The Nonstop Prosecutive War of RA-VAW (RApe and Violence Against Women) as Extant on This Planet In General State-‘o’-Hostilities (and w / in This Dementedly Aberrant Republic as Mobilized In Gynocidal Totality) is quite Intentionally Never Presented by American Mass-Media to its Taxpaying Electorate as a either a Civil Rights or Human Rights Issue, let alone a Global Crisis – Nor Even as a Pattern.

The Lives ‘o’ Ô’‘ēr Half The Human Race art Dogged By, Drained By and Ofttimes Ended By Pervasive Varieties-‘o’-Violence. Think on How Much More Time and Energy We As A Species Would Have To Focus On Things Creative If But Half-‘O’-Us Were Liberated From Surviving Terrorism As A Way-‘o’-Life.

This post is dedicated to The Late-and-Sainted Matriarch ‘o’ DOUGLAS DIETRICH’s Decedent Family : THE GRAND MA DAME DIANNA 林蘇錦 (“LÍN SŪJĬN;” “BRIGHT-WOODS,” or “FOREST-‘O’-BROCADE”) / 高林秀子 (“TAKABAYASHI HIDEKO;” “SPLENDID CHILD”) DIETRICH – WHO GRACED OUR WORLD By HER DIVINE PRESENCE CIRCA ANNŌ DOMINĪ XII.V.MCMXXIII (The Fifth Dies, or “Day” ‘o’ The Twelfth Mēnsis, or“Month” In The Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-Third Annus, or “Year” ‘o’ Our Lord, Commonal Èræ), LEAVING US AMID THIS VALE-‘O’-TEARS CIRCA ANNŌ DOMINĪ III.XIX.MMXI (The Nineteenth Dies ‘o’ The Third Mēnsis In The Twa Thousand and Eleventh Annus ‘o’ Our Lord, Commonal Èræ); MURDERED (FORE’‘ER SHINEST HER BLESSED NAME …) …. DIANNA SŪJĬN-LÍN DIETRICH (TAKABAYASHI HIDEKO) was an International Diplomatic-Level Interpreter Transitionally Privileged Personal Liaison to Adolf Hitler. She was instrumental in the contemporary Fielded Ceasefires between Imperial Japan and Nationalist China, helping Hitler to Ally with both ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuá (“China”) and Daï-Nīpphôn (“Greater Japan”), instead ‘o’ taking sides with one ’gainst the other. DIANNA SŪJĬN-LÍN DIETRICH (TAKABAYASHI HIDEKO) helped shape the course of human history for the better during her professional careers, as a loving mother, and beyond. Her legacy lives on as an inspiration and role model for female empowerment.

THE USA IS A “PŒNAL KOULTOÚRA (‘Penal [Prison] Culture’ – and while not at’‘tall intended as a phallic reference, said term most certainly serves functional Innuendo ‘o’ such [see Later Sections Below])” PRODUCTIVE ‘O’ A FEMALE-TARGETED RAPE UNDER LESS THAN EVERY PASSING SPAN ‘O’ FOURTEEN-And-A-HALF SECONDS ‘O’ E’‘ERY CLOCKING MINUTE (sic [see Below]) AND WELL Ô’‘ĒR A THOUSAND LIVING, BREATHING, BRUISED And BLEEDING FEMALE BODIES SUNDERED INTO LIFELESS CADAVERS By THEIR DEMONSTRABLY MANIACAL “MASCULINE” INTIMATES EACH AND E’‘ERY YEAR ( ’‘ [“Ditto” / “As Above”]).







By-Way-‘o’-Introduction :


For it be Here in This Deïndustrialized Fourth-World Cesspit ‘o’ a Corrupt Constitutional Republic deemed Our United States that therebe a REPORTED FTR (Female-Targeted Rape) E’‘ery Seventy-Twa Seconds (72 Seconds = 6.2 Minutes [FIFTY FEMALE-TARGETED RAPES AN HOUR E’‘ERY SINGLE HOUR AS REPORTED = TWELVE HUNDRED REPORTED FTR’s E’‘ERY SINGLE DAY ‘O’ E’‘ERY SINGLE YEAR, YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR …]).

It Is OFFICIALLY ACKNOWLEDGED That One-In-Five (1 : 5 = 20%) American Women Will Be Raped In Their Lifetime – a Body ‘o’ Gynomerican Victims Equal to That of THE ENTIRE AFRIKAN-AMERICAN POPULATION ‘O’ THESE UNITED STATES.


Specifically : The Propagandized Democracy ‘o’ These Contradeveloped United States (a Democracy in which Ô’‘ēr Half [52+%] ‘o’ The Baseline Taxpaying Population [The Female Half] is, quite literally, Unaccounted For [sic, just keep reading]) Abides an ANNUAL REPORTAGE ‘o’ Rapes Totaling Well Ô’‘ĒR EIGHTY-SEVEN THOUSAND (87 000+ [per] / Annum) – Yet Each and E’‘ery Single One ‘o’ These Sexual Assaults is Conspiratorially (id est, KNOWINGLY and INTENTIONALLY) Dismissed as an Isolated Incident.

The dots draw so close they splatters-melt into a Stain On All Humanity – Yet None Other Than I Dare Connect them – or Dare Name The Composition ‘o’ The (Sub [?]-)Human Stain (so-called “Men [Who But Be Beasts By Another Name]”).

While a Rape is Reported “Only” E’‘ery Seventy-Twa Seconds In This Failed Misogynist Republic, Factoring-In UFTSA’s (Unreported Female-Targeted Sexual Assaults) QUINTUPLES The Calculated Total to a number Five Times (5X) as High = a FEMALE-TARGETED RAPE OCCURS UNDER E’‘ERY FOURTEEN-AND-A-HALF SECONDS (14.4 Seconds) That Ticks ‘Round-The-Clock In These United States :

Resulting In NIGH TWENTY-TWA HUNDRED THOUSAND (Two Million, Twa Hundred Thousand [2 200 000]) FEMALE RAPE-VICTIMS E’‘ERY SINGLE YEAR – YEAR AFTER YEAR – Rendering Traumatized Sex-Negative Women These United States-‘o’-America’s Outstanding (almost Singular) National Product via The Output ‘o’ TENS-‘O’-MILLIONS ‘o’ UFARV’s (Unacknowledged Female-American Rape-Victims [and American Men Wonder Why It’s Hard To Get a Date …] …) …

This : While Rapists Who Impregnate Their Victims Have Parental Rights In Thirty-One (31) ‘o’ These Satanic United States – a Fact All-The-More Disturbing When One Realizes Eleven Percent (11%) ‘o’ All Rapes are Committed By Either Biological Fathers or Stepfathers.



That Amounts To NINETY-SIX HUNDRED FTB’s (Female-Targeted Batterings) A DAY (Nine Thousand, Six Hundred FTB’s Daily [9600 / 24 Hours]).

‘O’ Ô’‘ĒR THREE-And-A-HALF MILLION (Three Million, Five Hundred and Four Thousand [3 504 000]) AMERICAN WOMEN SO-INJURED ANNUALLY; Ô’‘ĒR ONE-And-A-HALF MILLION (Ô’‘ēr One Million, Five Hundred Thousand [1 500 000+]) ‘O’ THOSE INJURIES REQUIRE IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY MEDICAL RESPONSE.

Indeed : SO MANY MALE-AMERICANS GO SO FAR AS TO MURDER THEIR “FIP’s (Female-Intimate Partners)” AND “FI-FEMP’s (Formerly-Intimate FEMale Partners)” THAT OUR ALL-PERVASIVE PRISON-RAPE CULTURE ACCOUNTS FOR WELL Ô’‘ĒR ONE THOUSAND HOMICIDES W / in SAID CATEGORIZATION ALONE A YEAR (1000+ / Annum) = E’‘ERY THREE YEARS (3 Yrs) THE FIP-FAT (Female-Intimate Partner FATality) TOLL FAR EXCEEDS NINE-ELEVEN’s (9 / 11’s) OFFICIALLY-ACKNOWLEDGED FATALITIES (between Twa Thousand, Seven Hundred and Fifty-Two through Three Thousand [2752—3000] Federal / Foreign Terror Victims [it being Federally Admitted that The Controlled Twin Towers Demolition Kill-Ratio Attains The Later Number [3K] By Addition ‘o’ Another Two Hundred and Fifty Dead, Approximated, when Factoring-In Decedent On-Site Illegal Immigrant Employéés, In-Area Homeless Deaths, et cetera]).

Yet No-One Dares Declare a War On Domestic Terror; though the mountain-chain ‘o’ WELL Ô’‘ĒR THIRTEEN THOUSAND (13 000+) GYNḖCOLOGICAL CADAVERS From DVH’s (Domestic-Violence Homicides) as churned out through America’s Most “Productive” Cottage Industry (Homespun Gynocide) SINCE 9 / 11 Exceeds The Number ‘o’ Both The Officially-Total(ed) Deaths ‘o’ Victims On That Trᵫ Day-‘o’-Infamy In-Combination w / The Number-‘o’-Deaths ‘o’ All American Soldiers Killed In The Ô’‘ērseas “War On Terror” E’‘er Since – Exposing it Far More Dangerous (and Potentially Fatal) to be an American Woman Residing “At Home” than to be an American Serviceperson Deployed Ô’‘ērseas In-Combat …


¿ Who Then Art The Terrorists American Women Need Fear Most At Home ? American Men.

¿ Still In Denial ? Ask a NAI (Native American-Indian)-Woman ‘o’ The Original Peoples’ Nations that Once Spanned This Continent. Statistically One-of-Three (1 : 3 [33%]) FIP’s (Female Indigenous Persons [NAI-Women, in-disambiguation from NONA-FIP’s, or Nonnative Female Indigenous Partners]) Will Be Raped – and On The Reservation(s) Eighty-Eight Percent (88%) ‘o’ Those Rapes are by Nonnative Men Who Knowest Tribal Governments Cannot Prosecute Them (as US Citizens they enjoy Diplomatic Immunity from Aboriginal Prosecution on This Darkest-‘o’-Continents [Benighted North America]).


The Book “VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND CHILDREN : A CHRISTIAN THEOLOGICAL SOURCEBOOK (pub[lished] 1998),” as Edited by CAROL J ADAMS & MARIE M FORTUNE contains a seminal (to employ an à propos crassitude by way-‘o’-punnery) Contributed Work : “CHRISTIAN CONQUEST AND THE SEXUAL COLONIZATION OF NATIVE WOMEN (pub 1996),” by an Emerging Leader in Progressive Political Circles, the Intellectual Feminist and Antiviolence Activist ANDREA LEE “ANDY” SMITH (CHEROKEE), a Recognized Native American Scholar and Cofounder ‘o’ INCITE! Women-‘o’-Colour Against Violence, the largest Grassroots Multiracial Feminist Organization in The Country.

Said Article should help one understand how Various Indigenous Nations ‘o’ Native Americans used to React to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Antecedent Colonization, and how that has Changed. Though different Nations had different Valᵫs, many were similar. Women were regarded with Respect and Honour, because they Insured Continuation ‘o’ The Nation and taught The People Valᵫs essential for Racial Survival. Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault were Uncommon, and when it occurred Methods to Restore Balance ranged from an Exchange-‘o’-Goods to Banishment or Death ‘o’ The Culprit. The Sitka Nation (Western North American, Coastal) tied a Perpetrator to Stakes at Low Tide and Justice was left to “Greater Powers;” if The Perpetrator Survived, then he Survived; if he did not … Who Cares The Fate a Breaker-‘o’-Vessels Bearing a Peoples’ Future?

F__k The US Government – it is The Imorally Supportive American People Who Must Ultimately Apologize for Historically Upholding Said Criminal Régime … and Just Look At How They (quite Literally) Eat Their Own …


One Observation that demands our attention is The Rise In Gynophagy (Sexualized Male Cannibalism ‘o’ The Female Half ‘o’ The Human Species).

Self-Proclaimed Participants in such questionable Epicure seriously Arguest that The Female “Animal” is Not ‘o’ The Same Species as The Male “Human” at’‘tall (but rather a Lower-Mammalian Vessel to Carry and Deliver The Human Seedline-‘o’-MAN-Kind [the terms “Man” and “Kind” being Oxymoronic on the face-‘o’-it as Evidenced by this very Column]) and therefore Advocate for Redefinition ‘o’ The Term “Human” as Evidently Separate from the word “Woman.”


“Bus Rapes” – once considered a “Foreign Affair” – have long been “All The Rage” in Our United States – Specifically Targeting “Retard-Hœs,” to Employ The Postmodern Urban Colloquial. Just plucking Random Incidents From Memory where I myself be Stranded in 大旧金山三藩市 (“Dà-Jiùjīnshān-Sānfānshì [The ʻGreater Hedge-Fenced City On The Three-Peaked Mountain ‘o’ Aulden Gold;’ exonymous throughout The Sinosphere for ʻSan Francisco’ by way ‘o’ The Gold Rush : 1848—1855]”) Metroplex Region : There Occurred The Abduction ‘o’ an Autistic Sixteen-Years-Young Girl Aboard The Regional BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit; Cest 9 / 11 [September 11th], 1972—) Train System as it Traversed The Heart ‘o’ Darkest Oakland, California (she was Raped Repeatedly by her Abductor Ô’‘ēr Forty-Eight Hours (Twa Days) In The Winter-‘o’-2012 – Kept Captive on The Train and Sexually Assaulted In Public for All-To-See; BART Police Passing the salacious Scene By as leering Voyeurs Assured them her Assailant was a “Loving Father Administering Physical Therapy To His Seizure-Suffering Daughter” – and I would Lay my Soul in Wager on The Altar there was a Digital-Load ‘o’ Cellphone Camera-Action Recording Every Moment ‘o’ her Pains for Later Leisuretime Review whilst Masturbating …

Circuiting Southward w / in mine Resident-State-‘o’-California I reluctantly Recall The Rape ‘o’ a Developmentally-Disabled Woman on a City ‘o’ Los Ángeles Bus During The Month-‘o’-November Some Seven Years Agone.

And there was a Gang-Rape ‘o’ Multiple Women (Tourists [?]) on a Bus Transiting from Los Ángeles into México City The Holiday Season-‘o’-2012 as well. I Have E’‘ery Confidence that I could Assail The Reader w / Far More Immediate Cases were I but morbid enough to Seek.

And we could Speakest-at-length to the Universally Passive Encouragement ‘o’ “Campus Rapes (High School SEX-ASS’s and CAR’s [College-Athlete Rapes]),” which University Authorities have proven Notably Disinterested in Responding To in All-Too-Many Cases (indeed many a Proud Father has Privately Expressed an “ ‘Atta-Boy” Pride in his Son’s Aggressive Self-Assertion[s] and Insertion[s] – doubtless Relieved The Seedbearer ‘o’ his Bloodline isn’t so Gay after all …) – Inclusive ‘o’ that High School in Steubenville, Notre Dame University, Amherst College and oh-so-many Others.

Indeed Gang-Rapes are always Everywhere In The News (one simply need but Scan). Yet No-one aside myself  Dare(s) Add Them Up To Indicate Therebe an Undeniable Pattern – an All-Pervasive Pattern ‘o’ Co-VAW (Co-Ördinated Violence Against Women) – a Pattern Broad and Deep and Horrific and Conspiratorially Ignored : The Perpetual Horrorization ‘o’ America’s Feminine Sex.


If We Were To Speak To such “Crimes Against ‘Womanity’,” as Manifest By Way ‘o’ All The Above and Why Commitment ‘o’ Such Horroristic Acts be so Endemic – We could Commence by Speaking To The Fact That American Men Commit Murder-Suicides At The Rate ‘o’ a Dozen-a-Week (12 / wkly [sic]; so-much-so that one so wishes they would simply Commit Suicide En Masse in a Nationwide Orgy ‘o’ Bromantic Bonding and Spare The Fairer Sex their Troubles), Reportedly “Because This Economy Is Depressed (even though Male-Americans Commit Murder-Suicides At Precisely The Same Rate When The Economy Is Flying High and, ‘o’-course, therebe those E’‘erpopular Excuses : Intoxicants and / or ‘Mental Issᵫs [¡¿¡ No Sh_t ‽ Being born Male-American strikes myself a Mental Issue];’ and – Just For Jocks : Therebe Head Injuries]).”

Such Murder-Suicides Receive Less and Less Media Attention as therebe So Many More Spectacular Mass-Murders To Report In This Country Each and E’‘ery Passing Year.

Unreported be The Fact That : ‘O’ One Hundred-and-twenty (120) Mass-Shootings (Defined as Generating a Body-Count Above Three [3+] Cadavers) In America Ô’‘ēr The Past Four Decades (Forty Years), Only One in All Recorded History wast E’‘er Perpetrated by a Female (an Underage[d] Girl; and we can only Imagine what had been done to her to Drive her to such Desperation) – because when you say Lone Gunman Everyone Talks About Loners and Guns – But Not About Men. This, when Well Ô’‘ēr Half (Two-Thirds [67%]) ‘o’ All Women Killed By Guns Are Killed by either Their “IP (Intimate Partner [implied Male])” or Their “XIP (Ex-Intimate Partner [implied Male]).”



In 2019, Trump Threatened to Veto an United Nations Anti-Rape Law Over Language On Reproductive Health – Trump Wants All Victims Of Weaponized Mass-Rape In Wartime To Carry Unwanted Pregnancies to Full Term.

New Anti-Abortion Laws Under the Trump Administration Normalize Rape and Incest while Challenging Roe vs. Wade.

Romania gives us an example of what happens to a country when the state tries to control women’s health choices. Thousands of children warehoused in filthy orphanages suffered abuse and neglect so extreme, their brains failed to develop beyond the size of a walnut. The mortality rate for mothers also skyrocketed as a result of the abortion ban in Romania.

Abortions in the US are currently at an all time low due to better access to contraceptives. Imagine how much lower the abortion rate could be if women were actually treated with love and respect, not fighting for their lives on a daily basis.

Decreasing the number of abortions and increasing the birthrate (when it’s the mother’s choice) would have very positive long term effects on the US economy. Each child that grows up to become a tax paying citizen could  contribute hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax revenue over the course of his or her lifetime, plus they would help stimulate the economy with their spending.



Even if a woman does want to keep a pregnancy, there are other factors besides violent men that threaten her ability to raise her child safely. Most women who get abortions already have children and can’t afford any more.

Between the high cost of living, high university costs, high childcare costs, no paid time off, no maternity leave, and high healthcare costs, Americans are not benefitting from any so called economic growth that politicians speak of.

Compounding the fact that women earn less than men for the same work, and are also much more likely than men to be responsible for carrying out hours of unpaid labor every day such as household chores, there is no affordable childcare in this country for children under 5 years old. Women, especially Women of Color, all too often end up paying the price when trying to support their families.

Shanesha Taylor – Spent 10 days in jail and sentenced to 18 years probation for leaving her two kids in her car during a job interview. She said her babysitter cancelled last minute and she really needed the job so she went anyway. She expected to leave them unattended for only 15 or 20 minutes. However, she was hired immediately after the interview and the boss wanted to do an orientation. Taylor couldn’t say, “Sorry, I have to go, my kids are waiting in the car,” for fear of loosing the job. She came back out about an hour later to police surrounding her car. The kids were overheated but okay. She lost the job. When this was in the news, someone started a fundraiser to help her. In her sentencing, the courts forced her to put all the money from the fundraiser into a college fund. She said this was counterproductive because she needed the money now to pay bills. Taylor appeared on Dr. Phil, who humiliated and demonized her on national television instead of expressing any compassion for her and her family, or offering any help.

Debra Harrell – Jailed and lost custody of her 9 year old daughter after letting her play at a nearby park while she was working at McDonald’s over summer vacation.

Meanwhile the father of Sherrice Iverson suffered NO CONSEQUENCES after letting his daughter roam a casino in the middle of the night unsupervised resulting in her rape and murder! (See: https://douglasdietrich.com/2019/03/31/3-27-19-douglas-dietrich-critical-omissions-mueller-investigation/)


Public early childhood education would help the economy because more women would be able to go to work, pay taxes, and spend money. Public childcare could also help lower the abortion rate by giving families with young children extra support – and a higher birthrate will help the economy too as mentioned above. There should also be compensation for “stay at home” moms, similar to how Douglas Dietrich was recognized as a full time care provider to his late and sainted parents.

“Affordable high-quality child care is an idea that should appeal to everyone, including the elusive white working-class voters whom Democratic strategists spend so much time worrying about. It’s good for workers and employers, for communities and families and children. It would create lots of jobs. It would allow lots of people to go to work. It would raise incomes and relieve a lot of stress and unhappiness and give children a good start in life. So why isn’t it on the front burner of the revitalized left?

Maybe the newly radicalized young haven’t had kids yet. For them, student debt is a more immediate problem. And maybe parents are just too tired to fight for it when they need it, and then the kids are in school and they don’t need it anymore. The child care crunch is a bit like childbirth. Once it’s over, it’s over, and you’re in a new place in your life. And in that new place it’s easy to forget how expensive and frustrating the quest for good reliable child care was, and for women to rationalize lost opportunities and less equality at home as just some of the many trade-offs motherhood involves.” – New York Times





Douglas Dietrich had an apocalyptic vision of the future while running diagnostics on the Vox Arca. The fate of humanity depends on the environment in ways you would never expect. Can we force world leaders to take action NOW against global burning, or will the Carbonist Elite be allowed to continue destroying the environment in service to their Anti-Gods?

If the current course of global heating does not stop, the environment will change so much that other underground creatures will rise up to the surface world. Except there will be no animals to eat them. THEY will feast on US. This is what Dietrich saw in the Vox Arca: Ghouls overtaking the surface world like maggots on a corpse (the corpse of Mother Earth) and enslaving humans as chattel the way we use cattle. They would force humans to breed only to eat the newborn babies straight out of their wombs. This is the environment, full of psychological pain and human torture, in which the Anti-Gods would thrive.

More people need to rise up and speak out, following the lead of Greta Thunberg and other activists, if we are even going to have a chance at preventing Dietrich’s Vox Arca prediction from coming to pass.

Greta Thunberg’s 3 Keys:

  1. The climate is changing.
  2. Humans are responsible for changing the climate.
  3. World leaders should not be concerned with economic growth in the face of global ecoside, or environmental destruction.

Indeed, white Australians have brought the 2019 wildfires upon themselves, through their irresponsible exports of fossil fuels, and the majority of educated white Australians know it. In particular, white women are aware of global burning and are one of our greatest allies in the climate war. The carbonist white men currently in charge of policy in Australia hold the minority view that they should continue with business as usual instead of saving the planet. White supremacist men view their women as the enemy, as if they are a separate inferior race to be used and abused. Therefore, people of color should form a strong alliance with white women to fight against the carbonist, white supremacist men who are destroying the environment. Once entire nations turn against the carbonist elite, mercenaries won’t be able to protect them. If the carbonists try to live at sea, navies will be deployed against them.

“Our country is on fire … and our prime minister has done absolutely nothing. Cold, calculated nothing. We don’t have leaders, we have cowards,” – Yael Stone, the Australian actress who is sacrificing her career and life in America to reduce her carbon footprint and fight the climate war in her home country of Australia.


In the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami aftermath, 2 out of 3 survivors were men. Women were less likely to survive as a result of cultural norms. Women were less likely to know how to swim. They spent extra time taking care of children and relatives during evacuations. If they did not have a male partner or relative to escort them, women were not allowed inside shelters and were not allowed to travel by themselves to get food or water. The men, on the other hand, had higher survival rates because they basically left their families behind to drown.

In times of crisis, women are more likely to give up their own food portions to feed other family members, while men are more likely to eat their own wives and children.

Low income black families in New Orleans depended on tight knit connections within their communities for survival. Hurricane Katrina displaced all these people from the neighborhood safety networks they had established.

Women Need to be Involved More in Planning and Decision Making To Protect Themselves During Climate War

Emergency Planning – To ensure women and their families are evacuated and not left behind. Emergency shelters also need to be able to accommodate women and children. One of the stadiums used to shelter victims of Hurricane Katrina quickly ran out of sanitary supplies for women.

Water Infrastructure – Women and girls often bear the burden of fetching water for hours a day. When groups of women organize and build more efficient water infrastructure in their communities, they have more time for school, training, careers, and resting. Women’s income and wellbeing increases as a result.

Sustainable Agriculture – In addition to male trainers, female trainers are also needed to teach female farmers sustainable agriculture practices. In some cultures, females are not be allowed to be alone with a male instructor.



End Violence Against Women and Children around the World. The same corrupt systems that enable crimes against women and children also enable white supremacist terrorism against people of color. Furthermore, oppression of women and children holds them back from fighting the Climate War, which in itself is the rape and murder of our Mother Earth.

Racism and Misogyny in America has only gotten worse under the insurgent Anti-Godly Trump Administration. We MUST remove the Pædopathocratic US MIMOENANISIC-COM (United States Military / Intelligence / Medical / Occult / Entertainment / Narcotics / Academic / Nuclear / Information / Science[s] / Industrial-Congressional COMplex) Junta from power and reform government to actually represent and serve The People.

Reinstate the Draft and Establish an All Female US Police Force – This be the only way to reform a system that is so corrupted and dominated by criminally violent white male supremacists. (For more information on Satanism in the Military see https://douglasdietrich.com/tag/satanism-in-the-military/)

Honor and protect our sisters and brothers wherever they be on the wide spectrum of gender physiology and identity. Transgender people are especially targeted by Trump and Alternative Media Propaganda because they stand for human rights and women’s empowerment. Transgender people challenge the patriarchy worldwide since authoritarians need to define men and women as separate binary sexes in order to subdjugate women.

More women need to be in leadership positions to combat Violence Against Women and Children, Human Trafficking, Gun Violence, the Climate Emergency, the Healthcare Crisis, and Social Injustices. It is no coincidence that nigh all the world leaders with the best coronavirus responses are women. They follow common sense and science. And unlike the male world leaders who got us into this current climate crisis, women actually consider how their actions will affect the future and future generations. Women just don’t think about the world only in terms of what they can selfishly get out of it, like Trump, Putin, and Bolsenaro do.

Wildfires, Flooding, Heat Waves, Drought, and pre-existing Wealth Inequality, Racial Inequality, Housing Crises, Poverty, and Health Disparities are all Exacerbated by Climate Change. Climate War is part of the War of Resistance Against The Elite – Trump be the first of many that will need to be removed from power and replaced by strong female leaders. Male allies within this new system, like Douglas Dietrich, will understand the feminine perspective and not be afraid or jealous of women’s empowerment. Rather, men would be wise to stand behind women’s empowerment, since it will create changes throughout the world that benefit, and hopefully SAVE, all humankind.


Related News:

Greta Thunberg urges public to listen to the experts -Climate activist Greta Thunberg says she thinks more people are beginning to realize the importance of listening to experts and the global science community amid the coronavirus pandemic.


End Female Genital Mutilation:

“For many women and girls, the threat is biggest where they should be safest: in their own homes.”

The UN said that…

Posted by Dear Alyne on Wednesday, April 15, 2020



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       – Renegatus Humanus Arma ab Massa-Eruditio

(THE “Renegade Human Weapon ‘o’ Mass-Instruction”);

The Germanic Surname “Dietrich” – as Transliterated into The Ænglish – means “(The) Master Key, Skeleton Key, (a) Key That Can Open All Doors” :

       THE LAST Д‘ТРĂЦКОГОÙЛ‘ВYЕА’c (“D‘TRĂCKOGOÙL‘ŴYEA’s [‘SON-‘O’-DIETRICH’s,’ or ‘SON-‘O’-A’‘DRAGON’s’];” pronounced “Dī Traiykh-Kohk-Goowhll VYāyh’s” and Ænglobastardized “DRACULA’s”) 中國人 (“ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuárén [literally ‘Middle-Kingdom People’s,’ id est ‘Chinese’]”) Lineage-Derived Surname is 「林 (“Lin [the iconographic character for ‘Tree’ represented in plurality – id est ‘Forest’ / ‘Jungle’]”)」; both ‘o’ his First Name Elements 「一 (“yĪ [‘One,’ ‘Singular,’ ‘Throughout’ – id est ‘Totality’]”)」 and 「平 (“Píng [‘Calm,’ ‘Peaceful’ / ‘Flat,’ ‘Level’]”);」 combining as 「一平 (“yĪ-Píng [‘Striving Toward Attainment ‘o’ Peace;’ ‘To Tie,’ as in ‘Even The Score’ / ‘To Draw-Up;’ ‘A-‘leveling’ / ‘An ‘Evening Up’ / ‘A-‘Reckoning’ – id est ‘Cosmic Balance’ / ‘Divine Retribution’]”);」 – Familial and First Name Elements combining yet a’‘gain (in Proper Asian Order) as 「林 一平 (“Lin yĪ-Píng [‘Path ‘o’ Environmental Harmony’ or ‘Law ‘o’ The Jungle;’ something akin to ‘Gǣĩǣn Sustainability’]”)」。

One comment on “WAR ON WOMEN

  1. From the book “Spellbound :Women and Witchcraft in America” edited by Elizabeth Reis.

    The family of John Quincy Adams were of the megalithic Dragon Cult which kept alive the knowledge of the power of the stone.
    The independent spirit of Witchcraft is very much akin to many ideals of the “Founding
    Fathers”: for example, freedom of speech and worship,decentralized government, and the rights of the individual rather than the divine right of kings.

    Oral traditions tells us that some Europeans Pagans, brought brought over to America as indentured servants or convict labor , fled to join the Indians (Native Americans) whose traditions were similiar in spirit to their own. In some areas, such as the American south , black, white Pagan, and Native American elements combined.
    In America , as in Europe, the Craft went underground and became the most secret religions. Traditions were passed down only to those who could be trusted absolutley, usually to members of the same family. Communications between covens were severed; no longer could they meet on the Great Festivals to share knowledge and exchanged the results of spells, rites, practices and observations, And for the most part the memory of the true craft faded.
    To be a Witch is to identify with millions if victims of bigotry and hatred and to take responsibility for shaping a world in which prejudice claims no more victims. A Witch is a “Shaper” a creator who bends the unseen into form, and so becomes one of the Wise, one whose life is infused with magic.
    The myths, legends, and teachings of the Craft are reconized as metaphors for “THAT WHICH – CANNOT – BE- TOLD, the absolute reality our limited minds can never completely know.
    When we speak of “the secrets that cannot be told” we do not mean merley that rules prevent us from speaking freely. We mean that the inner knolwedge literally cannot be expressed in words. It can only be conveyed by experience, and no one can legislate what insight another person may draw from any given experience.

    My moms fathers great grandmother was Patty Adams of the John Quincy Adams Dragon Cult family.

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