SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Douglas Dietrich hosts this episode of Critical Omissions with brother in battle Daniel Arola less than two weeks after the assassination of San Francisco’s Public Defender Jeff Adachi.
Taking Personal Responsibility for One’s Choices
Current Event:
“The U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation setting a 90-day deadline for the president to nominate a special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism at the State Department.
It’s the second time in six months the House has passed the legislation. It passed overwhelmingly in September, but the Senate failed to advance a similar version to the floor, and the bill lapsed when the 115th Congress ended in December. One of the new Democratic-led House’s first actions was to pass the bill; now it awaits treatment by the Senate.”*
Dietrich predicts the Senate will reject the bill again. He advises the removal of the Senate completely because it’s an unnecessary left over from chattel slavery. For more on this topic see the 1/30/19 episode:
The True Definition of Antisemitism
The Momo Challenge – It be a direct retaliation for Dietrich’s exposure leading to the de-monetization of soft core pedophilia on YouTube. The original sculpture the meme is based on was commissioned by Michael Aquino to be a caricature of how Douglas Dietrich looks when he’s speedballing. The way to combat Momo is to put it in porn or Halloween fun so it’s not scary anymore.
Tips for Parents to Keep Children Safe – Talk to your children and listen to them, take notice of any strange or unusual behavior, use parental controls on devices, and spend more time with your children.
Use Gangstalkers’ Psyop Tactics Against Them – Whenever you see them online, confront them. Ask them repeatedly what their credentials are, what proof or qualifications they have. You’d be surprised they have none.
Honoring the Legacies of Jeff Adachi and Ed Lee – Both men were affiliates of Douglas Dietrich and were assassinated due to their fearless fighting against the oppression of minorities, immigrants, and poor people. Jeff Adachi had been working on a film about Douglas Dietrich. It’s now up to YOU to carry on their fight against evil and spread the word about Douglas Dietrich.
Dr. John Henry Hagmann and Michael Aqunio’s Secret Weapon Gone Renegade – Douglas Dietrich knows the secret pass codes to deactivate mind controlled super soldiers. Douglas Dietrich is the only person who can prevent the world as you know it from coming to an end.

FB Post by George Knight, Screenshots of Title 38:
For more information on the Japanese Peace Treaty and the Emperor’s Speech see the episodes from 8/8/18 and 8/22/18.
News story about Momo being destroyed is not true according to Douglas Dietrich:
Douglas Dietrich Deconstructs Gangstalker Pete Suzuki:
*Additional References:
Drive By Clips: