Livestream is every Wednesday and Sunday night starting at 8pm EST.
Special Guest Judith Eggert Speaks on the Unspeakable:
Hawaiians are protesting against a new telescope that’s set to be built on one of their most sacred mountains. The mountain contains a basin of pure water, which the telescope builders want to drill into.
Ms. Eggert and Mr. Dietrich also discuss the United States’ bombing of the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean which destroyed the natural habitat and forced all the people who had lived there for centuries to evacuate.
There currently be nuclear toxic waste stored precariously under islands controlled by the US Navy in the Pacific. An earthquake or tidal wave could crack a leak in the concrete and poison the whole planet.
Indigenous Pacific Islanders are targeted for genocide because they are the ones who would be able to find new land and survive if there’s a global catastrophe.
On a future episode of Critical Omissions TBA (To Be Announced) Judith Eggert will return to discuss black magic within context of Tracy Twyman’s death.
Borris Johnson, New UK Prime Minister
BREXIT will cause food and medicine shortages in the UK. Borris Johnson and Trump’s followers admire them for daring to make bold decisions, even though the consequences of undoing diplomacy makes their quality of lives much worse.
In a new movie trailer, the Taiwanese flag is absent where it was in previous movies. This missing detail demonstrates how China is influencing Hollywood to erase Taiwan and Japan from your world view.
Communist China and Russia Invade South Korean Airspace
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Kyoto Arson Attack
Support The Green New Deal:
Fight back against the corporations that target people they think cannot fight back. Corporations define communities who don’t protest against pollution and toxic waste as “populations of least resistance”. Ironically, “populations of least resistance” are often poor, uneducated working class communities who support Trump and believe in privatization, yet they are the ones who will suffer from less environmental regulation.
Fight against a government under Russian occupation which fights against those who try to combat climate emergency.
The Mueller Report does NOT exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice charges. Mueller cited a law against indicting a sitting president as reason for not charging him criminally. He also inferred that a charge would have lead to impeachment. Foreign interference in the upcoming 2020 presidential election is ongoing, and the US is unprepared to defend itself. Congress needs to legislate new laws now to protect our country from 2016 ever happening again. Impeachment proceedings against Trump need to begin as well.
William Barr’s summary of the report was circulated by the media first, months before Mueller answered questions directly from congress on TV this week. People tend to believe the first thing they hear, and Barr emphasized that Trump was not charged, while ignoring the mountain of evidence incriminating him. Mueller may as well be a Russian agent for punting the issue of collusion and obstruction of justice charges to congress and allowing Barr and Trump to shape the public’s first impression of his report.
WikiLeaks – Russian Military Intelligence hacked into Clinton’s campaign emails, but right wing media outlets promote the conspiracy theory that one of Clinton’s campaign workers leaked the emails before he was killed. Dietrich recieved an email from a very confused and misinformed person who said they were glad Russia helped keep American elections transparent.
Russo-Republican Occupation of the USA
Liberal opponents of Trump be wrongly accused of judeaphobia and communism, when really it’s the Russo-Republican party that’s communist and needs to be banned.
Trump’s Perpetual Campaign – What’s the point of another Trump term when he’s not even governing?
US China Trade War – China is pulling investments out of the US and reinvesting in itself. Prices for US consumers will increase. Microsoft is investing in AGI (Artificial General Intelligence).
US Economy – While the economy returns to “trend,” Trump wants to cut food stamps for millions of people and increase defense spending.
Psychological Warfare – Trump’s ICE crack downs target families, not criminals. The war on immigrants is more about ethnic cleansing than it is about National Security.
Hong Kong Protests – Gangsters beat down pro-democracy protesters while police were suspiciously absent. The gangsters were probably bribed by Xi Jinping. Trump says Xi Jinping handled the situation well, because he’d do the same. Extremely small apartments, low wages, and long working hours are also motivating people in Hong Kong to rise up and protest so they can have more control over electing officials to enforce better economic policies for the people.
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US Gun and Ammo Exports Fuel International Violence and Contribute to the Refugee Crisis