¡¡¡ 臺北-剑杆 (“TÁĪPBĚĪH-JIÀNGĀN,” THE “TAIPEI RĀPIÈR”)* COHOSTS LA GUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLA (“THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR” : 1936—1939) COMMENCEMENT COMMEMȮRATION SEPTIMANA (“WEEK”) – See https://www.theguardian.com/world/from-the-archive-blog/2021/jul/14/panish-civil-war-begins-july-1936 – Via LIVESTREAM ‘O’ “CRITICAL OMISSIONS” COMPÈRES TEAM Д‘ТРĂЦК (“D‘TRĂCK [‘DIETRICH,’ or ‘DRAGON’]”) IN-REFLECTION ‘O’ THIS PAST INTERNATIONAL DRAG DAY WEEKEND (Sic, Fdy 071621 [Friday, July 16th, 2021]; see https://anydayguide.com/calendar/1126); DIGITAL TRANSMISSION THERE-‘O’ SOURCING FROM OUT ‘O’ THE CRYPT ON РУССКИЙ ХИЛЛ (“RUSSKIY KHOLM,” or “RUSSIAN HILL”) IN 大旧金山三藩市 (“DÀ-JIÙJĪNSHĀN-SĀNFĀNSHÌ,” or THE “GREATER HEDGE-FENCED CITY ON THE THREE-PEAKED MOUNTAIN ‘O’ AULDEN GOLD;” exonymous throughout The Sinosphere for “SAN FRANCISCO” by way ‘o’ The Gold Rush : 1848—1855) !!! * NOTE : The E(lectronically)-(a)ttached Photographic Image of the M(iste)r DOUGLAS DUANE DIETRICH clearly emphasizes the quite genuinely real Φαινόμενόν (“Phænómænón, or “Manifestation”) ‘o’ “Alexandria’s Genesis (see https://mywayteens.wixsite.com/myway/single-post/2016/04/28/Strange-diseases-Alexandria%E2%80%99s-Genesis-Purple-eyes and confer http://www.the-next-tech.com/future/alexandrias-genesis-what-is-it-side-effects-and-symptoms/)” : A Genetic Variation (in-disambiguation from “Mutation; see https://doctor.ndtv.com/living-healthy/alexandrias-genesis-purple-eyes-fact-or-fallacy-1809290”) in Heterochromatin wot manifests itself conditional Ambient Light (see https://alexandriasgenesisblogger.wordpress.com/) as visually enhanced in-effect by Distichiasis as Inherited in both Cases by The Mr Doug Dietrich from his True Biological Sire – either The Late and Sainted Three-War (World War II, Korea & Việt-Nám) Veteran GEORGE JOSEPH HENRY DIETRICH, CPO (Chief Petty Officer), USN (United States Navy; Condīta est 1775—), RET(ired, Rṓmãn-Catholic Conservative, born Annō Dominī X.XXIII.MCMXIX, or 10 / 23, 1919 Commonal Èræ—decadent Annō Dominī III.XXVI.MMVII, or 03 / 26, 2007 Commonal Èræ; Thanatiƶed) or ADOLFUS-JACOB HITLER† (both ‘o’ whom Evidently, in the full meaning ‘o’ said term, Manifested Same Traits; which be why the colours – sic, in-plurality – ‘o’ The Historical Hitler’s Eyes hast ne’‘er been determined). † The FEÜEHRER (literally “LEADER”) ADOLFUS (literally “WOLF-KING;” the name “ADOLFUS” Sourcing from Græcorṓmãn Mythology, wherein IŪPITER : *DJOUS / “DAYSKY” + *PATĒR / “FATHER,” thus The “HEAVENLY FATHER” IOVIS, or “JOVE” – King ‘o’ The Classical Βαλκανικής / “Ellīnikī́,” or “Grecian People’s” Gods – transmogrified the cruel, cannibalistic ΥΑΣΙΛΙΆΣ ΛΥΚΆΟΝ ΑΡΚΑΔΊΑΣ : “VASILIÁS LYCÁON ARKADÍAS,” or “KING LYCÁON-‘O’-ARCADIA” into “ΑΔΟΛΠἹΥΟΥΣ / ‘ADOLPHIYOUS’ ” – transliterally “WOLF-KING” – The Sire ‘o’ All Werewolves)-JACOB HITLER (NSDAP : NAtional-SoƵIalistiche Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei, or “National Socialist German Workers’ Party” – pejoratively The “NAƵI” Partei; Condīta est 1919, mine own Late-&-Sainted Sire’s Birthyear—sic, Alias “DER SCHŴARƵENFUCHS / ‘THE BLACK FOX’,” Born a Hitler, sic : 04 / 20, 1889—?; Freelance Illustrator, Locale : Ŵien / “Vienna” : 1907—1918; Gefreiter, Deutschens Heer-Armee or “Lance-Corporal, Imperial German Army” Squad Leader : 1914—1918; Vorläufige Reichswehr or “Provisional Realm’s Defense” Agent On-Assignment : Infiltration ‘o’ Radicalized Political Movements as formed by Disenfranchised Veterans – one such Target-Organization being Der DAP : Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei, or The “German Workers’ Party” : 1919—1920; Fëᵫhrer,
NSDAP, see above, Hitler’s Reörganized DAP : 1921—1945 + ?; cKhanƶcellor Dæirs Deutsche Demokratischen Republik or “Chancellor ‘o’ The German Democratic Republic” : 1933—1945; Der Deutschenfëᵫhrer-und-ReichscKhanƶcellor-von-Größdeutschland or “Leader ‘o’ The German Peoples and Realm’s-Chancellor ‘o’ Greater Germania” : 1934—1945; Entered Ŵoaumphyieorai Estate ? : 1942—1945; Der Fëᵫhrer Dæirs Tausendjährigen Reiches-Im-Exil or “The Leader ‘o’ The Thousand Year Realm-In-Exile” ? : 1945—?; Rumoured Decedent / Assassinated ? / Slain ?; Notes : Adolfus Hitler’s middle name ‘o’ “Jacob” was once writ on a Police Report filed Circa 1940 in France aftermath The Fall ‘o’ La Troisième République or “The Third Republic,” on which Adolf Hitler’s Date-‘O’-Birth be translated to : “… sometime after 1880,” this being the only known documentation ‘o’ a middle name writ for Adolf J Hitler and recorded parcel Adolf Hitler Commissioning one ‘o’ His Own many, sic, Begotten, sic, Sons : JEAN-MARIE LORET / LOBJOIE, birthed 03 / 18 or 25, 1918—decedent 02 / 14, 1985, as a high-ranking Policier Français or “French Police Official”).