¡¡¡ 臺北-剑杆 (“TÁĪPBĚĪH-JIÀNGĀN,” or THE “TAIPEI RĀPIÈR”)* COHOSTS EIGHTY-SECOND WORLD WAR—II-IN-EUROPE COMMENCEMENT** COMMEMORATION DAY-Cum-SEVENTY-SIXTH USS MISSOURI CIRCUS (sic, see (see “THE ROSWELL DECEPTION And THE DEMYSTIFICATION ‘O’ WW—II” by DOUGLAS DIETRICH and his Official Biographer PETER MOON; Nonfiction – Order Directly From SKY BOOKS, Condīta est 1992—, via WWW.SKYBOOKSUSA.COM)-CEREMONY COMMEMORATION EVEDAY LIVESTREAM ‘O’ “CRITICAL OMISSIONS” COMPÈRES TEAM Д‘ТРĂЦК (“D‘TRĂCK” : “DIETRICH” or “DRAGON”) AMIDST 鬼月 (“GUǏ-YUÈ,” or THE “GHOST MONTH”);*** DIGITAL TRANSMISSION SOURCING FROM OUT ‘O’ THE CRYPT ON РУССКИЙ ХИЛЛ (“RUSSKIY KHOLM,” or “RUSSIAN HILL”) IN 大旧金山三藩市 (“DÀ-JIÙJĪNSHĀN-SĀNFĀNSHÌ,” literally THE “GREATER HEDGE-FENCED CITY ON THE THREE-PEAKED MOUNTAIN ‘O’ AULDEN GOLD;” exonymous throughout The Sinosphere for “SAN FRANCISCO” by way ‘o’ The Gold Rush: 1848—1855) !!! * The Photographic Image ‘o’ DOUGLAS DUANE DIETRICH as E(lectronically)-mbedded w(ith)in “Thumbnail”-‘o’-Livestream subtly betrays the peculiarly 日本人 (“Nīhônjīn,” or “Japanese People’s”) Èthnospecific variant ‘o’ moderate 病症候群 (“Kawasakibyō-Shōkōgun,” or “Kawasaki Disease Syndrome;” see https://arstechnica.com/science/2015/06/the-mystery-of-kawasaki-disease/) casual ‘o’ Red Irises Absent Pus or Drainage (Medically Referenced as “Conjunctivitis-Sans-Discharge”); Said perennial Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Disorder finally being formally Diagnosed by The Late Pædiatrician 川崎 富作 (“KAWASAKI TOMISAKU;” birthed Annō Dominī 1925 Commonal Èræ—decedent Annō Dominī 1967 Commonal Èræ) C(irc)a AD (Annō Dominī) 1967 Commonal Èræ : When The Mister Dietrich himself evidenced Symptoms at but a single year-‘o’-age, having himself been born Ca 1966; the potentially lethal mutation ‘o’ “same” Condition having been Observed by The Good 医師川崎 (“Ishi Kawasaki,” or “Doctor Kawasaki”) C(a) AD 1960 CÈ and Identified by Same CAD (Circa Annō Dominī) 1961 Commonal Èræ) – but Description ‘o’ either there-‘o’ not Circulating in The English ‘til AD 1974 Commonal Èræ). ** September 1st, 1939 Operation : Case White – Invasion-‘o’-Poland amid (sic) World War 2, id est 大 きい東アジア太平洋戦争 (“Ōoki-i Higashi-ajia Taiheiyōusensōu,” or The “Greater East-Asian Pacific War”) : 大日本帝國 (“Daï-Nīpphôn-Teikoku,” or The “Empire ‘o’ Greater Japan;” CeAChN : Condīta est Antechristum Natum; Latin, “Established Precedent Christóús’ Deliverance” 02 / 11, 660 ANCÈ : Avant Notre Commonal Èræ; Français, “Prior Our Common Era” – here literally Founded “The Eleventh Date ‘o’ The Second Month, Six Hundred and Sixty Years Antecedent Time-‘o’-Christ”—) versus The UNO (United Nations Organization; Condīta est 010142, or January 1st, 1942—; Said Body Established as a United Frontal Anti-Axis Organization-‘o’-War, sic – as-per Article 42 ‘o’ The United Nations Charter), Said Hostilities Commencing w / The Communist (sic, see “COLONEL EVANS-FORDYCE CARLSON : OUR MOST PATRIOTIC COMMUNIST” @ https://psmag.com/news/evans-carlson-was-a-patriotic-communist?) USMC (United States Marine Corps; Condīta est 1775—) Terrorist Attack on ĀN―DAY (平倭―日 / 天 : “Píng-WÂ―Hi / Tiān;” transliterally “ĀN―Sunlit Skytime” or “Pacificity Day;” conveying an Annal-Dated Manifestation ‘o’ Historically Significant Worldly Security), as was Scheduled for Concordat (an “Agreement” between Church and Civil Authority, in this case between The Δηικρατία / “Dēicracy” or “God’s-Rule” Under 帝 / “Mikado” or The “God-Emperor” ‘o’ 大日本 / “Daï Nīpphôn” or “Greater Japan”] and The Secular Nationalist Republic ‘o’ 中國 / “ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuá,” literally The “Middle Kingdom,” ie “China”) per Establishment ‘o’ 中-日本人轴 (“ƵChuṑnggnīpphônjīn-Ƶhóu,” or The “Sino-Japanese People’s Axis”) on Ā―DAY 121237 (December 12th, 1937)―Cessation-‘o’-Hostilities : 042852 (April 28th, 1952), 日本人 (“Nīpphônjīn,” or The “Japanese Peoples”) and Anglo-American Allied Peace Treaty ‘o’ San Francisco Effective as Recognized by The UNO – w / Российская Федерация (“Rossijskaja Federacija,” or The “Russian Federation;” Condīta est 1991—) still Legally In-State-‘o’-War Under (tenuous) Conditions-‘o’-Ceasefire ’gainst 日本帝国 (“Nīpphôn-Teikoku,” or The “Japanese Empire”) Today. *** 中國鬼月 (“ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuá-Guǐyuè,” or The “Chinese Ghost Monthl”) is The Seventh Lūnar Month ‘o’ 中-越 日历 (“ƵChuṑngg-Yuè Rì-Lì” or The “Sino-Việt Calendar”). The First Lūnar Day ‘o’ The Seventh Lūnar Month fell on The Eighth Day-in-August ‘o’ This Twa Thousand and Twenty-First Year In Our Lord by-reckoning ‘o’ The Gregorian Sólar Calendar. The First Lūnar Day ‘o’ The Eighth Lūnar Month befalls us This Annus on The Seventh Day-in-September ‘o’ This Twa Thousand and Twenty-First Year In Our Lord per Gregorian Sólar Calendrical reckoning. Ergo, we still presently be in the midst ‘o’ Guǐ-Yuè (“The Ghost Month”) as lasting from The Eighth Day-in-August through-to The Sixth Day-in-September as calculated within The Sinospheric Time-Ƶone ‘o’ 治安中国特色的 (“Zhì-Ān ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuá Tè-Sè Dí,” or “Pax Sinitica”).