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Japanese Surname Etiquette – Family name comes first, followed by given name. For example, the Prime Minister of Japan is named Abe Shinzo. The bathroom wall of the internet, Wikipedia, has yet to correct the name order on Abe Shinzo’s page as of this posting which comes a week after Japan officially requested the media write their names in the correct order.
Huawei Restrictions and 5G Security – USA should double investments in research and development in order to compete with China.
Global Economic Slowdown
New Documents Expose Secret Russian Plan to Start Race War in USA
The plan failed in it’s ultimate goal to radicalize Black Americans to the point that they would go to militia training camps in Africa before returning to the US and attacking White Americans so that the Putin-Puppet-Trump Administration would have an excuse to intern all Blacks and start another civil war leading to separate ethno states. That would “undermine the country’s territorial integrity and military and economic potential,” according to one document, by “destabiliz[ing] the internal situation in the US.” Experts say it’s common practice for the Kremlin to conduct large scale psychological operations with seemingly far fetched objectives. We can all take hope in the fact that Putin is not as all knowing as he seems.
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California’s Immigrants
Most of California’s immigrants come from Asia. (Try building a wall in the Pacific Ocean!)
Highly educated immigrants are needed to replace the retiring work force in CA. Immigrants in CA are more educated than American born whites.
The Republican Party’s attack on immigration is an attack on California’s economy.
Trump wants to open five new immigration detention centers in Southern California. If he has his way he won’t stop at just detaining illegal immigrants, he’ll detain all colored people.
ICE Killed 5 Children Under the Trump Administration – Victims Died of Injuries and Illness Incurred From Exposure, Dehydration, and Sexual Assault from ICE Officers.
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Trump Refuses to Reimburse California for Fighting Fires on Federal Land
Republican War on California
Soot Health Hazard – Insane Soot Skeptic Now In Charge of EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
PG&E (The utility company blamed for CA fires which were actually started by Republican arsonists) Will Have to Pass On New Liability Expenses to Consumers – As part of the Republican War on California.
Severe Weather and Tornadoes
Southern California’s “June Gloom” Could Be Lost Due To Climate Change
American Policies on Nuclear Power and Fossil Fuels Could Lead to Mass Extinction on Planet Earth
James Buchanan Was The First Gay President
Additional References (Ramona’s Gold Star Post):