5/8/19 Douglas Dietrich Critical Omissions “BALLS-TO-THE-WALL”

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School Mass-Shootings

STEM – Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (Latest attack targeted a STEM school.)

Russia wants global warming to happen.

The NRA/Russia/Republican Party ARE the evil people responsible for the wave of school mass shootings in the USA.

Toxic Masculinity

Alt Right Online Groups Radicalizing and Mobilizing Young Males

Minors under 18 years old should not be allowed to use the internet or social media without strict limitations and parental supervision.

14 thoughts on “5/8/19 Douglas Dietrich Critical Omissions “BALLS-TO-THE-WALL”

  1. Why would the NRA be responsible for mass shootings when they are the ones trying to uphold the Second Amendment and keep guns from being taken away? Why would they create a false flag like that?


      Why is the NRA is responsible for mass shootings when they are the ones making sure Americans have easy access to assault weapons? I know it’s a difficult concept to grasp, but believe it or not, there IS a correlation between guns and gun violence.

      A better question would be, why is the NRA trying to kill you?!? Because they used to be a reputable organization but now they’re nothing more than a branch of Russian intelligence, as demonstrated by the arrest of Russian spy Maria Butina who used the NRA to build relationships between Russian politicians and American Republicans. Putin’s biggest threat to world domination are the bright young adults and school children who would resist. That’s why they’re targeted by mass school shootings and preventable diseases! It’s no coincidence that anti-vaccine trolls and the evil NRA agenda both source from Russia!

      1. Doulgas…. Please forgive my ignorance sir…. I stopped watching the news…. I did not even know about Maria butina….. I assumed it was a false flag in the sense that I suspected the old Illuminati Order of the central bankers targeting American Gun Owners so that they could make us like Australia ….. Where no firearm weapons of any kind exist ….. So that the UN troops can marching here during some kind of a FEMA false flag and round us all up and put us in camps.
        From what you’re saying the complete opposite is true. … Well that’s why I am subscribing to your news because I really don’t know much thank you for schooling me.

      2. Douglas…… Thank you so much for providing True news ….. In this day and age there are so many different whistleblowers out there and they all have something different to say….. They’re probably all speaking the truth; relatively…… But each of you add a different piece to the puzzle…. I trust what you’re saying because I’ve heard you talk about your background , and I believe that it is legitimate….. Please understand that we Americans have been impoverished in terms of Truth via news media….. And only in these last times a freedom ( thanks to the internet) are we able to get some real answers ; finally……. Of course it is a double-edged sword because the powers-that-be also use it to control and extract information…… And that is unfortunate , because I’m talking to” the most dangerous man in the world ” right now……. And I’m probably on a watch list…… But what an opportunity , huh ? …… Why most Americans have their head buried in video games and football games or Hellywood Productions…….. Some of us actually want to be aware , and are coming looking for answers before the world media is shut down permanently by the powers that be because they are starting to catch on , that it is also their Achilles heel.

        So please be patient with me if I asked stupid questions…. I am stupid (well I have an IQ of 115 but I’m uneducated)…… and i am PARTIALLY the product of my environment and conditioning…… Hopefully with your help I will be able to rectify this.



        1. For true news you would be better off only listening to myself and mainstream media such as CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, etc. since alternative media is mostly Russian propaganda spoken in English. Thank you for posting your questions here and being open to learning more. Namaste, Sar.

          1. Typo….. With more correct grammar.
            (Sorry my talk-to-text phone feature Mis types things that I speak into the mic sometimes)

            Thank you Douglas.

            Could you please share the links that you’re referring to.

            And forgive my brashness….( I tend to speak what’s on my mind.) …..But, I’m shocked that you were able to get on mainstream -Turner Communications owned media. I’ve been taught by the whistleblowers that I’ve had the privilege to talk to since 2009 that it is censored sterilized media , that is maintained only to dish out Pablum to the sheeple.

            Why in the name of all that is Holy would Ted turner (Satanist ) allow you to be heard from these platforms when they block every other piece of news envolving satanic crime from ever reaching the masses ears ?

            Thank you for your patience and thank you for what you do Douglas.

          2. I was on Coast to Coast AM and the only way I could get on was because I knew the satanic pass codes from Michael Aquino. Once Aquino found out what I was exposing on air he threatened them to never have me on again.

          3. Douglas

            Sir I searched ; I Googled : Washington Post, New York Times, CNN -Douglas Dietrich . I couldn’t find anything .please, send me the links.
            I watched a few of your videos, you have open my mind to a whole new dimension. I know what Hitler did was atrocious ; but the Americans and the British were not innocent or smelling like roses either. thank you for bringing that fact to light . we are taught in school something entirely different . we’re taught in pop culture something entirely different.
            I appreciate the deep propagandizing that you devote yourself to to the point of even poverty and homelessness like you say.

            Prayers are with you and please continue to educate, we are listening.

      3. Thank you Douglas.

        Could you please share the links that you’re referring to.

        And forgive my brashness….( I tend to speak what’s on my mind.) …..But, I’m shocked that you were able to get on mainstream -Turner Communications owned media. I’ve been taught by the whistleblowers that I’ve had the privilege to talk to you since 2009 , that is censored media. that is maintained only to dish out Pablum to the sheeple. Why in the name of all that is Holy would Ted turner (Satanist )allowed you to be heard from those platforms when they block every other piece of news envolving satanic crime from ever reaching the masses ears ?

        Thank you for your patience and thank you for what you do Douglas.

  2. Typo
    (Sorry my talk-to-text wrote the wrong thing it’s important that I correct this.)

    I appreciate the ~DE PROPAGANDIZING~ that you devote yourself to.

    ……sorry…….. I know you are the opposite of someone spreading propaganda. That was a typo I promise.


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