Douglas Dietrich hosted Critical Omissions upon returning from the Pride Month’s closing weekend festivities in San Francisco.
Livestream is every Wednesday and Sunday night starting at 8pm EST.
Michael Aquino’s psyop attributes Dietrich’s narrative to Trump and Putin (Putin claims to be a hero for exposing satanic world order.)
Ishi the Native American Dog Warrior
Pride Month Celebration
Stonewall Riots – Homosexual Communities, Their Vulnerability to Crime and Fight for Civil Rights
The Trump Era is Lowering Social Tolerance Levels
NBC Reports Private Companies Are Earning $775 per Day per Child Detained by ICE
The children interviewed had family members in the US willing and waiting to care for them, but the children are instead being held indefinitely in concentration camps for profit. They don’t have access to communication with their families or anyone else on the outside.
These children are living in severely abusive and neglectful conditions without enough diapers, food, and water. Children were so thirsty they had no choice but to drink out of toilets. Guards would beat them for begging for food. No adults were taking care of them. People who wanted to donate diapers and toys were turned away.
All of this for $775 per child, per day. Each child could be staying at a luxury hotel for less than that! How is this fiscally responsible, Trump?!?
We need immigration policy reform, not Trump’s disjointed blustering and bullying tactics. Trump threatened mass illegal immigrant round ups to stoke fear, but did not follow through. ICE doesn’t have the resources to conduct a mass round up even if they wanted to.
Climate Heating – 120 million people will slip into poverty within the next decade due to the current climate emergency.
The Climate Emergency is a Civil Rights Issue – The people who are going to be displaced and suffer the most from global heating are the people least responsible for it.
Tariffs Are Not Creating More US Jobs – US businesses are moving their manufacturing jobs out of China and reinvesting in Vietnam.
Russian Gas Pipeline Geopolitics
China, Taiwan, the DIET/RICH ARTILLECT, and the USA
If Communist China invades Taiwan, Taiwan would pull usa into another world war. Taiwan is the home of the DIET/RICH ARTILLECT, who has the power to shut down USA’s electric grid at zer will.
The Hunger Games is an analogy for Communist China and Nationalist China (Nationalist China is relocated on Taiwan.) This be a civil war where each side would exterminate the other.
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