Superbattledirigible in the center of the Task Force, with three Aerodreadnoughts providing escort. -
Aerodreadnoughts -
Aerodreadnought -
Aerodreadnought -
Aerodreadnought -
Aerodreadnought -
Aerodreadnought -
Aerodreadnought -
Aerodreadnought -
Aerodreadnought -
Superbattledirigible -
Superbattledirigible -
Superbattledirigible -
Superbattledirigible -
ZImmer and Superbattledirigible -
ZImmer and Superbattledirigible -
Bomber Hangs Under Aerodreadnought -
Superbattledirigible with Zimmers -
Bomber Flies Under Aerodreadnought -
Zimmer -
Armed “Zimmer” (Zimmerman Skimmer) Design – as purchased and modified by Imperial Japan (Pilot Flies Prone). -
Zimmer -
Zimmers -
Zimmers -
Disc Bomber -
Disc Bomber -
Disc Bomber -
Disc Bomber -
Disc Bomber -
Disc Bomber -
Disc Bomber Cross Section -
Disc Bomber Cross Section -
櫻花 (“Ōka [‘Cherry Blossom’]”) Supersonic Suicide-Piloted Rocket-Missile(s) -
櫻花 (“Ōka [‘Cherry Blossom’]”) Supersonic Suicide-Piloted Rocket-Missile -
櫻花 (“Ōka [‘Cherry Blossom’]”) Supersonic Suicide-Piloted Rocket-Missile -
櫻花 (“Ōka [‘Cherry Blossom’]”) Supersonic Suicide-Piloted Rocket-Missile(s) -
Manta Bomber -
Manta Bomber -
Manta Bomber -
Manta Bomber -
Fu-Go Balloon Bombs -
Disc Blimp -
Photo of the U.F.O. that allegedly crashed in Roswell -
Fu-Go Balloon Bomb -
Fu-Go Balloon Bomb -
Fu-Go Balloon Bomb -
Fu-Go Balloon Bomb
“Don’t tell them anything they don’t need to know. When it’s over, tell them who won.”
– U.S. Admiral Ernest J. King on what the American Public should be told about World War II.
If the United States High Command hadn’t Sued For Peace on the 15th of August in 1945, the overwhelming majority of the American population would have died in a manner suffered by many WWII U.S. POWs (Prisoner[s] of War) – on which Emperor Hirohito’s Covert “Empire of the Black Sun” tested WMD (Weapon[s] of Mass-Destruction) which rendered the Atomic Bomb obsolete – Never to be Deployed Again!
Douglas Duane Dietrich is the internationally celebrated Renegade U.S./DOD (Dept. of Defense) Military Research Librarian who specialized in Document(s) Destruction! He has appeared before audiences of millions on forums such as the World-famous “Coast to Coast AM,” with the “Nighthawk” Host, George Noory, to expose the document(s) proving that the United States perpetrated World War II with an interdicted “Flying Tiger(s)” Air-Strike on Japan that necessitated the Preemptive Japanese Surgical Strike at Pearl Harbor on the 7th of December in 1941! Douglas Dietrich has shared the Realities Behind American Revisionism by revealing how the U.S. Government lied to its citizens about how America instigated World War II. Now by revealing how Japan Ended WW II, Dietrich proves that the United States is still lying to us – about how it Lost the War it Started!
Among many thousands of sets of documents that Doug Dietrich collated/destroyed were the Roswell Files. The Roswell Crashes constituted a Collateral Damage Incident of the Second World War – an incident that threatened to expose the fact that the Greater Pacific War was still being waged at that time – to America’s loss. International Incident followed long after Japanese-American Peace was Settled on the 8th of September in 1951 (from November 17th, 1995—June 12th, 1996), when D.D. Dietrich anonymously attempted to return the most coherent fragment of Roswell debris that he had appropriated from the U.S. Military to the people(s) of Japan as the centerpiece of an intended UFO Museum; into which over $50 million dollars was invested. Then-President William Jefferson Clinton ratified the toughest Trade Agreement ever imposed between the two nations – one which ended many of Japan’s Import Quotas against American goods – quotas originating in Japan’s Pacific War Victory Conditions.
The “Mussolini Manta” Plane
Mr. Oliver:
The photo of the aircraft that I transmitted in my last pair of communiqués was the original prototype for a three-engined trans-Mediterranean “surgical-strike” bomber contracted by Fascist Italiy’s Regio Æronautica (Royal Air Force) with prerogative to reunite Mare Nostrum (the Central Sea) under Domini Romano (Domination of Rome). The year was 1933 (and although the Third Reich had only recently been formally recognized by the League of Nations, Italy had already thrived and prospered under the Fascisti [Fascist Party] for over a decade – if this had not been the case, Franklin Delano Roosevelt would not have emulated so many of Mussolini’s Populist Social Programs when he himself assumed the Executive Office of the United States in 1933 [in the same year that Adolf Hitler attained the Reichskhanzerllory]).
At that point in history, Italy possessed the most cutting-edge Air Force in the world, a lead based on a cosmopolitan culture with a history of innovation tracing back to the Renaissance and Leonardo Da Vinci (a master craftsman’s paradigm as opposed to the crass brutality of mass-production). Il Duce Benito Mussolini subsequently ordered the creation of a National UFO Investigations Office as an international Façade to prevent rival powers from interpreting the sightings of this craft on test-flight throughout the skies of Magna Italia (Greater Italy) and its colonies as anything other than popular delirium, akin to the United States’ “Great Airship ‘Scare'” of the Later 1800s. His masterstroke obviously succeeded in this regard….
Italy was to lose its advantages as the world careened into the grind of over-productive capacity – essentially pitting Domestic Labor Forces against each other – as opposed to Armies and Fleets in test of martial skill – a situation that the resource and population-starved Axis could only overcome by the development (and threatened deployment) of Holocaustic Weapons Systems. Mussolini consequently “returned the gifts favored on Venice from the Orient” (Gunpowder, et cetera) and turned over the “Mussolini Manta” Prototype to Bushidoistic Japan. The Mikado (Emperor) of that nation and its people immediately redesigned, reconfigured, and redeployed the pictured prototype into the Biocidal Weapons Delivery-System that would terrorize the Americans into Cease-Fire.
The most obvious problem with the original Italian Model were its ærodynamic challenges with “pitch” due to its “short” length in comparison to its width. The Japanese compensated for this by the addition of a long “tail” (to prevent the craft from tumbling in mid-air “ass-over-nose-prop”), appended in turn with a “trelek” to aid in the dispersal of ærosolized biocidals. Another modification incorporated was the radical widening of the wing-AREA (as opposed to “wingspan”) with the stretching of sturdy fabric over the wing-frame to facilitate controlled “glide-capacity” when the plane would inevitably run out of fuel over America’s cities and soar into a precision-directed crash/dive. In effect, this application of ancient Oriental kite-mechanics turned the “Mussy” (as the Japanese affectionately referred to the Italian Prototype) into the “Mothra” (this reality would soon leak and filter into the post-Ceasefire world of Japanese cinema though the concept of a “Mothra” Dai-Kaiju (Giant Strange Creature) defending Japan from the atomic monster Gojira (Godzilla). One of the few Kaiju to feature in her (Mothra is female) own series of films aside from Godzilla and Gamera, Toho Studios almost always portrays Mothra dying at film’s finis upon saving the world from cataclysm. This craft was “Japanized” into a suicide-system, after all.

As for how Mussolini’s “Manta” got to Japan to become the Mikado’s “Mothra?” Quite simply, it was flown there! The G.I. Generation of Americans hated anybody they were indoctrinated to hate, and consequently were programmed to loathe and despise Pioneer Aviator Charles Lindbergh (and his wife) as contemporary “Benedict Arnolds,” via their connections to Nat-Zi Germany (without which, of course, the United States would NEVER have attained the nuclear status it so primarily identifies itself with); but all Americans begrudged Lindbergh’s trans-Atlantic accomplishment. NO American, however, was EVER informed (through public information channels) about the Fascist Italian Pioneer Aviator Arturo Ferrarin, a giant in the skies of flight who dwarfed the Lindbergh “jaunt across the pond” with the world’s first trans-Eurasian flight (of one thousand and two hundred miles) from Rome to Tokyo – where he was greeted as a hero – in 1920!
Two decades later, yet another intrepid Italian Airman would repeat Ferrarin’s flight-route, evading Allied interception on the strength of exploiting Anglo-American contempt for his people’s abilities and pivotally participating in winning the Second World War for Italy’s co-Axial Asian Ally; truly an Unsung Hero of the Ages if there was one….
Japanese Negotiations for “Conditional Peace” Prior to American Deployment of Nuclear Weapons
Hi Doug:
Quick question: Did the Japanese intend to surrender before we dropped the atomic bomb?
-Tom Danheiser
The short answer to your short question is: “No/Yes.” As maddening as this answer is, it is unavoidable per both the Complexity of Intercultural Context(s) and the Realities of History – as opposed to the Simplicities of Propagandistic Myth.
Per the Imperial Japanese Constitution: All Power derived from, and was ultimately retraceable to, the Emperor and the Emperor Alone – a direct result of Emperor Meiji’s Creation of this Legal Document in the first place; upon his restoring power to the Japanese Nobility (after wresting it – via Civil War – away from the Samurai Caste for the first time in Thirteen Generations of Tokugawa Shōgûnacy [as conveyed in popular American culture through Tom Cruise’s “Last Samurai”], using a European-Trained Peasant Army).
From the very moment that Japan was compelled into War with the United States, Peace Initiatives were simultaneously initiated demanding: Peace via Preservation of Kokutai – The Japanese National Polity of Imperial Immunity. These “Peace Feelers” were transmitted to the United States Government at the Executive (Presidential) Level through: Switzerland, Sweden, the Vatican, and even the Soviet Union – continuing ceaselessly in relay throughout the next three years and ten months of Proactive Conflict. Entire books (available on the Mass-Market) have been dedicated to impeccably documenting these tireless efforts. All such Overtures – in All of their continuously rewritten phraseology – were Ignored. They were interpreted by the American Executive as: Attempt(s) to Negotiate (a) Conditional Surrender.
U.S. Commander-In-Chief Roosevelt – and President Truman as his Successor – were Committed to: Unconditional Surrender as American National Policy. There is No Other Definition of Unconditional Surrender than that of Racial Genocide. Life Magazine (Federally Vetted in Wartime, as was every major source of Public Information) reiterated Verbatim TheOfficially articulated American Military Objective on June 11th, 1945: “Total War calls for Total Defeat. That means that the War-Making power of every Japanese Resource, every Japanese Man, Woman, and Child Must Be Destroyed.”On Basis of the Above Context: ANY and ALL attempts on part of the Japanese to Conduct Dialogue were Rendered Irrelevant and – by Logical Extension – the Atomic Bombs were Totally Irrelevant.
With the Advent of the American-Developed Plutonium Bomb (as opposed to the Axis-Developed Uranium Bomb) It is Indisputable Historical Fact that the United States Government was inexorably Committed to Continued Deployment of Nuclear Weapons – Once Available (this was known to be initially problematic – by the Japanese as well as the Americans) – Until the Japanese Race was Exterminated – Period – No Negotiations for “Conditional Surrender” Being Acceptable and Any Attempt at such Negotiation, by Definition, Being “Conditional.” The Circular Logic of Genocide is thereby inescapable.
Therefore: “NO,” the Japanese Never Sought Surrender by American Terms (which were Nothing Less Than a Demand for Ethnic Acceptance of Total Annihilation); which, obviously, rendered “Surrender” Impossible – and: “Yes,” the Japanese Continuously offered the United States an “Out” – via Acceptance of Kokutai – which the Americans Repeatedly Rejected.
Herein:the Unparalleled Significance of All Such Documents I was Ordered to Destroy – Once Confronted with the (Virtually Guaranteed) Prospect of the Mass-Extermination of the Overwhelming Majority of the American Population by Biocidal Weapons developed by Emperor Hirohito (a Marine Biologist of Internationally Recognized Repute), the United States Government was Forced to Sue For Peace and Declare Immediate Cease-Fire.
The Atomic Bombs were Utterly Meaningless and Without Any Impact Whatsoever – Other Than the Immeasurable Human Suffering As Imparted by Any Act of Terrorism – and the Fact that such Terrorism Acted as Catalyst for the Emperor’s Threatened Deployment of Truly Genocidal Bio-technologies via Effective Dispersal System(s).
Therefore: By Title: 38, Under Citation of the U.S. Code, which is The Law – As Created By Congress – It Is Established That the United States Government (As Separate and/or Ancillary to United Nations Mandate, it must be emphasized [Which Recognizes WW II as Ending with the Japanese-American Peace Treaty, Signed In September of 1951[!]) Recognizes The Second World War (World War II); Insofar as Proactive U.S. Participation (Under U.N. Organizational Auspice – As of January 1st, 1942) as Ending on: December 31st, 1946 (As Acknowledged By Congress).
By Which: Any and All Veteran’s Claims to Establish Service-Connection Recognized Disabling Injuries (Code: #2 = WWII per Computer Coding of Such) Caused By Service in the Second World War are Subject to The Code Of Federal Regulations that Implement The Law as Pursuant to The U.S. Code and Thereby Also Extend In Recognition (Establishing Service-Connection) To: December 31st, 1946 – as the C.F.R. Holds Equal Status With The Law.
The Very Words: “Surrender,” “Capitulate,” “Failure,” and “Defeat” are Entirely Absent From the Japanese Imperial Rescript – as Officially Translated By The United States (and Reflecting – Literally – the Japanese Original), and Published (In Both Japanese and English) on Page #1 of The Nippon Times, on the 15th of August in 1945.
Moreover: The Imperial Rescript To The Soldiers And Officers – Issued on August 17th, 1945, Makes No Reference Whatsoever to The Atomic Bomb(s) – as what was interpreted as Terrorist Attacks on Civilians had had No Effect On Military Assets In The Field whatsoever.
In Conclusion: The Anniversary of 1945’s August 15th Cease-Fire (Propagandized as: “VJ-Day” and an “Unconditional Surrender” to a War-Weary American Public) is Officially Recognized in Japan as: “Senbotsusha o tsuitō shi heiwa o kinen suru hi.” This Transliterates as: “Day of Mourning of War Dead and Praying For Peace” – As Peace Was Yet To Be Established!
US Pacific Cease-Fire in the Face of Japan’s Strategic Threat-Projection
In response to questions sent by Ric Prestel, Douglas Dietrich has written the following:
Regarding WWII: On 10 August 1945, the U.S. Secretary of War, Henry “Hap” Arnold, issued an urgent and immediate call to all U.S. forces in the Pacific to Cease-Fire, supposedly in response to a Japanese broadcast of willingness to surrender “on the understanding that the Allied Proclamation would not comprise any demand which would prejudice the prerogatives of His Imperial Majesty (Hirohito) as Sovereign Ruler.” Such communique certainly occurred but the ludicrous claim on part of the United States that they ceased fire in reply is rendered patently absurd in face of the fact that the Japanese had relayed such overtures via the Neutral Powers of Sweden, Switzerland, the Vatican, and even the Soviet Union, throughout the five-year (5 yr.) duration of the Greater Pacific War! ALL such approaches were axiomatically rebuffed by the United States on grounds of unswerving adherence to the lunatic doctrine of “Unconditional Surrender,” in effect demanding submission to cultural genocide. The real motivating factors behind America’s sudden desire to accommodate lay in Japan’s strategic threat-projection as articulated in our ongoing discussions. Most tellingly, War Secretary Arnold’s call for total and immediate cease-fire were first relayed to General Carl Spaatz of the Army Air Forces in the Marianas, which is where Tinian Island is located, from whence sourced the two (2) atomic bomb strikes, delivered, of course, by the 509 Composite Group – a strange primary choice for initiating the stand-down from conditions of war when ALL of America’s total atomic inventory had already been expended – it can only be interpreted as a propaganda ploy for posterity to make it look as if more bombs were on-site. Source: Arnold to Spaatz, 11 August 1945 (this is complicated by ASIA TIME, which is ALWAYS one date ahead of the Western Hemisphere), WAR 47880, Box I:21, File: “August 1945 Personal,” Carl A. Spaatz Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washinton, D.C.
The Failure of US Atomic Attacks to Manifest Strategic Repercussions
Mr. Prestel:
Yes, you are absolutely correct! IN ALL of your points (I dismiss the observation on the Roswell incident itself taking up only three [3] lines, as you yourself are well aware that this is the FRAGMENT of a work in progress)! SAVE THIS E-MAIL AS THIS INFORMATION IS IMPORTANT – To elucidate in detail:
Dr. Yoshio Nishina is the Japanese nuclear physicist pictured in all of the cyclotron photos on my blogs. He was director (with Dr. Ryokichi Sagane, a fellow nuclear physicist) of Japan’s wartime nuclear weapons programs (plural!), including bomb core designs and plans for the world’s first particle beam weapons (four decades [40 yrs.] ahead of the rest of the world, in 1945)! At war’s end, Doctors Nishina, Sagane, and several colleagues were targeted by the Soviets for capture and by the Americans for “capture, interrogation, and neutralization – or termination, if capture impossible,” to prevent capture by the Soviets. Instead Emperor Hirohito’s victory saw Nishina, Sagane, et al, safely resume post-ceasefire scientific pursuits.
Dr. Nishina was flown to Hiroshima after the atomic attack. His Geiger counter readings were coded in radio to Tokyo, where Dr. Sagane underscored his confirmation of the American escalation of war to nuclear level with calculations as follows: All of the American refining facilities and power plants that could be devoted exclusively to yielding fissionable materials – if allowed to operate twenty-four hours a day (24 hrs./dy.), seven days a week (7 dys./wk.), for three years (3 yrs.) – might be able to produce two (2) or three (3) atomic bombs. Japan knew that the enemy had wasted one bomb in “testing” via their offshore submarine-launched aerial reconnaissance; and Japan’s physics community concluded that after Hiroshima, if they were not already out of domestically-produced atomic bombs, they had only one more left in their domestic arsenal.
Even though these calculations did not effectively factor in the expanding nuclear industry already being devoted to plutonium production, or the booster shot given slightly more than two months (2 mnths. +) earlier, by a ship arriving in New York Harbor with over three hundred troy ounces (300 oz.) of captured German uranium (refined to nearly ten percent [10%] purity of U-235), the Kami (Gods) of Japan were watching over their own; and balanced against these recent plutonium and uranium gains. The latest American ground-based plutonium trigger tests had misfired in lopsided fashion – instead of in accordance with their impossibly precise spherical implosion design – and they fired prematurely, meaning that, if provided with a real plutonium core and dropped from a B-29, the triggers would have wrecked both the bomb and the plane, and the cowardly murderers who crewed such aircraft loved to kill, but hated to die. The latest American uranium bomb casing and tamper fared no better. It met with misfortune when it (minus its priceless uranium) was dropped by mistake near a Chicago runway, and now a replacement would have to be built from square one.
Thus a fourth domestically-manufactured atomic bomb would not be ready until mid-September, 1945, and realistically not until October. Reality (and, perhaps, the Kami) dictated so. And the Sagane Equation told it so in spite of the inevitable intelligence voids: One (1) bomb had been “tested.” Another bomb had been deployed. For the duration of this Strategic Window of Opportunity open for Japan in the critical month or two ahead, only the third bomb remained.
Japanese Minister of War Korechika Anami saw the proof of Dr. Sagane’s math in the multiple firebombings of the previous night before the American terrorist-strike on Hiroshima. “We only have President Truman’s word for it that enough atomic bombs exist to strike down every one our cities and ports,” Anami attested before the Imperial High Command. “Certainly, if the United States possessed more nuclear weapons, they would not risk their precious lives by the hundreds over our skies dropping conventional incendiaries on our cities.”
The immediate deployment by Emperor Hirohito (on the very day the war went nuclear, in direct response to American terrorism) of the Triad of Superdisc/dirigible-aircraft carriers with their composited parasite fighter-bombers (Horten variants, essentially wooden [non-radar-reflective] jets) and superbombers laden with biocidal-bombs,et cetera, to demonstrably penetrate American airspace and deliver the Showa Ultimatum is to be seen in this context.
Yes indeed, one of President Truman’s very first acts as Commander-in-Chief was to immediately recall pioneer aviator Charles Augustus Lindbergh (b.1902—d.1974) from the Pacific Theatre of War to be sent on top-secret and ultra-critical priority mission to Germany, where he was adored as a pro-Nat-Zi celebrity, and could use his fluent command of der Deutsche language to expedite the timely transfer of any and all possible nuclear technology, weapons, and scientists to the United States; and indeed I have specified on air how only the arrival of these German scientists allowed delivery of the “Trinity” bomb, as well as “Fat Man” and “Little Boy” in the first place! Lindbergh was still on-mission in Europe while the Americans plotted in total ignorance of the approaching Flight of the Sacred Cranes – riding astride the jet-stream across the Pacific like the harbingers of mass-extinction the Americans had wrought upon themselves since starting the war; landing simultaneous to the deployment of America’s last readily available atomic bomb on Nagasaki and ending America’s proactive pursuit of hostilities immediately.
Between the Hiroshima attack on August 10th (11th, ASIA
Time), 1945, and the Nagasaki attack on August 15th (16th, ASIA Time), 1945, U.S. Chief of Staff, General George Catlett Marshall (b.1880—d.1959), was told by the Head of Army Intelligence that the atomic bombs were not expected to be of any strategic significance; redirecting him back to his original conceptualization of their deployment as a tactical weapon in America’s lunatic scheme to invade Japan (Operation Downfall). Sometime earlier, Marshall had asked Major General Leslie Groves, director of America’s atomic-bomb program, about using the new explosives as tactical weapons. Groves’ report on this reached Marshall on July 30th, 1945. Each bomb (the same size as to be used against Hiroshima), Groves wrote, could wipe out enemy resistance over an area two thousand feet (2000 ft.) in diameter, paralyze it over an area a mile in diameter, and seriously hinder it over an area five miles (5 mis.) in diameter. Blast effect would kill soldiers in slit trenches within eight hundred feet (800 ft.) of the explosion, but troops sheltering in deep caves a mile or so from Ground Zero (note the anticipation of 9/11 terminology) would survive to fight.
Unknown to the Americans, one of the primary reasons for the total and complete failure of their atomic attacks to manifest strategic repercussions was the fact that Field Marshal of the Japanese Army Shunroku Hata survived the Hiroshima bombing while awaiting the arrival of Prefect Takejiro Nishioka from meetings with Dr. Nishina and Japan’s other leading nuclear physicists. After witnessing the atomic blast, Prefect Nishioka fled south to evacuate his family from Nagasaki, which he was certain would be the next target of American terrorist attack. Field Marshal Hata departed Hiroshima for Tokyo and argued as an eyewitness before the Emperor himself that the Japanese nation could absorb atomic attacks and survive. Surely Japan’s Divine Kami Guardians were working overtime.
On August 13th, 1945, Lieutenant General John E. Hull, Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, told Groves’ Aide Colonel L.E. Seeman about Marshall’s idea for using atomic bombs in direct support of operations. Seeman said that they MIGHT have seven (7) atomic bombs by the 1st of November, 1945, the projected date for Operation Olympic (the First Phase of Operation Downfall – the Invasion of Japan); giving Japan a four month (120 dy!) Strategic Window of Opportunity to deploy their entirely unanticipated Weapons of Mass Destruction against America’s own Homeland and against its forces afield! Obviously – based on everything already articulated above – the ONLY source for these expected bombs was Germany! We must dispense with the American Government’s historical revisionism from this moment forward.
Seeman confirmed that the blast effect of the bombs would clear the beaches while U.S. soldiers and marines stayed about six miles (6 mis.) offshore. The invaders would land two or three days (2–3 dys.) later. Hull knew another atomic terrorist attack against a city would simply galvanize Japanese “spiritual mobilization” further and render surrender in any form impossible – and, like the rest of the American High Command, was prepared for a permanent war of racial extermination as not only inevitable but welcome. America’s warlords had never dreamed of the American public so willingly giving them such totalitarian powers, and they wallowed in their intent to extend this power-play forever. For Marshall, the only professional soldier ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize(!), the tactical use of atomic bombs to support the Invasion that was primed for Kyushu (the main Southern Island of Japan) was seen as the only realistic alternative to the continued pounding of Japanese cities; and in this he was simply aping his enemies – as the Axis had already deployed atomic ordnance in operational context to great effect (at Courland [Kurland in German], Estonia, on the Baltic Littoral).
Regarding your comment on the hypothetical survival of the madman who started the war, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (b.1882—d.1945; 32nd U.S. Presidency 1933—1945), leading to its continued prosecution – that almost goes without saying! Roosevelt assumed the office of the Executive in the exact same year as Adolf Hitler (who was to outlive him) and had enforced his term longer than anyone before or since (twelve years [12yrs.]); winning his fourth term even while desperately sick – collapsing on the very day of his nomination, caught by his son at the convention and held up like a sock-puppet before raving crowds – yet holding such dictatorial sway over his Administration as to ensure this event hushed up to history!
But even in glowing health, he wouldn’t have enjoyed his power for any discernible period of time beyond August 15th of 1945, because Hirohito would have been forced by FDR’s lunatic intransigence to deploy the Holocaustic Weapons Systems we have already discussed (not in this e-letter), and the Americans had NO defense, NO bunkers, NO vaccines readied for effective mass-distribution; the population of the United States would have undoubtedly begun to die by the Millions, many immediately in atomic attacks via the Sen-Toku submarine-aircraft-carrier catapulted “Peggies” I disclosed in my shadowsinthedarkradio.com interview, et cetera; all while in-theatre deployment of Japan’s thousands of “Patsy” superbombers would have wiped out America’s Pacific airstrips that they had already spilled so much blood for; even as the historical “Typhoon Louise” smashed America’s mustered Amphibious (and therefore not high-seasworthy) invasion fleet against the cliffs of Okinawa. Note too, that the Imperial Japanese Army’s seven (7!) Aircraft Carriers would deport from their berths in China, where they had entirely escaped American Intelligence-recognition, to rampage destruction by launching Japan’s Jet-fighter knockoffs from Germany – of which the Japanese had assembled thousands! FDR would have been called to trial and impeached for his treason at Pearl Harbor in short order under light of such events — a God must indeed be watching over his electorate to have dispatched him to hell at such a crucial juncture in time….
Imperial Japanese Navy Bombers
Sniping is a skill oft deployed towards purpose of assassination. In such deployment it embodies its own set of advantages and detractions. Traditionally, assassination involves not sniping, but the simple application of a personal firearm. In such case(s), the assassin bodily closes in with his target at such close range that he cannot possibly miss – thereby usually sacrificing himself to an almost inescapable apprehension. For him it had better be worth the cost of such apprehension (torture, execution, et cetera) to take his victim down.
Such was the case with the Japanese men sworn to assassinate America itself as an extant functional entity if the orders were so issued by their Emperor, the man who embodied Divinity within their cultural matrix. It is only through this lens that you can perceive the truth behind the consensus fantasy that the Constitutional Republic of the United States constructs via selective fact presentation on the Inter-Net. The Inter-Net commenced as a DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) innovation. It now serves DARPA (not you) as their “ultimate weapon” against reality – by providing the American electorate with the delusion of ready (and “complete”) access to information. As a former DOD Document Destruction Technician, I warn you that a dis/mis-presented fraction of the truth is more misleading than any lie.
I, more than I can express, appreciate your desire to respect the Japanese culture by utilizing their actual designations for aircraft (as opposed to the romantic – literally romantic, as many such names derived from love interests of U.S. Technical Air Intelligence Unit personnel – tacked on by the ATIC [Air Technical Intelligence Unit], Far East “Air Forces” bureaucrats of the Japanese-American War era [I’m sorely tempted to insinuate that the inclusion of male-gender names anticipates “don’t ask, don’t tell,” but the reality is that all fighters and float planes were given “boy’s” names, and all bombers, reconnaissance aircraft, flying boats, and experimental concept aerospace weapons were given “girl’s” names]; for both Americans and Australians, it was considered a perverse honor to feel that one’s name had been specifically selected for one of these airplanes). Regrettably, it must be remembered that I am, for better or for worse, a product of the United States civilian-defense bureaucracy, and as such, habitually reflect that environment. In any discussion about Japanese aircraft of World War II, names such as “Zeke,” “Betty,” “Oscar,” “Kate,” et al, are generally used to describe these airplanes. Even the Japanese in modern day conversations often refer to their airplanes with these Allied assigned code names, instead of (as an example): Aichi Navy Type 99 Carrier Bomber Model 11. The code name “Val” (or pedantically, “Val II”) describes the same airplane more conveniently for purposes of discussion – casual or professional. This system of American names for Japanese airplanes is well accepted, but admittedly renders amateur research a bitch.
To the matter of title:
You are absolutely correct. The “Peggy” indeed denotes the Mitsubishi Army Type 4 HEAVY Bomber Hiryu (Flying Dragon), the dreaded Ki-67 (while designated a heavy bomber by the Japanese Army Air Forces, when compared to its American counterparts, the B-25 and the B-26, it was readily dismissed as a medium bomber, albeit recognized as the finest multi-engine bomber built by the Japanese as a world power during the war). Confusingly, it also denotes the KAMIKAZE variant – the Mitsubishi Army Type 4 Special Attack (id est, “suicide”) Plane (the Ki-67-IKAI, to be cited further below). Combat-proven late in proactive hostilities, this airplane compared favorably with contemporary Allied twin-engine bombers and was the Imperial Japanese Army’s best. They were used initially (by the Japanese Army!) in the role of an anti-shipping torpedo plane, launching torpedo attacks against U.S. fleet units off the nation of my birth, Taiwan, in October of 1944. At the time it was not properly identified, and was thought to be a new high performance torpedo bomber of the Imperial Japanese Navy. Upon being informed of this American misidentification, Emperor Hirohito commanded the operation of the “Peggy” in direct cooperation with the Imperial Japanese Navy. It was consequently seen incorporated with JNAF (Japanese Naval Air Forces) in small numbers in attacks against American warships under the Imperial Naval designation of “Yasukuni” (after the sacred shrine dedicated to housing the spirits of Japan’s war-dead to this very day).
These bombers also operated in moderate numbers in the China theatre, where they deployed as conventional land attack bombers. The first photos and actual identification of the new plane sourced from a crashed “Peggy” on the Chinese mainland. Six photos of this crashed specimen were published in the U.S. identification manual, dated December 1944, which was distributed to U.S. air units in the Pacific, accompanied with meagre data: “Pilot and co-pilot are protected with 5/8″ back and head armor. Strong possibility of radar installation. Fuel tanks leak-proofed with laminated rubber 5/8″ thick.” Concerning armament: “Nose = one (1) 12.7mm, top = one (1) 20mm turret, dorsal = two (2) 12.7mm Flex., tail =one (1) 12.7mm turret.” The report added: “Examination of fin and rudder bear out belief that ‘Peggy’ is recognitionally (professional ATIC nomenclature) somewhat similar to ‘Helen.’ Remnants of torpedo rack from which a torpedo has evidently been launched offers the first evidence that torpedo racks have actually been used on an army bomber – anywhere in the world.” Totally unknown to the Americans were the specifics of “Peggy’s” power-projection: the above-cited torpedo rack carried an EXTERNALLY mounted two thousand and three hundred (2300) pound torpedo! The INTERNALIZED bomb bay could hold one thousand and seven hundred (1700) pounds worth of bomb-load. Mounted throughout the very modern, indeed jet-age, trim-lined aircraft hull were a staggering six thousand, three hundred (6300) pounds worth of INTERNAL weapons! All-together this amounted to ten thousand, three hundred (10, 300) pounds of easily-stripped encumbrance to accommodate nuclear ordnance and convert the “Peggy’s” hull into a flying atomic bomb – a purpose for which it was intentionally designed and manufactured by Mitsubishi under Imperial Decree (note that the super-heavy American plutonium bomb “Fat Man,” deployed in the terrorist attack on Nagasaki, weighed ten thousand, two hundred, and eighty-six [10, 286] pounds)!
When sourcing from Japan herself, the “Peggy” was using Iwo Jima as a staging base for conducting attacks against the Marianas B-29 air bases, from whence America’s atomic terrorist attacks would eventually source via the island of Tinian. Iwo Jima was taken at enormous cost – and ultimately irreparable damage to the United States Marine Corps (by denial of desperately needed seasoned U.S.M.C. combat veterans for the supervision of raw recruits come the impending invasion of Japan through decimation of well over a division’s worth of such) – specifically in order to eliminate this direct obstacle to America’s ability to escalate the war to nuclear level. The “Peggy” manifested that dangerous an impact on the dynamic of the Pacific Conflict – even when utilized in purely conventional
operational format.
Just under 700 ACCOUNTED FOR “Peggys” were built, six hundred and six (606) by Mitsubishi and ninety-one (91) by Kawasaki. “Peggy” appeared in several configurations, one being redesignated as the Ki-109, serving as a high-altitude B-29 Destroyer (by carrying a 75 mm cannon in its nose with enough punch and range to stay out of the defensive fire-radius of the targeted B-29 while disintegrating it in mid-air). The Emperor refused to deploy these models against the Enola Gay or Bock’s Car in order to avoid the consequent nuclear airburst(s) and resultant EM-Pulse(s) at such altitude(s) – which would have fried Japan’s grid on a national level.
When the Americans Sued for Peace and parceled forces to Japan to assist in reconstruction, a demonstration model “Peggy” – the “#069” (Emperor Hirohito’s “flying Feuhrerbunker,” inspired by F.D. Roosevelt’s “Air Force One”) – was presented to American Technical Intelligence at Irumagawa Airbase, located near Yokota Airbase, Tokyo. This particular modification looked like a flying gasoline tanker, with fuel tanks about everywhere; fitted and readied for the expeditious evacuation of the Emperor to reestablish his Dynasty over China in the literally fantastic event of American occupation of Japan. An event which obviously never took place as Japan was never invaded. This is not an exercise in specious semantics. America was coerced into reparations of war-damage by authorizing massive influx of U.S. troops to rejuvenate the Japanese national economy while negotiations proceeded apace to force open the American market to Japanese products. The war legally continued (under ceasefire) with American troops spending money in-country just as later hostilities would proceed in Korea and Vietnam while American troops were stationed in-country simultaneous to ongoing peace negotiations.
Another version of the “Peggy” was that of a Kamikaze aircraft with a large explosive charge built inside to detonate on impact. This was the “Atomic Peggy” – as instrumental in forcing the Americans to concession as any of the other integral facets of Japan’s Holocaustic Arsenal we have discussed. The “Peggy” was a standardized design. the empty weight of the standardized “Peggy” was nineteen thousand (19, 000) pounds. The maximum take-off weight was thirty thousand (30, 000) pounds. Therefore standard carrying capacity was eleven thousand (11, 000) pounds of weight! The Axis Powers utilized uranium bombs. The “Little Boy” bomb dropped on Hiroshima was – as Oppenheimer stated – “of German provenance” (obliquely referring to the “Project Paperclip” Nat-Zi Physicists emigrated to America on Cease-Fire in Europe to complete what the Americans could not) and simply the knock-off of fairly standardized German atomic ordnance (the “Fat Man” plutonium bomb was a more unique example of ad hoc American idiosyncrasy). It (the “Little Boy”) was surprisingly lightweight for a shell with the explosive power of thirteen thousand (13, 000) tons of TNT – a mere eight thousand, eight hundred and ninety-nine (8899) pounds! Hence the three (3) “Peggys” launched from each I-400 Sen-Toku submarine aircraft carrier would be fully crewed and equipped with enough defensive armament to power through any attempted American interception inland.
The “Peggy’s” two thousand, three hundred (2300) mile range, seemingly indicative of in-theatre utility, would now prove decisive on the American Front – the vast majority of “Soft Targets” in the United States laying wide open on the coasts! For over half a decade (1945—1951), the Sen-Toku(s) prowled off the Atlantic and Caribbean Seaboards of the United States, enforcing American commitment to Talk-Down. Submarine warfare tacticians from Nat-Zi Germany had relayed continental-shelf maps charted by German U-boat submariners operating along the U.S. east and Gulf coasts throughout proactive German-American hostilities. U-boat commanders intuited early in the Battle of the Atlantic that American sonar had inadequacies of definition and resolution – indicating to U.S. sub-hunting vessels that something was nearby, but providing little information by way of size, shape, and depth of contact. Although Axis intelligence noted apparent improvement in Allied sonar from 1943 into 1944, the detection systems remained unable to differentiate between objects of similar size lying in proximity on the ocean floor. U-boat Kapitans nestled their submarines up against known, charted shipwrecks and lay low whenever threatened by patrolling surface vessels. Searching destroyers would record a predictable sonar return from a documented wreck and pass. For years, the four hundred (400) foot steel I-400 leviathans dodged destroyer after destroyer by stealing from one charted wreck to the next, Emperor Hirohito threatening launch whenever the United States military threatened nuclear/saturation depth-charging of the wreck-scape – a wreckscape of sunken tonnage seemingly created expressly for the Sen-Toku by the prior German campaign against Allied merchant shipping. Any who doubt the enormity of sunken merchantmen advertise their ignorance of the fact that commercial vessels far larger than the “Titanic” lay at the bottom of the North American Great Lakes, victims of squall and sabotage on America’s Home Front.
Emperor Hirohito’s nuclear deterrent was orchestrated by the Kurier communications system, fielded by the Third Reich in January of 1945, a new type of transmission that prevented Allied interception of U-boat messages. The Kurier system as consequently fitted the Japanese Sen-Toku Class I-boats employed an ultra-high-speed or flash transmission, in which a brief but complete message was sent in a fraction of a second; per NSA, RG 457, “Selections from the Cryptologic Papers Collection of Rear Admiral J.N.Wenger, USN,” SRH-403, 75. All of the above was ultimately mimicked by the United States High Command in the “launch-on-Command” sequencing at disposal of the Commander-in-Chief regarding both SAC (Strategic Air Command) and the U.S. nuclear-powered (and nuclear armed) submarine fleet.
Regarding the “Patsy”: The Tachikawa Army Experimental Long-Range High-Altitude Reconnaissance-Bomber (Ki-74) was Imperial Japanese Army tested as early as 1942; the brainchild of the “Asahi Shimbum” Journal and its much-respected aviation correspondent, “Tiger” Saito. The Ki-74 planes were twin-engined aircraft designed to fly nonstop from Tokyo to New York. With a calculated range of eleven thousand, one hundred and eighty-five (11, 185) miles at one hundred and eighty-six (186) mph (miles per hour); these craft were directly derived from two (2) prototypes built BEFORE Pearl Harbor – the Tachikawa Army Long Range Research Aircraft (Ki-77s), originally designed to undertake a goodwill non-stop flight from Tokyo to New York in 1940 (civilian-designated as the Asahi A-26s) for recognition of the 2600th year of the Japanese national calendar. Instead, one disappeared over the Indian Ocean on a projected nonstop flight from Singapore to Berlin. The other served in the role of strategic deterrence to the Soviets (as the Command Plane of the Japanese “509th” Wing of six (6) Junkers knock-offs exposed in the wikipedia link I relayed you). Please reference your archived E-mail for the E-letter titled: “Neat Stuff to Look at,” sent Saturday, 14:58 (4 KB), with the attached HTML Message. Just click the link and it will read: “Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name. Please search for Junkers G.38 in Wikipedia to check for alternative titles or spellings.” Just scroll down to: “Mitsubishi Ki-20 (redirect from Junkers K 51).” You’ll find this right above “Japanese-German pre-World War II industrial cooperation” (also worth your perusal). Note that the Japanese produced three times (3X) the number of these craft that the Germans themselves did!
The Command Ki-77 demonstrated on show flight over a triangular circuit in Manchuria in the Summer of 1944 the coverage of a distance of ten thousand, two hundred and twelve (10, 212) miles, remaining aloft for fifty-seven hours and twelve minutes (57 hrs.; 12 mns.). To help achieve the successor-generation Ki-74’s mission of reaching select targets in the United States, the “Patsy(s)” each boasted a pressurized cabin for all five crew members in the forward compartment. These bombers were being churned out in the lead-lined super-industrial bunkers beneath the city of Nagasaki by over two thousand and five hundred (2500 +) mass-production personnel, and such assembly continued without a hitch, even as the plutonium-powered equivalent of twenty thousand tons of TNT leveled the city above them – a fact to which the bunkered Mitsubishi employees were totally oblivious! Thusly did the “Fat Man” prove its performance potential to be pointless, strategically delivering zero impact against the Japanese war effort even as the Task Force of the Sacred Crane landed in Nevada to deliver the Showa Ultimatum and force the immediate and rapid demobilization of the American War Machine….
America’s Dehumanization of the “Enemy,” Japanese Death-Ray Technology, and Concrete Hulled Submarines
In response to questions emailed by George Senda, Douglas Dietrich has written the following:
George Senda:
The Day Before Yesterday (the 5th of December, 2010), was my mother’s birthday. Also, I actually work for a living (night-shift). This response might otherwise have been composed sooner.
You left four points in your last e-mail, which simply piggybacked my communique, titled: “RE: Japanese Fuel Situation – 1945.”
Your First Point deserves no response.
Ironically, you are most defensive about your Fourth Point. I am not rendering “attitude” but psycho-social diagnosis. Your “need to kill” as “a way to relax” is most revealing and all too indicative of the American norm. Americans slaughter multitudes of shadows as they scatter across a digital screen and then scream “Bomb! Bomb! Bomb!” as a popular foreign policy statement. After all, the rest of the planet’s population is nothing more than other shadows dancing across phosphorescent screens that control the drones manipulated by America’s sons and daughters overseas (and even from “home”) today (and NOT EVEN VISIBLE as victims through the bomb-sights of their fathers and grandfathers before them). No blood. No guts. Just glorious technicolor explosions. The Americans today can’t get enough. Neither could their bombardier forefathers. America is NOT a warrior culture but a culture of serial mass-murder.
When I worked high-payed/high-risk security contracts, I saw a number of American children who were shot (by other American children). Their universal reaction was utter surprise that their injuries were painful. After all, the characters in their interactive gaming universes would absorb multiple impacts and just keep going. As an armed and uniformed Security Enforcement Agent, I was even approached by many (American) children who asked me to shoot them so they could see what it felt like (I did not comply). In the American universe, only “the enemy” feels pain. Only “the enemy” dies.
You can kill as many moving shadows as it takes to calm your nerves. Pop ’em off ’till you drop. I couldn’t care less. But in reality,in combat, in war as the rest of humanity knows it outside the United States, expect those shadows to shoot back. Expect it to hurt.
Here comes the pain….
RE: your Second Point. You claim you can find NO data (capitalized emphasis yours) regarding Japanese fuel stocks at “the end of the war,” even after “hours” of searching. You ask me where I am “getting” my data. Obviously, this is data you were never meant to see. The free and democratic American Republic denies you this data so that you may relax without troubles while engaging in indiscriminate virtual slaughter. I had the dubious privilege of being granted the opportunity to take copious notes while incinerating multitudinous documents relating said data.
But, in your last e-mail to me (piggybacked onto my communique, titled: “RE: No Payments Asked”), despite having “NO” access whatsoever to such relevant data, you bombastically expressed your incredulity over some of my “assertions;” parroting with the absolute certainty of the well-indoctrinated that: “the Japanese merchant fleet was effectively destroyed by “our” submarines and they could not get oil from the East Indies to Japan – so just how were Japan’s planes going to fly without fuel? (the passive-aggressive tone of your query precludes discourse, as it conveys disrespect towards both the person and the subject it is directed against [NOT ‘toward’ but ‘against’] as it already posits your fallacious ‘answer,’ which is supposedly that Japan had no fuel)” You seemed dead certain that Japan had neither fuel nor access to fuel for one so self-admittedly ignorant. You conveniently choose to totally ignore the historically indisputable FACTS (NOT “assertions”) that I related concerning both the Japanese super-battleship Yamato and the Super-carrier Shinano. I suppose that in your virtual universe these warships, the largest to ever exist until the advent of nuclear-powered aircraft-carrier(s), must literally have floated on air.
Even your unthinking regurgitation of the phrase “at the end of the war,” exposes your reflexive adherence to the American “party-line.” World War II did not legally end until September 8th, 1951 – a fact that will soon become part and parcel to general awareness.
Your Third Point is in truth a morass of multiple points. You illogically spout unqualified “truths” as if they were physical laws, after which you place question marks to camouflage your assertions as undisputed facts that the party you are (subconsciously and reflexively) attacking with Pavlovian reaction just somehow “doesn’t get.”
You launch your first salvo with: “a model is not a real submarine.” No One ever “asserted” such; yet you try to make it seem so.
The concrete HULLED (NOT concrete-“lined”) submarines moulded by Japan (a manufacturing process which saved enormous time and costs compared to conventional construction) were already KNOWN to exist by the U.S. High Command via Chinese intelligence networks that relayed this reality. The model moulded by the Berkeleyite inventor, Hal B. Hayes, was OBVIOUSLY after-the-fact; and done so out of desperate need for the U.S. High Command to comprehend how the Japanese could continue to prosecute the war despite “their merchant marine being effectively destroyed” (as I demonstrated last communique, two-fifths of the Japanese surface merchant marine was still afloat on the 31st of March, 1945 – and even as this would be inevitably eroded in availability, the submarine merchant fleet was being brought on-line to replace it). Perhaps in your virtual universe the United States Government funded Mr. Hayes to build a toy submarine to pedal across San Francisco Bay in 1944 to show the locals that Uncle Sam would assume toy-distribution now that the Japanese had evacuated the Aleutians in order to march on the North Pole and threaten Santa Claus.
Next you definitively state (with the assurance of a sleepwalker) that: “‘We’ (are you pregnant?) were shown ‘multiple times’ what the Japanese ‘had and didn’t have’ to repel invasion.” By this I assume you mean to say that “our” vaunted United States armed forces keep changing the story as the U.S. Air Force (specifically) continues to do with Roswell.
It was not until the first decade of the twenty-first century, around 2005/6, that a WWII-era Japanese Army fortress was rediscovered in Aomori Prefecture in northern Japan via an old access-tunnel. Inside was a fully-assembled super-battery of microwave-generation magnetrons equipped with magnification/direction apparatus, id est, an operational death-ray (the Japanese Government immediately disassembled this apparatus and confiscated the internal mechanisms as a potential safety-hazard). This was at least one of the heretofore undisclosed end-products of the Imperial Japanese Army’s high-frequency electric wave weapons project, which by 1945 involved one hundred and sixteen (116) military technicians under the command of Major General Kusaba Hideki (also identified as Kusaba Sueki). Major General Kusaba had resumed oversight of microwave research at Noborito Laboratory around November, 1944, after serving as the Noborito Labs’ Director responsible for supervising development and production of balloon bombs (Fu-Go) for firestorm generation within the continental United States. Major General Kusaba’s personnel at Noborito included twenty (20) technical officers, four (4) civilian engineers, twelve (12) part-time civilian consultants, and eighty (80) technicians.
Among them were scientists and engineers with impressive credentials and research experience, such as Morita Kiyoshi, a doctor and professor of Electrical Engineering at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Morita, who specialized in microwave radio communications engineering, was recommended for the death-ray project at Noborito because of his specific interest in parabolic communications, energy concentration, and electromagnetic waves, as well as his expertise in the design of reflective mirrors. Ikebe Tsuneto, who held a doctorate in physics, was another of the principal civilian consultants for the high-frequency weapons research program at Noborito. From 1911—1913, Ikebe had served as an apprentice in the Siemens Brothers Corporation in London, and from May—November, 1916, he was a researcher at the Sperry Gyro Company in New York. From 1935—1944, Ikebe conducted research for the army on antiaircraft fire-control apparatus and was the Chief Engineer for the 80-centimeter magnetron development project.
Major General Kusaba’s team also included medical experts such as Matsuoka Shigeru, professor of medicine at Tohoku Imperial University, and Minoshima Takashi, doctor and professor of medicine at Hokkaido Imperial University. Dr. Minoshima was a graduate of the Tokyo Imperial University Faculty of Medicine, served as Director of the First Physiological Laboratory, and was a member of the Research Institute of Applied Electricity. Dr. Minoshima’s specific areas of interest included electrophysiology, the physiology of ultrashort waves, and physiological oxidation and reduction with relation to aviation medicine. From 1940—1945, he coordinated all of these disciplines into his work as a consultant for the Imperial Japanese Army conducting physiological and pathological research with microwaves.
Throughout 1944—1945, experiments testing different wavelengths were conducted at Noborito using an operational prototype of the death-ray. This experimental apparatus was a high-powered CW oscillator feeding a di-pole antenna placed at the focus of an ellipsoidal reflector. The apparatus consisted of a 3-meter diameter ellipsoid mirror (full or less than half-shape) with 5—10 meters’ focal distance. Depth of the ellipsoid measured approximately 1.5 meters, with a power input of 1—2 kilowatts at 0.8-meter wavelength. The time of field application ranged between one to three minutes. In experimental deployment, test subjects including various mammals such as rabbits and monkeys were placed at the opposite focus of the ellipsoid. A systematic study was made of the physiological effects of the radiation as a function of the frequency. At each of the eight (8) frequencies between three (3) meters and twenty (20) centimeters, twenty (20) rabbits were subjected to radiation with a field strength intensity of one (1) volt per centimeter for ten (10) minutes – to deadly effect.
Experiments deploying a 4-meter wave-length with fifty (50) kilowatts of continuous power with a Sumitomo 530-B Tube proved REPEATEDLY CAPABLE OF STOPPING GASOLINE ENGINES AT CLOSE RANGE and could kill rabbits in thirty (30) seconds to one (1) minute at a distance of three (3) meters. Research proceeded from this time focused on building larger, higher-powered magnetron tubes (80 centimeters), with 10-centimeter wavelength, power output of two hundred to three hundred (200—300) kilowatts, and reflectors measuring ten (10) meters in diameter that would prove capable of killing rabbits at a distance of thirty (30) meters from the reflector focal point.
On basis of previous experiments, in which rabbits were killed with 80-centimeter radiation in ten (10) minutes from a distance of thirty (30) meters, it was calculated that a rabbit might also be killed in ten (10) minutes at a distance of one (1) kilometer! In field trials utilizing wavelengths of eighty (80) centimeters to three (3) meters, postmortem medical examinations of animal subjects revealed the principal effect of exposure was hemorrhage of the lungs. Below the 80-centimeter wavelength, the primary effect was damage to the brain due to constriction of the arteries, and hemorrhage was again the primary cause of death.
Post-Ceasefire U.S. military intelligence assessments of what little Japanese R&D (research and development) on death-ray technology Emperor Hirohito (b.1902—d.1989; Emperor of the Japanese 1926—1989: a scientist of note himself, as must be remembered) permitted to be released as deterrence against any potential American resumption of aggression were conducive to U.S. concession: “With the development of higher-power and shorter-wave length oscillators, which has become possible through the Allied research on radar, it is possible that a death ray might be developed that could kill unshielded human beings at a distance of five (5) to (10) ten miles if these Japanese experiments are reliable indications of the potentialities of the death ray;” per General Headquarters, United States Army Forces, Pacific, Scientific and Technical Advisory Section, “Report on Scientific Intelligence Survey in Japan: September and October 1945,” 1 November 1945, vols. 1—5, U.S. National Archives, College Park, MD, RG 165, Box 2056, which was conducted under the direction of Karl T. Compton in order to assess ongoing Japanese threat-projection potential after Cease-Fire on commencement of the super-secret Japanese-American Talk-Down Process.
The above-cited source is propagandized to the tax-paying citizenry of the United States as a “Post-War” effort via such publicly-released works as R.W. Home’s and Morrow F. Low’s “Postwar Scientific Intelligence Missions to Japan.” A more realistic, but diplomatically oblique, depiction of the factors of advanced-technology warfare that tempered this period of high-intensity negotiations is conveyed by Yukio Sasamoto’s “Scientific Intelligence Survey.” The specific quote pertaining to the Japanese weaponization of electric waves cited above is to be found in the GHQ (General Headquarters), “Scientific Intelligence Survey,” vol. 2, appendix I-E-3.
The B&Ds (Birth and Death dates) of most (perhaps all) of the Japanese scientists and technicians cited throughout the above paragraphs can be accessed via the Japan Biographical Research Department’s “Japan Biographical Encyclopedia,” 917. I would be pleasantly surprised if you could even find passing mention of any of them on the English language internet. But no doubt you are painfully familiar with all of the above – thanks to the intensive briefings you must have attended over the intervening years since Cease-Fire that were repeatedly coordinated through the various Public Relations Departments of our obliging Armed Services. I guess I missed the memo for the meetings….
Underestimated Japanese Ground and Air Strength, The Showa Ultimatum, and the Faux MJ-12 Documents
The initial estimates of Japanese air strength were hopelessly and dangerously astray, but still varied only between dark and bleak among the various United States intelligence centres. When the Americans sued for peace on August 15th, the newly-created American Joint Army-Navy Committee on the Japanese Air Forces estimated Japanese air strength in the Home Islands ALONE at five thousand, nine hundred and eleven (5911 aircraft: per “Magic” Far East Summaries, 19 Jul 45, 9 Aug 45). The Intelligence Centre for the Commander-in-Chief, Pacific (CINCPAC), calculated that by August 13th, the Japanese had ten thousand, two hundred and ninety (10, 290) aircraft available for Homeland Defense (per SRMD-008, p. 266, 16 JUl, p. 297, 13 Aug, RG 457, NARA). In truth, Japan still had some twelve thousand, seven hundred and twenty-five (12, 725) planes of a purely conventional (id est, reciprocating-engined as opposed to jet-propelled) planes of all types – five thousand, six hundred and fifty-one (5651) in the Imperial Japanese Army and seven thousand and seventy-four (7074) in the Imperial Japanese Navy.
Over a hundred (100 +) bunkered underground aircraft plants were in various stages of operation, with most of the machinery just coming on-line in production. Indeed, the production figures from both surface and bunkered underground plants in July of 1945 revealed that a total of one thousand, one hundred and thirty-one (1131) new planes (long-range strategic bombers and fast-attack jets) had been built during that single month alone! There was general confidence that the underground bunker-plants would be in full production by the end of the year and that, until the actual invasion, PRODUCTION COULD AT LEAST KEEP PACE WITH AIRCRAFT LOSSES. Scarcely a village of any size did not have some sort of aircraft manufacturing activity, while abandoned mines, railway tunnels, viaducts, and even the basements of department stores had been turned into factories to feed the demands of the Kamikaze corps.
Although reserve stocks had been set aside and buried deep to prevent their destruction by B-29 raids, the key to air defense was whether the level of thirty thousand (30, 000) tons of high-grade aviation fuel could be produced each month after September. As General Douglas MacArthur (b.1880—d.1964) had reported, American carrier planes and the B-29s had been virtually unmolested in their flights over the Japanese Home Islands for weeks. The U.S. pilots smugly (and foolishly) assumed, like MacArthur, that Japan had spent its air resources. They were wrong (100% wrong, dead wrong, America lost the war due to their bigoted arrogance wrong). As part of the plan for preserving strategic deception (the element of surprise so lacking for the Japanese at Pearl Harbor) and the planes and the precious fuel, both the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy had abandoned suicide attacks for the time being and had begun to build twenty (20) suicide takeoff strips with underground bunkered hangars in southern Kyushu. Altogether on Kyushu there were thirty-five (35) fields for launching suicide planes, together with twenty-one (21) regular airfields and nine (9) seaplane bases.
Pilots were no more of a problem than planes – that some pilots would have only seventy (70) hours of flying time, or less, no longer mattered. All the New Wave pilots were being taught was primary diving, and no more. And pilots were practicing for night attacks. Under cover of darkness, Kamikaze tactics were optimized. The Imperial Japanese Navy was busy weaponizing two thousand (2000) training biplanes into some of the ultimate in Kamikaze innovation – American radar did not register their flimsy wood-and-fabric construction. Japan’s seasoned veterans would take to the jets. Japan’s civilian commercial airlines pilots would take the bombers.
On August 6th (August 7th, ASIA TIME), 1945, THE VERY DAY OF THE HIROSHIMA BOMBING, a special War Department analysis of the new Japanese divisions being mobilized reached Army Chief of Staff George Catlett Marshall (b.1880—d.1959). It revealed that from 1937—1943, the Imperial Japanese Army had mobilized an average of eight (8) divisions a year. But in 1944 alone, thirty (30) were formed to secure the Chinese mainland. And in the first seven (7) months of 1945, at least forty-two (42) had now been activated, twenty-three (23) inside Japan itself! And Japan had the available manpower to generate even more: as many as sixty-five (65) infantry and five (5) armoured divisions by time of scheduled American invasion! Equipment, especially artillery, was deficient, but the Japanese use of rocket units more than made up for their lack of artillery. According to intercepted and decrypted radio messages, a single twenty-four (24) round volley from a Japanese rocket-gun produced the equivalent in weight of one hundred and twenty (120) 155mm U.S. projectiles.
The Japanese recognized that halting the Americans on the ground meant destroying their tanks. Suicide attacks were the most practical means, and such proven tactics had destroyed half (50%!) of the American tanks on Okinawa. That equated to one (1) Japanese man expending his life to take out a five-man American tank crew (six in a command-tank). Even with ten (10) American tank battalions (two [2] with the new M-26 tanks) readied for the invasion of Kyushu, United States Armour didn’t stand a chance at breaking the beaches (especially with the entirely unanticipated directed microwave emissions of magnetron batteries [which, manifesting neither muzzle-flash nor smoke nor sound, could not be traced to source] immobilizing U.S. tanks and instantly converting them into tombs on treads waiting for men with suicide-satchels or Teppo-Yari [explosive-tipped lances] to immolate them at leisure).
The intelligence above (even in total ignorance of Japanese death-ray technology) shattered all basic assumptions for the impending American invasion. American officers had laughably anticipated that on X-Day, the Japanese would have only six (6!) field divisions on Kyushu and only half (3!) of those in the south to confront the U.S. Sixth Army’s thirteen (13) assault divisions! The estimate that the initial Japanese capability was to garrison Kyushu with six (6) divisions total – with only three (3) in the southern zone of the island – is mentioned repeatedly in planning documents from at least mid-1944 and reiterated in “DOWNFALL: Strategic Plans for Operations in the Japanese Archipelago.” General MacArthur’s woefully inaccurate projection of ultimate Japanese capabilities, including air strength, is from reliance on the same appropriately named “DOWNFALL” plan. General Marshall’s estimate before President Harry S. Truman (b.1887—d.1972; 33rd U.S. Presidency 1945—1953) of ultimate Japanese strength of eight (8) to ten (10) divisions comprised of no more than three hundred and fifty-thousand (350, 000) men is found in “Minutes of Meeting Held at White House on Monday, 18 June 1945 at 1530,” Xerox 1567, George C. Marshall Library. Entirely inexcusable by any standards, these minutes make no mention of reference to Japanese air capabilities – the Commander-in-Chief of the United States (Truman) was kept entirely in the dark by what at this point in history was Franklin Roosevelt’s most enduring legacy — an acting American military Junta that was determined to administer the (by now) thoroughly militarized and mobilized Republic from this point forward!
On August 7th, THE DAY AFTER THE HIROSHIMA BOMBING, the effective Warlord of the United States, George C. Marshall sent an “eyes only” message to MacArthur. He admitted he was frankly worried by radio intelligence reports about the large enemy buildup of ground and air strength on Kyushu and southern Honshu, and he expected it to provoke discussions in Washington, D.C., too. Did it make any sense to attack into the teeth of the Japanese defenses? Maybe it was better to shift “Operation Olympic” to less well fortified places on Honshu such as Tokyo(!). Imagine Marshall cabling Eisenhower three months before D-Day and asking him to consider switching the Normandy invasion to Norway! General MacArthur replied, essentially, that he did not believe the U.S. radio-interception intelligence and urged that Operation: “Olympic” go forward. Admiral Ernest J. King (b.1878—d.1956), Chief of U.S. Naval Operations, intervened at this point to play his trump card in America’s increasingly intensified inter-departmental infighting. Since May, Admiral King had known, in confidence, that Commander-in-Chief, Pacific, Admiral Chester W. Nimitz (b.1885—d.1966), had withdrawn his prior support – at least for “Operation Olympic” as it currently stood.
On August 9th (August 10th, ASIA TIME), THE SAME DAY AS THE NAGASAKI BOMBING, Admiral King ordered Admiral Nimitz to make his views known to Washington D.C. and General MacArthur: Up until this point in the war, the Americans had outnumbered the Japanese on the ground in the Pacific by an average ratio of well over two to one (2.5 > 1). Now, for the very first time in the entire Japanese-American struggle, it was the Americans who would be outnumbered (by far). At the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretariat assimilated the radically altered situation and began an agonizing reappraisal of Operation: “Olympic.” Planners turned to alternatives, notably a landing on northern Honshu – in total ignorance of the crack units of the Japanese Kwangtung Army from Manchuria, including all of Japan’s ONLY heavy-armour battalions (medium armour by Western standards, equivalent to the U.S. M-3s [crewed by six]), having been surreptitiously relocated on the Kanto plains surrounding Tokyo (this was why Manchuria was left vulnerable to Soviet aggression [otherwise Stalin would never had entered the Greater East-Asian Conflict]). While a major internecine confrontation ignited between the Nimitzian-influenced U.S. Navy and the MacArthurite-influenced U.S. Army (both warlords acting as bureaucratic gladiators for the effective American Military Coup D’Etat managed by the Admiral King/General Marshall Duopoly), Emperor Hirohito’s “Sacred Crane” Task Force of super-dirigibles and their composited array(s) of parasite attack-craft (including some jet-propelled Horten knock-offs) and their dirigible-coupled super-bombers – ALL of which (bombers, fighters, and the disc-dirigibles themselves) were loaded with what was eventually deemed upon extensive analysis by Fort Detrick in Maryland as enough weaponized biocidal contaminants to conceivably exterminate the entire human race (if evenly distributed across the globe) landed in Nevada to deliver the “Showa Ultimatum.” It was now certain that “Operation Olympic” – in any form – would never go forward; not because it was unnecessary – but because it had become unthinkable….
When consulted as to what the American Public should be told about these heart-stopping new developments in the Japanese-American War, Admiral Ernest J. King baldly stated with flat finality: “Don’t tell them anything they don’t need to know. When its over, tell them who won.”
Your final series of statements – with question marks attached – simply serve to prove that there really are such things as stupid questions, after all.
Where are the formerly Japanese sub-pens and docks in China, you ask? Aside from the fact that they are (obviously) still in China; they have long since been commandeered and utilized by the Communist Chinese Military; specifically the PLAN (People’s Liberation Army Navy) these prizes being acquired at the conclusion of the Chinese Civil War. Perhaps you can ask them if they will let you visit.
A far more sensible question (which you did not think to
ask) would have been: “Where are the concrete submarines themselves?”
Concrete hulled vessels last practically forever, but only if undamaged. The WWII-era United States merchant marine commissioned a score of concrete-hulled merchantmen long since abandoned to rock on the waves of desolate shores all over the world, cracked but intact. Their metal equivalents have all corroded away and disintegrated by now (save for the lovingly maintained “Jeremiah O’Brien” in San Francisco). Once a concrete hull is cracked, it cannot be repaired. The beauty of Japan’s super-secret submersible concrete merchant marine fleet was its simplicity and expendability. As the Japanese-American Talk-Downs proceeded over the next half-decade (6 yrs.), there was less and less need to mould any more and the existing submariner merchantmen were eroded away by the cracks consistent with entropy. The vast majority were eventually transferred into Nationalist Chinese ownership as the remaining covert Japanese units and “stay-behind” networks disentangled from the Chinese mainland in the closing days of the Chinese Civil War. They saved the nation into which I was born (the Republic of China on Taiwan) by expediting withdrawal of national treasuries and cultural treasures, as well as personnel; and were finally used to break the Communist Chinese blockade of “Island China” on Formosa. As they continued to crack-up (Communist Chinese depth-charges being a major contributing factor), they themselves were broken up to create artificial beach-barriers against the monsoon-waves and typhoon-tsunami(s) that chronically assail “Islas Formosa” (Taiwan). If you seek to find them, simply walk a circuit around the island-nation which harbored my birth. Countless fragments of their concrete hulls abut anywhere the cliff-faces are washed too harshly by the surf, serving my people for what will probably amount to centuries after their demise as seaworthy vessels. I can think of no finer destiny for them.
Your final challenges are your last desperate act of denial, and in this you reflect the disposition of the American majority (particularly of the baby-boomer generation) when confronted with reality. I AM PROVIDING WHAT AMOUNTS TO FULL DISCLOSURE NOW – BUT YOU REJECT IT. NO OTHER AMERICAN HAS OFFERED THIS BECAUSE NO OTHER AMERICAN WITH ACCESS TO THIS INFORMATION HAS WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW THEY LOST THE WAR – THEY WOULD INFINITELY PREFER YOU TO BELIEVE THAT EXTRATERRESTRIALS WERE WATCHING OVER US.
You cited the MJ-12 documents as an example of a “leak.” You seem to ignore completely the all-too-obvious dis/mis-information postulated by this series of papers that have surfaced over the years in what is an continuous campaign to perpetuate American ignorance by taking advantage of the white majority’s pathological need to dehumanize Asians (happily this is no longer the case, almost certainly because caucasians are no longer the majority in the United States). Note that said Government releases focus deliberately on the extra-terrestrialization of “what crashed in New Mexico in 1947.”
The original envelope (supposedly bearing an Albuquerque, New Mexico, postmark [isn’t that convenient]) delivered to Los Angeles movie producer Jamie Shandera on December 11th, 1984, contained a roll of black-and-white film which, when processed, showed a purportedly classified document that claims to be a debriefing report prepared for than-President-Elect Dwight D. Eisenhower (b.1890—d.1969; 34th U.S. Presidency 1953—1961). The document is dated November 18th, 1952. The other item on the film was supposedly written by former President Harry Truman to Secretary of Defense (the Japanese had demanded that the United States abolish forever their Department of War) James Forrestal, dated September 24th, 1947. THERE WERE AND ARE NO “ORIGINAL” DOCUMENTS WITH WHICH TO FORENSICALLY ANALYZE AUTHENTICITY. NOR has “Alien-Agenda” propagandist Stanton Friedman EVER BEEN PROVIDED with the actual role of film to study that Shandera claims he received anonymously in the mail! All Friedman has ever had to work with are PHOTOGRAPHS of said documents! THE MJ-12 DOCUMENTS, BECAUSE OF THEIR DUBIOUS PROVENANCE, WOULD NOT EVEN BE ADMISSIBLE AS EVIDENCE IN A U.S. COURT OF LAW.
One of the many problems with the MJ-12 documents is the fact that the signature of former President Harry S. Truman that appears on one of the papers is exactly IDENTICAL to another signature on a letter President Truman wrote to Dr. Vannevar Bush on October 1st, 1947 (post-Roswell incident). While supporters of the MJ-12 documents cite this fact as “evidence” that the papers are genuine, they have their “logic” backwards, since no one signs his name EXACTLY THE SAME WAY TWICE! This is a long-established, accepted fact in the scientific discipline of document forensics. But don’t take my word alone on this matter just because I worked for the DoD for a decade with responsibilities pertaining to document destruction (and therefore received fairly extensive training in document alteration security and forgery detection). Read Albert S. Osborn’s work: “Questioned Documents,” 2nd ed. (Montclair, N.J.: Patterson
Smith, 1978), pp. 136—138.
The only lesson to be gleaned from MJ-12 is that the U.S. Armed Forces desperately want you to believe they captured extraterrestrial craft and bodies rather than realize that the Japanese-American War lasted until September 8th, 1951; and that Harry Truman, both in his office(s) as President and Commander-in-Chief, was forced into intensive, extended, and demoralizing negotiations with the Emperor’s representatives (the Emperor himself only deigned to speak to the American Government – on extraordinarily rare occasion – via his personally requested functionary in this regard: General Douglas MacArthur; appreciating MacArthur’s role so immensely as to ultimately support MacArthur’s miserably failed bid for Presidency of the United States – a power-play by Hirohito to more assertively influence American-Japanese trade and security relations that was ruthlessly stymied by the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex – which by now considered MacArthur “the Emperor’s General,” and a Japanese stooge). This torturous process only anticipated the Vietnam War’s Paris Peace Talks and the Korean War’s Panmunjon Talks that continue TO THIS VERY DAY, neither of which processes make any sense whatsoever outside context of the Japanese setting the tone: why would the self-proclaimed global Superpower, supposedly astride the world by dubious virtue of nuclear force-of-arms, be forced to curry negotiated settlements with regional Asian Powers at all? Because the Americans are nice people who don’t wish to offend “world public opinion”? History proves otherwise. Repeatedly.
I’m not too late at all in exposing the lie behind your virtual game world. By now, most of the criminally incompetent bastards who perpetrated it (many of whom are named above) are dead and consigned to hell. This is for the generation of Americans that will have to live with reality when the power goes out. These are the “Pentagon Papers” of the twenty-first century, shattering the last fantasy standing between the youth of America and their ability to rebuild everything that America’s World War II generation corrupted and destroyed.