Douglas Dietrich analyzes the lowering Barr and the world after Mueller in all it’s gravity.
The Parkland community is experiencing higher than average suicide rates, partly caused by long term post traumatic stress from the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooting. Two survivors of the shooting committed suicide in the past week. On Monday, a father from Newtown, CT also committed suicide, where the Sandy Hook School mass shooting took place and his daughter was killed. Survivors in these communities are further terrorized by false flag conspiracy theorists who accuse them of being crisis actors and claim their loved ones never died.
The Suicide Hotline is 1-800-237-8255.
Studies show that reactionary Republicanism is correlated with mental health disease.
Trump’s policies drive up suicide rates.
Trump cut approximately 1 trillion in funding for mental health.
Mueller Report
Jussie Smollett has had all felony charges against him dropped, essentially because he is a rich celebrity. This is analogous to Trump.
William Barr only likes defending powerful rich people and Republicans.
There IS evidence of collusion with Russia.
Trump HAS been compromised by the Russians.
Trump has been a defacto agent of Russia over the last two years in plain sight no matter what the Mueller report says.
Barr’s letter on the Mueller report said there was insufficient evidence to charge for a crime; he didn’t say there was no evidence. The letter does NOT exonerate him.
Trump openly asked Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails. Several of Trump’s associates, such as his former campaign manager Paul Manafort, his personal lawyer Michael Cohen, and his son Donald Trump Jr., have been caught lying during the Mueller investigation.
Douglas Dietrich describes how revenge porn laws came into being as an example of how some laws are created after the fact when seriously heinous acts are committed which aren’t technically illegal.
What Trump is doing with Russia is the worst political misdeed in US history even if he is not found guilty of a crime. His situation is parallel to another despicable piece of human trash who basically got away with rape and murder, David Cash Jr.
In 1997 David Cash Jr. watched Jeremy Strohmeyer rape and murder 7 year old Sherrice Iverson in a casino bathroom stall.
Strohmeyer was sentenced to life in prison with no parole.
Cash was not charged, and went on to UC Berkeley to get a BA in nuclear engineering.
Cash said he wanted to build nuclear bombs to destroy everyone who isn’t white.
Strohmeyer used racial slurs to describe his victim. That’s how detectives identified Sherrice on security footage. Strohmeyer and Cash targeted her because she was black.
People knew Strohmeyer and Cash were members of white supremacy pedophilia groups.
Cash showed no remorse and instead made several highly offensive comments:
-He said he “scored” more women due to the publicity.
-He was offered $20,000 for a movie deal. Cash said, “I’m no idiot, I’ll nigger fucking get my money out of this.”
-Cash said he “didn’t know her, but I lost my friend to prison.”
Students at UC Berkeley protested and tried unsuccessfully to have Cash removed from the school.
Douglas Dietrich’s former psychiatrist Dr. Harry Coren argued that Cash couldn’t be kicked out of school based on hate alone, that because he was found not guilty after due process, he had a legal right to be there. If students could be expelled based on hatred, then whites would have expelled the first black college students.
Dietrich responded to Dr. Coren’s comments by bringing up the fact that Japanese Americans were interned without due process, and all their property and financial assets were seized by the government. This decision was upheld by the supreme court years later. Up until very recently, the federal government could legally intern any ethnic group it wanted to. This law was changed in the beginning of the Trump administration before Trump would have had a chance to weaponize it.
Cash’s former roommate told Dietrich that Cash admitted to encouraging the assault and masterbating during it. He said he ejaculated when Strohmeyer snapped her neck and it was “just like the movies.”
Cash lied when he originally told prosecutors he did nothing and walked away. THAT’S obstruction of justice.
Cash could still be brought to justice in California.
The Sherrice Iverson Bill was passed in response to the lack of justice brought on Cash. The new law requires one to report to police if they witness violent acts being inflicted on a minor.
Another pair of famously privileged white murderers were Leopold and Loeb, who used the affluenza defense, meaning they were plagued by their own affluence. Their only motive was for thrills. If Leopold and Loeb were black, they would have been quickly sentenced to death and forgotten. But because they were white and rich, they were presumed to be innocent and became the subject of books and movies.
The Las Vegas shooter was described as “normal.”
Why do mass shootings keep happening?
Be it because the government continues to whet the nation’s appetite for violence and war through paid propaganda programs (seeded throughout sports entertainment, Hollywood blockbusters and video games)—what professor Roger Stahl refers to as “militainment“—that glorify the military and serve as recruiting tools for America’s expanding military empire?
You can’t function as a society on first person shooters.
Both Anton LaVey, the founder of the Satanic Church, and Michael Aquino, the founder of the Temple of Set, were Eagle Scouts.
Mass Shootings: to heighten national fear and tension for the sake of the war drenched profit fueled military industrial entertainment occult complex.
It’s what they’ve been predicting and preparing for.
Pro Military Propaganda is everywhere. They target children with movies like The Avengers (for example, there be “posters” of The Avengers characters on the back of Cheerios cereal boxes, Cheerios being a baby food staple.)
The Pentagon has influenced over 1,800 TV shows and movies. They want everyone to believe that patriotism means fully supporting the military.
They physically and mentally train civilians to become active shooters when civilians are encouraged to look through the crosshairs of a gun in a video game or a tank on display, or see through a serial killer’s mask in a horror movie.
Trump Collusion
Trump had business plans to build a hotel in Moscow and was running for president at the same time. He lied about having this conflict of interest.
Donald Trump Jr. lied about having a meeting with a Russian agent who offered “dirt” on Clinton.
Trump publicly encouraged Russia to interfere. He knew about WikiLeaks.
“Russia if you’re listening I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 missing Clinton emails,” Trump said. That same night, according to the Mueller indictment, the Russians first tried penetrating Clinton’s personal email account.
Douglas Dietrich has discovered through his intelligence connections that Cash works for Michael Aquino, just like Trump.
You are Cherrice, Trump is Cash.
Trump’s Defense Strategy
Trump won’t testify face to face, only through written responses from his lawyers.
Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, got West Point predators off the hook.
Giuliani wanted to defend Trump publicly. This is why Trump started calling the investigation a “witch hunt.” According to sources who wish to remain anonymous, the Trump campaign plans on using the Mueller Report to their advantage in 2020 by claiming the “with hunt” didn’t prove anything.
Collusion doesn’t have to be criminal to be an ongoing threat.
Some of Mueller’s findings are hidden because it would expose others.
For example, Aqunio has immunity because if he was prosecuted it would expose other military criminals.
Mueller is a lifelong Republican.
Attorney General William Barr’s letter on the Mueller report leaves many questions unanswered, suggesting that the actual report is deeply damaging for Trump.
The letter only clears Trump of the narrowest definition of collusion. It doesn’t say what the report found on Trump’s associates’ relationships with Russians.
We need to see the whole report, but the Republicans will suppress it because it implicates all of them with damaging evidence.
Now the Republicans’ strategy will be to bully the media into not discussing this political scandal.
Right after Trump’s pussy grab scandal, WikiLeaks published the Podesta emails. Hillary Clinton’s popularity was peaking just before WikiLeaks, and was hurt even more by The Comey Effect.
“If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer.” Donald Trump Jr. replied to an email offering dirt on Hillary Clinton sourcing from Russia.
Mueller compromised his obstruction of justice investigation.
Trump hired Mueller.
The NFL hired Mueller to investigate Rice, who knocked out his fiance in an elevator. Mueller’s job was to assure that the NFL was cleared from any liability in the incident.
Collusion doesn’t have to be criminal to be an ongoing threat. Cash was not a criminal but indeed a threat, parallel to Trump.
In spycraft, the goal is not always to make an arrest, but to gather intelligence.
Here’s what we know so far about the Trump Russia investigation:
-Carter Page, a former Trump aide, was in contact with Russian agents.
-Paul Manafort, a money launderer in debt to Russian oligarchs and Trump’s former campaign manager, passed polling data to a Russian agent.
-The Trump Tower Moscow project continued well into the campaign.
-Michael Flynn tried to cover up conversations with the Russian ambassador.
-Kremlin met with Trump campaign leaders in June 2016.
-Trump confiscated notes by a translator after meeting in Hamburg.
Why? Why does Trump cover up communications with Putin and seek out private conversations with him? What are Trump’s motives?
Why didn’t Mueller reach a judgment on obstruction of justice? It’s a cop out.
Mueller is a former Marine. As a Marine, you are sworn to defend the country from all enemies foreign and domestic.
Obama could have been exposed as a foreign agent because he wasn’t born here. So all orders he gave were technically illegal orders.
You are not obligated to follow illegal orders. Take the story of John Needum, The Dark Side of Aldura, as an example.
When confronted with all the evidence that Trump is a foreign invader, instead of killing him, Mueller had a melt down and ran off the battle field.
The military held over Obama’s head the fact that he was an illegal president and made him sign off on “Obama strikes” killing civilians so they could later implicate him if needed. Besides this, Obama was one of the best presidents we ever had.
Similar to how the military dealt with Obama, Russia could be holding the Moscow Trump Tower project over Trump’s head.
Putin ordered the killing of future West Point officers at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School. The shooter targeted minority and female would-be-future-officers, as well as Jewish students. Putin wanted the minorities taken out because on the battlefield Russia would demand American troops to surrender. “Whites don’t kill whites,” they’d say. The white Americans would surrender knowing they’d be taken as political hostages and eventually returned home. The black and brown soldiers would fight to the death, because they know the Russians would kill them.
So when Mueller had an opportunity to do the right thing and defend his country from a foreign invader, he decided instead to cooperate with the enemy because they’re both white and he can easily return to his privileged lifestyle at the end of the day while the rest of us suffer under Russian occupation.
This is war. We must continue fighting.
Books by Roger Stahl: Militainment Inc. and Through the Crosshairs

One comment on “3/27/19 Douglas Dietrich Critical Omissions “Mueller Investigation””
To heavy for me to comment, I realize you are the only one on earth who has the truth, you are truly what you say you are and have bragging rights, forever have my support.