2/13/19 Douglas Dietrich and Peter Moon Critical Omissions “RENDEZ VOUS”

In this pivotal episode of Critical Omissions hosted by Douglas Dietrich with special guest Peter Moon, one of the many hidden realities exposed was how the Satanic military chaplain, Michael Aquino, conspired to use Douglas Dietrich (The biological son of Adolf Hitler) to bring down Hitlerism.

Douglas Dietrich and Peter Moon agree that it’s best for one’s health and safety to avoid supernatural experiences. For example, while researching or investigating satanism, you are exposing yourself to satanic frequencies, which can be dangerous. Dieterich and Moon recall more than one incident in which someone who was researching satanic activities had either their computer or other items in their home spontaneously combust.

Mae Magnin Brussell was targeted for assassination because of her investigation into Michael Aquino and Satanic Abuse at the Presidio military base. Before her death, when she was most vulnerable, Aquino fed Brussell misinformation via Jim Marrs, who incorrectly told her that the Nazi’s were responsible for everything wrong in America.

Aquino also targeted Frank Borman, who was chairman of Eastern Airlines at the time, because Borman is a relation of Martin Bormann, who was Adolf Hitler’s secretary.

Dissidents are historically discredited by making them appear to be insane, or silenced by not providing them a platform. For more information about Aquino’s diabolical efforts to drive Brussel and Borman to insanity, review the episode of Critical Omissions from 1/9/19.

Douglas Dietrich acted as a liaison to Michael Aquino when he was working as a librarian at the Presidio military base. Aquino personally told Dietrich that Peter Moon was someone who he always wanted to take down because of the information he was disseminating, but that he “never got around to it.” Peter Moon was contained, however. He was banned from ever speaking on Coast to Coast radio programs, and his books were only translated internationally among axis nations.

The only reason Dietrich was allowed on Coast to Coast AM was because he knew the satanic passcodes from Michael Aquino. George Noory assumed that Dietrich was still working with Aquino at the time. Aquino had been suffering from health issues, so when he finally found out Dietrich was speaking on Coast to Coast, he threatened them never to interview Douglas Dietrich ever again.

Whenever you see some YouTuber with a hundred thousand hits, you have to wonder, who is promoting them? Michael Aquino runs your Alternative Media.

Aquino utilizes a network of cultists to carry out his evil agendas. There used to be recognition of occult crime in police investigations, until one of Aquino’s agents lobbied against it, claiming it was religious discrimination. Now satanists have 007 license to commit Satanic Ritual Abuse and it will never be investigated within that context. Another Aquino cultist managed to change a California law so that children are not allowed to testify against their abusers.

Moon believes that as Aquino starts to fade away, we will be able to effectively fight back against the Satanic military industrial complex and restore legal protections for civilians.

All of the above and much much more were topics of discussion on this episode of Critical Omissions. Fun fact: Peter Moon knew H.P. Lovecraft while working on the Scientology Sea Org Flagship.


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