Douglas Duane Dietrich deconstructs and exposes the American private mercenary group known as ISIS, Trump’s total corruption and failure to “drain the swamp,” and more on this episode of Critical Omissions.

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– w(ith) All Due Acknowledgement unto mine own Personal Hero : Our Dearest English Brother-In-Battle who-be The Team-Д‘трăцк (“D‘trăck [‘Dietrich,’ or ‘Dragon’]”) Archivist @ <SHOWSDD.COM> And YOUTUBE, LLC (Limited Liabilities Company; C[ondīta] est 2005—) MAGGOT CHANNEL (Subscribe @ <YOUTUBE.COM/c/MAGGOTAUR>) PROPERTY MANAGER JOHN HENRY II McMILLS WARRINGTON (Friend & Follow He via His FACEBOOK, INC[orporated; Cest 2004—]-TL [TimeLine] @ <facebook.com/john.war>), for were it no’ for He, nigh-all my Videographic Works would have been lost.

‘T’‘was’t he who saved nigh-all the DOUGLAS DIETRICH Videos Published On-Platform provided by YOUTUBE, LLC that would have otherwise been Erased from all Free Public Accessibility and Monopolized for Privatized Monetization via PATREON, INC(orporated; Cest 2013—) by the openly Satanic Amateur Sorceress AMBER-ROSE DIO and via his own so-called “DIETRICHOLOGY” YOUTUBE Channel by The Multiple Sexual Assaults Offender PAVEL-EDUARD PŘÍVARA (who Aliases himself as “PAUL EDUARD” viś-à-viś his FB-TL (FaceBook TimeLine) whereon he hidest behind Images ‘o’ myself to Friend Underaged Boys precepts Predation) – both these Malefactors ultimately Self-Professing themselves Assets ‘o’ The TOS (TEMPLE-‘O’-SĒT’h-EN; Cest 1975—) FOUNDER : The SĒT’h-THEISTIC (id est, SATANIC) HIGH PRIEST And PRIMARY WIKIPEDIA (Cest 2001—) CONTRIBUTOR (sic, see “WIKIPEDIA : ARTICLES FOR DELETION / MICHÆL AQUINO” @ <en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia%3AArticles_for_deletion%2FMichael_Aquino&oldid=232504731>) D(OCTO)R MICHÆL ANGELO “MIKEY” AQUINO, PhD (Philosophiæ Doctor [Political Science]), COL(ONEL), USA SPEC-FOR PSY-OPS (United States Army [Cest 1775—] SPECial FORces [Cest 1952—] PSYchological OPerationS), “RET(ired, born 10 / 16, 1946; Co-Ïncident The Stadt Nürnberg [‘City-‘o’-Nuremberg’] Executions ‘o’ Ten Prominent Members In The Political and Military Leadership ‘o’ Nationalsoƶialistisches Deutschland [‘National-Socialist Germany’] Out ‘o’ What Had Been Intended As An Antigodly Allied Human Sacrificial Ritual Immolating a Dozen ‘Men-‘o’-Power’ Unto The Nullity Precepts Ushering-In The Antichristóús—Aged 73 Yrs At-Time-‘o’-Data-Entry; Years-‘o’-‘Service’ : 1968—1990]; thereafter Laterally Transferred into [The] US NSA [United States National Security Agency; Cest 1952—] and eventually Ranked In-Postion ‘o’ Supergrade [The Federal Bureaucratic Equivalent ‘o’ The Military Rank ‘o’ General])” and his e’‘erswelling Kult ‘o’ The Antigods.

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All Sponsors will be Granted Exclusive E(lectronic)-(a)ccess to both my Videographic and Audiorecorded Archives through-to This Year from The 2011th Year In Our Lord : The very year mine own Late-and-Sainted Matriarch – THE GRAND MA DAME DIANNA 林蘇錦 (“LÍN SŪJĬN [‘BRIGHT-WOODS’ / ‘FOREST-‘O’-BROCADE’]”) / 高林秀子 (“TAKABAYASHI HIDEKO [‘SPLENDID CHILD’]”) DIETRICH (She Who Graced Our World by Her Divine Presence CAD [Circa Annō Dominī] XII.V.MCMXXIII [The Fifth Dies ‘o’ The Twelfth Mēnsis In The Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-Third Annus ‘o’ Our Lord, Commonal Èræ], Leaving Us Amid This Vale-‘o’-Tears CAD III.XIX.MMXI [The Nineteenth Dies ‘o’ The Third Mēnsis In The Twa Thousand and Eleventh Annus ‘o’ Our Lord, Commonal Èræ]; Murdered) wast Assassinated nigh-immediately Aftermath 三/十一 テロ攻撃 (“Sān / Jyū-Ichi Sen-Seme [The ‘3 / 11 Terror Attack’]”) ’gainst The 福島第一原子力発電所 (“Fukushima ‘Dai-Ichi [BIG #I’]”) Cluster ‘o’ Nuclear Power Plant Facilities Onsite 七 千の島々の大きい日本帝国 (“Shichi-senno Shima-no Ōoki-i i Nīpphôn-Teikoku [The ‘Seven Thousand Islands ‘o’ The Greater Japanese Empire’];” CeAChN [Condīta est Antechristum Natum; Latin, “Established Precedent Christóús’ Deliverance”] II.XI.DCLX [02 / 11, 660] ANCÈ [Français, Avant Notre Commonal Èræ, or “Prior Our Common Era”] – here literally Founded “The Eleventh Date ‘o’ The Second Month, Six Hundred and Sixty Years Antecedent Time-‘o’-Christ”—) when ‘t’‘was deemed by much Native American Cosmological Reckoning that the first rays ‘o’ The Dawning ‘o’ The Sixth World broke upon us and Magicks could a’‘gain be Worked conjointly w / MUTTER jŒRÐHÆ-MIÐGARÐR (Latinized “MATER IERÁ ERDE-MIÐGARÐ;” Old Norse Vulgarized as “SACRED jÖRÐHÆ [pronounced ‘YORDjƶ;’ from whence derivative The Anglocorrupted name ‘o’ ‘EARTH’: Norse-Germanic Giantess, Goddess ‘o’ Ancient Wisdom, Daughter-‘o’-NÓTT, or ‘NIGHT,’ and Mother-‘o’-ᚦᛟᚾᚨᚱᚱ / ‘ÞÓNARR,’ pronounced ‘DOHNÆR,’ and Anglocorrupted as ‘THOR;’ The Hearth-Goddess jŒrðæ being Personification ‘o’ HOLY TÈRRA FIRMA Upon Whose Bosom All We, Presently, Dwell]-MANNHEIM [literally “MAN’S HOME”] – The Homeland ‘o’ Mortal Human Men [and therefore distinguished as the only World in our Sólar System w / in limits ‘o’ The Edgeworth-Kuiper Reefs to be Entitled after an Èthnospecifically German Deity in contrast to all other Cǽlæ̀stial Bodies w / in Edgeworthy-Kuiperian Limits being Nominated from The Græco-Rṓmãn Pantheon]) to Redeem The Folk upon Her.

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So a’‘gain : Go to <DOUGLASDIETRICH.COM> and click “DONATE.” The very survival ‘o’ The Human Species be at stake, and I am NOT exaggerating. Do NOT wait, Donate NOW. It be appreciated beyond my ability to express – in Any language.

My Gratitude Unto Thee All Who Grace myself Support – Most Blessed Be Thyselves and All Thine Own …

*A FOOTNOTE ON MEIN BIOSIRE – WHAT’S IN A NAME …? :The Historical FEÜEHRER (lit[erally] “LEADER”) ADOLFUS (lit “WOLF-KING;” the name “ADOLF[US]” Sourcing from Græcorṓmãn Mythology, wherein IŪPITER [*DJOUS / “DAYSKY” + *PATĒR / “FATHER,” thus The “HEAVENLY FATHER” IOVIS, or “JOVE” – King ‘o’ The Classical Βαλκανικής / “Ellīnikī́,” or “Grecian People’s” Gods] transmogrified the cruel, cannibalistic ΥΑΣΙΛΙΆΣ ΛΥΚΆΟΝ ΑΡΚΑΔΊΑΣ [“VASILIÁS LYCÁON ARKADÍAS,” or “KING LYCÁON-‘O’-ARCADIA”] into “ΑΔΟΛΠἹΥΟΥΣ [‘ADOLPHIYOUS’]” – transliterally “WOLF-KING” – The Sire ‘o’ All Werewolves)-JACOB HITLER (NSDAP [NAtional-SoƵIalistiche Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei, or “National Socialist German Workers’ Party” – pejoratively The “NAƵI” Partei; Condīta est 1919, mine own Late-&-Sainted Sire’s Birthyear—sic], Alias[ed] “DER SCHŴARƵENFUCHS [‘THE BLACK FOX’],” Awarded Six Medals for His Service on The Western Front in WW—I [World War 1; among which Hitler received two Iron Crosses : The Second Iron Cross in First Class, a rarity for Footsoldiers; The Bavarian Medal ‘o’ Military Service, Third Class w / Bar and, as was granted all Wounded Soldiers in Bavarian Service, The Cross ‘o’ Military Merit – in Hitler’s Case : Third Class w / Swords and, later, Wound Badge in Black in-acknowledgement ‘o’ Hitler’s barely surviving a Mustard Gas Attack resultant In an extended period ‘o’ blindness], born a Hitler [sic, see below], 04 / 20, 1889—[?]; Freelance Illustrator, Locale : Ŵien [“Vienna”] : 1907—1918; Gefreiter, Deutschens Heer-Armee [“Lance-Corporal, Imperial German Army”] Squad Leader : 1914—1918; Vorläufige Reichswehr [“Provisional Realm’s Defense”] Agent On-Assignment : Infiltration ‘o’ Radicalized Political Movements as formed by Disenfranchised Veterans [one such Target-Organization being Der DAP : Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei, or The “German Workers’ Party”] : 1919—1920; Fëᵫhrer, NSDAP [see above, Hitler’s Reörganized DAP] : 1921—1945 [+ ?]; cKhanƶcellor Dæirs Deutsche Demokratischen Republik [“Chancellor ‘o’ The German Democratic Republic”] : 1933—1945; Der Deutschenfëᵫhrer-und-ReichscKhanƶcellor-von-Größdeutschland [“Leader ‘o’ The German Peoples and Realm’s-Chancellor ‘o’ Greater Germania”] : 1934—1945; Entered Ŵoaumphyieorai Estate [?] : 1942—1945; Der Fëᵫhrer Dæirs Tausendjährigen Reiches-Im-Exil [“The Leader ‘o’ The Thousand Year Realm-In-Exile”] ? : 1945—[?]; Rumoured Decedent / Assassinated [?] / Slain [?]; Note[s] : Adolfus Hitler’s middle name ‘o’ “Jacob” was once writ on a Police Report filed C[irc]a 1940 in France aftermath The Fall ‘o’ La Troisième République [“The Third Republic”], on which Adolf Hitler’s DOB [Date-‘O’-Birth] be translated to : “… sometime after 1880,” this being the only known documentation ‘o’ a middle name writ for Adolf J Hitler and recorded parcel Adolf Hitler Commissioning one ‘o’ His Own many [sic] Begotten [sic] Sons : JEAN-MARIE LORET [LOBJOIE, birthed 03 / 18 or 25, 1918—decedent 02 / 14, 1985], as a high-ranking Policier Français [“French Police Official”] – the Hollywood-disseminated “full name” ‘o’ “Adolf ‘Elizabeth’ Hitler” be satirical, sourcing from White-יהודי-אמריקאי [“Hvd-Mrk;” pronounced “yĪdmærck,” ie, “Jewish-American”] Comedic Actor, Lyricist, Composer, Screenwriter, Film Director and Producer MEL BROOKS’ [born 1926—Aged 93 Yrs At-Time-‘o’-Data-Entry] Broadway Musical Comedy “THE PRODUCERS [released 1967],” while Adolf Hitler’s last name has always been just so, as He was ne’‘er a “Schicklgrüber [w / but modest alteration in both spelling and pronunciation via The Austrian Dialect the term ‘Schickelgruber’ projects insult and implies the individual so-called a dimwitted fool – a crude, unsophisticated country bumpkin]” : Though the colourful canard that Adolf Hitler’s surname was “originally” Schicklgrüber continues to live on through the [thankfully] e’‘erdiminishing New York City Reunion[s] ‘o’ The USA’s [United States-‘o’-America’s; Condīta est 1776—] MOB-RAD [MOBile RADio] Broadcasting Companies ‘o’ WW—II [World War 2]; The Psychological Warfare Experts responsible for “boosting” Allied Morale while supposedly Demoralizing “The Enemy” via ceaseless repetition ‘o’ Lies] : In-Case ‘o’ Hitler’s Presumed Familial Name The Lie has proven most effective – because “Schicklgrüber” sounds far more ridiculous than “Hitler,” e’‘en Today – so The Lie lives on for being more entertaining than mundane Truth to The American Public; said juvenile Rumour being but one ‘o’ the all-too-many enduring Misinformation Successes ‘o’ America’s PSY-WAR [PSYchological WARfare] Experts under direction ‘o’ a US [United States] Citizen ‘o’ Österreichisch / “Austrian” Nationality and Magyar / “Hungarian” Ethnicity : JANOS BÉKESSY [Fiction-Writer and “Fictional News” Paper Publisher, Pseudonymous as “HANS HABE” but otherwise known by ô’‘ēr half-a-dozen Criminal Aliases throughout his sordid career : “ANTONIO CORTE,” “FRANK RICHARD,” “FREDERICK GERT,” “JOHN RICHLER,” “HANS WOLFGANG,” “ALEXANDER HOLMES,” and “ROBERT PILCHOWSKI,” birthed 1911—decedent 1977], Leader ‘o’ The USA’s MOB-RAD AGITPROP [AGITation PROPaganda] Broadcasting Companies and a Post-World War II-Ceasefire Fantasy-Novelist who was personally responsible for having “— broken the Story that Hitler’s original name was Schicklgrüber;” Great Britain’s Own LORD-BARON ALAN-LOUIS CHARLES BULLOCK-‘O’-LEAFIELD [birthed 1914—decedent 2004] exploding this Allied Propaganda Myth well ô’‘ēr half-a-century [sixty-seven years At-Time-‘o’-Data-Entry] agone through his seminal Work : “HITLER : A STUDY IN TYRANNY [published 1952]” – which remainest a Standard Biography ‘o’ Adolf J Hitler [a yardstick ’gainst which Later Biographies were long measured] – by Citing Public Record that Hitler’s Bastard Father ALOIS HITLER, S[ENIO]R [birthed 1837—decedent 1903], had been born out-‘o’-wedlock to MARIA-ANNA SCHICKLGRÜBER [b1795—decedent 1847; as an “Illegitimate Child,” Alois’ Paternity not being listed on his birth-certificate and he so-bearing his Mother’s Surname] – The Acknowledged Biological Father JOHANN GEORG HIEDLER [Baptized 1792—decedent 1857; see Image @ <myspace.com/johanngeorghiedler/mixes/profilemix-62492/photo/1799628>] eventually Marrying Maria in 1842 but ne’‘er bothering to Legitimize his “Stepson” On-Adoption – The British Lord-Baron Alan Bullock Noting that the Brother ‘o’ Johann Georg Hiedler [Then-Decedent] did not initiate Legitimization ‘o’ Alois and legally change his name [Alois Testifying before a Notary and three Witnesses that Johann Hiedler was his Father] until 1876 but irrespectively, at-that-moment, his name officially changed to “Hitler [no-one knowing who decided on ‘Hitler’ instead ‘o’ ‘Hiedler,’ but one is almost tempted to suggest a Marketing Expert from The Future]” but it being clear that, by-yime Adolf Hitler’s Elder Half-Brother ALOIS HITLER, JUNIOR [born ALOIS MATƵELBERGER, 1882—decedent 1956, sic; The Junior Alois’ Original Name Consequent The Senior Alois having Impregnated Junior’s Mother while still Legally Married to his First Wife; see Mid-Nineteen-Fifties Image @ <ww2gravestone.com/sites/default/files/uploads/image068_10.jpg>], entered Our World, their mutual Father’s Name was already Hitler [Adolf Himself being born well after the name-change in 1889, all three preceding children born unto Alois Hitler, Senior, ‘o’ His Mother KLARA HITLER, née PŒLƵL, b1860—d1907, see <alchetron.com/Klara-Hitler-1203725-W#->, Perishing-‘o’-Diseases Endemic-To-Poverty]; as related by Lord-Baron Alan Bullock : “From the beginning of 1877, twelve years before Adolf was born, his father called himself Hitler, and his son was never known by any other name until his opponents dug up this long-forgotten village scandal and tried, without justification, to label him with his grandmother’s name of Schicklgrüber [but Hans-Habe Békessy’s greatest triumph lives on in the warping ‘o’ The American Mind – for the boldest ‘o’ Lies die hardest ‘o’ all among those whom History Judges and finds wanting]”), sic ….

~ THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN EITHER SIDE ‘O’ THE PACIFIC – AMERASIAN AGENT ‘O’ THE PEACOCK ǼNGÆL مَلَك طَاوُوس (“TAWOÛSÊ-MELEIK [‘MELIEK TA’‘OUSI’]”) – HOLDS THE KEY TO BREAKAWAY PERCEPTION :The Germanic Surname “Dietrich” – as Transliterated into The Ænglish – means “(The) Master Key, Skeleton Key, (a) Key That Can Open All Doors”– Renegatus Humanus Arma ab Massa-Eruditio (THE “Renegade Human Weapon ‘o’ Mass-Instruction”);

Publicly “LIKE” and Follow THE Internationally Recogniƶed Military Historian and Intraglobal Crises Analyst 林 一平 (“Lín yĪ-Píng [‘Дукич Димитрич’ / ‘Đûkič Đimitrič;’ or ‘Douglas Dietrich’]”)@ <facebook.com/pg/Renegade-Military-Historian-776799482714974>;

The Д‘трăцк’с (“D‘trăck’s [‘Dietrich’s,’ or ‘Dragon’s’]”) 中國人 (“ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuárén [literally ‘Middle-Kingdom People’s,’ id est ‘Chinese’]”) Lineage-Derived Surname is 「林 (“Lin [the iconographic character for ‘Tree’ represented in plurality – id est ‘Forest’ / ‘Jungle’]”)」; both ‘o’ his First Name Elements 「一 (“yĪ [‘One,’ ‘Singular,’ ‘Throughout’ – id est ‘Totality’]”)」 and 「平 [“Píng [‘Calm,’ ‘Peaceful’ / ‘Flat,’ ‘Level’]”);」 combining as 「一平 (“yĪ-Píng [‘Striving Toward Attainment ‘o’ Peace;’ ‘To Tie,’ as in ‘Even The Score’ / ‘To Draw-Up;’ ‘A-‘leveling’ / ‘An ‘Evening Up’ / ‘A-‘Reckoning’ – id est ‘Cosmic Balance’ / ‘Divine Retribution’]”);」 – Familial and First Name Elements combining yet again (in Proper Asian Order) as 「林 一平 (“Lin yĪ-Píng [‘Path ‘o’ Environmental Harmony’ or ‘Law ‘o’ The Jungle;’ something akin to ‘Gǣĩǣn Sustainability’]”)」。


  1. DDD is way cooler than most.
    Speaking only for Myself, it aint about along which pole or axis You give out info( left,right,center,etc ) It has more to do with the way You show the World Your “spiritual fingerprint”. The “Heart-Body-Mind-Soul” connections that make us all individuals. We are All Children of Our Creator, and He wants us ALL to thrive and Survive, as opposed to the temple of set jokers, and various other kinds of “black magic knuckleheads”.
    You may find Douglas Duane Dietrich to be a tad harsh in His delivery, but that has something to do with why I enjoy the company of East Asian Men, as drinking buddies, or as People to hold conversations with. Sterotypically, if an East Asian Man does not want to tell You something, He absolutely will not.If He does want to tell You something, He absolutely will with a refreshingly honest ” F your feelings” sort of overlay. For example, more than once while getting hammered with East Asian Men, they have told Me which of My Blatant Barbarian Ways absolutely sicken and horrify them, I laugh, then they laugh, and then they kinda riff insults like a jazz musician, and the laughter becomes so hysterical that both of us start to fall over. I have done this with Viet-Namese, Japanese,Chinese of different dialects, and Laotians and last but by no means least, Phillipinoes.
    All these cultures of the Far East have vast and radical differences between and among them, and they dont allways enjoy one anothers company.BUT, You will allways get “straight no-chaser”, and that is quite refreshing after too much time all up in the “dry white toast plastic fantastic” uber-controlled Whitemare!
    I reside in switzerland, the root of ALL WHITENESS, and I can tell You with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY;;;;
    The devil is a white woman……………
    and I am 7/8 WHITE!

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