Vests and Aprons were Sent to The Pacific for Field Testing but Proactive Hostilities Terminated In Ceasefire When The Allies Sᵫd For Peace before any could be Utilized. Total Production of All Four Types of US Body Armor until September of 1945 Equaled Approximately Seventy-Eight Thousand (78 000) Units. Although they Missed Proactive South Pacific Operational Employment, The M12 Vest(s) w / T65 Apron(s) were Effectively Employed in The Postceasefire Korean Peninsular Conflict of The Second World War’s Asia-Pacific Theater of Operations.
All Dᵫ To American Capture and Copy of Nīpphônjīn “Sămuraïƶation” Armor In The Pacific.
We begin on a Band of Corsairs (Mʊŏƶlīm [“Muoslim”] Privateers) on a seemingly Deserted Island in The South Pacific, “Smokin’ & Jokin’ (not to mention Drinking, so we might be forgiven to assume them rather lax in matter[s] of Faith)” in an Indonesian Jungle. We witness the old “one man goes off to pass a penny” routine (or watch him meander w / intent to “take a leak” in the American Colloquial), which leads to him going into a Cavern (actually integral to The Eponymous Mine) and “falling” into a hole to his death.
Following Credits, we Open on a Squad of Soldiers, some Civilians in their midst, on the verdant and Volcanic Unauna Island (bastardized as “Una-Una” in The Ænglish), Gulf of Tomini, Sulawesi (Formerly “Celebes” Under The Dutch Colonial Rule) in midst of The Largest Archipelago on Our Planet (Indonesia). The Principles of The Party comprise a Corporate Geophysical Survey Expert and The Advisory Group he has Assembled: Young Master “WARREN PRICE (Referenced as ‘PRINCE’ behind his back [the alliterative LES LOVEDAY])” – a Monied American of Scientific Educational background Schooled in London-on-Thames, Ængland, who has Assembled This Mission for Reasons which Cannot be Fully Disclosed to Those Involved (the Members of The Group each have their own Reasons for Embarking on The Trip – ones that none of them are willing to immediately share), along with his Intimate Partner-in-Employment (Price’s Sino-Malay Girlfriend “蘇玲 [‘SOO-LÍNG’],” as Played by the exquisite CARMEN SŪ [who manages to look entirely Out of Place In Situ]) and her Nīpp-Hôn-Jīn (“Japanese”) Rival for his Affection(s): Scientific Historianess “理恵 (‘RIE [as Played by the athletic MIKI MIƵUNO]’)” – The Last of Whom is on a MITI (The Japanese Empire’s Ministry of International Trade & Industry)-Sponsored Mission to Explore Bunkered Military Reliquary of 大日本帝国陸軍 (“Daï-Nīpphôn Teikoku Rikugun [The ‘Army of Greater Japanese Imperium’]”).
The Above Expedition has been beqᵫathed a compact Retinᵫ of Soldiery by Indonesia’s Iƶlamicist Government to Mind Price & Company from Incidentally Exposing any ongoing State-Administered Genocidal Human Rights Violations of International Law without Said Government (In-Turn) having been Duly Informed of his Family’s Sub Rosa Aspirations to Claim the Bulk of The Lost Treasure of The Historic 山下将軍 (“YAMASHITA SHŌ-GÛN [‘GENERALISSIMO YAMASHITA’]”).
The Mission-in-Qᵫstion was Initiated because Several Months Prior a Corporate Team of Researchers stumbled across an DNTR (Daï-Nīpphôn Teikoku Rikugun [“Army of Greater Japanese Imperium”]) Bunker from The Second World War containing Documents supposedly leading to The 山下 (“Yamashita”) Hoard. It may be a Myth to The Mass(es), but Science Historianess “理恵 (‘RIE [MIKI MIƵUNO]’)” – an “Item” more desirable than The Sports Equipment of The Same Name (vying [with Ulterior Motive?] for Romantic Attention[s] of The Aforementioned Corporate Exec[utive]’s Son) – has Uncovered Evidence from WW―II to Suggest that The Golden Hoard (and whatever else it might be that her own Government has Assigned her to Retrieve) resides in an apparently Abandoned Mine on The Island.
Upon Location of a Cavernous Mine that was once Site of a Special Nīpphônjīn Bunker, “STANLEY (SAM HAƵELDINE),” a British Ex-Army Veteran-Turned-Contract Engineer Checks it out to see if The Mine is safe to Explore. His Survey is Interrupted by a shower of Gunfire from The Local Gang of Aforementioned Corsairs (It being insinuated that The Piratical Gangsters are Pursuant Identical Objective [Bullion]), which forces The Survey Group and their Military Minders to Retreat into The Mine for Cover where they soon become Trapped Underground inside a 帝国日本 (“Teikoku Nīpphôn [‘Imperial Japanese’]”) Military Complex of Tunneled Facilities dᵫ to a Barrage of Grenades that Collapses The Excavated Entrance.
Wounded, desperate and without preparation, The Geophysical Survey Expedition faces the terrifying reality that the only way out is to go further in – to push forward into The Darkness through The Dead Mine’s Tunnel System – to seek Alternative Egress. What they don’t know is that The Mine is not Abandoned, but far from it …
Herewith “Prince” Price Admits to his Assembly (and tangentially The Audience) the Motivational Rationalé behind their currently Compromised Mission-Status. The Soldiers might be expected to turn on “The Prince” right then and there, but it takes about Three more Lies for that to happen.
Once inside the bowels of The Bunker Proper we learn more about The Characters. There is good Diversity within The Group – contrasting The Setting, which is of an overall Military Khaki Theme and Yellowed-Drab by Design. STANLEY is a Former Soldier For King & Country who stopped his own Descent into The Dark Side. PRICE is a Yankee “Prick” who wants to Make a Name for himself by which to wean out from under his Father’s Shadow and “蘇玲 (‘SOO-LÍNG [CARMEN SŪ]’)” is his “bitchy” API (Asian-Pacific Islander)-“Helphand” who revels in her Power and Influence over an intrinsically insecure Caucasian Male (and she’s willing to manipulate both to stave off any developing interest[s] between Rie and her Rich White Boy).
Than too there is The Noble Squad-Leader of The Accompanying Four (4)-Man Fireteam of Indonesian Soldiers: “CAPTAIN TINO PRAWA (ARIO BAYU: This Persona was particularly appreciated in Underground Screenings throughout The Greater San Francisco Bay Area [Ario Bayu concurrently Played in that Year’s Release of ‘JAVA HEAT’ w / MICKEY ROARKE as well and we thought he Delivered a sensitive Performance as a Gay? ‘Straight-Cop’ Partnered to Roarke’s own Burnout ‘Bad-Cop’ Character]),” a “Sensitive Male” who can yet withstand a barrage of Injuries.
Finally we have “ARIO ‘RICHARD’ NANDO (MIKE LEWIS)”: The Soldier who did Sustain Injuries that will Slow them Down, as well as “SERGEANT PAPA ULAR (translit[eration as] SGT PAPA ‘SNAKE [YANDA DJAITOV TIGOR]’ – ‘SNAKE-DADDY’ being The Actor’s own “Stage Name,” Reputedly Earned through lit[eral] Exposure via Indonesia’s Domestic Pornographic Cinema Industry)”: The Strongman with a Buzz-Cut and phallic moniker who smirks a lot and DJOKO (JOHANNES “JŒ” TASLIM [more on Jœ Taslim Further Below]). It is undeniably a collection of Clichés, but it all works, and they keep us interested enough to discover what’s really happened in these Not-so-Abandoned Mines.
Reconnoitering Efforts lead to some astonishing Findings – and the quickening realization that they are not alone and face a desperate struggle to Escape or Fight To The Death … It turns out The Bunker is a Chemical and Biological Weapons Research Facility where The Nīpphônjīn used POW’s as Experimental Material(s). Worse Yet: The Occupants are apparently still there as Monsters and Do Not Abide Their Presence. The Price Party’s Involuntary Treasure Quest turns into a Mission of Life and Death. Escape is No Longer an Option – The Team of Eight (8) must face a Mysterious and Deadly Enemy that leaves only Two Choices: Kill or Be Killed.
At The Bottom of it All: An Experience of Horror involving a 帝国日本 (“Teikoku Nīpphôn [‘Imperial Japanese’]”) Biological Warfare Unit. What they find instead of The Legendary Golden Hoard is a twisted Science Experiment gone horribly Active, which Unleashes Transmutated 武道の戦士 (“Budôū-no-Senshi [‘Martial-Arts Warriors’]”) against the unsuspecting Trespassers. The Mine was actually Basing a 極内 (“Maru Hi [‘Top Secret’]”) MRU (Medical Research Unit) where they Experimented on POW’s. Price believes this a Smokescreen to keep people away from a bushel of Gold. In The End both turn out to be true, as Prince Price and Company Encounter a Detachment of Transmutated Sămuraï – All “Locked & Loaded” In WWII-Mode. The Heni-Tai (“Mutants”) are Classically Æsthetic, and it’s imposing to witness an Alchemically Bronƶed Horde of Sămuraï metronomically treading their way after this Doomed Crew of Scientists, Salvageurs, Soldiers and Spies.
ジェームズ ・克之 “ジミー T” 妙中 (“JAMES KATSUYUKI ‘JIMMY T’ TÆNAKA;” 日系アメリカ人 [‘Nikkei-Amerika-Jīn,’ lit ‘Japanese-Descended American Person’], born in California [1964―]; U[nited] S[tates] National & Singapore[an] Resident; 2002 Asian Television Awards Nominee for Best Actor in a Drama Series as: “中尉木下健治 [‘LIEUTENANT KINOSHITA KENJI’]” in “战争日记 [‘ƵHÀN-ƵHĒNG RÌ-JÌ,’ or ‘A WAR DIARY’: A Singapore English Television Series Produced by Dream Forest Productions circa MMI / 2001; Aired via MediaCorp TV Channel 5; Twenty Episodes Running at Sixty Minutes Each when Inclusive of Commercials as Released throughout 2001 – The Series itself being Nominated for Four Asian Television Awards Come 2002 – Including Best Drama Series],” a Nīpphônjīn Occupation Story Set in 1942―1945 Singapore, as Experienced by an Overseas SEA [South-East Asian] 华人 [“kHóuá-Rén,” or “Ethnic Chinese Peoples”] Family) as The Character Codenamed “隆一 (‘RYŪ-ICHI,’ The ‘RYUU’ transliterating as ‘FLOW,’ in Martial-Art-Related Context[s]: ‘Style, Form, Way, Manner,’ combining with The ‘ICHI,’ or ‘One’ to comprise The Codename ‘RYŪICHI,’ denoting ‘FIRST IN FORM,’ a ‘MASTER IN MANNER’ or ‘PRIMARY MOVER / MOTIVATOR;’ the Occult[ed] Connotation of RYOO meaning ‘DRAGON’, which in conjunction w / ‘ICHI’ denotes ‘FIRST [AMONG] DRAGON[S],’ or ‘PENDRAGON’ in The Ænglish).”
NOTE: Scan “ƵHÀNƵHĒNG RÌJÌ” / “WAR DIARY” @ <dreamforest.com/dfproductions/drama_war.html> (+ confer <google.com/search?q=A+War+Diary+Tan+Kheng+Hua+,+Tay+Peng+Hui+,+Jimmy+Taenaka+,+Winston+Chao&sxsrf=ALeKk02h-iocECPyEZ-dg2UrYZDOm7S-2w:1590239507140&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=rLnVGbsK2DsbkM%253A%252CtVs8_GLdvZpX4M%252C%252Fm%252F03c02pf&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kQmbTpiX3UAUQopYfHRVSJIgjOm9Q&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiB37jnh8rpAhXXjp4KHZPlDrgQ_B16BAgREA8&biw=1536&bih=750#imgrc=rLnVGbsK2DsbkM:>) PRIOR to Reviewing “HAIKŌ” / “DEADMINE,” the better to appreciate The Character and Original Physical Appearance of Lt Kenji “Ryūichi” Kinoshita prior his Alchemical Transmogrification.
with actual 変異体 (“Henitai [‘Mutants’]”) such as AFWAN (pronounced “Aff One [nom ‘Peace & Mercy be upon you’ in The Classical ʿArábic],” contemporarily transliterating as “Oops [‘Excuse Me’]” – Indicative, perhaps, of a lack of Parental foresight) & ANDRÉ (nom “Poseur” in The Postmodern Urban Vernacular [exempli gratia: ‘That dude’s a real André – always fabricating something to elevate himself’) among THE ALCHEMICALLY TRANSMOGRIFIED 近衛兵 (“KONOE HEI [‘IMPERIAL GUARD’]”)
as well as Native Indoasian RUSTAM EFFENDI (visit <facebook.com/rueffendi/about>; whatever his Child-Bride may see in him is open to conjecture but she appears as happy enough an individual) among THE ALCHEMICALLY TRANSMOGRIFIED AUSTRALASIAN POW’s (PRISONER[S] OF WAR) – Created by 大日本 (“Daï Nīpp-hôn [‘Greater Japan’]”) for Utilization by its Imperial Supertroops to Counter and Supersede Allied K-9 Units during World War II – as a CAPTURED ALLIED NATIVE COLLABORATOR;
COLLATERALLY: “HAIKŌ (‘DEADMINE’)” Delivers a Play on The Origin of Daï Nīpp-hôn Tei-Koku’s Current Cycle of Encounters with 口裂け女 (“Kuchisake Onna [The ‘Slit-Mouth Woman’],” see <youtu.be/gKCLasb28i0>);
水野美紀 (“MIƵUNO MIKI [‘MIKI MIƵUNO;’ Publicity Still @ <japantoday.com/category/entertainment/blacklisted-miki-mizuno-dropped-from-bayside-shakedown>];” Nīpphônjīn National [b1974―]) as “理恵 (‘RIE;’ lit ‘TRUE / LOGICAL BLESSING’), THE NĪPPHÔNJĪN (‘JAPANESE’) WW―II (WORLD WAR TWO) SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH RETRIEVAL HISTORIANESS;” Tasked in The Film by her own Government on Covert Assignment to Recover Underdeveloped Formulæ for Postmodern Medical-Industrial Application(s) back in her Native Daï Nīpp-hôn (“Greater Japan”) Under Cover of a Corporate-Sponsored Mission to Explore Bunkered Military Relics of The DNMKR (“Daï-Nīpphôn-Mikado Kuni Rikugun [‘Army of The Greatest Japanese Emperor’]”).
NOTE: Miƶuno Miki (“Miki Miƶuno”) has Mistressfully Portrayed Kuchisake Onna (The “Slit-Mouth Woman”) In Documentary Rendition of a Recurring Nīpphônjīn Cycle of Child-Slayings Attributed to Ever-New Incarnation(s) of a USP (Urban Sighting Phenomenon): WARNING: This Video RATED V (Mildly Violent or Disturbing] – Contains Scenes that Some Viewers may find Distressing, Viewer Discretion is Advised [IMPORTANT: Click The “CC,” or “Closed Captioning” Option to Block The Hardcoded Pôrtugûes Subtitling; oft Incorporated into Japonoæísque-Media because many Modern Nīpphônjīn Terms are of Pôrtugûes Origin from Au XVIe Siècle – The Sixteenth Century – Daï Nīpphôn’s, or “Greater Japan’s,” First Contact w / The West being via The Pôrtugûes – ca AD MDXLII CÈ – Pôrtugûes being The First Europeans to Reach Daï Nīpphôn and The First to ever Establish Contact with The Nīpphônjīn as well as The First to Establish Direct Trade between Daï Nīpphôn and Europe; The Pôrtugûes Maintaining Exclusive Trade Partnership w / Daï Nīpphôn through Nigh-a-Century: Ca 1542 Thereafter] @ <youtu.be/HwV_YhcmJ28>);
秀卡门 (“XIÙ KǍ-MÉN [‘CARMEN SŪ;’ Surname lit ‘Handsomely Refined’],” born 蘇慧敏 [“XIÙ HUÌ-MǏN,” or “SŪ WAI MING;” First Name lit “Quick-Minded,” or “Nimbly Intelligent”]; Malaysian National of SEA [Southeast Asian] 华人 (“kHuóuá-Rén [‘Ethnic Chinese Peoples’]”) Overseas Minority Status [b1977―]) as “蘇玲 (‘SOO-LÍNG’), THE CORPORATE PUBLIC RELATIONS MODEL & PERSONAL ASSISTANT TO THE CORPORATE HEIR-APPARENT (see Stills from Xiù Huìmǐn Kămén’s Professional Portfolio @ <google.com/search?q=images+of+carmen+soo&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=9sSJUtK4CYqgiALf9oHgAw&ved=0CCkQsAQ&biw=1440&bih=802>);”
ARIO BAYU (Indonesian National [b1985―]; Homosexual [?]: Ario Bayu’s Alleged / Expressed [?] Sexual Orientation being relevant as a Point of Contention – and Possible Personal Danger – in his own Culturally Reactionary Homeland [see <en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Indonesia>]) as “CAPTAIN TINO PRAWA, FIRETEAM (FOUR [4]-MAN SQUAD) LEADER (ref[erence] Recent Collaboration w / American Actor, Screenwriter & Retired Boxer PHILIP ANDRÉ ‘MICKEY’ ROURKE, J[UNIO]R [b1952―], @ <thejakartaglobe.com/features/ario-bayu-brings-the-java-heat-to-screen>): THE ‘FACE’ of THE FIRETEAM;”
GAY(?) “CAPT TINO’s” KOSTRAD (Komando Cadangan Strategis Angkatan Darat [“Army Strategic Reserve Command”])-LIAISED SECURITY-ESCORT SQUAD Comprising YANDA DJAITOV TIGOR as “SERGEANT PAPA ULAR (lit ‘SGT PAPA SNAKE,’ Hung w / his Nom through his Original Career in Adult Entertainment)”: THE “MUSCLE” of THE FIRETEAM,
w / 柔道 (“JŪ-DŌ [‘GENTLE WAY’]”) ATHLETE JOHANNES “JOE” TASLIM (Indonesian National [b1981―]; his First Name Sourcing from The Dutch Colonial Heritage), Most Recently of “FAST & FURIOUS 6 (MMXIII [2013] w / American Actor, Producer, Director & Screenwriter VIN DIESEL [b1967―])” and Most Iconically of “SERBUAN MAUT (‘THE RAID: REDEMPTION [MMXI / 2011];’ see <mubi.com/films/the-raid-redemption>),” as “DJOKO”: THE “MOVES” of THE FIRETEAM
The Above KOSTRAD-Fireteam being Liaised on Indonesian Federal Assignment to:
& SAM HAƵELDINE (British National [b1972―]) as UNROYAL BRITISH ARMY VETERAN “STANLEY,” THE CONTRACT COMBAT ENGINEER (NOTE[S]: Currently: A British “Royal Army” Does Not Exist. The Royal Navy are The Senior Service as they were The First to Receive Royal Recognition as an Armed Service of The Crown, whereas The Royal Air Force were formed by Royal Charter, ca AD MCMXVIII CÈ [1918]. The British Army is Historically a Coalition of Militia[s] Levied at Behest of The Monarchy. Some Regiments Enjoy Royal Patronage – others, such as The Int[elligence] Corps, do not. When The Monarch Wished to Raise an Army he would do so by Endowing a Stipend to a Local Nobleman to Raise a Regiment. The Nobleman would be The Colonel of The Regiment [hence that Tradition of The Senior Officer Commanding The Regiment or Division – or Member of The Royal Family – being “The Colonel” of The Regiment] and would Determine its Uniform, as well as Promote its NCOs [Noncommissioned Officers] and Select its Officers from The Sons of Other Notable Families within the region. On Raising a Regiment an Oath of Allegiænce be sworn and a Toast drunk. The Regimental Army are thus[ly] considered “Loyal” but not “Royal.” As The Regimental System is Maintained To This Day, there be no Royal Army but rather a British Army Loyal To The Crown.);
In Precaution against INDOASIATIC PIRATES – among whom are Employed actual Indogangsters such as CHIEF JUMINO;
Acting Extra among The Corsairs as well is Technical Advisor USE BADHU (Collateral Consultant [as like unto my own Rôle regards “HAIKŌ” / “DEADMINE”] for Armoury Mockup in “THE GREAT RAID [MMV / 2005],” a Theatrically Released WW―II Dramatization of the most successful American MIA [Missing In Action] Rescᵫ in US Military History – wherein US Army Rangers and Filipino Gᵫrrillas Liberated over Half-a-Thousand [500+] American Prisoners from a Nīpphônjīn POW Camp at Cabanatuan in The Philippines
NOTE(S): SCROLL DOWN to – The Authenticated Nīpphônjīn WW―II-Èræ Arsenal which M(iste)r Use Badhu Unacknowledgedly Advised on at THE BOTTOM of THE IMFDB (INTERNET MOVIE FIREARMS DATABASE) PAGE Linked Here: “GREAT RAID, THE” – GUNS IN MOVIES, TV AND VIDEO GAMES @ <imfdb.org/wiki/Great_Raid,_The>.
THE HISTORICAL 日本人 (“NĪPPHÔNJĪN [‘JAPANESE’]”) ANTHEM – As Integrated into The Tripwire-Alert System of The “HAIKŌ (‘DEAD MINE’)” Set & Soundtrack by Postmodern Composer:庄KEN (“ƵHUĀNG-KEN [KEN ‘CHONG’]”):
大和魂 (“Yamato-Damashii [‘Japanese Spirit’]”):
Alluded To In-Passing Amid The “HAIKŌ” Dialogᵫ is The Exceptionally Underrated Western Fantasy and Pioneering Effort in Cinematography: “THE VALLEY OF GWANGI (released ca AD MCMLXIX CÈ [c1969]; see RAY HARRYHAUSEN’s Full-Length Documentary: ‘RETURN TO VALLEY GWANGI’ @ <youtube.com/watch?v=7l6MhxYq4OM> – The Very Year Masonauts Defiled Séléne [‘Walked The Moon’] – Prompting SERGEANT MELVIN E BROWN, US ARMY, RET[ired], to Speak To The Roswell Incident of AD MCMXLVII CÈ [c1947] as Said Atrocity’s First Open Witness, an Admission itself Provocative of Recall From Deployment In-Theater: Rep[ublic of] Việt-Nám [III Corps Tactical Zone] of THEN-LIEUTENANT MICHÆL ANGELO AQUINO, Specialist 37F, US ARMY, Now “RET [b1946―],” for Domestic Reassignment: Homefront USA, regards Initiation of PSYOPs [Psychological Operations] against The Taxpaying Electorate per Obfuscation of American War Crimes Against Enemy Alien Asian-Pacific POW’s on The CONUS [Continental United States] by Inception of The Roswell Myth via Collaboration of that Community’s Elder Hierarchy [for a very Brief Overview of the literally Satanic Subcultural Context in which The Above Campaign was Instigated, see <www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/satanic_subversion.htm>]).”
~ 林 一平 (“Lin Yī-Píng [Douglas Duane Dietrich]”)
Very interesting movie, wonder what you think about ‘Blood Island film, chimp Island where two AmeriKKKans were experimenting with chimps during the civil war in Liberia, and they had cannibal soldiers, one called general ‘Butt Naked’. Or a documentary called ‘Nazinsky : Stalin’s Cannibal Island [Geopolitics], and “Porton Down’ Britain’s secret nerve gas lab, I am curious because the Chimp Island is recent and reminds me of Stalin and how they used apes to breed with humans, wonder what they were up to, they are always up to secret sinister acts, wonder what mad science awaits us, maybe you can comment on a transmission if you can, thanks.