Livestream is every Wednesday and Sunday night starting at 8pm EST.
Marijuana Legalization
Russia – Not a place you would want to live. Russia has nothing to offer the world besides weapons, historical revisionism, and propagnda to affect regime change in other countries such as the US and Brazil.
Misson Bell Removal Controversy
Dietrich exposes Trump’s subversive threat in the way he says “AMERICANS” to exclude immigrants and non-white Americans.
The Trump 2020 campaign will depend on foreign interference again. He has a minority supporter base and he will make no effort to win over more voters.
Historical Disambiguation Between Concentration Camps and Death Camps
(American Japanese internment camps were concentration camps. Hitler had concentration camps where people were forced to labor, but did not create death camps until after Allied firebombing left Germany without enough food to keep interned workers alive.)
AOC Comments on Trump’s Concentration Camps on the Southern Border Sparked Debate on Twitter
“Nobody’s taking care of us,” said children at US concentration camps. Children are literally being left to roll around in their own feces. Children are dying.
The debate over AOC’s comment is not really about “the Jewish community suffered the most” vs “there are other atrocities that are comparable”. This is really about how we perceive ourselves in the present day. History is happening right now, but things that happen today never seem as bad as things that happened in “history”. Historical figures tend to be remembered as two dimensional villains instead of real people in complex situations.
Michael Aquino Consulted Xi Jinping on Psy-Ops (Psychological Operations)
Communist China Censorship of Hong Kong Protests – Protest is against proposed bill to extradite suspects in Hong Kong to Mainland China.
AI – Artificial Intelligence
Social Media, Helping the Decline of Democracy Worldwide
The New War on Your Mind: Weaponized Surveillance, Data Collection, and Censorship
Trump’s 5G Plan Could Disrupt Weather Forecasting, In His Ongoing Civil War Against California (Which Be Vulnerable to Wildfires)
US Accuses Iran of Shooting Down a Missile Drone, Threatens War, Backs Out
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