Livestream is every Wednesday and Sunday night starting at 8pm EST.
West Papua Deforestation and Humanitarian Crisis
Small groups of people are fighting back against the Muslim Indonesian Government which is committing genocide against the Indigenous Black population and exploiting their land for profit. Their battle is analogous to a small ant fighting against a herd of cockroaches.
Women in West Papua are refusing to have more children because they’re tired of their babies being repeatedly murdered. In some cases, indigenous children are abducted so their organs can then be sold on the black market.
More international awareness and public outrage will be necessary for other countries to be held accountable in their nefarious dealings with the Muslim Indonesian Government. Corporations have interest in the oil and gold of Papua New Guinea with total disregard for human life and environmental protection.
MANA – The Polynesian concept of power and mutual respect that all living beings have naturally. For example, tribal leaders brought a ladder to a meeting with government officials so they could literally be on the same level and see eye to eye (with their two physical eyes as well as their third spiritual eye) with the other people at the meeting, who were sitting on a higher platform. If anyone tries to attain power without proper use of Mana (without earning the respect of those they hold power over) they will suffer bad karmic repercussions. For example, most modern day people have lost any personal connection with the animals they eat. As a result, we are less heathy and the planet is damaged, too.
The Cattle Industry, Animal Rights, and the Current Climate Emergency
Uber Expanding into FinTech (Financial Technology) Raises Privacy Concerns
Gig Industry – Predatory companies like Uber and Lyft create a new class of modern day slave laborers. Workers live in the same cars they rent from the company to pick up passengers and they aren’t paid enough money to save and improve their living situation. One pregnant Lyft driver was celebrated for continuing working while in active labor. Workers are misclassified as independent contractors to deprive them of the legal protections and benefits employees have.
Facebook “Blessings” Groups – People are increasingly turning to online groups as an extended family safety net to help make ends meet. Studies show that people who are thin, white, female, and attractive are more likely to receive donations.
DONATE TO DOUGLAS DUANE DIETRICH – Please send your check or money order donations to Douglas Dietrich at 1242 Green Street, San Francisco, CA, 94109, before the end of the month to help cover expenses. This show CANNOT be produced without continuous financial support from YOU, the listeners!
PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric) shut off electric power in Southern California as a safety precaution during the heat wave. It’s a miracle that Douglas Dietrich was able to get his power back on in time to livestream this episode.
Bohemian Grove
Trump and Xi Jinping
A new bill in China would allow fugitives living in Hong Kong to be extradited to mainland China.
Gold Star Post: