Mission Accomplished: Douglas Dietrich hosted this episode of Critical Omissions on the Holocaust Memorial Day.
Dietrichonic Anime
Holocaust Denial Statistics
Douglas Dietrich has always spoken out against Holocaust Denial and Historical Revisionism.
Current Events – Roger Stone Arrested, BREXIT, China Sentences Canadian to Death Amid Huawei CFO Detention.
Book Recommendation: The Guns of August by Barbara Tuchman
President Trump CAN NOT READ.
Albert Einstein’s physics were based on the Kabbalah.
Roswell UFO Myth Deconstructed
Book Recommendations: The Garden on the Moon exposes the fact that Japan was on the Moon first. Slaughterhouse Five is about the firebombing of Dresden.
Douglas Dietrich addresses some of the personal attacks made against him. Since no one can deny the historical facts Dietrich presents, they resort to making personal attacks in an attempt to undermine his credibility.
Douglas Dietrich’s mother, Dianna Dietrich, was a young and gifted diplomatic translator for the Empire of Japan when she met Adolf Hitler.
Michael Aquino conspired to bring Douglas Dietrich in to work for him at the Presidio Military Base and ultimately convert Dietrich to Satanism. He wanted people to think Hitler’s son was a practicing Satanist. Aquino’s plan backfired horribly when Douglas Dietrich had the Presidio Military Base shut down for Satanic child abuse and sex trafficking. Dietrich also shut down the Marine Core’s child porn ring.
The Illuminati, sourcing out of Europe, are the good guys. The Masons, coming from USA, are the bad guys.
Religious Vampires
Female Vampires
Vampire Assets

¡¡¡ MISSION ACCOMPLISHED : 臺北-剑杆 (“TÁĪPBĚĪH-JIÀNGĀN [THE ‘TAIPEI RĀPIÈR’]”) HOSTED LIVESTREAM ‘O’ “CRITICAL OMISSIONS (<youtu.be/dcuTzAACgTw>)” THIS INTERNATIONAL ὉΛΌΚΑΥΣΤΌΣ (“HOLÓKAUSTÓS [‘HOLOCAUST’];” from The Ελληνική [“Elliniki,” or “Greek”] “Hólos [‘Whole’]” and “Kaustós [‘Burnt’],” the portmanteau there-‘o’ implying “Mass-Sacrifice-By-Fire”) MEMȮRIAL DAY …
TOP-CITE (TOPics [Covered In-This-Episode]) :
The immense Dietrichonic ([Douglas] Dietrich-Thèmed) influence(s) and impact(s) upon the global trendsetting 日本人 (“Nīpphônjīn [‘Japanese People’s’]”) Cultural Φαινόμενόν (“Phænómænón [‘Manifestation’]”) ‘o’ 漫画 (“Manga [‘Storyboarded Literature’]”) and ニッアニメ (“Ni^animé [‘Japanimated Features’]”) …
Ὁλόκαυστός (“Holókaustós [‘Holocaust’]”) Denial Statistics
DOUGLAS DIETRICH has e’‘er-and-always spracheth-out ’gainst Holocaust Denial and Historical Revisionism.
Current Events ATT (At-Time-‘o’-Transmission) : BREXIT, ROGER STONE Arrested, and Communist 中国 (“ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuá [‘Central State’ id est ‘China’]”) Sentences Canadian to Death Consequent The 华为-技术-有限公司 (“HUÁWÉI JÌSHÙ YǑUXIÀNGŌNGSĪ [‘HUÁWÉI-Brand TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY, LIMITED’];” C[ondīta] est 1987—) CFO (Chieftainess Financial Officière) 孟晚舟 (“MENG WANƵHOU [Alias ‘SABRINA MENG’ & also-known-as ‘CATHY MENG’],” birthed 1972—) Arrest-and-Detention Crisis (confer The DDD-Hosted SPECIAL REPORT @ <www.facebook.com/Douglasddietrich/posts/2099238426786284>; as Produced w / The EXECUTIVE PRODUCER PAVEL-EDUARD PŘÍVARA) …
Requisite Book : “STILWELL AND THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE IN CHINA : 1911—1945 (pub[lished] 1971),” By BARBARA W TUCHMAN
The Putinista Puppet-President DONALD J TRUMP be FUNCTIONALLY ILLITERATE (sic).
The Penultimate Evil ‘o’ The Anti-Godly Philosophy ‘o’ Solipsism (“Self-Alone”).
הקבלה (“HacK‘Qabbāllâh [‘The Reception’]”)
ALBERT EINSTEIN predicated His Physics upon HacK‘Qabbāllâh (“The Kabbalah”).
Doug Dietrich Deconstructs The Unholy Religion ‘o’ Extratèrrestriality (sic) and its (literally) Satanic Cult-‘o’-Roswell.
Twa Requisite Books : “LE JARDIN DE KANASHIMA (pub 1964, translated [By XAN FIELDING] as THE ‘GARDEN ON THE MŌŌN,’ 1965; confer <www.facebook.com/pi342/posts/10155637815566466>),” By WW (World War)—II Combat Veteran and POW (Prisoner-‘O’-War)-Survivor PIERRE BOULLE (born PIERRE-FRANÇOIS MARIE-LOUIS BOULLE, 1912—decedent 1994) – Writ in Literary allusion to Historical reality per 大日本帝國 (“Daï Nīpphôn Teikoku [The ‘Empire ‘o’ Greater Japan’]”) Landing on 月亮 (“Yuèliàng [The ‘Mo͞on’]”) prior The United States-‘o’-America precepts physically preparing foundation(s) for Die Sélḗnostadt (“The Lūnar City”) Mo͞onbase for Das Tausendjährige Reich-Im-Exil (“The Thousand Year Realm-In-Exile”) à la the Work entitled “SLAUGHTERHOUSE-FIVE, OR THE CHILDREN’S CRUSADE : A DUTY-DANCE WITH DEATH (pub 1969),” By WW—II Combat Veteran and POW-Survivor KURT VONNEGUT, JUNIOR literarily alluding to the Historical reality ‘o’ The Dresden Firebombing.
The M(iste)r Douglas Dietrich Addresses some of the Personal Attacks Falsified ’gainst his Good Name. Since no one can Deny the Historical Facts Mr Dietrich Re-Presents, The Enemies ‘o’ All Humanity resort to Propagating Personal Attacks with Subjective Intent to Undermine Doug Dietrich’s enviable Reputation and thereby His Credibility.
DD Dietrich’s Late-and-Sainted Siress DIANNA SŪJĬN-LÍN DIETRICH (TAKABAYASHI HIDEKO) was a young and gifted prodigy employed in-responsibility as a Diplomatic Translator for Daï Nīpphôn Teikoku (The “Empire ‘o’ Greater Japan’]”) when she professionally encountered and intimately liaised with ADOLF HITLER.
DOCTOR MICHÆL-ANGELO AQUINO, COL(ONEL), US ARMY SPEC-FOR PSY-OPS (United States ARMY SPECial FORces PSYchological OPerationS), PhD (Political Science) Conspired to bring DD Dietrich in to Work directly with himself at what was contemporarily the most important Military Facility in The American Empire after The Pentagon itself – El Presidio Real De San Francisco – with e’‘ery intention to ultimately Convert The Dietrich to Satanism and beyond. The Objective ‘o’ The Pædopathocratic US MIMOENANISIC-COM (United States Military / Intelligence / Medical / Occult / Entertainment / Narcotics / Academic / Nuclear / Information / Science[s] / Industrial-Congressional COMplex) Junta comprising thy Actual Government was to Present The Historical Hitler’s Son to The World as a Practicing Satanist-cum-Kultist-‘o’-Ko’E ([The] Kings-‘o’-’Edom [id est, The Anti-Gods]) so as to both Discredit and Demoralize The Global Mīllēnārian Ideology ‘o’ Nationalsoƶialismus (“National-Socialism”). The Antihitlerian Aquino ContraNAƵI Conspiracy backfired catastrophically for The US DOD (United States Department ‘O’ [the] Defense; Cest 1947—) when Doug Dietrich nigh-singlehandedly Caused the entire United States Sixth Army Headquarters Onsite THE Presidio / Western Defense Command Center to become Subject(ed) to Permanent Base-Closure for Child Sex Trafficking and Ritualized Satanic Child Abuse (among other Crimes ’Gainst Humanity). Dietrich thereafter went on to Permanently Shut-Down The USMC (United States Marine Corps) Pædopornographic Production Ring Operating out-‘o’ and in-area ‘o’ both The MCRDSD (Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego) and MCBCP (Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton).
The Illuminati Sourcing out ‘o’ Europe be The Champions-‘o’-Civilization, The Standard-bearers-‘o’-Humanity and The Torchbearers-‘o’-Evolution. The Freemasons, having Conquered The New World and Conspiring therefrom, be The Apostate Desecrators ‘o’ All God(dess)’s Works.
The intrinsic Religiousity ‘o’ Vampires
Female Vampires
Vampires as Assets In-Service To The State
… and we ask ‘o’ e’‘eryone Moral and / or Fiscal Support on-behalf Our Dearest English Brother-In-Battle – The Team-Д‘трăцк (“D‘trăck [‘Dietrich,’ or ‘Dragon’]”) Archivist @ <TINYURL.COM/SHOWSDD> and YOUTUBE, LLC MAGGOT Channel (Subscribe <WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/c/MAGGOTAUR>) MANAGER JOHN HENRY II McMILLS WARRINGTON (Follow <www.facebook.com/john.war?fref=ts>) – so, if Financial Aid no’ be prohibitive per Budgetary constraint(s), e(lectronically)-relay Monetary Assistance either by simply clicking the “£” Button in the Upper Right-Hand Corner area ‘o’ the FACEBOOK, INC(orporated; C[ondīta] est 2004—) DIP-MESS (Direct Instant Private MESSage) Text-Box e-(a)ccessible by-way-‘o’ his FB-TL (FaceBook TimeLine) or via PAYPAL® HOLDINGS, INC (Cest 1998—) viś-à-viś his Personal e-ddress : <JOHN_WAR@HOTMAIL.COM> …
Since FACEBOOK, INC(orporated; Condīta est 2004—) Began Asking Publicly Figured FB-TL (FaceBook TimeLine) Administrators (as myself) To Pay To Promote Their FanPages, Only TEN PERCENT (10%) ‘o’ Public TimeLine Visitors have been R/E-ceiving Posted Updates.
Because FB (FaceBook) Wants People To Pay For Their Content To Reach Other People : Organic Outreach Has Been Cut Down To TWO PERCENT (2%) – Meaningful Content that once reached alot-‘o’-people and made an Impact now reaches only a Comparatively Insignificant Number ‘o’ People.
The Years Those Such As Myself Spent Establishing An Engaged Audience Are Mooted Now That We Have To Pay For Our Audience To See Our Content – essentially destroying any valᵫ generated afore via construction ‘o’ a Quality Brand.
These Changes Have Practically Censored Interest-Specific TimeLines All Ô’‘ēr The World. FaceBook has Effectively Suppressed Our Ability To Outreach Unto Others. The Message We Disseminate Now Functionally Hits Almost Nobody.
We MUST Countermobilize The Mass(es) – TAG My POSTS UNTO OTHERS :
1. Click “LIKE’s,” COMMENT and SHARE Content As Much As Ye Can – For Such Is The Only Manner In Which FaceBook Allows Free-‘o’-Charge Content To Reach People Now.
2. SHARE My POSTS w / People and Make Them Aware ‘o’ What Has Happened w / FaceBook.
To Receive ALL ‘o’ My / Douglas Dietrich(’s) Public Figure(’s) Posts, Ye MUST Do The Following :
1) Go To my Public FaceBook TimeLine
(Douglas Duane Dietrich’s Community FanPage
@ <www.facebook.com/douglasduanedietrich>)
2) Hover Thy Cursor Ô’‘ēr Where It Reads “LIKED” and Click The Drop Down on The “LIKE” Box and Choose “GET NOTIFICATIONS – ALL POSTS (Then Whene’‘er I Post, Ye Will Receive Notification As If Someone Had Tagged Thyself [Ye Can Also Prioritize How It Displays On Your Newsfeed]).”
If ye wish to Learn More ‘bout The Spiraling Social Media Situation, Review <worldtruth.tv/facebook-is-censoring-your-feeds-and-this-is-…>.
We Thankest Thee Thy e-ccommodation During These Times ‘o’ Rapid Change …
— In-Distribution By DOUGLAS DIETRICH PRODUCTIONS, The DOUGLAS DIETRICH YOUTUBE, LLC (Limited Liabilities Company; Condīta est 2005—) CHANNEL (¡¡¡ Subscribe <WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/c/DOUGLASDIETRICH> AND Tap [Click] The NOTIFICATION BELL in order to Receive Notification[s] that Livestream[s] hast Started !!!)
The Germanic Surname “Dietrich” – as Transliterated into The Ænglish – means “(The) Master Key, Skeleton Key, (a) Key That Can Open All Doors”
– Publicly “LIKE” and Follow
Renegatus Humanus Arma ab Massa-Eruditio
(THE “Renegade Human Weapon ‘o’ Mass-Instruction”)
@ <www.facebook.com/douglasduanedietrich>;
plus Personally Friend & Follow
THE Internationally Recogniƶed Military Historian
and Intraglobal Crises Analyst 林 一平 (“Lín yĪ-Píng
[‘Дукич Димитрич’ / ‘Đûkič Đimitrič;’ or ‘Douglas Dietrich’]”)
@ <www.facebook.com/Douglasddietrich>;
The Д‘трăцк’с (“D‘trăck’s [‘Dietrich’s,’ or ‘Dragon’s’]”) 中國人 (“ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuárén [literally ‘Middle-Kingdom People’s,’ id est ‘Chinese’]”) Lineage-Derived Surname is 「林 (“Lin [the iconographic character for ‘Tree’ represented in plurality – id est ‘Forest’ / ‘Jungle’]”)」; both ‘o’ his First Name Elements 「一 (“yĪ [‘One,’ ‘Singular,’ ‘Throughout’ – id est ‘Totality’]”)」 and 「平 [“Píng [‘Calm,’ ‘Peaceful’ / ‘Flat,’ ‘Level’]”);」 combining as 「一平 (“yĪ-Píng [‘Striving Toward Attainment ‘o’ Peace;’ ‘To Tie,’ as in ‘Even The Score’ / ‘To Draw-Up;’ ‘A-‘leveling’ / ‘An ‘Evening Up’ / ‘A-‘Reckoning’ – id est ‘Cosmic Balance’ / ‘Divine Retribution’]”);」 – Familial and First Name Elements combining yet again (in Proper Asian Order) as 「林 一平 (“Lin yĪ-Píng [‘Path ‘o’ Environmental Harmony’ or ‘Law ‘o’ The Jungle;’ something akin to ‘Gǣĩǣn Sustainability’]”)」。