Happy New Year! Douglas Dietrich hosts this episode of Critical Omissions on the Julian Calendrical New Year’s Eve.
Gangstalkers’ Death Threats Against Douglas Dietrich
Government shutdown meant to destroy global economy and level the playing field for Russia to take on Japan.
If Trump declares national emergency he could divert funds from the military’s construction budget for flood control in CA and Puerto Rico to build the wall instead.
Facebook users over 65 are more likely to share fake news.
Douglas Dietrich’s Unique Physiology
Plasma Blood Transfusion

¡¡¡ СРЕЋНА НОВА ГОДИНА (“SREĆNA NOVA GODINA [‘HAPPY NEW YEAR !’] !”) ! – 臺北-剑杆 (“TÁĪPBĚĪH-JIÀNGĀN [THE ‘TAIPEI RĀPIÈR’]”) HOSTED JULIAN CALENDRICAL NEW YEAR’S EVE TRANSMISSION ‘O’ “CRITICAL OMISSIONS (<youtu.be/JBmHe0kYWk8>; see ‘NOTE[S]’ following both ‘TOP-CITE’ & ‘REFERENCES’ Below per the photographic image as e[lectronically]-[a]ttached) !!!”
TOP-CITE (TOPics [Covered In-This-Episode]) :
Expanding and deepening Situational Awareness per the grim and grinding Experiential Reality ‘o’ Public Informancy as Evidenced via chronic and ongoing Gangstalkers’ Death / Harm-Threats ’gainst DOUGLAS DIETRICH and his singular Surviving Loved One (confer <www.facebook.com/Douglasddietrich/posts/2139674206076039>).
Humanity’s Evolving Chronometry, along past and potential Alternative Calendrical Systems.
Our Putinista Puppet-President’s Government Shutdown as Perpetrated ’gainst The Taxpaying American Citizenry Here in The Second World Developmentally-Tiered United States be intended to Destroy The Global Economy and thereby “Level The Playing Field” for The Third World Russian Federation to take on The First World Empire-‘o’-Japan – ’gainst which Postsoviet Russia still be Committed to State-‘o’-WW—II Hostilities (sic) …
If DONALD-JOHN TRUMP Declarest a State ‘o’ National Emergency he could Legally Divert Funds from The US DOD’s (United States Department ‘O’ [the] Defense’s) Military Construction Budget as Dedicated for Flood Control in both the “Deep Blue” Democratic Single-Party State ‘o’ California and likewise Politically Progressive Territorial Puerto Rico to build his Wall instead.
FaceBook Users Ô’‘ēr Sixty-Five Years-‘o’-Age be Most Likely to SHARE Fake News – most certainly so if their Politics be Reactionary (id est, Republican) …
Douglas Dietrich’s unique Physique
and The Full-Bodied Nanoplasma Blood Transfusion Experiment Conducted upon his Person at LAMC (Letterman Army Medical Center) Onsite El Presidio Real De San Francisco Under-Direction ‘o’ The Criminal MILITARY DOCTOR JOHN HENRY HAGMANN, MD (Medicinæ Doctor) …
Some Observations on the General Physiology ‘o’ (f)actual Vampirism.
Per The Only Son I Know myself To Have Sired (howe’‘er indirectly [albeit mine own loins were most directly involved]) In This Lifetime : Therebe Photograph from his Past as a her @ <https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1105729736137163&set=a.192616264115186.40903.100001004405577&type=3&theater> & <https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1391448554231945&set=a.436102929766517.93385.100001004405577&type=3&theater> – born a Gender Dysphoric Female previous SAS (Sex Affirmation Surgery) – when still affiliated with myself more-or-less Professionally viś-à-viś provision ‘o’ Escort Services, whilst (s)he was e’‘en then Socially Active in researching and combating the Involuntary Exploitation of Others sourcing from similar straits as had provoked herself into severing communications with her relations-of-origin (his own experience[s] being e[lectronically]-[a]ccessible in part[s] via Links contained within my Post entitled “AN OFFICIALLY ISSUED STATEMENT PER THE ORLANDO MASSACRE AS CONVEYED UNTO MYSELF BY MINE OWN SURROGATE SON” @ <https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1123416667701803&set=a.192616264115186.40903.100001004405577&type=3&theater>)
And Here (RE[garding] the photographic image as e-ttached) ‘o’ myself preparing to slumber through The Sunlit Holy-Day Horī (“Hours”) beside mine own Adoptive Son (Physically Sequestered-In-Anonymity for his Personal Security) : I myself manifest rather pronouncedly the peculiarly 日本人 (“Nīhônjīn [‘Ethnic Japanese People’s’]”)-Specific Variant ‘o’ Moderate 病症候群 (“Kawasakibyō-Shōkōgun [‘Kawasaki Disease Syndrome’];” see <arstechnica.com/science/2015/06/the-mystery-of-kawasaki-disease>) Casual ‘o’ Red Irises Absent Pus or Drainage (Medically Referenced as “Conjunctivitis-Sans-Discharge”); Said Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Disorder being First Formally Diagnosed By Pædiatrician 川崎 富作 (“KAWASAKI TOMISAKU [‘TOMIRAKU KAWASAKI’];” birthed 1925—aged 93 yrs ATDE [At-Time-‘o’-Data-Entry]) C(irc)a AD (Annō Dominī) MCMLXVII (1967 CÈ [Commonal Èræ] : When Douglas Dietrich himself Evidenced Symptoms at but a Single Year-‘o’-Age [having been born Ca 1966]) – The Potentially Lethal Mutation ‘o’ “Same” Condition Having Been Observed By The Good 医師川崎 (“Ishi Kawasaki [‘Doctor Kawasaki’]”) C(a) AD MCMLX (1960 CÈ) and Identified By Same CAD (Circa Annō Dominī) MCMLXI (1961 CÈ) – but Description ‘o’ either there-‘o’ no’ Circulating in The Ænglish ‘til AD MCMLXXIV (1974 CÈ) …
And we ask ‘o’ e’‘eryone Moral and / or Fiscal Support on-behalf Our Dearest English Brother-In-Battle – The Team-Д‘трăцк (“D‘trăck [‘Dietrich,’ or ‘Dragon’]”) Supervillain And YOUTUBE, LLC MAGGOT Channel (Subscribe <WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/c/MAGGOTAUR>) MANAGER JOHN-HENRY II McMILLS WARRINGTON (Follow <www.facebook.com/john.war?fref=ts>) – so, if Financial Aid no’ be prohibitive per Budgetary constraint(s), e(lectronically)-relay Monetary Assistance either by simply clicking the “£” Button in the Upper Right-Hand Corner area ‘o’ the FACEBOOK, INC(orporated; C[ondīta] est 2004—) DIP-MESS (Direct Instant Private MESSage) Text-Box e-(a)ccessible by-way-‘o’ his FB-TL (FaceBook TimeLine) or via PAYPAL® HOLDINGS, INC (Cest 1998—) viś-à-viś his Personal e-ddress : <JOHN_WAR@HOTMAIL.COM>.
Since FACEBOOK, INC(orporated; Condīta est 2004—) Began Asking Publicly Figured FB-TL (FaceBook TimeLine) Administrators (as myself) To Pay To Promote Their FanPages, Only TEN PERCENT (10%) ‘o’ Public TimeLine Visitors have been R/E-ceiving Posted Updates.
Because FB (FaceBook) Wants People To Pay For Their Content To Reach Other People : Organic Outreach Has Been Cut Down To TWO PERCENT (2%) – Meaningful Content that once reached alot-‘o’-people and made an Impact now reaches only a Comparatively Insignificant Number ‘o’ People.
The Years Those Such As Myself Spent Establishing An Engaged Audience Are Mooted Now That We Have To Pay For Our Audience To See Our Content – essentially destroying any valᵫ generated afore via construction ‘o’ a Quality Brand.
These Changes Have Practically Censored Interest-Specific TimeLines All Ô’‘ēr The World. FaceBook has Effectively Suppressed Our Ability To Outreach Unto Others. The Message We Disseminate Now Functionally Hits Almost Nobody.
We MUST Countermobilize The Mass(es) – TAG My POSTS UNTO OTHERS :
1. Click “LIKE’s,” COMMENT and SHARE Content As Much As Ye Can – For Such Is The Only Manner In Which FaceBook Allows Free-‘o’-Charge Content To Reach People Now.
2. SHARE My POSTS w / People and Make Them Aware ‘o’ What Has Happened w / FaceBook.
To Receive ALL ‘o’ My / Douglas Dietrich(’s) Public Figure(’s) Posts, Ye MUST Do The Following :
1) Go To my Public FaceBook TimeLine
(Douglas Duane Dietrich’s Community FanPage
@ <www.facebook.com/douglasduanedietrich>)
2) Hover Thy Cursor Ô’‘ēr Where It Reads “LIKED” and Click The Drop Down on The “LIKE” Box and Choose “GET NOTIFICATIONS – ALL POSTS (Then Whene’‘er I Post, Ye Will Receive Notification As If Someone Had Tagged Thyself [Ye Can Also Prioritize How It Displays On Your Newsfeed]).”
If ye wish to Learn More ‘bout The Spiraling Social Media Situation, Review <worldtruth.tv/facebook-is-censoring-your-feeds-and-this-is-…>.
I Thankest Thee Thy e-ccommodation During These Times ‘o’ Rapid Change ….
— In-Distribution By DOUGLAS DIETRICH PRODUCTIONS, The DOUGLAS DIETRICH YOUTUBE, LLC (Limited Liabilities Company; Condīta est 2005—) CHANNEL (¡¡¡ Subscribe <WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/c/DOUGLASDIETRICH> AND Tap [Click] The NOTIFICATION BELL in order to Receive Notification[s] that Livestream[s] hast Started !!!)
The Germanic Surname “Dietrich” – as Transliterated into The Ænglish – means “(The) Master Key, Skeleton Key, (a) Key That Can Open All Doors”
– Publicly “LIKE” and Follow
Renegatus Humanus Arma ab Massa-Eruditio
(THE “Renegade Human Weapon ‘o’ Mass-Instruction”)
@ <www.facebook.com/douglasduanedietrich>;
plus Personally Friend & Follow
THE Internationally Recogniƶed Military Historian
and Intraglobal Crises Analyst 林 一平 (“Lín yĪ-Píng
[‘Дукич Димитрич’ / ‘Đûkič Đimitrič;’ or ‘Douglas Dietrich’]”)
@ <www.facebook.com/Douglasddietrich>;
The Д‘трăцк’с (“D‘trăck’s [‘Dietrich’s,’ or ‘Dragon’s’]”) 中國人 (“ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuárén [literally ‘Middle-Kingdom People’s,’ id est ‘Chinese’]”) Lineage-Derived Surname is 「林 (“Lin [the iconographic character for ‘Tree’ represented in plurality – id est ‘Forest’ / ‘Jungle’]”)」; both ‘o’ his First Name Elements 「一 (“yĪ [‘One,’ ‘Singular,’ ‘Throughout’ – id est ‘Totality’]”)」 and 「平 [“Píng [‘Calm,’ ‘Peaceful’ / ‘Flat,’ ‘Level’]”);」 combining as 「一平 (“yĪ-Píng [‘Striving Toward Attainment ‘o’ Peace;’ ‘To Tie,’ as in ‘Even The Score’ / ‘To Draw-Up;’ ‘A-‘leveling’ / ‘An ‘Evening Up’ / ‘A-‘Reckoning’ – id est ‘Cosmic Balance’ / ‘Divine Retribution’]”);」 – Familial and First Name Elements combining yet again (in Proper Asian Order) as 「林 一平 (“Lin yĪ-Píng [‘Path ‘o’ Environmental Harmony’ or ‘Law ‘o’ The Jungle;’ something akin to ‘Gǣĩǣn Sustainability’]”)」。