7/3/19 Douglas Dietrich Critical Omissions “HUMAN(ITARIAN) RESISTANCE”



Livestream is every Wednesday and Sunday night starting at 8pm EST.


Pavel opens the show talking about the Toronto homosexual community and victims of stalker Bruce MacArthur.

Douglas Dietrich recommends everyone review the recent Father’s Day episode, which was very important and didn’t get enough circulation:

Polls show Americans are not proud of the USA while Trump is in office.

Trump: “I love the uneducated.”

American troops were dispatched to murder WW1 veterans so the federal government wouldn’t have to pay them. (Happy 4th of July.)

Wealth Inequality – The rich are growing richer faster while lower classes struggle with rising rents and stagnant wages.

US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said of a recent visit to a detention center on the Southern border, “I was not safe from the guards,” who beat the children and deprived them of water.

Members of a secret FB group for current and former border control agents joked about children being raped to death and AOC being gang raped and murdered. – Reports Pro Publica

Defending Digital Democracy Project

Beijing is assaulting Nationalist China as relocated on Taiwan with Communist Chinese Influence, to destroy it’s democracy, and now Beijing is beginning to deploy it’s tactics in the US.

Mark Zuckerberg is a Russian Asset

Human Trafficking of Thousands of Russian Sex Slaves in Israel

Europe needs it’s own internet and social media platform to reflect it’s own values, instead of using the algorithms developed by USA or Communist China.

G20 Summit

Fossil Fuel, Feminism, and Omnidestruction

Vicki Hollub, the CEO of Occidental Petroleum, which produces carbon negative oil, is being sabotaged by hard BREXIT.

British male lawmakers want to “scrap” female workers’ protections.

British female lawmakers are routinely threatened. First casualty of BREXIT: In 2016 a man shot and stabbed female Labour MP Jo Cox to death while shouting, “Britain first!” referring to a far right terrorist group. BREXITEERS don’t count female deaths in BREXIT.

Sea ice in Antarctica is melting, causing more sunlight to be absorbed by the ocean, which in turn is heating the planet. – Reports Osaka

Trump visits his pen pal, Kim Jong-un, dictator of North Korea. No policy changes are expected. Trump legitimizes communist tyranny.

Trump and Xi Jinping’s “Agreement”

Trump is worse than a liar, he’s a bullshitter, with total disregard for facts and reality. He is so untrustworthy as a businessman that the only people left in the world who would loan him money were Russian oligarchs.

Huawei downplays it’s relationship with the Communist Chinese Military. They developed AI that can distinguish emotions with extremely high levels of accuracy. They have the capability to locate and identify individuals based on their heart beat.

US and China Trade War

The war against the cult of Michael Aquino will  be known as the war against Antichrist.

Gold Star Post:


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