Part 1:
Part 2:
Introduction with Brenden Ƶoghet, Alex Griffin, Michael Griffin, and Douglas Dietrich:
Comet ATLAS, Cosmic Cycles, 2012, 2020, Hopi Prophecy, 5th World, State Powers, 5G Infrastructure and Truman’s Interstate Highway Analogy, Nikola Tesla, Free Energy, 5G Educational Applications, Tesla and the Titanic Shipwreck Conspiracy, Deconstructing False Conspiracy Theories about Coronavirus, Gun Rights, 5G, and the Government
Douglas Dietrich’s Monologue:
April Fool Day – How did it start?
The Biggest Fool – Trump’s Psychological Deterioration Undermines Public Health
The White Supremacist Coronavirus Spreader Network and Culture Wars – Red vs. Blue States
Jeffrey Epstein’s Brother Richard Epstein Misinforms White House Staff on Coronavirus and Climate Emergency, Controls “The Narrative”
Trump Turns Failures into Political Gold
China’s Initial Coronavirus Coverup Led to Failure to Contain Outbreak – Causing Global Pandemic
Political Elections in the Face of Pandemic
Celebrating Life and Staying Positive
More Information:
PART I : TIMESTAMP @ 4:43:12
As one person who consults with the Trump White House on the coronavirus response put it to me (Anonymously), “He has chosen to imagine the worst is behind us when the worst is clearly ahead of us.”
After listening to the president’s nearly-two-hour briefing on a Monday as dated The Twenty-Third Day-in-March (032320 [March 23rd, 2020])—in which, among other things, Trump declared, “If it were up to the doctors, they may say … ‘Let’s shut down the entire world.’ … This could create a much bigger problem than the problem that you start off with”
—a former White House adviser who has worked on past pandemics did say (on-condition ‘o’ Anonymity for fear ‘o’ their very life and the physical safety ‘o’ their Loved Ones) :
“This fool will bring the death of thousands needlessly. We have mobilized as a country to shut things down for a time, despite the difficulty. We can work our way back to a semblance of normality if we hold out and let the health system make it through the worst of it. But now our own president is undoing all that work and preaching recklessness. Rather than lead us in taking on a difficult challenge, he is dragging us toward failure and suffering. Beyond belief.”
PART I : Listener Observations on Trump’s Culture Wars
“I told my mom how trump dismantled the domestic terrorist task forces and white supremacist terrorism prevention departments and she also reminded me how he got rid of the pandemic preparedness department. If that’s not intentionally killing Americans I don’t know what is!
I think my mom is still innocent enough to believe someone couldn’t be so cruel on purpose for the sake of killing and suffering. She doesn’t understand the part about the kult of the kings of edom. That’s the missing puzzle piece. I haven’t brought it up yet.
PS. I did not hear you bring up the white supremacists COVID-19 spreading plans over the latest two episodes. [It was actually raised as a Subject by BRENDEN ƵOGHET, who Outlined The Basics there-‘o’ on 3/22/2020] Do you think that should be mentioned? Also my affiliate has been telling me about some cases of intentional spreading but I haven’t followed up with my own research. One lady coughed on produce in a grocery store causing them to throw away thousands of dollars worth of food. Another person licked a seat on a train. A doctor in CT was arrested for hugging and coughing on nurses.
I don’t think all of these cases are necessarily part of the extreme white supremacist network, although they could be connected, but more likely, they are really stupid Americans exhibiting the typical anti-culture/denialist/terrorist default misbehavior so ingrained in the anti-godly european-american bloodline… I should say ingrained but reinforced and normalized by people like Trump.” – Lena C.
PART 1: TIMESTAMP @ 6:14:05 And I Return-To-Subject In-Company ‘o’ BRENDEN ƵOGHET @ TIMESTAMP : 7:01:25.
PREFATORY NOTE : Richard Epstein conspired with President Trump and U.S. Atty. Gen. William Barr to Murder his own Brother in their Damage Control Operation (This Troika of Powerful people in control of the DOJ were fearful of what other politically prominent names Epstein might give to prosecutors, and so had Epstein murdered in custody, staging it as a suicide. Jeffrey Epstein was being held in a federal facility, which is part of the Department of Justice [run by Barr], and the Justice department is within the executive branch [run by Donald Trump]) …
The Contrarian Coronavirus Theory That Informed the Trump Administration :
Epidemiologists’ projections of the total coronavirus deaths range widely, but they tend to be much higher than those of the legal scholar Richard Epstein.
President Trump, who at one point called the coronavirus pandemic an “invisible enemy” and said it made him a “wartime President,” has in recent days questioned its seriousness, tweeting, “WE CANNOT LET THE CURE BE WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM ITSELF.” Trump said repeatedly that he wanted the country to reopen by Easter, April 12th, contradicting the advice of most health officials. (On Sunday, he backed down and extended federal social-distancing guidelines for at least another month.)
According to the Washington Post, “Conservatives close to Trump and numerous administration officials have been circulating an article by Richard A. Epstein of the Hoover Institution, titled ‘Coronavirus Perspective,’ which plays down the extent of the spread and the threat.”
Epstein, a professor at New York University School of Law, published the article on the Web site of the Hoover Institution, on March 16th. In it, he questioned the World Health Organization’s decision to declare the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, said that “public officials have gone overboard,” and suggested that about five hundred people would die from covid-19 in the U.S. Epstein later updated his estimate to five thousand, saying that the previous number had been an error.
So far, there have been more than two thousand coronavirus-related fatalities in America; epidemiologists’ projections of the total deaths range widely, depending on the success of social distancing and the availability of medical resources, but they tend to be much higher than Epstein’s. (On Sunday, Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, estimated that there could be between a hundred thousand and two hundred thousand deaths in the U.S.)
In a follow-up article, published on March 23rd and titled “Coronavirus Overreaction,” Epstein wrote, “Progressives think they can run everyone’s lives through central planning, but the state of the economy suggests otherwise. Looking at the costs, the public commands have led to a crash in the stock market, and may only save a small fraction of the lives that are at risk.”
Epstein has long been one of the most cited legal scholars in the country, and is known for his libertarian-minded reading of the Constitution, which envisions a restrained federal government that respects private property. He has also been known to engage with controversial subjects; last fall, he published an article on the Hoover Institution Web site that argued, “The professional skeptics are right: there is today no compelling evidence of an impending climate emergency.”
China’s all-too-costly Communist cover-up: Coronavirus cases might have been reduced by 95% with immediate action :
If Communist Chinese authorities had acted three weeks earlier than they did, the number of coronavirus cases could have been reduced by 95%.
A new study emphasizes the importance of early action in the case of containing an outbreak. Had the Chinese authorities acted one, two, or three weeks earlier, the number of cases would have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively.
Earlier action could have halted the geographical expanse of the virus, which makes China’s initial response damning in perspective.
The coronavirus outbreak is a hard reminder that no matter who we are and where we live in the world, some threats affect us all equally. No doubt, some are trying to use this outbreak as leverage for geopolitical power — we are already seeing machinations in this direction.
But there are valuable lessons that go far beyond finger-pointing and blaming: there are lessons about how to deal with one of the biggest struggles in modern history.
Researchers using the population mapping group WorldPop (funded primarily by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as a population mapping tool developed to help inform the World Health Organisation and the CDC about the potential spread of COVID-19, helping direct COVID-19 interventions around the planet) ran complex modeling to see how human movement and disease onset would have evolved in different scenarios.
WorldPop used anonymized data on both human travel and illness onset. This allowed them to see how different changes would have affected the situation, and how variations in the timing and nature of interventions would have affected the speed and transmission of the disease.
The findings are striking.
Deploying non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) quickly is extremely effective in preventing the geographical spread of the virus. If non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) had been applied 3 weeks earlier the spread could have been limited by 95%, researchers found.
Furthermore, delaying containment measures even more would have been devastating. An additional delay of 1, 2, or 3 weeks, would have led to a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively.
The findings are important as many parts of the world are now in a similar situation to China.
Director of the University of Southampton’s WorldPop group, Professor Andy Tatem, explains:
“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts. We also show that China’s comprehensive response, in a relatively short period, greatly reduced the potential health impact of the outbreak.”
There is a narrow window of opportunity to respond to this disease. Since it will likely be months before effective treatments or vaccines are released, NPI-type measures are crucial.
“We need to be smart about how we target it using non-drug-related interventions. Our findings significantly contribute to an improved understanding of how best to implement measures and tailor them to conditions in different regions of the world,” says lead author Dr Shengjie Lai, of the University of Southampton
“We are now focussed on adapting this work to new settings beyond China to support response efforts. Different countries may need different approaches, but we aim to help them make informed decisions on how best to put interventions in place.”
The study also suggests that social distancing (one such NPI measure) should continue for several months.
“Results also suggest that the social distancing intervention should be continued for the next few months in China to prevent case numbers increasing again after travel restrictions were lifted on February 17, 2020,” the study reads.
In the initial phases, China tried to downplay the risk and even questioned doctors who were spreading information about the then-new condition on social media. Eight doctors were brought in for police questioning and essentially silenced.
China’s ulterior reaction was severe, but the initial cover-up attempts were very costly, this new study suggests.
The study has been published in the preprint server <medRxiv> (a preprint server for the health sciences founded by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, BMJ and Yale University wot distributes complete, but unpublished manuscripts in the areas of medicine, clinical research and related health sciences sans charge to the reader).

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– Renegatus Humanus Arma ab Massa-Eruditio
(THE “Renegade Human Weapon ‘o’ Mass-Instruction”);
The Germanic Surname “Dietrich” – as Transliterated into The Ænglish – means “(The) Master Key, Skeleton Key, (a) Key That Can Open All Doors” :
THE LAST Д‘ТРĂЦКОГОÙЛ‘ВYЕА’c (“D‘TRĂCKOGOÙL‘ŴYEA’s [‘SON-‘O’-DIETRICH’s,’ or ‘SON-‘O’-A’‘DRAGON’s’];” pronounced “Dī Traiykh-Kohk-Goowhll VYāyh’s” and Ænglobastardized “DRACULA’s”) 中國人 (“ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuárén [literally ‘Middle-Kingdom People’s,’ id est ‘Chinese’]”) Lineage-Derived Surname is 「林 (“Lin [the iconographic character for ‘Tree’ represented in plurality – id est ‘Forest’ / ‘Jungle’]”)」; both ‘o’ his First Name Elements 「一 (“yĪ [‘One,’ ‘Singular,’ ‘Throughout’ – id est ‘Totality’]”)」 and 「平 (“Píng [‘Calm,’ ‘Peaceful’ / ‘Flat,’ ‘Level’]”);」 combining as 「一平 (“yĪ-Píng [‘Striving Toward Attainment ‘o’ Peace;’ ‘To Tie,’ as in ‘Even The Score’ / ‘To Draw-Up;’ ‘A-‘leveling’ / ‘An ‘Evening Up’ / ‘A-‘Reckoning’ – id est ‘Cosmic Balance’ / ‘Divine Retribution’]”);」 – Familial and First Name Elements combining yet a’‘gain (in Proper Asian Order) as 「林 一平 (“Lin yĪ-Píng [‘Path ‘o’ Environmental Harmony’ or ‘Law ‘o’ The Jungle;’ something akin to ‘Gǣĩǣn Sustainability’]”)」。