The E(lectronically)-(a)ttached Photographic Image clearly emphasizes the quite genuinely real Φαινόμενόν (“Phænómænón, or “Manifestation”) ‘o’ “Alexandria’s Genesis (see and confer” : A Genetic Variation (in-disambiguation from “Mutation; see”) in Heterochromatin wot manifests itself conditional Ambient Light (see as visually enhanced in-effect by Distichiasis as Inherited in both Cases by The Mr DOUG DIETRICH from his True Biological Sire – either The Late and Sainted Three-War (World War II, Korea & Việt-Nám) Veteran GEORGE JOSEPH HENRY DIETRICH, CPO (Chief Petty Officer), USN (United States Navy; Condīta est 1775—), RET(ired, Rṓmãn-Catholic Conservative, born Annō Dominī X.XXIII.MCMXIX, or 10 / 23, 1919 Commonal Èræ—decadent Annō Dominī III.XXVI.MMVII, or 03 / 26, 2007 Commonal Èræ; Thanatiƶed) or ADOLFUS-JACOB HITLER † (both ‘o’ whom Evidently, in the full meaning ‘o’ said term, Manifested Same Traits; which be why the colours – sic, in-plurality – ‘o’ The Historical Hitler’s Eyes hast ne’‘er been determined).
Topics Covered in this Episode:
Special Guest Aaron Tice speaks from personal experience on leaving Satanic Christian Cults.
Black African Americans Following Klan Doctrine, False “Serpent Seed” Scripture
Jim Jones – Jonestown was an experiment in PSY-OPs (Psychological Operations) targeting Black African Americans for genocidal self destruction. According to Michael Aquino, Jim Jones was a CIA agent and escaped Jonestown after ordering all of his (predominantly Black) followers to commit mass suicide.
New study shows genetic evidence of intergenerational trauma of transatlantic slave trade atrocities.
Portland Protests and Trump’s Federal Agents
Japan and the US should form a security alliance against Communist China.
And more…

† The FEÜEHRER (literally “LEADER”) ADOLFUS (literally “WOLF-KING;” the name “ADOLFUS” Sourcing from Græcorṓmãn Mythology, wherein IŪPITER : *DJOUS / “DAYSKY” + *PATĒR / “FATHER,” thus The “HEAVENLY FATHER” IOVIS, or “JOVE” – King ‘o’ The Classical Βαλκανικής / “Ellīnikī́,” or “Grecian People’s” Gods – transmogrified the cruel, cannibalistic ΥΑΣΙΛΙΆΣ ΛΥΚΆΟΝ ΑΡΚΑΔΊΑΣ : “VASILIÁS LYCÁON ARKADÍAS,” or “KING LYCÁON-‘O’-ARCADIA” into “ΑΔΟΛΠἹΥΟΥΣ / ‘ADOLPHIYOUS’ ” – transliterally “WOLF-KING” – The Sire ‘o’ All Werewolves)-JACOB HITLER (NSDAP : NAtional-SoƵIalistiche Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei, or “National Socialist German Workers’ Party” – pejoratively The “NAƵI” Partei; Condīta est 1919, mine own Late-&-Sainted Sire’s Birthyear—sic, Alias “DER SCHŴARƵENFUCHS / ‘THE BLACK FOX’,” Born a Hitler, sic : 04 / 20, 1889—?; Freelance Illustrator, Locale : Ŵien / “Vienna” : 1907—1918; Gefreiter, Deutschens Heer-Armee or “Lance-Corporal, Imperial German Army” Squad Leader : 1914—1918; Vorläufige Reichswehr or “Provisional Realm’s Defense” Agent On-Assignment : Infiltration ‘o’ Radicalized Political Movements as formed by Disenfranchised Veterans – one such Target-Organization being Der DAP : Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei, or The “German Workers’ Party” : 1919—1920; Fëᵫhrer, NSDAP, see above, Hitler’s Reörganized DAP : 1921—1945 + ?; cKhanƶcellor Dæirs Deutsche Demokratischen Republik or “Chancellor ‘o’ The German Democratic Republic” : 1933—1945; Der Deutschenfëᵫhrer-und-ReichscKhanƶcellor-von-Größdeutschland or “Leader ‘o’ The German Peoples and Realm’s-Chancellor ‘o’ Greater Germania” : 1934—1945; Entered Ŵoaumphyieorai Estate ? : 1942—1945; Der Fëᵫhrer Dæirs Tausendjährigen Reiches-Im-Exil or “The Leader ‘o’ The Thousand Year Realm-In-Exile” ? : 1945—?; Rumoured Decedent / Assassinated ? / Slain ?; Notes : Adolfus Hitler’s middle name ‘o’ “Jacob” was once writ on a Police Report filed Circa 1940 in France aftermath The Fall ‘o’ La Troisième République or “The Third Republic,” on which Adolf Hitler’s Date-‘O’-Birth be translated to : “… sometime after 1880,” this being the only known documentation ‘o’ a middle name writ for Adolf J Hitler and recorded parcel Adolf Hitler Commissioning one ‘o’ His Own many, sic, Begotten, sic, Sons : JEAN-MARIE LORET / LOBJOIE, birthed 03 / 18 or 25, 1918—decedent 02 / 14, 1985, as a high-ranking Policier Français or “French Police Official”).
** When BRITISH PRIME MINISTER SIR WINSTON LEONARD “WINNIE” SPENCER-CHURCHILL (“Half-Yank” Son ‘o’ LADY RANDOLPH “JENNIE” CHURCHILL – Jennie Churchill was an Élite United States Citizen ‘o’ The American Monied Class) was Voted Out-‘o’-Office By Popular Landslide Prior End (sic) ‘o’ The Second World War he partook in precipitating.