Roswell and The Rising Sun – How Japan Won WW-2
Douglas Dietrich presents compelling evidence of how Emperor Hirohito forced the US to surrender to Japan during WW-2.
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“Don’t tell them anything they don’t need to know. When it’s over, tell them who won.”
– U.S. Admiral Ernest J. King on what the American Public should be told about World War II.
If the United States High Command hadn’t Sued For Peace on the 15th of August in 1945, the overwhelming majority of the American population would have died in a manner suffered by many WWII U.S. POWs (Prisoner[s] of War) – on which Emperor Hirohito’s Covert “Empire of the Black Sun” tested WMD (Weapon[s] of Mass-Destruction) which rendered the Atomic Bomb obsolete – Never to be Deployed Again!
Douglas Duane Dietrich is the internationally celebrated Renegade U.S./DOD (Dept. of Defense) Military Research Librarian who specialized in Document(s) Destruction! He has appeared before audiences of millions on forums such as the World-famous “Coast to Coast AM,” with the “Nighthawk” Host, George Noory, to expose the document(s) proving that the United States perpetrated World War II with an interdicted “Flying Tiger(s)” Air-Strike on Japan that necessitated the Preemptive Japanese Surgical Strike at Pearl Harbor on the 7th of December in 1941! Douglas Dietrich has shared the Realities Behind American Revisionism by revealing how the U.S. Government lied to its citizens about how America instigated World War II. Now by revealing how Japan Ended WW II, Dietrich proves that the United States is still lying to us – about how it Lost the War it Started!
Among many thousands of sets of documents that Doug Dietrich collated/destroyed were the Roswell Files. The Roswell Crashes constituted a Collateral Damage Incident of the Second World War – an incident that threatened to expose the fact that the Greater Pacific War was still being waged at that time – to America’s loss. International Incident followed long after Japanese-American Peace was Settled on the 8th of September in 1951 (from November 17th, 1995—June 12th, 1996), when D.D. Dietrich anonymously attempted to return the most coherent fragment of Roswell debris that he had appropriated from the U.S. Military to the people(s) of Japan as the centerpiece of an intended UFO Museum; into which over $50 million dollars was invested. Then-President William Jefferson Clinton ratified the toughest Trade Agreement ever imposed between the two nations – one which ended many of Japan’s Import Quotas against American goods – quotas originating in Japan’s Pacific War Victory Conditions.
The “Mussolini Manta” Plane

The “Mussolini Manta” Plane
Mr. Oliver:
The photo of the aircraft that I transmitted in my last pair of communiqués was the original prototype for a three-engined trans-Mediterranean “surgical-strike” bomber contracted by Fascist Italiy’s Regio Æronautica (Royal Air Force) with prerogative to reunite Mare Nostrum (the Central Sea) under Domini Romano (Domination of Rome). The year was 1933 (and although the Third Reich had only recently been formally recognized by the League of Nations, Italy had already thrived and prospered under the Fascisti [Fascist Party] for over a decade – if this had not been the case, Franklin Delano Roosevelt would not have emulated so many of Mussolini’s Populist Social Programs when he himself assumed the Executive Office of the United States in 1933 [in the same year that Adolf Hitler attained the Reichskhanzerllory]).
At that point in history, Italy possessed the most cutting-edge Air Force in the world, a lead based on a cosmopolitan culture with a history of innovation tracing back to the Renaissance and Leonardo Da Vinci (a master craftsman’s paradigm as opposed to the crass brutality of mass-production). Il Duce Benito Mussolini subsequently ordered the creation of a National UFO Investigations Office as an international Façade to prevent rival powers from interpreting the sightings of this craft on test-flight throughout the skies of Magna Italia (Greater Italy) and its colonies as anything other than popular delirium, akin to the United States’ “Great Airship ‘Scare'” of the Later 1800s. His masterstroke obviously succeeded in this regard….
Italy was to lose its advantages as the world careened into the grind of over-productive capacity – essentially pitting Domestic Labor Forces against each other – as opposed to Armies and Fleets in test of martial skill – a situation that the resource and population-starved Axis could only overcome by the development (and threatened deployment) of Holocaustic Weapons Systems. Mussolini consequently “returned the gifts favored on Venice from the Orient” (Gunpowder, et cetera) and turned over the “Mussolini Manta” Prototype to Bushidoistic Japan. The Mikado (Emperor) of that nation and its people immediately redesigned, reconfigured, and redeployed the pictured prototype into the Biocidal Weapons Delivery-System that would terrorize the Americans into Cease-Fire.
The most obvious problem with the original Italian Model were its ærodynamic challenges with “pitch” due to its “short” length in comparison to its width. The Japanese compensated for this by the addition of a long “tail” (to prevent the craft from tumbling in mid-air “ass-over-nose-prop”), appended in turn with a “trelek” to aid in the dispersal of ærosolized biocidals. Another modification incorporated was the radical widening of the wing-AREA (as opposed to “wingspan”) with the stretching of sturdy fabric over the wing-frame to facilitate controlled “glide-capacity” when the plane would inevitably run out of fuel over America’s cities and soar into a precision-directed crash/dive. In effect, this application of ancient Oriental kite-mechanics turned the “Mussy” (as the Japanese affectionately referred to the Italian Prototype) into the “Mothra” (this reality would soon leak and filter into the post-Ceasefire world of Japanese cinema though the concept of a “Mothra” Dai-Kaiju (Giant Strange Creature) defending Japan from the atomic monster Gojira (Godzilla). One of the few Kaiju to feature in her (Mothra is female) own series of films aside from Godzilla and Gamera, Toho Studios almost always portrays Mothra dying at film’s finis upon saving the world from cataclysm. This craft was “Japanized” into a suicide-system, after all.
As for how Mussolini’s “Manta” got to Japan to become the Mikado’s “Mothra?” Quite simply, it was flown there! The G.I. Generation of Americans hated anybody they were indoctrinated to hate, and consequently were programmed to loathe and despise Pioneer Aviator Charles Lindbergh (and his wife) as contemporary “Benedict Arnolds,” via their connections to Nat-Zi Germany (without which, of course, the United States would NEVER have attained the nuclear status it so primarily identifies itself with); but all Americans begrudged Lindbergh’s trans-Atlantic accomplishment. NO American, however, was EVER informed (through public information channels) about the Fascist Italian Pioneer Aviator Arturo Ferrarin, a giant in the skies of flight who dwarfed the Lindbergh “jaunt across the pond” with the world’s first trans-Eurasian flight (of one thousand and two hundred miles) from Rome to Tokyo – where he was greeted as a hero – in 1920!
Two decades later, yet another intrepid Italian Airman would repeat Ferrarin’s flight-route, evading Allied interception on the strength of exploiting Anglo-American contempt for his people’s abilities and pivotally participating in winning the Second World War for Italy’s co-Axial Asian Ally; truly an Unsung Hero of the Ages if there was one….

Japanese Negotiations for “Conditional Peace” Prior to American Deployment of Nuclear Weapons…

Hi Doug:
Quick question: Did the Japanese intend to surrender before we dropped the atomic bomb?
-Tom Danheiser
The short answer to your short question is: “No/Yes.” As maddening as this answer is, it is unavoidable per both the Complexity of Intercultural Context(s) and the Realities of History – as opposed to the Simplicities of Propagandistic Myth.
Per the Imperial Japanese Constitution: All Power derived from, and was ultimately retraceable to, the Emperor and the Emperor Alone – a direct result of Emperor Meiji’s Creation of this Legal Document in the first place; upon his restoring power to the Japanese Nobility (after wresting it – via Civil War – away from the Samurai Caste for the first time in Thirteen Generations of Tokugawa Shōgûnacy [as conveyed in popular American culture through Tom Cruise’s “Last Samurai”], using a European-Trained Peasant Army).
From the very moment that Japan was compelled into War with the United States, Peace Initiatives were simultaneously initiated demanding: Peace via Preservation of Kokutai – The Japanese National Polity of Imperial Immunity. These “Peace Feelers” were transmitted to the United States Government at the Executive (Presidential) Level through: Switzerland, Sweden, the Vatican, and even the Soviet Union – continuing ceaselessly in relay throughout the next three years and ten months of Proactive Conflict. Entire books (available on the Mass-Market) have been dedicated to impeccably documenting these tireless efforts. All such Overtures – in All of their continuously rewritten phraseology – were Ignored. They were interpreted by the American Executive as: Attempt(s) to Negotiate (a) Conditional Surrender.
U.S. Commander-In-Chief Roosevelt – and President Truman as his Successor – were Committed to: Unconditional Surrender as American National Policy. There is No Other Definition of Unconditional Surrender than that of Racial Genocide. Life Magazine (Federally Vetted in Wartime, as was every major source of Public Information) reiterated Verbatim TheOfficially articulated American Military Objective on June 11th, 1945: “Total War calls for Total Defeat. That means that the War-Making power of every Japanese Resource, every Japanese Man, Woman, and Child Must Be Destroyed.”On Basis of the Above Context: ANY and ALL attempts on part of the Japanese to Conduct Dialogue were Rendered Irrelevant and – by Logical Extension – the Atomic Bombs were Totally Irrelevant.
With the Advent of the American-Developed Plutonium Bomb (as opposed to the Axis-Developed Uranium Bomb) It is Indisputable Historical Fact that the United States Government was inexorably Committed to Continued Deployment of Nuclear Weapons – Once Available (this was known to be initially problematic – by the Japanese as well as the Americans) – Until the Japanese Race was Exterminated – Period – No Negotiations for “Conditional Surrender” Being Acceptable and Any Attempt at such Negotiation, by Definition, Being “Conditional.” The Circular Logic of Genocide is thereby inescapable.
Therefore: “NO,” the Japanese Never Sought Surrender by American Terms (which were Nothing Less Than a Demand for Ethnic Acceptance of Total Annihilation); which, obviously, rendered “Surrender” Impossible – and: “Yes,” the Japanese Continuously offered the United States an “Out” – via Acceptance of Kokutai – which the Americans Repeatedly Rejected.
Herein:the Unparalleled Significance of All Such Documents I was Ordered to Destroy – Once Confronted with the (Virtually Guaranteed) Prospect of the Mass-Extermination of the Overwhelming Majority of the American Population by Biocidal Weapons developed by Emperor Hirohito (a Marine Biologist of Internationally Recognized Repute), the United States Government was Forced to Sue For Peace and Declare Immediate Cease-Fire.
The Atomic Bombs were Utterly Meaningless and Without Any Impact Whatsoever – Other Than the Immeasurable Human Suffering As Imparted by Any Act of Terrorism – and the Fact that such Terrorism Acted as Catalyst for the Emperor’s Threatened Deployment of Truly Genocidal Bio-technologies via Effective Dispersal System(s).
Therefore: By Title: 38, Under Citation of the U.S. Code, which is The Law – As Created By Congress – It Is Established That the United States Government (As Separate and/or Ancillary to United Nations Mandate, it must be emphasized [Which Recognizes WW II as Ending with the Japanese-American Peace Treaty, Signed In September of 1951[!]) Recognizes The Second World War (World War II); Insofar as Proactive U.S. Participation (Under U.N. Organizational Auspice – As of January 1st, 1942) as Ending on: December 31st, 1946 (As Acknowledged By Congress).
By Which: Any and All Veteran’s Claims to Establish Service-Connection Recognized Disabling Injuries (Code: #2 = WWII per Computer Coding of Such) Caused By Service in the Second World War are Subject to The Code Of Federal Regulations that Implement The Law as Pursuant to The U.S. Code and Thereby Also Extend In Recognition (Establishing Service-Connection) To: December 31st, 1946 – as the C.F.R. Holds Equal Status With The Law.
The Very Words: “Surrender,” “Capitulate,” “Failure,” and “Defeat” are Entirely Absent From the Japanese Imperial Rescript – as Officially Translated By The United States (and Reflecting – Literally – the Japanese Original), and Published (In Both Japanese and English) on Page #1 of The Nippon Times, on the 15th of August in 1945.
Moreover: The Imperial Rescript To The Soldiers And Officers – Issued on August 17th, 1945, Makes No Reference Whatsoever to The Atomic Bomb(s) – as what was interpreted as Terrorist Attacks on Civilians had had No Effect On Military Assets In The Field whatsoever.
In Conclusion: The Anniversary of 1945’s August 15th Cease-Fire (Propagandized as: “VJ-Day” and an “Unconditional Surrender” to a War-Weary American Public) is Officially Recognized in Japan as: “Senbotsusha o tsuitō shi heiwa o kinen suru hi.” This Transliterates as: “Day of Mourning of War Dead and Praying For Peace” – As Peace Was Yet To Be Established!

Ichigo 1945
D DIETRICH | MIDTRANSAWARENESS WEEK CRITICAL OMISSIONS | Wdy 111820 (Wednesday, November 18th, 2020)
DOUGLAS DIETRICH | IDES-‘O’-NOVEMBER CRITICAL OMISSIONS | Sndy 111520 (Sunday, November 15th, 2020)
DOUGLAS DIETRICH | VETERANS DAY CRITICAL OMISSIONS | Wdy 111120 (Wednesday, November 11th, 2020)
DOUG DIETRICH | REMEMBRANCE DAY CRITICAL OMISSIONS | Sndy 110820 (Sunday, November 8th, 2020)
D DIETRICH | POSTELECTION DAY + CRITICAL OMISSIONS | Wdy 110420 (Wednesday, November 4th, 2020)
D DIETRICH | PRESAMHAIN “UNHOLYWOOD” CRITICAL OMISSIONS | Wdy 102820 (Wednesday, October 28th, 2020)

DOUGLAS DIETRICH | POSTNĀTALDAY CRITICAL OMISSIONS | Wdy 102120 (Wednesday, October 21st, 2020)
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DOUGLAS DIETRICH | CRITICAL OMISSIONS | Wdy 100720 (Wednesday, October 7th, 2020)
DOUG DIETRICH | AXIS FOUNDATION DAY CRITICAL OMISSIONS | Sndy 092720 (Sunday, September 27th, 2020)
DOUGLAS DIETRICH | CRITICAL OMISSIONS | Wdy 093020 (Wednesday, September 30th, 2020)
DOUGLAS DIETRICH | CRITICAL OMISSIONS | Sndy 100420 (Sunday, October 4th, 2020)
Across the seven streams of lustral light,
That holds my vessel aloft,
Floating on currents that contemplate your love,
That contracts upon me, and holds my parts together
In the infinite spaces of your mysteries unveiled;
Gliding into pools of flooding light,
On red and yellow oars that spiral,
Around blue aspiration that thrills
With the chance of union with,
The Cherished Pearl.