Livestream is every Wednesday and Sunday night starting at 8pm EST.
7/7 Commemorates the Start of WW2 in Asia and (ten years later) The Roswell Atrocity
7/1 Hong Kong Protests
July 4th and The Declaration of Independence
Recommended Reading for American History:
-Denmark Vesey’s Garden by Blain Roberts and Ethan J. Kytle
-A Revolution in Color by Jane Kamensky
-American Revolutions by Alan Taylor
-The Dictionary Wars by Peter Martin
-The Royalist Revolution by Eric Nelson
How America Misunderstands the Declaration of Independence (YouTube Video by Danielle Allen, linked below:)
Oklahoma Bombers were Inspired by Thomas Jefferson
Like Thomas Jefferson, Donald Trump believes in family separation as a means to break down the people he views as less than human.
Even after slavery was abolished, Jefferson’s policies made it possible to lynch blacks with impunity.
The KKK was ideologically descended from Jefferson.
Investigators confirm that conditions are identical to concentration camps at all the detention centers on the southern border. Migrants suffer from overcrowding, no showers, and a diet of bologna sandwiches.
Older children within the concentration camps are being forced by circumstance to care for infants and toddlers; there are NO adult care providers. These children are so exhausted from the overwhelming responsibility and stress that they are falling asleep during interviews with lawyers. One 14 year old girl from Guatemala said she is a child who needs comfort, too, but she doesn’t like the comfort offered by the guards [because they sexually assault her.]
Destructive parentification happens when a child is forced into a parenting role, usually when their parent is incapacitated by alcohol or drugs and the older sibling has to care for younger siblings. Studies show that destructive parentification has immediate and long term harmful effects on the physical and mental heath of the child. The children in the concentration camps are also suffering from the stress and trauma of being severed from their families in addition to suddenly being forced into a parenting role at an age when they are not emotionally mature enough to cope.
Trump is intentionally producing psychologically damaged migrants who will grow up to be scapegoated for America’s problems.
Trump’s July 4th Speech – He be baiting a victim of his administration to assassinate himself so he can be “martyred” for the cause of Extremist Jeffersonian Libertarians to retaliate and kill all non-whites.
History as a declared major is declining across universities, in part because college students would rather pursue a career that pays well instead of becoming history teachers.
The New Civil Religion of the United States will NOT uphold Thomas Jefferson and his racist views!
Gold Star Post: