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Columbine High School and Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooting survivors speak out and support each other in a new interview Douglas Dietrich had the privilege of previewing before it’s release to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Columbine massacre.
The Columbine shooters were Neo-Nazi White Supremacists who chose Adolf Hitler’s birthday, 4/20, to commit their crime. The MSDHS shooter was a Russian agent trained by the NRA who targeted non-white and female students (who would have gone on to become officers who could have resisted against Russia) as well as a classroom that was teaching about the Holocaust.
Hitler would NOT have approved of these tragic killings. Adolf Hitler would be disgusted with white supremacists today. American Neo-Nazism is antithetical to the original National Socialism. Neo-Nazism is the result of continued Allied war propaganda against the Third Reich in exile. (We are still technically at war with the Third Reich. Reference Daylight Saving Time aka War Time.)
Douglas Dietrich has spoken many times in past transmissions about true National Socialism and Hitlerism. Hitler believed in equal rights for all races and their right to preserve their own culture and heritage. He envisioned a future of green cities modeled after Native American sustainability practices. He was fighting against the Soviets and Americans in WW2 who had secret down-breeding programs to replace their populations with human ape hybrids who would literally work for peanuts. Hitler was fighting for the very survival of his own people, who were targeted for genocide by Churchill. Hitler had an alliance with Nationalist China and Japan, while the Americans had Japanese remains stored in a museum in California because they had planned on exterminating the entire Asian race.
The trauma from gun violence never goes away. Gun violence is NOT NORMAL! Russia and the NRA are out to kill YOU and your children in mass sacrifice to the Anti-Gods! We are living in an active war zone under occupation by the foreign insurgent enemy Trump administration.
For The Record: Douglas Dietrich’s primary gangstalker made rape and death threats against a young woman who he believes is Dietrich’s biological daughter. He also doxxed her, posting all her personal information on bellgab.com. Authorities have been contacted. Go to bellgab.com and let them know they are being watched.
Another Putin Puppet President, The Trump of the Tropics, is Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro. He wants to destroy the largest human artifact on Earth: The Amazon Rainforest. The Amazon Rainforest has been cultivated by Native Americans for thousands of years and it serves as the great lungs of the Earth. Without it, we risk not being able to breathe on Earth without wearing space suits, like on Mars. For this reason and so many other looming climatic catastrophes, global warming poses the biggest international security threat. Military action will be necessary to control climate change and save ourselves from mass extinction.
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