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TOP-CITE (TOPics [Covered In-This-Episode]) :
Byƶantine-Orthodox Christian Christmas (see <> & confer <>).
Please Pray for RANIA YOUSSEF, an ǢIgyptousian (“Egyptian”) Actress who faces Charges-‘o’-Indecency after she wore a “revealing” dress to an Award(s) Cérémony (which wast no’ at’‘tall revealing by Western Standards [see <>]).
Water on The Moon – First Discovered by The Japanese – has been recently rediscovered (with much attendant fanfare) by Communist China.
The Historical NAƵI-Ƶionist Alliance
Mnêmȯcide : Genocide ‘o’ The Mind – When Historical Realities Be Forgotten. Most people don’t remember The Historical NAƵI-Ƶionist Alliance. Another example ‘o’ Μνήμονικ (“Mnêmonik [‘Memȯrial’]”) Genocide be how The USA (United States-‘o’-America) Publicly Announced it was going to Bomb The Japanese Home Islands BEFORE The Empire-‘o’-Japan Prēëmptively Attacked Pearl Harbour – in the same casual manner ‘o’ “Conflict Management” in which The USA hast Publicly Announced Illegal Prosecution ‘o’ Armed Hostilities (id est, Undeclared Acts-‘o’-Warfare) e’‘er since.
Ƶionists Personally Threatened ADOLF HITLER and Murdered his Niece because they wanted him to help them Establish their Jewish Èthnostate-‘o’-Isrā‘el in Palestine.
Towards that very End (as articulated directly Above [^]), there were some among Germany’s Industrialists ‘o’ Jewish Èthnicity who helped to Finance Adolf Hitler in his Rise To Power.
Prior The Ὁλόκαυστος (“Holókaustos [‘Holocaust’]”), people believed Hitler was Jewish because he was helping them so much.
Ƶionists Demanded that Hitler Mass-Murder Jews with-intent that those Jews who Survived would become Radicalized to-point ‘o’ Mass-Murdering Palestinians In-Seizure ‘o’ ʿAráb Land(s) In-Establishment ‘o’ a Jewish Èthnostate.
The Postapocályptic ʿArábic film entitled “THE DARK CITY (2018)” be a grim masterpiece because it so viscerally relates how The ʿArábs fear theybe becoming as unto The Ƶionists : Kill thine own people en masse that the brutalized core left surviving be so calloused to violence they eagerly join “The Cause” and kill everyone else in-conquest ‘o’ The World …
Though Hitler Entered The Transfer Agreement Under Duress, he ultimately exploited this Alliance Imposed by The Ƶionists to his advantage. The Ƶionists forced him into perpetrating The Holócaust. The Ovens Deployed in that Holócaust were integral to the process ‘o’ compressing Bodily Cremains (Cremated Remains) into Carbon per Mass-Production ‘o’ Synthetic Diamond(s). Tonnes ‘o’ such diamonds – along the systemic plunder ‘o’ vast amounts ‘o’ riches stripped from The Jewish Élite(s) in an Area-‘o’-Territories altogether larger than that comprising The United States – helped Fund The Aryan Exodus ‘o’ The Third Reich into Unterland (“The Land[s] Below”).
Hitler’s War Aims were entirely unconventional – motivated as they were by The Ancient / Postmodern Paradigm ‘o’ Racial Warfare (in-disambiguation from Mediævalist / Modern Conventional Military Objectives per Territorial Acquisition[s]-and-Defense[s]). The Conventional German Wehrmacht (“Armed Forces”) fought for Germany as a Nation-State, but Hitler’s ϟϟ (“SS” : Schutƶ-Staffel [“Security Service”]) had its own Armed Forces which fought instead for The Aryan Race. Hitler’s Primary Mission was Preservation and Evolution ‘o’ The Nordic-Aryan Race via Rēëstablishment ‘o’ The Thousand-Year Reich (“Realm”) into Unterland – fore’‘er sequestered away from any-and-all possible Judeocorruptive Influences to which his Meister Èthnos (“Master Race”) would have been chronically exposed had they instead held fast upon The Surface World.
DOUGLAS DIETRICH explainest why he hast ne’‘er Publicly spracheth to his Late-and-Sainted Siress DIANNA SŪJĬN-LÍN DIETRICH’s (TAKABAYASHI HIDEKO’s) Affair with The Historical Hitler until now. He had to establish his Reputation on his own Merits first, or else people would have immediately dismissed him. Ô’‘ēr a series ‘o’ Careers, Doug Dietrich has established himself a stellar Reputation – both Personal and Professional.
As a US DOD (United States Department Of [the] Defense) Research Librarian, Douglas Dietrich successfully Subjected El Presidio Real De San Francisco – the most important American Military Facility in The World aside The Pentagon itself – to Permanent Base-Closure due to Human Child-Trafficking.
Douglas Dietrich Shut Down The USMC (United States Marine Corps) Pædopornographic Production Ring operating from within and in-area(s) ‘o’ both MCBCP (Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton) and The MCRDSD (Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego).
The Ǣhl-Jubayil Incident : Douglas Dietrich was Dishonorably Discharged from The United States Marine Corps for killing two Enforcement Officers ‘o’ The Mutawha‘whee’in (“Saû’‘ūdī Religious Police”) in The ‘Kingdom ‘o’ SawÜdïïyæ-ʿArábīyà who were part ‘o’ a Hai’yaa (“Committee”) Patrol for The CPVPV (Committee for the Promotion-‘o’-Virtᵫ and the Prevention-‘o’-Vice) that had set a Girls’ Dormitory ablaze and were machinegunning down the Resident girls as they attempted escape.
His Primary Gangstalkers hate him obsessively and Blog a’‘bout him incessantly because Doug Dietrich has either personally refused to have sex with them when Approached or has managed to evade Intimate Physical Relations with them when Directly (and Illegally) Ordered to Engage in such while Enlisted in Military “Service.”
On Severing from The Marine Corps, Dietrich worked in both Private Security and as a Mercenary.
Finally, Douglas Dietrich worked as a Full-Time Care Provider to his Late-and-Sainted Parents for many years. On his Parents’ Deaths (via Thanatization and Murder), Douglas started Speaking as a Public Informant.
In The Beginning ‘o’ his Public Speaking Career, most of his Interviews were about Ƶombies and Vampires, as based on Popular Demand(s). Later on he began discussing more about Social Engineering, The American Revisioning ‘o’ War and History – and WW—II.
Douglas Dietrich has decided that Now would be the right time to Reveal his True Origins because he has hope in The Future.
DOCTOR MICHÆL-ANGELO AQUINO, COLONEL, US ARMY SPEC-FOR PSY-OPS (United States ARMY SPECial FORces PSYchological OPerationS), “RETIRED,” determined to Perpetrate Mnêmȯcide (Memȯrial Genocide) by Deploying The Series VII Mutant AMBER-ROSE DIO (confer <>) to Destroy DDD’s (Douglas Duane Dietrich’s) <DOUGLASDIETRICH.COM> Website and YouTube Video Library. His Plan Failed spectacularly thanks to The GRAND MAGGOTAUR JOHN WARRINGTON (‘o’ The MAGGOT YouTube channel [Subscribe @ <WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/c/MAGGOTAUR>]) – who had taken it upon himself to Back-Up and Maintain Doug Dietrich’s Archives.
ALEX JONES is a Kultist ‘o’ Michæl Aquino’s Satanic TOS (Temple-‘O’-Sēt’).
Aquino Employed Artillica (Occult Archæotechnology) to Hijack the Spirits ‘o’ people who died in a Passenger-Plane Crash and force same Discarnate Essences to appear on other Passenger-Planes Intoning “You’re All Going To Die.”
Aquino Deployed Same Occultek Artillica to Haunt MÆ-MAGNIN BRUSSELL – a Lady Investigating his Crimes ’gainst Humanity – with the Spirit ‘o’ her own Decedent Daughter; telling her “Cease Vexing Michæl Aquino, as he be an Ǽngæl.”
Dietrich has in his possession The Vox Arcana (Vox vocis Arca archa), which be The Occult Equivalent ‘o’ The “Nuclear Football.” Ignorant Trolls and Knowing Shills Under-Employ ‘o’ The US MIMOENANISIC-COM (United States Military / Intelligence / Medical / Occult / Entertainment / Narcotics / Academic / Nuclear / Information / Science[s] / Industrial-Congressional COMplex) Junta comprising thy Actual Government have openly taunted him to turn it ô’‘ēr to Reverse Engineers. This would, ‘o’-course, be pointless other than in its Intended Objective to Disarm Douglas Dietrich – as Conventional Engineers would ne’‘er be able to comprehend how it works, just as they would ne’‘er be able to comprehend The Occult Technologies by which Colonel Michæl Aquino, PhD Historically Hijacked and Directed Incorporeal Spirits employing Physical Parts / Components from the Airframe and / or Automobile in which his Victim or Victims had been Murdered.
One ‘o’ The Last Interviews Douglas Dietrich e’‘er participated in was Conducted by REX BEAR : Rex ne’‘er Published the Interview. Rex Imposed Condition(s) that Douglas refrain from referencing Satanism, Colonel Michæl Aquino, PhD and The United States’ Military Junta. When asked why, Rex explained that his Brother had been Deployed in both eʿI’‘rākq and Ǣf’ġhǣnist̪ǣn and when he came home he was convinced he was Damned to Hell. Douglas Dietrich be certain Rex’s brother Participated In-Ritual to ensure his survival on The Field-‘o’-Battle. Dietrich knowest precisely the manner ‘o’ Infernal Ritual as Conducted throughout The American Military Under Satanic Chaplaincy; they Sacrifice Infants. Douglas would rather take the bullet than Sacrifice an Infant and have to live with himself.
American Veterans need to PROVE theybe Rehabilitated and Resocialized before they can be trusted by anyone as Individuals. The US (United States) Military is effectively both a Welfare State and an Evasion-‘o’-Imprisonment Scam – Recruiting the LCD (Lowest Common Denominator) ‘o’ CPT’s (Criminal Personality Types) who could ne’‘er find Honest Employment anywhere. DD Dietrich Advises the Dismantling ‘o’ All Branches ‘o’ Military Service and Rēïnstatement ‘o’ The Draft to create a Legitimate People’s Army instead.
The United States-‘o’-America has The Highest Rate ‘o’ Suicide Deaths By Firearms in The World. If you yourself be e’‘en thinking a’‘bout Ending Thine Own Life, Call The Suicide Prevention Lifeline Immediately @ 1-800 / 2738255.
ELLIOT RODGER : Why do so many Individuals ‘o’ Mixed-Race Heritage harbour Racial Self-Hatred ?
¡ The NRA (National Rifle Association) is an International Terrorist Network out to Kill YOU !
After a Mass-Shooting that recently took place at an FPS (First-Person Shooter) Video Game Tournament in a Mall, conversations on Social Media debated the influence(s) and safety ‘o’ Video Games instead ‘o’ the most obvious Issue : FSR (Firearms Safety Reform). Elliot Rodger was just another harmless INCEL (INvoluntary CELibate) Loser ‘til he (all-too-Legally) Gunned Up.
APPLE INC Lowered its Revenue Forecast (see <>).
… and we ask ‘o’ e’‘eryone Moral and / or Fiscal Support on-behalf Our Dearest English Brother-In-Battle – The Team-Д‘трăцк (“D‘trăck [‘Dietrich,’ or ‘Dragon’]”) Supervillain And YOUTUBE, LLC MAGGOT Channel (Subscribe <WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/c/MAGGOTAUR>) MANAGER JOHN HENRY II McMILLS WARRINGTON (Follow <>) – so, if Financial Aid no’ be prohibitive per Budgetary constraint(s), e(lectronically)-relay Monetary Assistance either by simply clicking the “£” Button in the Upper Right-Hand Corner area ‘o’ the FACEBOOK, INC(orporated; C[ondīta] est 2004—) DIP-MESS (Direct Instant Private MESSage) Text-Box e-(a)ccessible by-way-‘o’ his FB-TL (FaceBook TimeLine) or via PAYPAL® HOLDINGS, INC (Cest 1998—) viś-à-viś his Personal e-ddress : <JOHN_WAR@HOTMAIL.COM> ….
The Germanic Surname “Dietrich” – as Transliterated into The Ænglish – means “(The) Master Key, Skeleton Key, (a) Key That Can Open All Doors”
– Publicly “LIKE” and Follow
Renegatus Humanus Arma ab Massa-Eruditio
(THE “Renegade Human Weapon ‘o’ Mass-Instruction”)
@ <>;
plus Personally Friend & Follow
THE Internationally Recogniƶed Military Historian
and Intraglobal Crises Analyst 林 一平 (“Lín yĪ-Píng
[‘Дукич Димитрич’ / ‘Đûkič Đimitrič;’ or ‘Douglas Dietrich’]”)
@ <>;
The Д‘трăцк’с (“D‘trăck’s [‘Dietrich’s,’ or ‘Dragon’s’]”) 中國人 (“ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuárén [literally ‘Middle-Kingdom People’s,’ id est ‘Chinese’]”) Lineage-Derived Surname is 「林 (“Lin [the iconographic character for ‘Tree’ represented in plurality – id est ‘Forest’ / ‘Jungle’]”)」; both ‘o’ his First Name Elements 「一 (“yĪ [‘One,’ ‘Singular,’ ‘Throughout’ – id est ‘Totality’]”)」 and 「平 [“Píng [‘Calm,’ ‘Peaceful’ / ‘Flat,’ ‘Level’]”);」 combining as 「一平 (“yĪ-Píng [‘Striving Toward Attainment ‘o’ Peace;’ ‘To Tie,’ as in ‘Even The Score’ / ‘To Draw-Up;’ ‘A-‘leveling’ / ‘An ‘Evening Up’ / ‘A-‘Reckoning’ – id est ‘Cosmic Balance’ / ‘Divine Retribution’]”);」 – Familial and First Name Elements combining yet again (in Proper Asian Order) as 「林 一平 (“Lin yĪ-Píng [‘Path ‘o’ Environmental Harmony’ or ‘Law ‘o’ The Jungle;’ something akin to ‘Gǣĩǣn Sustainability’]”)」。