12/16/18 Douglas Dietrich Critical Omissions “OPERATION: WATCH ON THE RHINE”


This episode is on the 74th Commemoration Day of Operation: Watch on the Rhine (December 16th 1944 through January 25th 1945), the deadliest battle for Americans in WW2. Topics: 1st Hour History of Holocausts History of the Battle of the Buldge 2nd Hour William Newsom died. Trump administration no longer considering keeping unaccompanied immigrant children

12/12/18 Douglas Dietrich Critical Omissions “USA AGGRESSION”

UncategorizedCommunismJapanMarine CorpsPacificity DayUSA Aggression Instigated WW-2WW-2

USA Aggression instigated WW2 on December 12, 1937. This is the 81st memorial day of the communist US Marine Core terrorist attack on China and Japan that expanded undeclared state of low intensity armed conflict into full-frontal global war, pending the planned American bombing of Japan that prompted Japan’s preemptive strategic surgical strike on Pearl

12/9/18 Douglas Dietrich Critical Omissions “PEARL HARBOUR”


Douglas Dietrich hosts this Pearl Harbor Preemptive Strategic Surgical Strike (12/8) Commemorative Weekend Episode of Critical Omissions. Topics: United Nations Taiwan Saudi Arabian War in Yemen* USA, UK, France, and Canada sell weapons to Saudi Arabia. Germany refuses weapon sales to Saudi Arabia. House of Saud attempted to assassinate Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany. Saudi

12/7/18 Douglas Dietrich Critical Omissions “Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou Arrested”


Special Report on the war-sourcing potential from the hot topic of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou’s arrest and detention crisis and beyond. Topics: Presidential Legitimacy George Bush Sr. Republican Voters Turning Democrat Thousand Oaks Shooting and other current events of early November 2018 Protection from Free Speech (Hate Speech) First Amendment The Role of Racism in

12/5/18 Douglas Dietrich Critical Omissions “LÍN SŪJĬN”-“TAKABAYASHI HIDEKO”


This episode is dedicated to Douglas Dietrich’s late and sainted mother, THE GRAND SIRESS DIANNA 林蘇錦 (“LÍN SŪJĬN [‘BRIGHT-WOODS / FOREST-‘O’-BROCADE’]”) / 高林秀子 (“TAKABAYASHI HIDEKO [‘SPLENDID CHILD’]”) DIETRICH, on her birthday. May she Rest In Peace. Topics: European Union Asks Facebook and Others For Monthly Fake News Reports Reference: https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-to-ask-facebook-others-for-monthly-fake-news-reports/?fbclid=IwAR3cO9ieEgwFUCW1hIoenomtLRiIzJ9-ambJOTokqTV6Ok0pYOTYB7p2kvU Trump’s trade war with China

12/2/18 Douglas Dietrich with Justin White Critical Omissions “WHITE WOUNDS – TCHO COUNTER”


Topics: Classified Woman Book by Sibel Edmonds Justin White Tcho Tcho Alternative Media Deconstructed Diamond and Silk Facebook Censorship Narrative Facebook Privacy Hearings Repeal The First Amendment Reactionary Right “Playing the Ref” with Social Media and Mainstream Media Head of Russian Military Spy Agency Died Suspect in UK Nerve Attack is Russian Military Spy Clones

11/28/18 Douglas Dietrich Critical Omissions “GRAND MA DAME”


The Taipei Rapier livestreamed Critical Omissions while seducing our Volcano Crown Princess The Grand Ma Dame Judith Eggert back onto Team Dietrich, even as she addressed Islamist-perpetrated antiblack genocide in the Pacific – along so many other related and relevant topical subjects. Topics: Indonesia West Papua Papua New Guinea Australia Vaccines Russian Biological Weapons AFM



(November 2018) EIGHT “SOFT TARGET” ATTACKS, MASS SHOOTINGS IN TWO WEEKS: 11/19/18 Chicago Mercy Hospital Mass Shooting 11/19/18 Downtown Denver Mass Shooting 11/19/18 Sexual Assault and Shooting in Catholic Supply Store in Missouri 11/19/18 Philadelphia Basement Mass Shooting 11/9/18 Thousand Oaks Borderline Bar Mass Shooting 11/2/18 Tallahassee Yoga Studio Mass Shooting 10/27/18 Pittsburgh Synagogue Mass



Download “Critical Omissions 2018 11 14” from the Archives: https://showsdd.com/archives.html Topics Covered in This Episode: Rest In Peace Stan Lee – Lee’s Realistic Portrayal of the 3rd Reich California “Wild” Fires Artificial Rain Technology DOES Exist, President Trump chooses not to use it to fight fires in CA. Most of the CA Fires are on