Douglas Dietrich and his team persevere through layers of electronic interference and trolling, all of which be the enemy’s attempt to censor counter-WW2-propaganda, on this Battle of Midway anniversary weekend.
Topics Covered in this Episode:
Coronavirus Reopenings
Suburban Protests in Long Island
Q Anon @ 00:41:00 TRUMP IS NOT YOUR HUMAN TRAFFICKING SAVIOR. Douglas Dietrich has done more to stop human trafficking and child abuse than anyone else on Earth. Q Anon conspiracy theories claim, in their twisted satanic inversion, that Trump is putting a stop to human traffickers, when in reality the Trump Administration is directly responsible for commiting family separations, human trafficking violations, sexual assaults, child abuse, and fatal neglect against Asylum Seekers at the US Mexico border. This has been proven by multiple official sources in 2018 and 2019. So don’t believe what “Q Anon” says. The “Q” represents Michael Aquino, who is a leader in the Kings of Edom Kult, or the cult of the Anti-Gods, which Trump is a member of.
German company closes weapon manufacturing plant in US over ethical concerns that the weapons were being traded illegally to other countries (including South America, driving the refugee crisis at the Southern Border) and also concerns about the militarized police force in the US turning against its own citizens.
DC Police Militia – DC police are recruiting security officers from all over the country to patrol around the White House, often without any identification, in what’s becoming Trump’s own personal militia.
HP Lovecraft
Battle of Midway @ 5:17
Current Events – Coronavirus, Militarized Police, Protests @7:56
Police are creating conditions at the protests to make the spreading of coronavirus worse by using tear gas against protesters (causing coughing and sneezing), forcing protesters together into tight spaces, arresting people and keeping them close together in police cars or jail cells, and by confiscating noise makers, forcing protesters to resort to shouting, which spreads more coronavirus particles in the air.
A second spike of COVID-19 caused by people gathering to protest is a question of when, not if. Again, the people who are most vulnerable to COVID-19 are the same ones compelled to protest against police violence and systemic racism. The plague time riots were triggered at this time, by White Male Supremacist conspiracy, to endanger the lives of even more people of color.
Mattis Condemns Trump – There is No Leadership
“Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us,” Trump’s former Secretary of Defense said in a statement obtained by CNN. Mattis described the president as a threat to the Constitution. “We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. We can unite without him, drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society. This will not be easy, as the past few days have shown, but we owe it to our fellow citizens; to past generations that bled to defend our promise; and to our children.”
Civil Rights Movement – The problem we face today, compared to the last 100 years, is that our current president will do NOTHING to meet the demands of the protesters, since he is not a legitimate US President.
Systemic Inequality and Reform – Ending systemic racism is not just about police reform, it’s also about investing in education, housing, social services, and healthcare to help level inequality in non-white communities. We also need to have other civilian services besides police to respond to common public health and social problems such as domestic disputes, mental health crises, substance abuse, and addiction.
State legislatures, which can often move much faster than the pace of national politics, have their own objectives to focus on per Reformation ‘o’ The Policing Industry.
36 states have statutes that govern the use of both deadly and nondeadly force, while six states have statutes only for deadly force. More than three-quarters of the 58 total state statutes (some states have more than one) were adopted prior to or during the 1970s, and most have not been recently amended.
In the absence of statutes, states regulate police use of force through judicial decisions. But even where state statutes do exist, the courts that interpret them unfortunately tend to rely on the Fourth Amendment law. This is a problem for two reasons.
First, the Fourth Amendment regulates police seizures, but state law is supposed to regulate use of force, and not all uses of force count as seizures. (Several courts have held, for example, that an officer shooting at someone but instead striking a bystander does not constitute a seizure.)
State law is supposed to be broader than the Fourth Amendment, which means that referring to Fourth Amendment doctrines in the interpretation of state law can provide less protection than state lawmakers intended.
Second, and perhaps more important, those Fourth Amendment doctrines are a mess; they provide little meaningful guidance that officers in the field can use to determine when and how much force to use, and the guidance they provide to courts reviewing use of force is often flawed.
- End Qualified Immunity Act
- Better Data Collection
- Better Police Training
- Disclose Police Disciplinary Records
- Reduce Criminilaztion on War on Drugs
- Implement Local Intervention and Supervision to Enforce Training and Policies
- EPIC – Ethical Policing Is Corageous – Put professional conduct and peer intervention at the center of police culture.
Militarization of the Police / Military Being Used to Police – Will the military allow the president to exploit it for political purposes?

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– Renegatus Humanus Arma ab Massa-Eruditio
(THE “Renegade Human Weapon ‘o’ Mass-Instruction”);
The Germanic Surname “Dietrich” – as Transliterated into The Ænglish – means “(The) Master Key, Skeleton Key, (a) Key That Can Open All Doors” :
THE LAST Д‘ТРĂЦКОГОÙЛ‘ВYЕА’c (“D‘TRĂCKOGOÙL‘ŴYEA’s [‘SON-‘O’-DIETRICH’s,’ or ‘SON-‘O’-A’‘DRAGON’s’];” pronounced “Dī Traiykh-Kohk-Goowhll VYāyh’s” and Ænglobastardized “DRACULA’s”) 中國人 (“ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuárén [literally ‘Middle-Kingdom People’s,’ id est ‘Chinese’]”) Lineage-Derived Surname is 「林 (“Lin [the iconographic character for ‘Tree’ represented in plurality – id est ‘Forest’ / ‘Jungle’]”)」; both ‘o’ his First Name Elements 「一 (“yĪ [‘One,’ ‘Singular,’ ‘Throughout’ – id est ‘Totality’]”)」 and 「平 (“Píng [‘Calm,’ ‘Peaceful’ / ‘Flat,’ ‘Level’]”);」 combining as 「一平 (“yĪ-Píng [‘Striving Toward Attainment ‘o’ Peace;’ ‘To Tie,’ as in ‘Even The Score’ / ‘To Draw-Up;’ ‘A-‘leveling’ / ‘An ‘Evening Up’ / ‘A-‘Reckoning’ – id est ‘Cosmic Balance’ / ‘Divine Retribution’]”);」 – Familial and First Name Elements combining yet a’‘gain (in Proper Asian Order) as 「林 一平 (“Lin yĪ-Píng [‘Path ‘o’ Environmental Harmony’ or ‘Law ‘o’ The Jungle;’ something akin to ‘Gǣĩǣn Sustainability’]”)」。