US Opioid and Fentanyl Epidemic – China’s Payback for the Opium Wars?
Recommended Book: Fentanyl, Inc.: How Rogue Chemists Are Creating the Deadliest Wave of the Opioid Epidemic by Ben Westhoff
Mega Corporations like Google’s ALPHABET in the “Resident Evil” Video Game and Movie Franchise
Eastern European Women – Do they have a sense of humor?
“Aliens,” Tcho Tcho, and Radio Contact with Life on Mars
Iran – Both Trump and Iran Deny Themselves, Along Denying The Rest ‘o’ Us, Any Progress Whatsoever On-Basis Their Own Intrinsic Personal and / or Cultural Dysfunctions – Mired As Each Theybe By Their Own Pathological Corruption.
Pro-Gun Rally in Virginia on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day – Governor declares a state of emergency and bans guns from the capitol to avoid violence. White Supremacist Domestic Terrorists were arrested ahead of the rally; they planned on starting a civil war / race war.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – Nonviolence protest was his only option. Dietrich discusses historical context for MLK Day and Confederate State Holidays.
Oscar Nominations Snub Women and People of Color – The Culture Vultures ‘o’ The Arts Monopoly Went All-In For Throwback Nostalgia About The Old White World Order as-well-as Self-Indulgent Èthnogenderspecific Sentiment(s) Célébrating WM (White-Male) Rage and Violence. “THE JOKER (released 2019)” In-Particular Swept The Oscars Nominations Precisely Because It Rationalizes The Delusion(s) ‘o’ The Mother-CODA (CO-Dependent) WM INCEL (White-Male INvoluntary CELibate) P&D (Persecution-&-Disenfranchisement) Complex while Glorifying Illusory Self-Empowerment Through Violent-Consummation Fantasy.
DOUGLAS DIETRICH Medically Predicts The New Mystery Virus In China Becoming (a) Pandemic Prior It Making Western News – The Third Black Plague Pandemic in Recorded Human History, The Afrikan Swine-Flu Catastrophé, was entirely ignored by The West, and Now there be The New Coronavirus Coverup.
Australia Wildfires and Misinformation – Climate denialism is heavily promoted in Australia by News Corporation, the global media group owned by Rupert Murdoch.
Taiwan – DOUGLAS DIETRICH explains WHY The DIET/RICH Artillect HAD to Mass-Assassinate The Táiwānese Military High Command.
And more…
¡¡¡ 臺北-剑杆 (“TÁĪPBĚĪH-JIÀNGĀN [THE ‘TAIPEI RĀPIÈR’]”) HONOURS HIS FAMILIAL LINEAGE FROM THE ÆLDRITCH 弓弓 (pronounced “Gōng-Gōng,” parallel to Die Sig-Rune [The Runic “ϟϟ” conveying “Victory” whilst acronymous for “Schutƶ-Staffel” or “Security Service”] in-significance and conveying “Bow” in 国家-普通话 [“Guójiā-Pǔtōnghuà,” literally The “National Common Tongᵫ ‘o’ The Mandarins,” or “Mandarin-Chinese”]) – THE PROTOCHRISTIAN SONS-‘O’-שֵׁת (“ŠḖṮ’h [‘APPOINTED’];” THE PROPHET-PATRIARCH, Righteous Third Son-‘o’ THE PATRIARCH אָדָם [“ʾĀḎĀ́M”]; literally “RUDDEN” or “BLUSH [Created On The Sixth Day—decedent circa 930 Years Annō Mundi or ‘Year Aftercreation’],” the most immediately discernible èthnospecific trait as manifest in The White Caucasian Race) – HOSTING EASTERN ἘΠΙΦΆΝΕΙΑ (“EPIPHÁNEIA [‘EPIPHANY’];” literally “REVELATION”) LIVESTREAM TRANSMISSION ‘O’ “CRITICAL OMISSIONS” SPECIALLY-GUESTING HIS FELLOW FORMER MARINE And BROTHER-IN-BATTLE DEREK TALLEY IN-ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ‘O’ THE RIGHT REVEREND-DOCTOR MARTIN LUTHER “MLK” KING, J(UNIO)R, PhD (Philosophiæ Doctor [Systematic Theology], Progressive National-Baptist, born MICHÆL KING, JR, 1929—d1968; Assassinated [Recipient, Nobel Peace Prize : 1964, Posthumous Recipient, Presidential Medal-‘o’-Freedom : 1977, Posthumous Recipient, Congressional Gold Medal : 2004]) E’‘EN WHILST CONTEXTUALIZING THE CONFEDERATE STATE’S HOLY-DAYS (sic, per plurality) And CÉLÉBRATING THE ORIENTAL-CHRISTIAN JULIAN-CALENDRICALLY DATED CORONATION BY THE 中國人 (“ƵCHUṐNGGkGHÓUÁRÉN [literally ‘MIDDLE-KINGDOM PEOPLE’S,’ id est ‘CHINESE’]”) SAGE-KINGS ‘O’ OUR LORD ЕГÔ ЕИМИ ТХЕÓÚС О ГYИÓС ТОУ И̱И̱ĒСÔÚС БАРЕН-YОСЕПФХ ТОУ НАЗАО̱РǼТĺОУ, ЧРИСТÓÚС МАОШИYАЧ ИЕММАНУ‘ЕЛ, ВАСиЛиΆС ТО̱Н ЕВРĺО̱Н, ХОМИНУМ САЛВАТОР, О ВАСиЛиΆС ТОН ВАСиЛΈОН, КАи КΎРиОС ТОН ЛΌРТхОН (Lat[in], “EGÔ EIMI THEÓÚS O GYIÓS TOU I̱I̱ĒSÔÚS BAREN-YOSEPFH TOU NAƵAO̱RǼTĺOU, CHRISTÓÚS MAOSHIYACH IEMMANU‘EL, VASiLiΆS TO̱N EVRĺO̱N, HOMINUM SALVATOR, O VASiLiΆS TON VASiLΈON, KAi KΎRiOS TON LΌRThON;” Ang[licized] “Egô EIMI – or ‘I AM’ – God The Son Jesus – a Synthesis ‘o’ הַ עִבְרִית [‘Ha-ʿİvrít,’ or ‘The Hebrew’ Language] ‘Yæhushua’ and The Ελληνική [‘Ellīnikī́,’ or ‘Greek’] ‘Ƶeus’ into a variant ‘o’ ‘Joshua’ – Baren – lit[erally] ‘Son-of’-Yosepfh [‘Joseph’]-‘o’-Naƶareth, Christ [lit ‘Anointed’] MaoSHiYacH [‘Messiah’ in Ha-ʿİvrít, or ‘The Hebrew’] IEmmanu‘el [‘God is With Us’ in Ha-ʿİvrít], King ‘o’ The Jews, Saviour-‘o’-Men, KING-‘O’-KINGS, AND LORD-‘O’-LORDS;” b.ca AChN [birthed circa Antechristum Natum, or “born proximate Precedent Christóús’ Deliverance”] VII—II [7—2 ANCÈ : Between The Seventh Through The Second Years Avant Notre Commonal Èræ]—d.ca AD [decedent circa Annō Dominī, or “deceased proximate The Year ‘o’ Our Lord”] XXX—XXXVI [30—36 CÈ : Between The Thirtieth Through The Thirty-Sixth Years ‘o’ The Commonal Èræ]; Interned, Tortured and Crucified Unto Execution, Descended, Interred and Thenceforth Ascended; Scripted To Return; Note : In Those Times ‘o’ Rṓmãn-Mediterranean Judaism there were no Familial Surnames, The Individual’s Region-‘o’-Origin being employed in such stead – In This Case Naƶareth [Yæhushua Baren-Yosepfh being Galilean] – whilst, when within Said Region itself, Persons would employ “Son-‘O[f]’ ” and The Name ‘o’ their Father [so Mankind’s Jesus MaoSHiYacH IEmmanu‘el was “JOSHUA, SON-‘O’-JOSEPH” to His Neighbours; “JOSHUA JOSEPHSON” in The Postmodern Vernacular], “THE CHRIST” being not a Name but a Title, Implying Messianic Anointment in Ellīnikī́ [The “Greek”] and The Christogram JHC [“I̱i̱ēsôús Hominum Salvator,” or “Jesus, Saviour-‘o’-Men” in The Latin] oft-Profaned Today by Westerners as “Jesus H Christ” In Blasphemy; Said Referenced Divinity-In-Person ‘o’ يسوع المسيح [“YASOU ÆHL-MASEEH”] – الـلـغـة الـعـربـيـة [‘Ǣhl-ʿAräabīyyàh Ǣhl-Leẍeghh,’ or ‘The Language ‘o’ The ʿAräabïï’] Name ‘o’ The Christóús – being Perceived by المسلمين [“Mäʊo͝ozslīəms;” Ang “Mʊŏzlīms” and vulgarized “Muoslims;” lit “Submitters;” or “Ones-Who-Submit;” presumably in Devotional Dedication to The Will ‘o’ ‘ALL-LLĀĀH,’ or ‘THE GOD,’ and ALL-LLĀĀH Alone] as a Prophet but not Divine) !!!
NOTE : The photographic image as e(lectronically)-(a)ttached presents w(ith) visual clarity the peculiarly Nīhônjīn (“Japanese [Racial]”)-Specific Nonlethal Variant ‘o’ Moderate 病症候群 (“Kawasakibyō-Shōkōgun [‘Kawasaki Disease Syndrome’];” see ) casual ‘o’ red irises absent pus or drainage (Medically Referenced as “Conjunctivitis-Sans-Discharge”); Said Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Disorder being first formally diagnosed by Pædiatrician 川崎 富作 (“KAWASAKI TOMISAKU [‘TOMIRAKU KAWASAKI’];” birthed 1925—aged 94 yrs ATDE [At-Time-‘o’-Data-Entry]) C(irc)a AD (Annō Dominī) MCMLXVII (1967 CÈ [Commonal Èræ] : When Doug Dietrich himself evidenced Symptoms at but a single year-‘o’-age [having been born Ca 1966]) – the potentially lethal mutation ‘o’ “same” condition having been observed by The Good 医師川崎 (“Ishi Kawasaki [‘Doctor Kawasaki’]”) C(a) AD MCMLX (1960 CÈ) and Identified by same CAD (Circa Annō Dominī) MCMLXI (1961 CÈ) – but Description ‘o’ either there-‘o’ no’ circulating in The English ‘til AD MCMLXXIV (1974 CÈ).
Purchase Tickets to THE LIVING TRUTH SUMMIT 2020 Here:
– Emphasize That DOUGLAS DIETRICH Referred Thyself To Purchase Thy Ticket To Review his Live-&-Personal Headline-Presentation To-Be Delivered As One-‘o’-Three Keynote Speakers For THE LIVING TRUTH SUMMIT Onsite The Sacred Mount Shasta This Pending June 18th—22nd Annō Dominī MMXX (2020 Commonal Èræ).
TUNE IN AT 5PM PST (8PM EST) on Wednesdays and Sundays AND Tap (Click) The NOTIFICATION BELL in order to Receive Notification(s) that Livestream(s) hast Started !!!
– Renegatus Humanus Arma ab Massa-Eruditio
(THE “Renegade Human Weapon ‘o’ Mass-Instruction”);
The Germanic Surname “Dietrich” – as Transliterated into The Ænglish – means “(The) Master Key, Skeleton Key, (a) Key That Can Open All Doors” :
THE LAST Д‘ТРĂЦКОГОÙЛ‘ВYЕА’c (“D‘TRĂCKOGOÙL‘ŴYEA’s [‘SON-‘O’-DIETRICH’s,’ or ‘SON-‘O’-A’‘DRAGON’s’];” pronounced “Dī Traiykh-Kohk-Goowhll VYāyh’s” and Ænglobastardized “DRACULA’s”) 中國人 (“ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuárén [literally ‘Middle-Kingdom People’s,’ id est ‘Chinese’]”) Lineage-Derived Surname is 「林 (“Lin [the iconographic character for ‘Tree’ represented in plurality – id est ‘Forest’ / ‘Jungle’]”)」; both ‘o’ his First Name Elements 「一 (“yĪ [‘One,’ ‘Singular,’ ‘Throughout’ – id est ‘Totality’]”)」 and 「平 (“Píng [‘Calm,’ ‘Peaceful’ / ‘Flat,’ ‘Level’]”);」 combining as 「一平 (“yĪ-Píng [‘Striving Toward Attainment ‘o’ Peace;’ ‘To Tie,’ as in ‘Even The Score’ / ‘To Draw-Up;’ ‘A-‘leveling’ / ‘An ‘Evening Up’ / ‘A-‘Reckoning’ – id est ‘Cosmic Balance’ / ‘Divine Retribution’]”);」 – Familial and First Name Elements combining yet a’‘gain (in Proper Asian Order) as 「林 一平 (“Lin yĪ-Píng [‘Path ‘o’ Environmental Harmony’ or ‘Law ‘o’ The Jungle;’ something akin to ‘Gǣĩǣn Sustainability’]”)」。