The longer the quarantine lasts, the more it’s going to fundamentally change the way things be done in these United States forever. Progressive ideas that were once promoted by Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Andrew Yang are now being seen as necessities by everyone:
Universal Healthcare
Universal Basic Income
Living Wages for Essential Workers (“Minimum Wage” Jobs Serve As our Lifeline: Grocery, Food Delivery, Janitorial, Agriculture, Supply Lines, Etc.)
Universal Childcare
Also, many rental office spaces will become obsolete as people get used to working from home.
If it takes a global pandemic for people to see how broken our system is, so be it. It’s time for the government to put the welfare of the PEOPLE before the profits of corporations.
Douglas Dietrich deconstructs the Manhattan Project analogy some people have used in relation to the War on Coronavirus. As healthcare workers run low on supplies, there is an urgent need to mobilize American citizens and industry to produce Personal Protective Equipment and Ventilators. However, it’s NOT like we need to build bombs to take down a virus. Instead of just throwing money at research and development, the government should invest more in human resources in addition to research and development.
National Civilian Service Draft to Fight Coronavirus – The Young Generation (Who Be Least At Risk for COVID-19) Should Be Drafted Into Mandatory Civilian Service to Support the Fight Against Coronavirus
Instead of forcing young people to stay home during this pandemic, where they will feel useless and have even more time to suck up propaganda online, we need to galvanize them into fighting the War on Coronavirus AND the Climate War.
There should be more youth employed in essential services such as Healthcare, Food, and Agriculture so that other workers who are at higher risk can stay home. The civilian service draft would also help offset the lack of migrant workers.
For example, instead of asking retired nurses and doctors (who be at higher risk of death from COVID-19) to return to the frontlines, why not train more youth to help first responders and hospital staff?
There are endless opportunities for The Youth to be mobilized and deployed in meaningful ways during this Pandemic, including the production of protective equipment, serving in healthcare, food delivery, and more. Polls show most Americans support reinstating the draft. Pete Buttigieg also advocated for reinstating the draft. Many other countries either already have a mandatory draft or are trying to bring it back.
The greatest risk would be NOT to draft The Youth of these United States, lest they become disenfranchised, unmotivated, and incapable of fighting greater battles for their future in the ongoing Climate War. We must NOT deprive The Youth of this opportunity to strengthen their leadership skills for generations to come.
What Can the Military Do to Help During Pandemic? – Provide Logistics, Security, and Reassurance
Related Episodes on the Need to Reinstate the Draft:
America First Does Not Mean America Alone – Hope for The American Empire With Renewed Diplomacy and A Healthy Balance Between Nationalism and Globalization
Why Are Americans’ Health in the Hands of Communist China? – Why are we shopping for ventilators and masks from China? For the sake of national security and public health, the US should develop it’s own supply chains and manufacturing facilities for the essentials.
Douglas Dietrich speaks on the Belt and Road Initiative and the Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries Initiative. Communist China views Europe as it’s rival and Eastern European countries as it’s colonies.
The Solution to the United Nations Security Council Is Not Expansion, It’s Replacement –
G4 Nations Germany, Brazil, India, and Japan Should Have Permanent Seats on the UNSC
Related News Article:
The secret of WW-2 was Japanese and German cooperation. The Allies consisted of two nations on opposite ends of the spectrum: American Capitalism and Soviet Communism. The US and Russia were fighting against Fascism in WW2 because Fascism, or Stakeholder Capitalism, is the middle road between the Monopolism of Shareholder Capitalism and the Forced Collectivization of Communism. It’s the only modern form of government that works, and for this reason, Germany and Japan were seen as threats to the Allies’ World Domination.
Just as Germany and Japan were cooperating in WW2, today you have cooperation between Communist China and Russia. They be sharing conspiracy theories and spreading propaganda worldwide in order to undermine the American Empire and European Union. Communist Chinese propaganda touts it’s draconian treatment of the pandemic, downplays it’s role in the initial outbreak, and dismisses other democratic nations for mishandling their own outbreaks.
Taiwan, the last Axis power remaing on the surface of the world, is battling not only against coronavirus, but also Communist China and the World Health Organization, which has been bribed by Communist China. Despite the opposition, Taiwan is filling in the vacuum of leadership to become the world’s leader on Pandemic Preparedness.
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RELIABLE RESOURCES (albeit both National and International Level Sources be Compromised to-degree)
During this time, it’s vital we get our information from reliable sources (listed below) that are updated regularly. The World Health Organization site also includes “myth busters” about the disease; and the San Francisco Chronicle (sfchronicle.com) is providing a comprehensive listing of resources.
Reliable Sources for COVID-19 Info
Learn Where You Can Turn for the Most Dependable News on the Global Outbreak
With an onslaught of news and information on the global novel coronavirus pandemic, it can be challenging to know where to turn for reliable, up-to-the-minute information. To help the public better assess the news surrounding the virus, experts at Cedars-Sinai listed their top three go-to resources:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — With a dedicated website for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. Regular updates on all aspects of the infectious disease are provided there.
Under the What You Should Know section, readers can learn:
How the disease spreads,
Prevention tactics,
Treatment protocols,
Answers to frequently asked questions.
The Situation Updates section provides a summary of the virus, tracks cases specific to the United States and global locations affected by COVID-19, provides a risk assessment and explains how the CDC is taking action to prevent the further spread of the virus.
The website also provides information tailored to different population groups, including community centers, schools and businesses, as well as information for healthcare professionals, travelers and laboratories. Readers also can browse news releases distributed by the CDC under the What’s New section.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health — Following the outbreak of COVID-19 in the U.S., the LADPH (Los Angeles County Department of Public Health) also recently created online resources housing a host of information ranging from infographics and handwashing best-practices to guidance for schools and workploace leadership.
The county Department of Public Health site also provides short, information-packed videos in three languages–English, Spanish and Chinese–for those who prefer to watch instead of read. The website also has a section for how to best prepare, which includes recommendations like having provisions that can last a few days and getting immunized against the flu, as well as specific precautions for individuals who work in a hospital setting.
The World Health Organization — On the WHO (World Health Organization) website, experts provide a global perspective of the COVID-19 virus, while also sharing individual best practices on topics like how to best protect yourself from the disease.
Under the Technical Guidance section, readers can browse topics like points of entry and mass gatherings and patient management. For more lay readers, topics like travel advice and frequently asked questions can provide a wealth of valuable information. Like the CDC website, WHO also shares regular news updates including vaccine funding and development as well as remarks from healthcare leaders.
• The World Health Organization:
• Centers for Disease Control:
• Journal of the American Medical Association:
• California Department of Public Health:
• San Francisco Government:
• San Francisco Department of Public Health:

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Sponsors will be granted exclusive access to the online archives, including all video and mp3 recordings of Douglas Dietrich from 2011 to present.
– Renegatus Humanus Arma ab Massa-Eruditio
(THE “Renegade Human Weapon ‘o’ Mass-Instruction”);
The Germanic Surname “Dietrich” – as Transliterated into The Ænglish – means “(The) Master Key, Skeleton Key, (a) Key That Can Open All Doors” :
THE LAST Д‘ТРĂЦКОГОÙЛ‘ВYЕА’c (“D‘TRĂCKOGOÙL‘ŴYEA’s [‘SON-‘O’-DIETRICH’s,’ or ‘SON-‘O’-A’‘DRAGON’s’];” pronounced “Dī Traiykh-Kohk-Goowhll VYāyh’s” and Ænglobastardized “DRACULA’s”) 中國人 (“ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuárén [literally ‘Middle-Kingdom People’s,’ id est ‘Chinese’]”) Lineage-Derived Surname is 「林 (“Lin [the iconographic character for ‘Tree’ represented in plurality – id est ‘Forest’ / ‘Jungle’]”)」; both ‘o’ his First Name Elements 「一 (“yĪ [‘One,’ ‘Singular,’ ‘Throughout’ – id est ‘Totality’]”)」 and 「平 (“Píng [‘Calm,’ ‘Peaceful’ / ‘Flat,’ ‘Level’]”);」 combining as 「一平 (“yĪ-Píng [‘Striving Toward Attainment ‘o’ Peace;’ ‘To Tie,’ as in ‘Even The Score’ / ‘To Draw-Up;’ ‘A-‘leveling’ / ‘An ‘Evening Up’ / ‘A-‘Reckoning’ – id est ‘Cosmic Balance’ / ‘Divine Retribution’]”);」 – Familial and First Name Elements combining yet a’‘gain (in Proper Asian Order) as 「林 一平 (“Lin yĪ-Píng [‘Path ‘o’ Environmental Harmony’ or ‘Law ‘o’ The Jungle;’ something akin to ‘Gǣĩǣn Sustainability’]”)」。