Douglas Dietrich On the Hidden Side of History
Part 1
A former US Department of Defense military librarian and Marine reveals hidden imperial and World War II history, including how Nazi Germany was the first power to develop and deploy the atomic bomb.
An Interview with Douglas Dietrich on April 29, 2012.
By Thomas Kirschner
Thomas Kirschner [TK]: How did you start out so young, with a career in destroying classified military documents?
Douglas Dietrich [DD]: When I was in what is normally called high school, I was learning a vocational trade in commercial illustration. During that period of time, all the while I was at this vocational institute, there was an Albanian secretary who was working with the Department of Defense with Radio Free Europe in the United States, sending broadcasts to behind the Iron Curtain in Albania. Because of that, she knew that there was an opening with the Department of Defense library for a librarian’s aide at the Presidio military base in San Francisco. The reason that this is important is because the Presidio military base was something that I had access to as a military dependent. Since my father was military, I had a dependent’s ID—meaning that I could go on base, shop in the commissary and use various military facilities. So, because I already had access to the base, I got the job as a librarian’s aide at age 16, around 1982, just shelving books originally, and everything got more in-depth from there. This means that I was working as a civilian on a military base, but the Presidio military base was particularly important because it was where the United Nations was founded, just three days and three weeks after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941. What happened was that President Franklin Roosevelt founded the United Nations with its original five Security Council members, one of which was Nationalist China, and that is important because I was born in Taiwan, where Nationalist China ultimately re-established itself.
TK: But you are an American citizen, aren’t you?
DD: That is correct. I was born in Taiwan, but my father was an American serviceman, so that made me automatically a naturalized American citizen and, as a result, that is why I was able to get military dependent status, why I was able to work for the government. In terms of some of the difficulties behind my personal situation, why I appreciated the history of what I was looking at in terms of document destruction was because, as a military librarian, one of my primary responsibilities was document destruction. The reason why I appreciated history so much was that my mother was Asian, and Asians were classified for a long period of time as enemy aliens. You see, because they all looked alike, the Americans claimed that all Asian Pacific Islanders and mainlanders were enemy aliens. No GIs were allowed to marry them, so what happened was that all of the officers and servicemen who were trying to marry Asian women overseas ended up suing the US military. The Supreme Court of the United States overturned all of these women being enemy aliens. It overturned that uniform code of military justice as unconstitutional. At the same time, the Treaty of Peace with Japan was signed, which was 8 September 1951. Until that time, Japan and the United States were still legally at war. To clarify this, the base that I worked on was where the United Nations was founded. The United Nations was organized by Roosevelt three days and three weeks after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor as an organization of war, as per Article 42 of the United Nations Charter— in lieu of a constitution it has a charter—but it was meant as an organization of war, originally to coordinate all partisan or resistance armies behind the lines of Axis-occupied nations. Everywhere, from Denmark to the Philippines, any resistance armies that were fighting the Axis were supposed to be supplied and coordinated by the United Nations. The Presidio military base operated as the US Western Defense Command from 1941 to 1946, but it was also the base from which all of the US wars with the Philippines, Vietnam, Korea, and any of the Pacific Coastal South American nations were sourced. It served as the “Pentagon” of the United Nations as well. In 1945, with the cessation of proactive hostilities, the United Nations as a peace organization, a peace branch, was set up in New York City. However, the military branch of the UN was set up a long time before in San Francisco and was to remain there for many years. As a result, I was dealing with all the military documents of the United Nations, which gave me a far different perspective of the world around me than most people have. There was even a UN battle flag known as the United Nations Honor Flag. It was just four simple vertical stripes in red on a white background, to represent the four freedoms of Franklin Roosevelt, and this flag was in operations as a battle flag until 1948 or 1949. Different people conclude that it stopped being used as a battle flag just very shortly before the Treaty of Peace with Japan was signed. The reason why is that the United Nations was still legally at war with Japan. It is a very confusing issue for most people, but they do not understand how important it is because this is one of the reasons why the Japanese and the Germans and the United Nations have very strange relations. The United Nations went through a lot of difficulties and, at this point in history, it was a very anachronistic body, just like the League of Nations was. In terms of Germany’s peace treaty with the United Nations on 12 September 1990, after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the United States, the Soviet Union, France and then Great Britain finally concluded a peace treaty with the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic.
TK: I always heard that we still don’t have a peace treaty. That is what people always tell you in Germany.
DD: It is interesting. They are probably correct in the sense of the Third Reich. That is the problem. Many people don’t understand that, as far as the Third Reich is concerned, it is a government in exile, just like the Nationalist Republic of China on Taiwan. The Nationalist Republic of China re-established the island of Taiwan and it considers itself the legal representative government of all mainland China, or at least it did until very recently.
Japanese Documents on a Jewish State
TK: Please continue. It is very interesting.
DD: The point is that by dealing with all of the documents that I was destroying, which came from other countries whether Allied or Axis, one of the issues I was contending with was that they would have American intelligence officers interpret these documents—but only to the point where the officers felt the content was pertinent, and then they would write a summary to justify or dismiss further translation. As an example, the Japanese before World War I had a life-and-death struggle with Tsarist Russia that had been ongoing since 1904. The Japanese nation, which had a Third World economy at that time, was going broke from fighting with Tsarist Russia. What saved the Japanese was that an American–Jewish person in New York began to finance the Japanese war efforts because he had lost many relatives to the Russian Tsarist anti-Semitic program. As a result, the Japanese were able to carry their war to victory. By the time of the 1930s, the Japanese were ready to repay the Jewish population by resettling an enormous number of them in northern Manchuria. When they did this, Adolf Hitler thought that this was a fabulous idea. He wanted to make sure to expel as many Jews as he could from Europe, and he helped the Japanese re-establish an enormous part of the Jewish population into northern Manchuria. That nation is still there today, between Manchuria and the former Soviet Union. Search for the term “Jewish Autonomous Oblast” on the Internet. It is functionally, at this point, like a dependency, a fiefdom of Russia, but the reality is that it is a pseudo-independent buffer state. It is simply not recognized by the United Nations, in a very similar way to, say, Kurdistan. The Israelis don’t want anyone to know about this nation because they are afraid that all of the Palestinians and the rest of the Arab world might say, “Well, that ‘Israel’ in Asia existed long before the Israel in the Mediterranean. Why didn’t/don’t you all move there?” It is like a huge, dirty secret, but I want the world to know about this because the plans that the Japanese had for establishing this nation-state were basically what I was incinerating. So this is an example of how the Americans would handle that sort of information. An intelligence officer would get all these volumes of Japanese papers in the post-ceasefire era and say, “This looks interesting”, and would bring them home to the United States. And since the United Nations military branch was in the Presidio military base in San Francisco, the documents would be brought there because it was a military issue. I destroyed literally thousands and thousands of these types of documents.
TK: Did you get a chance to read many of those particular documents before you burned them?
DD: They were all in Japanese, so what I had to read in those cases were the American translations. I read about 100 pages, which in itself is an enormous amount of information that was never given to the American education system, never given to the American media, but this is something that I can prove to people because not only can they look it up on the Internet, they can visit the place.
Genocide and Ecocide in Bari
DD: In the case of so many other things, we have similar examples. I will give you an example of the kind of warfare that happened on the European continent which people are totally unaware of. The Americans, as well as the British, had been so badly defeated so many times in North Africa by the Deutsches Afrikakorps under Field Marshal Erwin Rommel that they felt that an invasion of the European continent would be so costly that they would rather use weapons of mass destruction to try to force the Third Reich to ask for peace. The entire intent was just to bomb Germany with nerve gas, against the laws of the Geneva Conventions and the international law of the League of Nations, of which the United States was a founding member, indeed the founding member. They were willing to break their own international laws because they were that desperate. What happened was that the Americans and the British shipped in tons of mainly mustard gas, but there were any number of other early developmental, experimental nerve agents that they brought into the port of southern Italy at Bari. At Bari, you had all of these merchant ships, British and American, surrounded by military ships where they had captured southern Italy and they were getting ready to bomb the cities of Düsseldorf and Köln with gas bombs. When German naval intelligence discovered the presence of all these chemical weapons, it notified Reichsmarshall Herman Göring of the Luftwaffe. On 2 December 1943, the Germans conducted a strategic bombing campaign of Bari. It was so masterful that it did more damage to the American fleet than the American fleet had suffered at Pearl Harbor. All of those ships at Bari, literally well over 17 Allied merchant ships and well over as many military ships with all of those tons of nerve gas agents, exploded and an enormous cloud of toxic chemicals flew over the city of Bari and killed hundreds of thousands of people.
TK: Why don’t we ever hear of that?
DD: You will never hear of that because the American government was forced at the end of the war to support the Marshall Plan for reconstruction and, during that period of time, they paid an enormous number of bribes to the successive Italian governments to keep it a secret. The successive governments conducted an enormous reconstruction of the city of Bari, cleaned up all of the cadavers and buried as many of them as they could. They actually had to incinerate them to prevent plague because the bodies bloated with the nerve gas, just as they did on the fields of France in World War I, and exploded, so they provided an enormous breeding-ground for potential plague-carrying agents like rats or flies and various other pests.
TK: That must have spoiled the whole ecosystem there, too.
DD: In those days, nobody concentrated on examining or analyzing ecocide or environmental damage. I never saw any records concerning that. Bari was totally reconstructed and made into a new, thriving city. At that time, the damage to Bari made the Italian population so resentful, so hateful of the Allied forces that Mussolini was able to stabilize the Salò Republic in the North. Pretty much until the end of the war, until he himself died, the Salò Republic remained in the northern region of Italy, allied to the Third Reich, and that part was never conquered or taken by the Allies. They were able to claim victory on the Italian Peninsula, but Mussolini’s front never failed. This goes to show you how little anyone knows about their history. As a matter of fact, the German forces at Monte Cassino and these various other areas on the Italian Peninsula refused to surrender for the most part to British and American forces, so the Americans had to bring Brazil into the war. At that point, Brazil declared war on the Axis and it was the Brazilian forces that would take the surrenders of the various German or Italian units in various areas because they would not surrender to the British or the Americans.
Behind the Surrenders
They have covered this up so well that people know nothing about it. That, essentially, is what is so important, and this is why peace has been declared with the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany. It was because, at this point, the Allies needed German money. The only way they could get German money was to end the war with the two replacement governments for the Third Reich. On 12 September 1990, as I said, the United States, the Soviet Union, France and Great Britain concluded a peace treaty with the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic. So World War II was formally over, as far as those entities were concerned, but neither of those entities existed during the Second World War. Nevertheless, the formality had to be concluded so that they could get the Deutsche Mark to back up the euro. Think about what I am saying. The nations that concluded this treaty with Germany, both East and West, were France, Great Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union. Where was China? The Nationalist Republic of China was the fifth ally on the United Nations Security Council. China never declared peace with Germany because China had already done so, many years before, and that was in 1945. In 1945, the Nationalist Republic of China declared peace with the Third Reich and the Empire of Japan, and that is why, if you ever take a look at those photographs of that phony surrender on the USS Missouri, where you see all of those Allied officers standing on the deck of the Missouri supposedly accepting a surrender from the Japanese leadership, one thing you don’t see is any Chinese leader. You have to wonder, “Well, good God, the Japanese were as involved on the Chinese front as the Germans on the Russian front.” As a matter of fact, most of the Japanese forces were on the Chinese front.
Most people are totally unaware of this, but over 90 per cent of the Japanese military spent all of World War II in China. Everything the Americans ran up against in the Pacific was less than 10 per cent of the Japanese war machine. The Japanese considered the Chinese front to be the primary front, just like the Germans considered the Russian front to be the primary front. So why were the Chinese not on that ship? The reason why is because they had already settled for peace with Germany and Japan. You can take a look at the entire world history of the American republic from when they fought the Barbary pirates in North Africa to when they fought nations in South America, or when they fought in Angola, Vietnam, Cambodia. What is the one thing that every nation on Earth that has fought the United States has in common? Poverty. Enormous poverty. There are no nations that have ever fought a war with the United States where the United States after that war said, “Hey, let’s help you out. Let’s do some reconstruction. Gosh, we have done so much damage to your country. Let’s help you fix up again.” Only Germany and Japan and the Axis of nations that were outside of the Soviet sphere of influence got reconstruction from the Americans. Why? Because they were able to force the Americans into reparations. That is why General George Catlett Marshall, Chief of Staff of the United States Army, who institutionalized the Marshall Plan, was the only soldier in history ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize.
Roosevelt’s Plans for Total War
TK: Did I get that right? The Americans had to pay reparations to the Germans?
DD: Yes, and you can imagine that this is hard for many Germans to believe because most Germans are under the impression of how terrible it was after the war, and it was. It was terrible after the war, but a lot of British would complain because with their austerity programs in some ways they were worse off than the Germans were, and they were supposed to be one of the victors in the war. You have to ask yourself: how did this happen? What was going on? One of the worst things that happened was that America was literally led by a madman, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He was a madman who had no concept of peace. He was infatuated with the concept of extermination. Many people are unfamiliar with the concept of total war as perceived by the British and ultimately by the Americans.
TK: So, total war is a concept of genocide, isn’t it?
DD: Absolutely. The British failed in this because they lacked the technology in the hundreds of years of wars with the Irish, the Scots and the Welsh to eradicate them. The Americans were trying that with the Southern Celtic French. The overwhelming numbers of Americans in the North during the Civil War were Anglo and Teutonic. There were descendants from the Pennsylvanian Dutch, many Anglo-Saxon Protestants; whereas in the South they were overwhelmingly descended from the Celtic peoples: Scots, Irish, various Gaelic peoples, French Huguenots, who were French Protestants. They were culturally and ethnically very different in composition from those in the Northern states, so when the Northern states conducted the Civil War they were conducting a war of extermination that reflected what the British had been conducting with their Celtic French for many hundreds of years. That was simply a carry-on of that cultural phenomenon. It was from this that Franklin Delano Roosevelt developed his concept of total war. When he was originally Assistant Secretary of the Navy from 1913 to 1920, Roosevelt developed the strategic priorities of an actual plan which he submitted to the American military commanders in 1935, where he recommended the seizing of Halifax and Montréal in Canada in a lightning campaign before Great Britain could intervene decisively. They fully expected the British to get aid from Japan because Japan was a fellow monarchy that was being threatened by the United States, which always promoted democracy in the same manner that the Soviet Union promoted communism: by violence, at the barrel of a gun, by force of arms. They calculated that the British Navy would threaten the US interests in control of the Philippines, Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, Cuba, Puerto Rico and even the Panama Canal. In exchange for these losses, President Roosevelt planned to conquer Canada. It would have been his version of Adolf Hitler’s conquest of the Soviet Union. This prize would become an arsenal to manifest destiny and a platform from which to rebuild and eventually to regain all that would be lost elsewhere. He had a whole series of plans that were basically designed for the conquest of any individually developed nation on Earth. War Plan Red meant war with the British Empire. War Plan Crimson was specifically the invasion of Canada, and War Plan Orange was war with Japan. All who say, “Oh, these were just contingency plans”, are totally unaware of the fact that the United States had worked on and revised War Plan Red until it was one of the most detailed war plans in the history of mankind. Literally thousands of pages, something like hundreds of volumes, went into this, and they were going to invade a neutral Canada, abolish the government, hold the conquest in perpetuity and destroy the population. They were going to use poison gas. That was authorized. As a result, the British began a military build-up in the inland ocean of the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes of the United States are considered an inland ocean in terms of naval affairs. As a result of this period of tension, in August 1935 over 35,000 regular United States Army and National Guard troops, elements of five divisions, maneuvered as the first army in a show of force that anticipated commencement of War Plan Crimson. This war plan, as I said, was a subset of War Plan Red, which was the projected war with Great Britain, with the British conflict—a worldwide conflict— easily making the term World War II appropriate. This showing of the flag extended all over upstate New York, backed by 15,000 more US National Guardsmen conducting corps-level operations in Pennsylvania. An invasion of Canada would have deprived the British Royal Family of a potential relocation site in the event of a Nazi invasion of the British Isles. Because of this double threat that it faced between the Third Reich and the United States, the Royal Crown bought off American aggression by giving Roosevelt the opium trade in China that had floated the British Empire for almost 100 years. In the 1800s, a distant relative of mine, Commissioner Lin, fought in the Opium Wars against the British Empire. He sacrificed his career in fighting the British. Ultimately, when the British conquered much of China and won the Opium Wars, they forced the Qing Dynasty, the Manchurian ruler ship of China, to buy massive amounts of opium from them and give it not only to the entire population but to their royal families. The British were producing cannonball-sized balls of opium in India and shipping them upriver into China where they eviscerated the Chinese economy and population, but this made Britain one of the richest empires on Earth. The British turned all that over to the Americans to pay Roosevelt off so that he wouldn’t invade Canada, and, as a result, that is what started the war with Japan. With the Americans taking over the opium trade in China, it brought them into direct conflict with the Japanese Empire. That is what led to the Second World War. As for the British, they began in terms of the monarchy to manipulate the politics of the British Prime Ministry to get Winston Churchill into power. At the time that Roosevelt was threatening Canada and the British Empire, he didn’t have Churchill to deal with. One of the reasons Churchill was put into power was that he was half-American. His mother was Jennie Churchill, a US citizen, and thus he was able to placate and manipulate the madman Roosevelt into war away from Great Britain and into war with Germany. That is one of the major reasons why he was put into power. That is another aspect of history of which everyone in America is unaware—because it is a totalitarian society, as ruthless in its destruction of historical documents as was the Soviet Union. There is nobody in America who even knows this. There are very few people in Britain who know this.
TK: Nor in Germany. We are always told that Germany started the war, and we only know the story from this perspective.
DD: Yes, well, don’t feel alone in that because nobody learns this in Japan, nobody learns this in the United States and nobody learns this in the Soviet Union. How many people remember that Roosevelt died before Hitler did? Almost nobody remembers this. This is one of the reasons why the Third Reich was able to force America into concessions.
TK: Hang on. The Third Reich was able to force America into what? Into concessions?
DD: Absolutely. Concessions would mean that the Americans would allow various advantages to the Nazi civilian government for relocation. Just like the Nationalist Chinese government was able to relocate itself onto the island of Taiwan, the Third Reich was able to relocate itself initially to Argentina, then to Antarctica and now, eventually, to what was referred to as Unterland. One of the reasons why Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz of the U-boat arm of the Kriegsmarine was able to become the last Führer of the Third Reich after Adolf Hitler is because he was in charge of so many important operations. One of them was Operation Hannibal, the largest evacuation of civilians in the history of humanity.
German and Japanese Atomic Warfare
TK: They were evacuated to…where?
DD: To central Germany from the Baltic nations: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The Nazis considered Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to be Germanic nations that had been part of the Order of Teutonic Knights for many thousands of years, or hundreds of years at least. They felt that these were Germanic populations that they did not want to leave under the Soviet Union without rescuing as many as they could. This is one of the reasons why, when the Germans developed the atomic bombs, they were used primarily in Courland, part of Latvia. Courland is basically where the Germans deployed a tactical atomic weapon. This is something very important to remember.
TK: When was that exactly?
DD: In October 1944.
TK: So, you are saying that the Germans had an atomic bomb in 1944?
DD: Absolutely. This is what is so important. The Americans have turned the atomic bomb of theirs into a religion. To them, it is literally like a religious object. There were multiple reasons for this, but the main reason was money. There were only two nations on Earth which had an industrial base but did not have an air force: Imperial Japan and the United States. What Japan had was the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service and the Imperial Japanese Army Air Service. The Americans had the US Naval Air Corps, the US Marine Corps Aviation and the US Army Air Forces, but there was no United States Air Force until 1947. The only way the Americans could get an air force was to sell the lie that their strategic bombing had worked. But their strategic bombing hadn’t worked at all. It failed to hinder effectively increasing productivity rates under the administration of Albert Speer. Their strategic bombing had failed to damage the war effort of the Japanese—at all.
TK: Can I interrupt again and go back with you to the topic of the atomic bomb being in possession of the Germans? That is one thing that the Germans would never believe. They would think, “Hey, if they had the atom bomb, why didn’t they use it?” But you said that they did use it.
DD: They did use it, and here I will tell you something. Germany had an enormous mining industry. So did the Japanese. There were large uranium ore deposits in North Korea, which was part of Japan. There were large uranium deposits in Bohemia, the Reich Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Reinhard Heydrich of the Sicherheitsdienst, the SD, was the Deputy Reich-Protector of Bohemia and Moravia, and one of the reasons that he was in charge was because of the technical development of uranium.
TK: But I think uranium is not the only ingredient in the nuclear weapon. Didn’t they also desperately try to produce heavy water?
DD: Heavy water plants existed in Norway. As a matter of fact, they were common enough that the British were able to identify a heavy water plant in Narvik, in Norway, and they actually sent a Norwegian commando team to blow it up. There were attacks on various German heavy-water plants. One of the larger ones was in the Eastern European region, and I believe that this is best gone into with certain people who have done their best to investigate it, such as Nick Cook or Joseph Farrell.
TK: But they never concluded that the Germans did have an atomic bomb and made use of it. I don’t remember having read that.
DD: No. The problem is that researchers like Farrell or Cook are outsiders looking in and not insiders looking out. I was exposed to the documents such as those of SS General Jakob Sporrenberg, who, in his Polish war crimes affidavit—basically concerning his help with developing the atomic bomb— told about the development and the deployment at Courland. At the end of the war, the Americans and the Soviets propagandized that every inch of land in Germany or continental Europe basically had been swept or occupied by either the Soviets or the Americans. This is not true. There were many areas that were pockets of Third Reich administration long after the Soviets and the Americans met each other at several points of the map. One of those areas that was occupied by the Third Reich after the Soviets and the Americans had met was where all these talk-down processes were going down with various elements of the Reich’s government. Where the Third Reich was relocating itself, it had various units in these pockets of Europe that were still holding on to areas in the mountains, areas in Estonia on the Baltic Peninsula. Estonia was held because, to cover the massive evacuation of civilians in Operation Hannibal, which was ongoing in October 1944, Adolf Hitler ordered the deployment of a nuclear weapon and stopped the Soviets’ push. It was the German version of what the Japanese did on the Korean Peninsula. Everyone knows that the Demilitarized Zone in the Korean Peninsula divides North and South, but nobody knows how it got there. If you look into regular history books, nobody explains why the Soviets stopped on that line. They had basically swept into Manchuria, they had occupied the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, they were going in to South Korea and they were ready to invade Japan. People don’t understand that the Korean Peninsula and Japan are so close that you can drink a can of beer on the Korean or Japanese beach and if you throw it in the water it will flow up onto the other nation’s beach. If the Soviets had gone down to South Korea they would have invaded Japan, but they were stopped because of the Japanese deployment of atomic weapons on 12 August 1945. The Germans did the same in Courland. There was an affidavit concerning the interrogation of a Luftwaffe test pilot, which was released during the Clinton administration, who provided evidence that the Third Reich tested an atomic bomb probably via a very, very large cruise-missile delivery. It caused a mushroom cloud on the Baltic coast that was a full kilometer in diameter, with continuous internalization of combustion leading to electrical interference with instruments in Great Britain.
TK: So, by the end of 1944, how many nations would you say had the atomic bomb?
DD: The Axis—Germany and Japan—had it first, and then the Americans developed it last. The Axis viewed these atomic bombs as operational ordnance. Because of the report of the mushroom cloud on the Baltic, Great Britain put all of its constables, fire departments and medical evacuation teams within the civil defense infrastructure on atomic alert. This is why US troops hit the D-Day beaches with Geiger counters. The United States was faced even more with Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz’s Operation Seawolf. On 1 April 1945, the British warned the Americans and Canadians of what they’d found out from their intelligence units on continental Europe. They said that Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz had launched what was known as the Fenris Wolf Pack. It consisted of six über U-boats en route to North America that were capable of delivering very large rockets that contained nuclear warheads. Because of this, the Commander-in-Chief of the Atlantic Command (CINCLANT) warned the American public on national radio and through newspapers that they had better prepare for an atomic attack from the Third Reich.
TK: Wow, I can’t believe it! So why did they lose the war, then? Or did they never lose it at all?
DD: Well, in a very real sense, they did not! But on 24 April, after nine days of engagement, the last of the über U-boats were destroyed by the US Navy. However, Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz had proved his point: that he was capable of a nuclear attack against the United States. The reason why Adolf Hitler gave him the go-ahead for this was because in October 1944, when the atomic bomb was deployed to stop the advancing Soviet forces in Estonia, the Germans stopped the Soviet advance cold and they were able to hold Courland until after the Soviet occupation of Berlin. Because of that, the Wehrmacht forces were there, but, during that period of time, during the deployment of the bomb itself, medical doctors informed Adolf Hitler that the radiation caused by that bomb did cellular damage. This was the first time in history that an atomic weapon had been deployed, and through its deployment the German medical community was able to identify the fact that radiation does not behave like a virus, that the cell could not fight off the radiation with antibodies. When the doctors told this to Adolf Hitler, they explained to him that radiation, unlike a disease, does not fight by the rules; the body cannot defend itself against the radiation or build up an immunity. Adolf Hitler was obsessed with biological analogies. He viewed anti-partisan warfare as an immunization process. He actually used that analogy multiple times. When he was confronted with this reality of atomic weapons, Hitler felt that any further deployment on the continent of Europe would be a threat to the genetic viability of Aryan man. He swore that, no matter what happened, he would never again deploy atomic weapons on the continent of Europe.
TK: From where do you know all these things? Was this all in the documents that you had to incinerate?
DD: Very much so. They translated summarizations into English, and then the Americans said, “We don’t want anyone to know this.” This is why it is so important for me to talk about the air force. The whole purpose of the Americans organizing an air force was to have a bottomless pit in which to hide stolen American money. To do that, they needed to tell the public, “We have to build atomic weapons because atomic weapons won the war.” It was all a lie, and the only way to contain the lie was to just destroy all evidence of the truth. The reality was that the Little Boy bomb was a German bomb. It was a standardized piece of atomic ordnance that was developed by the Axis. It had bombs by the dozens. But the Axis, both the Germans and the Japanese, viewed these as operational-level ordnance— not tactical, not strategic, not to break a war, but something to break an army in the field. The Germans were the first to develop them. They had a realistic version of them, and the reason why the Little Boy was built the way it is, is because the entire thing was built to fit inside the fuselage of a medium bomber, and the bomber itself was the delivery system. In other words, it would be a suicide bomber. The Japanese were very comfortable with this. The Germans also developed a suicide pilots corps that was willing to utilize this weapon. They never needed to deploy it.
Editor’s Note: Part two in our next issue covers underground bases in Antarctica, foo fighters, Nazi claims of extraterrestrial contact, what really happened during Operation Highjump, and more.
Douglas Dietrich On the Hidden Side of History
Part 2
The Truth about the Little Boy Bomb
Douglas Dietrich (DD): When Harry S. Truman took over, his first act as President was to recall the aviator Charles Lindbergh from the Pacific immediately and send him to Europe. Charles Augustus Lindbergh spoke German, and had been awarded a very-high-level civilian medal by Adolf Hitler for his sympathy with Germany before and during World War II. Truman sent Lindbergh to Europe to deal with as many Nazi scientists and technicians as he could, to bring back the atomic bomb from the Germans.
Thomas Kirschner (TK): Oh, he sent him over as a spy, so to speak?
DD: No; as what they would call a “goodwill ambassador”. During the time before Roosevelt died, his insane proclamation of unconditional surrender said: “We declare that the Emperor Hirohito and the Nazi government are war criminals. These are people whom we will not contend with. We will not deal with them in any way, shape or form. We simply want them dead.” That is the result of Roosevelt’s saying that the war could never end. That is why Eisenhower, in the field, was so desperate that he actually brought in a musician—Glenn Miller, who spoke German and was famous in Germany—to conduct peace negotiations secretly with the Third Reich. That is how desperate the Americans were. Since they couldn’t communicate with the Third Reich government, all they could do was to take ceasefires in the field. Even the entire end of the war was signed by General Alfred Jodl and Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz as a surrender of military forces, a ceasefire.
TK: A surrender of the Allied forces to the Germans?
DD: Well, no. The German forces in the field surrendered to the Allies, but the government was not spoken to and was simply allowed to leave. The people who were in the dock at the Nuremberg Trials were all military men. Even Albert Speer was considered military because he was in charge of military production.
TK: So, to where did the government leave?
DD: The government reasserted itself in many, many places: mainly in Argentina, but also in Antarctica and eventually in Unterland. But just to finish off with Charles Lindbergh, the Little Boy bomb was never tested by the Americans. Remember Trinity: it was the test of the Fat Man–type bomb, the plutonium bomb. The Americans had plutonium, but the Germans and the Japanese had no plutonium. What they had was uranium, so all the German and Japanese bombs had a standardized Axis shell meant to fit into the fuselage of a medium-range bomber. That was a uranium bomb that the Americans called Little Boy. By producing a number of these, the Germans and Japanese could threaten the Americans with medium-range delivery—a medium-range interballistic missile delivery system, or a rocket system launched from a U-boat or, in the Japanese case, by a kamikaze plane. Because of this, they were able to force multiple concessions from the Americans. When Charles Lindbergh went to continental Europe, he could do what Glenn Miller didn’t do. Glenn Miller died very mysteriously and the Americans organized this entire cover story that he was killed in an aircraft crash. That is not what happened. But Charles Lindbergh was able to succeed in talking the German scientists into giving over the Little Boy bomb as part of the concessions that they were dealing with in terms of the Third Reich’s government. When this Little Boy bomb was delivered to the United States, it was never tested because the Americans already knew that it worked. They already knew that the Germans had deployed it.
The Extraterrestrial Propaganda Victory
DD: Why would the Americans have separate bomb development systems, one uranium and one plutonium? It did not make any sense, but everybody accepted it after the war as part of the propaganda. That was one of the ways that the Germans were able to get concessions. Another was through the Reich’s Propaganda Minister, Dr Paul Joseph Göbbels [Goebbels]. He conducted a brilliant propaganda operation in which he claimed that the Third Reich had made contact with extraterrestrials and that they recognized the Third Reich as the legitimate government of planet Earth. The extraterrestrials could only recognize one government over the planet; and because the Third Reich was the first one to make contact, they were the ones that were recognized. At the end of the war, the Third Reich was an example of a polyocracy, a government of different internal departmental empires. Göbbels had his empire, Himmler had his, Speer had his, Göring had his. To give you an example of how powerful these empires could be, the SS had its own army, its own panzer units and its own paratroops. It also had its own air force. What was the SS air force? It was the Hitler-Jugend, the Hitler Youth, who had been trained to fly what were basically ram rockets that could go up into the sky vertically and fire off a number of shells very close to American bombers, and then they would parachute out of them. The Luftwaffe had its own paratroops, all the anti-aircraft batteries, 20 field divisions and an armored unit, all controlled by Reischsmarschall Herman Göring. Then there were what the Germans called the Feuerballs—the fireballs. These fell under the control of the Reich’s Propaganda Ministry, under Göbbels. These were highly maneuverable, radio-remote-controlled magnesium flares with super-elongated coils to provide extensive duration of the flare’s burning. It was the aerial equivalent of a nautical mine, with all the spikes sticking out in every direction in flight. The Germans claimed that because they were the first government to use television broadcasting of ceremonial events, they were able to have these signals intercepted by the extraterrestrials that had been flying in the vicinity of our solar system, which got them recognized as the government. That is why, at the end of the war, suddenly these fireballs appeared and they were buzzing bombers everywhere in Europe.
TK: The Germans used these “foo fighters” in connection with their claim that they had made contact with the alien races?
DD: Absolutely, and it was through this that the Reich’s Propaganda Minister, Dr Göbbels, was able to force the British and the Americans into standing back. The American records I was looking at claimed that the British were more susceptible to this propaganda because of their nervous strain from years of warfare. The Americans claimed that they were much more skeptical. Personally, I think that the Americans were just trying to push it off onto the British, but they were just as afraid. Nobody had seen Feuerballs before, and they were very afraid that these were actual extraterrestrial craft. It was a propaganda victory of enormous proportions. Dr Göbbels was able to convince the western Allies that aliens were on the Nazis’ side and recognized their government, and therefore the Allies had to allow the entire important elements of the Third Reich government to escape, except for cases of suicide. Now, Reichsleiter Martin Bormann escaped. I can guarantee through the records that I have dealt with that Dr Paul Joseph Göbbels escaped.
The Third Reich Relocates
TK: So Göbbels escaped, Hitler escaped, Bormann escaped. Who else do you think from the leadership?
DD: Certainly, SS officer Hans Kammler, as well as many other important technicians vital to the Third Reich. This became known as the Thousand Year Reich, and as a result it was dealt with as a third force in the Cold War.
TK: Did they all escape to the same place, or did they spread into different locations?
DD: Very different locations. There were secret bases that were still maintained in Norway, Greenland, the Canary Islands, Antarctica, South America, but mostly it was Argentina, and then Antarctica, and then Unterland.
TK: Where is Unterland?
DD: Unterland requires some explaining. This is something that most of the world is unfamiliar with. During the last year when I worked as a Department of Defense research librarian, in 1992, that was when Alan B. Thompson, a geophysicist, had an article published entitled “Water in the Earth’s Upper Mantle” [Nature
1992 Jul 23; 358:295-302]. He said that the mantle of the Earth, the deep layers of the rock structures, contain lodes of water, like mineral lodes, that dwarf the existing oceans. In other words, there is more water underneath the lower mantle of planet Earth than there is in all the Earth’s oceans—and all of world’s oceans are 75 per cent of our planetary surface. Then, two American scientists found evidence using seismic waves of an entire ocean in the porous rocks deep beneath Beijing [New Scientist, no. 2594, 10 March 2007]. The reason I bring this up is because the military knew all this years and years ago. The Nazi government knew of it well before them. Churchill used to get a big laugh out of the Third Reich’s sending mountain divisions, or mountain hunters, who would normally operate in the Caucasus Mountains, to Tibet. At that time Churchill did not understand it, but entries were found into this part of the Earth that had been bored out by these massive flows of water. Water is corrosive, and given millennia or millions of years it carves huge holes and caverns through solid rock. All of this underwater liquid had bored massive tunnels all over, beneath the Earth’s surface. Underneath our Earth’s surface, there is not a hollow Earth but an inner Earth. There are caverns a mile high that have their own weather, because at that height the water begins to condense and this produces rain, so they have a sunless environment of oceans and rivers that circulate throughout the inner Earth from Antarctica to the North Pole. This began to be referred to as Unterland.
TK: Do these caverns have dry enough spaces in which to live?
DD: Yes, because they’re like the Grand Canyon. In that sense, there are caverns where the water has dried up, but mostly there are caverns that still have a body of water going through them. The fertile sediment that has settled in the cavern terraces above the water system is exploited for agriculture.
TK: So the Nazis found these caverns during wartime and they went there and hid there?
DD: Most certainly. As a matter of fact, they were found well before the active period of hostilities in the war. People might ask, for instance, who was the one person who was so important, so critical to this. Almost nobody knows about him. He was Martin Bormann. Everybody knows that Göbbels was in charge of the propaganda, Himmler was in charge of the SS, and basically people are familiar with everyone’s position in the Third Reich, but almost nobody knows about Martin Bormann and what he was doing. Nobody asks what he was responsible for.
Computer Power and Nazi War Strategy
TK: I thought that Bormann was responsible for the money.
DD: That is an excellent point. Now, how did he work with the money? He basically used the most important weapon that the Third Reich had: the computer. In 1935, the first practical working computer was developed for the Third Reich by a German engineer named Konrad Zuse. With his computer, what he had created was a way to make the trains run on time. German statistician Friedrich Zahn, an SS member since 1933, convinced SS Reischsführer Heinrich Himmler to establish a covert Reich Tabulation Bureau that would integrate Zuse’s technology with IBM systems developed by American statistician Herman Hollerith, who had created the punch-card data tabulator. One of the major German companies, IG Farben, developed magnetic tape in 1935, which made the Zuse–Hollerith information processing system even more powerful. Magnetic tape was actually more useful than punch cards, which were much more expensive. With the use of magnetic tape, these computers did the work of 300 clerks, with only 15 specialists, in a week instead of six months. Because of this, there were many major applications—one of which was gaming out the war. They could feed in equations and examples of warfare that would help them figure out how the war would play out to the end. One of the things that they figured out with these computers was that the Allies outnumbered the Axis by 10 to one. Pitted against Japan, Germany and Italy, the Allies had seven times the tanks, five times the heavy artillery, three times the combat aircraft, five times the trucks, seven times the machine guns. The United States alone had 27 million men that it could mobilize in uniform. The Third Reich realized that the entire war was going to have to be a holding action to delay the advances of the enemy until it could relocate the government. Among the first things relocated were the major computer systems. Because these computers were so valuable and were processing so much information, Adolf Hitler asked Martin Bormann, “Where can we relocate them?” Bormann said, “Neuschwabenland”— basically because it had been colonized since the 1930s. It was Germany’s Area 51 without the tourists. They began to move concept weapons and the computers to the Antarctic, hollowing out vast caverns to fit them. This is one of the reasons why they faced invasion by the British SAS during the war. In 1944, during Operation Tabarin, the SAS attacked but failed to dislodge the Third Reich from the Antarctic. This has been written about in NEXUS magazine [see James Robert, “Britain’s Secret War in Antarctica”, 12/05-06, 13/01]. Hitler was looking for an area in which to keep the computers in sterile, cool conditions because they overheated easily. Bormann’s computers were beginning to become the central focus of the science of the Third Reich, which was based on what Hitler and Himmler considered to be Aryan physics.
TK: But didn’t they also need enormous amounts of power? The Third Reich would have had to have moved a whole infrastructure there, of generators and diesel back-up and people and what not.
DD: They found ways to generate geothermal and hydroelectric power in the Antarctic regions that were very similar to Iceland. They used these energy sources to power their computers and infrastructure underground. There are areas of Antarctica, which is an enormous continent, from which American patrols never returned. I will tell you something about Antarctica in terms of its population. The largest concentration of scientists in the world is in Antarctica.
TK: At present?
DD: Yes. I am trying to put this into perspective. There is nothing else to do in Antarctica other than scientific investigation, and, as a result, many countries established bases there: the Soviet Union/Russia, South Africa, France, Norway, Japan, China, the US, the UK, Australia and New Zealand among them. Argentina and Chile actually colonized families down there.
TK: Wow. Could a civilian go there, or is it off limits?
DD: The Antarctic Treaty was signed in December 1959, after the atomic “tests” that took place down there—Operation Argus, which I will go into later. After that, the area was pretty much declared off limits by the Soviet Union and the United States. So, it has only been recently, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, that they began to experiment with some ecological or environmental awareness tourism. That has been extremely recent and was pretty much after the Nazi presence disappeared off Antarctica, which was around 1997, when probably the last vestiges of it retreated into Unterland completely.
Entrances to the Inner Earth
TK: And Unterland: where would that be located? Is it under Antarctica, or is it completely elsewhere?
DD: There are multiple entrances to Unterland, literally all over the globe. There are some in Tibet, there are some in Antarctica, there are some that are located in other areas of the world, including one in Switzerland—a major entrance—as well as one within the Alpenfestung, or Alpine Fortress, encompassing a huge area across the northern Italian and Austrian Alps…
TK: In Germany, too, probably.
DD: Yes.
TK: I know that Hitler had a very important hideaway in a town called Berchtesgaden, which is in the German Alps. Would that be an entrance to the Unterland?
DD: Conceivably. I never saw any records concerning that. The Americans misinterpreted the Reich’s concept of Alpenfestung. They thought that it functioned as a kind of Salò Republic for the Third Reich, as the Italian Salò Republic served Mussolini’s fascist state. The reality is that the Alpenfestung was essentially securing that entrance into Unterland from the European continent, but there are other entrances in other parts of the world. I am certain that there are many more that have never been discovered, but the major entrances spoken of in the records I’ve dealt with are in Tibet and in Antarctica.
TK: Is there a whole area where all these entrances are interconnected?
DD: They are interconnected because so much water has eroded Grand Canyon–type caverns throughout the planet, many miles below. It is a very hot environment; a very steamy environment, like a tropical environment without the Sun. It has a lot of room—plenty of room for the establishment and expansion of civilization.
TK: And this is all being kept from the public?
DD: Absolutely. Take a look at what happens in Antarctica. The biggest problem that they have in Antarctica is with all of those scientists. The overwhelming majority are Caucasian—Russian, European, Australian, New Zealander, American, all of them Caucasian except for those from Japan and China. There are very few ethnic minorities on the Antarctic continent. Generally, the only minorities that you would find would be in the American military. There is an enormous American military presence down in Antarctica, but there is no threat of a war starting in Antarctica between the United States and Russia or China or any surface nation. So, why are they there? The reason why is for one of the same major reasons that Marines are on a ship: not only to act as the infantry arm of the navy, but also to prevent mutiny among the sailors. That’s why there’s military presence in Antarctica: to prevent defection. The biggest problem that they have with scientists in the Antarctic is defection to the Third Reich.
TK: So, are you implying that the Third Reich is still there?
DD: Not in the Antarctic per se, but in Unterland, and they tend to reach it through the entrances in the Antarctic continent.
TK: What are they doing there?
DD: The scientists?
TK: No, the Third Reich in Unterland.
DD: Well, nobody knows, because all contact broke off in 1997, during the Clinton administration. That was a few years after I left working with the Department of Defense. What happened was that after the war, the Americans failed in Operation Highjump and various other operations but only succeeded in 1958, with Operation Argus, in preventing a Third Reich domination of near space. I am more than happy to explain this because it has to do with the physics I was about to discuss.
Third Reich Physics and Computing
DD: This much I do know about the physics. I approach it as an historical librarian, as opposed to a physicist, but basically, in 1935, the same year that Konrad Zuse developed the original working computer, a man named Dr Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar—a Hindu national from India, which at that time was under the command of the British Raj—approached the British Royal Astronomical Society with his astrophysics equations. He had proven that stars within a certain level of mass, about 1.4 times the mass of our Sun, the end of their lives will collapse infinitely. He was able to ascertain mathematically the existence of black holes. Some of the cliquish British scientists laughed at him and even went so far as to call him a “yellow nigger”, but the Germans and the Japanese viewed his science to be Aryan science. The Japanese viewed themselves as Aryan people descended from northern India through maritime migration. The Germans viewed themselves under the Nazi ideology as Aryans descended from northern India and Iran through land migrations into northern Europe. Both Japan and Germany had a racial ideology that united them in the Axis that was centered on Asian India. The Germans in particular, using computer technology, were able to take Chandrasekhar’s equations and put them into their computer systems. They calculated them to the logical conclusion, and they concluded that our entire galaxy and indeed the center of every galaxy is held together by a supermassive black hole—the mother of all black suns. This may sound very obtuse. People may ask, “Why would theoretical physics have such an impact on the war effort?” It is because the Third Reich was able to take a half-century leap in physics, thanks to taking the Chandrasekhar equations to their logical conclusion using computer technology. This is how they got into the concept of antigravitation and the higher-level physics. The problem was that this was still in a developmental stage. However, the Third Reich’s conflict simulations demonstrated that the war could not be won in a conventional sense. The entire Second World War in the Atlantic and continental Europe was considered to be one massive series of holding actions until relocation of the Thousand Year Reich could take place. This is why so many German people disappeared. Before the Second World War, the population of Germanic peoples in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany and the German diaspora throughout Europe was 180 million— close to 200 million people when you count those in various places in Russia and the Americas. Today, there are around 80 million Germans in United Germany.
TK: So, 120 million Germans disappeared in Neuschwabenland?
DD: No, I am not saying that. Germans disappeared, but I am saying that out of most of those Germans who disappeared there were thousands who were relocated. Himmler was obsessed with this. Many people do not understand the purpose of the SS. The Wehrmacht fought for the nation, for Germany, and the SS fought for the Aryan race. The purpose of the SS was not only to fight for the continuity of the Aryan race; it was also a multinational army. It inspired the model for both Warsaw Pact forces and NATO forces in terms of supranational command. Himmler was intent on relocating what he considered to be genetically pure Nordic Aryans to Neuschwabenland, but he realized that he needed enough genetic diversity to prevent morbid inbreeding in what would begin as a limited population base. As an aside, Himmler made a point of emphasizing that his SS troops had perfect teeth. Allied intelligence interpreted this as some mania for aesthetics. The reality was that he needed men who could operate in the sub-zero conditions of Antarctica, where metal dental fillings would contract to excruciating effect.
Antarctic Operations
DD: To put it into perspective about the military operations that took place in Antarctica, as I explained with Operation Seawolf and Courland, World War II was a nuclear war. The Axis powers were using nuclear weapons just as much as the Americans were, but at a more effective level because they were using them operationally as line breakers. In January and February 1939, there were several expeditions to Antarctica, where the Germans had already established a base by World War I. There was a Kaiser Wilhelm II Land that you can find on maps produced before the Second World War. Then what happened was that between 1943 and 1945, the British Royal Navy, commanded by Keith Allen John Pitt, had various ships deployed down there, and there was a secret wartime operation codenamed Tabarin—a failed occupation attempt in the winter of 1944. Men from an SAS regiment were involved, and they went to war not only with the Germans but the Argentinians. To explain, in January and February 1942, Comandante Alberto Oddera aboard the Primero de Mayo had landed at Deception Island in the South Shetlands and fought off the British. This is why Argentina never joined the Allied war effort. If you ever see the Allied zone of patrols that stretches all across the western hemisphere on the map, it stops at the northern quarter of Argentina. The British never forgave the Argentinians. The 1946–47 US invasion became a massacre for the Americans due to the German Flügelrad rotary disc units. The rotary blades were built around the body of the craft, as opposed to being over the airframe. They were like the Third Reich’s version of the SR-71 Blackbird in that they were meant for reconnaissance in depth of enemy territory as opposed to speed through enemy airspace. The Flügelrad was meant for aerial photography, and could operate at a greater speed than a helicopter because of its aerodynamic frame, sans the durability. Because the Flügelrads could be mounted with rockets, they were able to wipe out the American invasion force during Operation Highjump.
TK: Operation Highjump is an historical fact, is it?
DD: Absolutely. In the southern summer of 1946–47, the US Navy operation was led by Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd, Jr. It was actually organized by men who were above him, but he became the scapegoat who was blamed for its failure. It was an ad hoc force, hastily put together by Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz. On 26 August 1946, basically what happened was that they had 3,500 Marines and all of them died, but nobody speaks of it. They talk about the naval part of the operation because most people survived that. This concerned the aircraft carrier USS Philippine Sea, with 100 aircraft, and it was not assigned to any of the groups because it was the fighter-base flagship—an Essex-class carrier, 900 feet long, 3,500 men as crew, and six ski-fitted Douglas C-47 Skytrain transport planes equipped with JATO [jet-assisted take-off] “bottle rockets”. There were also foreign vessels participating.
TK: So, there must have been around 10,000 men?
DD: Yes. There were 4,700 men in Task Force 68; 3,500 Marines were flown in from New Zealand. Its primary mission was to establish an American base to counteract the Nazi base in Antarctica. Now, it doesn’t matter whether or not you or I believe, or whether or not any American or United German believes, that the Nazis had established a government in exile in Antarctica. All that matters is that the United States government was convinced that the Third Reich had re-established itself in Antarctica. This is why the Americans got together Task Force 68. It was enormous, and had at least 13 American ships— a central battle group commanded by Rear Admiral Byrd. The USS Mount Olympus was his flagship, not the aircraft carrier because that had crewmen as well as squadrons of fighters, torpedo planes and Helldiver dive bombers, and these craft were all crowded onto the deck. None of these things could take off from that carrier. This is how hastily they were put together, and these aircraft were going to be disembarked onto landing strips created on the Antarctic ice and then be used to fight an air war from these artificial landing strips on the ice. That is why they brought so many icebreakers, all kinds of submarines, and seaplane tenders for all those seaplanes that I have spoken about. They didn’t even need a landing strip. They could deploy troops on the ground by taking off from the water.
TK: And just a fraction of that task force came back?
DD: Certainly, all the Marines that were flown in on the transport planes died on the Antarctic ice. They were massacred by the rockets launched by the Flügelrads. A few of the planes were shot down with the naval element, but, after what happened to the Marines, their operation had to end and they pulled out. Rear Admiral Byrd was so disgraced that when he gave a goodbye speech to a newspaper at the time, it was published only in Chile and never in the United States. Byrd had warned of an imminent attack on the United States and the necessity to maintain a state of alert, to take defensive precautions against the possibility of an invasion by hostile aircraft proceeding from the polar regions. He said: “I don’t want to scare anybody, but the bitter reality is that, in the event of a new war, the United States would be attacked by aircraft flying in from one or both of the poles.” Byrd was suddenly recalled, and so was the entire expeditionary force. One of the last things he said, one of the most important observations he made, was about the existing situation: “I can do no more than warn my countrymen that the time has passed when we could take refuge in complete isolation and rest in confidence in the guarantee of security which distance, the oceans and the poles provided.” He finished by stating: “We are abandoning the region.” No official explanation was ever disseminated. Byrd was hospitalized, and that is how it ended. That is how badly that expedition turned out. At that point, everything that Byrd had warned about came true. Between 1951 and 1956, there took place what the American documents that I was dealing with called “a massacre of the skies”, or “the disc war”. This was after Operation Highjump. Basically, the Third Reich retaliated and the Flügelrads and the other planes that they’d developed, which were concept aircraft that they’d brought down to Antarctica, attacked and shot down many US fighter aircraft. The end result was Operation Argus, in which the Americans deployed nuclear weapons in 1958 after a decade of failed Antarctic invasions following Operation Highjump. The New York Times reported that there were 204 destroyed or missing fighter aircraft in that period. By the 1950s, what was known as “the aerospace war” was finally accounted for in the documents that I had been ordered to incinerate, and it was calculated that 2,000 pilots had died from between the mid-1940s and the mid-1950s in the disc war. Think about what I am saying. It is for this reason that the Allies were still at war with the Third Reich, that Churchill was brought back into office in 1951.
Stalin’s International Communist Agenda
DD: People don’t realize how advantageous it was for the Third Reich at the end of the war. President Roosevelt had died mysteriously, and essentially, by the documents I was dealing with, it was suggested very strongly that he had been assassinated by Axis agents. Truman took over in April 1945, and then, in July, Churchill was voted out of office. The reality is that in 1945, Stalin, who had enormous influence on both the United States and the United Kingdom, gave the order to the Labor Party union bosses to oust Churchill. In the US, we would refer to the Laborites as what Britain called “communists”. These were hard-core unionists. To show you the kind of influence that Stalin had, I will give you an example. When Stalin invaded Finland in 1939, that was one of the things that started World War II, and the Swedish Nazi Party sent air force pilots to fight the Soviets in Finland. There were Swedish Nazi Party volunteers who flew the swastika in Finland. The Germans sent units, and it was an international war to fight the Soviet Bolshevik invasion. One of the most effective weapons was the Brewster Buffalo, a US-built aircraft which the Finns purchased from the Americans. The Brewster Buffalo took down so many Soviet planes that Stalin gave the order to the US unions, which were very sympathetic to the Soviet communist cause, to sabotage all the Brewster Buffalos on the assembly line. Over a year after Stalin had given this order, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941 and then went on to attack Hong Kong, Singapore and the Philippines. Everywhere the Japanese attacked, the American Brewster Buffalos were falling out of the sky because they had been sabotaged back home on their own assembly lines. That is how much influence Stalin had on other nations because of this international communist insurgency. At the end of the pro-active hostilities on the continental mainland in 1945, Stalin gave the order to the Laborites in Britain: “I don’t need Churchill in power anymore and I consider him a threat.” He was convinced that Churchill had poisoned Roosevelt, and the end result was that he said: “Get Churchill out of office.” Churchill was voted out of office by an overwhelming majority, a landslide. This was following the general European ceasefire in May 1945, just as Britain was turning its resources towards invading Hong Kong and Singapore.
America’s Unwinnable World War
DD: At that time, the Japanese were advancing on the mainland with such success that the British actually buried a bunch of British Spitfires, entire air squadrons, in Thailand and Burma. They just buried them to prevent the Japanese from capturing them. That is how desperate the situation was in 1945. People don’t understand the perspective of this. Put this into perspective for how bad it was for the Americans. They were so racist, they had concentrated most of their resources against the Germans because they said: “Oh, they are white. They are a bigger threat.” The Americans allocated only 15 per cent of all their resources during the war to fighting the Japanese in the Pacific.
TK: And by that they totally underestimated them.
DD: Yes, the Japanese had invaded the Alaskan islands to prevent the Americans from bombing Japan from Alaska. Of that 15 per cent resource total, the Americans were forced to dedicate one-third to trying to remove the Japanese from Alaskan territory. Not only was over 90 per cent of the Imperial Japanese Army in China at the time of the Hiroshima bombing on 6 August 1945, but on that very day a special war department analysis of the new Japanese divisions being mobilized reached US Army Chief of Staff George Catlett Marshall—the same Marshall who was forced to instigate the Marshall Plan as reparations for the reconstruction of Europe. It was revealed to Marshall that, from 1937 to 1943, the Imperial Japanese Army had mobilized an average of eight divisions a year, but in 1944 alone it had formed 30 to secure the Chinese mainland. In the first seven months of 1945, the Japanese activated at least 42—of these, 23 inside Japan itself—and had the manpower to generate even more: as many as 65 infantry and five armored divisions by October 1945—the intended beginning of Operation Downfall, the scheduled American invasion of the Japanese home islands. Japan had only just begun to fight, and this monumental mass mobilization was the very reason why so few, if any, able-bodied Japanese men ever died in strategic bombing, either conventional or nuclear, during the entire war. They were all in the field. At this point, the Americans realized that they had lost the war. It did not matter that they could mobilize all this manpower. The vast majority of their personnel were across the sea in the Atlantic; and if they were to bring them all over to the Pacific to fight the Japanese, they would probably leave Europe open to re-conquest by Nazi insurgents. So, they either faced a series of something like the Napoleonic Wars where they had battles continuing again and again, or they could sue for peace. The Americans chose to sue for peace because Roosevelt was dead and Churchill was gone.
TK: They sued for peace? Towards whom?
DD: Towards the Axis, both Germany and Japan.
TK: And that was in ’45?
DD: In 1945.
TK: The public never learned about that.
Editor’s Note: Part three in our next issue covers Nazi rocket scientists and advanced technologies, the Suez crisis, nuclear detonations over Antarctica, space weapons, the Third Reich’s alleged Moon bases, and much more.
Douglas Dietrich On the Hidden Side of History
Part 3
The Dawn of the Space Race
Douglas Dietrich (DD): Adolf Hitler was still on the offensive in 1944–45 because he had everything to gain by holding as much ground as possible until evacuation. This was not a war that was being fought with some sense of hopelessness on his part. With the Scheibekrieg—the Disc War—the Americans soon concluded that the Nazis were establishing a presence on the lunar surface. That is why they invested so much after Operation Highjump into literal nuclear war against the Third Reich in exile. This would ultimately manifest as Operation Argus.
Thomas Kirschner (TK): Are you saying the Third Reich established or was going to establish a base on the Moon from its base in Neuschwabenland?
DD: Quite so. The Nazis were not using normal rockets. They were using antigravity and the new technologies, including Tesla technology. The Germans broke the sound barrier and the space barrier using rockets very early on, in the 1930s. They were able to perfect the use of this technology for long-range bombing against the Soviet Union, but all their strategic bombers were rendered Russian plunder by the time of ceasefire. The Americans only learned this later through intelligence sources. The modern space age began in March 1926 when Dr Robert Goddard launched the first liquid-fueled rocket in the United States. In June 1929, Friedrich Stamer made the first manned rocket-powered flight in a glider developed by Alexander Lippisch. In July 1929, the launch failure of Goddard’s first instrumental rocket caused all of his neighbors to complain and they obtained an injunction against him, preventing further launches in Massachusetts. Goddard was publicly humiliated and became increasingly reclusive. In November 1929, Goddard gained a Guggenheim grant with the help of Charles Lindbergh, which financed the move of his rocket laboratory to Roswell, New Mexico, which at the time was the least populated state in the Union yet still maintained enough of an infrastructure for him to have plumbing. In February 1936, the Germans tested the A-3 rocket. Despite the project’s secrecy, US intelligence got the news back to Washington but the threat potential was taken lightly by the US Army leadership. In October 1936, the army’s assessment of Dr Goddard’s rocket was that it had very little military value. Again, this placed the Germans far ahead. In 1930, the analogue computer, the differential analyzer, was developed by Dr Vannevar Bush, who was the dean of engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This was a lab computer, the first one on the market, and was used to solve advanced problems in physics. The Bush design was so effective that MIT saw no point in experimenting with digital computers, which were so expensive that the university could not afford such pioneering work. That was done elsewhere by the US government for the use of cryptographers working with codes, for whom analogue computers were useless.
Rudolf Hess Takes on the Americans and Soviets
DD: This is where Rudolf Hess comes in, because he flew to the UK with the intent of telling the British that German computer research was far behind—ultimately confounding the Allies.
TK: I thought he flew to make a peace offer.
DD: You mean a peace offer for the British monarchy to settle with the Third Reich? Certainly not. He went to convince the UK to sue for peace.
TK: We have been told that he flew over to make an offer to surrender.
DD: That’s ridiculous. It was 1941. Neither the Americans nor the Soviets were yet committed to total war against the Reich.
TK: I have a completely different story in the back of my head. Why don’t you tell us what you know about?
DD: Hess succeeded in convincing the British that he had to talk to the Americans because he’d found out about Martin Bormann’s computer technology: that the computer situation in the Third Reich was very bad and that the Americans were way ahead with their computers. So, the British flew him over to the US and you never heard of him in Britain again. Supposedly the British had him in prison, but basically it was this poor, mentally disturbed man who looked very much like Hess and was a German citizen—just somebody they had rounded up after the cessation of hostilities in Europe. This individual could barely speak coherently. Hess’s son, his former secretary, all of them identified him as not being Rudolf Hess.
TK: This was in the documents you were incinerating?
DD: Absolutely. This man was ultimately killed, not because they were afraid that he would talk—the man could barely talk—but because all the people pointing him out as not being the real Hess wouldn’t be able to talk about him anymore.
TK: So, what happened to the real Rudolf Hess?
DD: He was flown to the US where he spoke to Vannevar Bush, convincing the US that the Third Reich’s computers didn’t work and that the Germans were way behind. He fooled the Americans into underestimating several aspects of the Nazi war machine. They ultimately believed a lot of what he was saying and were very misled. They were specifically misdirected about Nazi flight capabilities into space. As for his ultimate fate in the US, the documents that I dealt with made no mention of this. In any case, the Nazis had made such a huge leap in rocketry that they managed to bomb the industry that Stalin had moved behind the Ural Mountains. Rudolf Hess was able to hide this by saying that Nazi rocket technology was very primitive and was only used for unguided bombs and, actually, those were not rockets. He was able to tell them that the V-1 and the V-2 were not rockets at all but jet engines that were used with remote control as a weapon of terror in England, and that the Germans really didn’t have this rocket capability. Because of that, Hess was able to poison relations between America and the Soviet Union, which ultimately led to incredible hostilities between them because Stalin was telling the Americans that he was being bombed by the Germans using this space technology. Let’s put this into perspective. Space is an intrinsically hostile environment in which to work, half of the Earth’s atmosphere being less than three miles [~4.8 km] above sea level. Military aircraft and spacecraft depend on pure air sealed in a protected environment after they approach altitudes that approximate 15 miles [~24 km] where heat transfer is excessive and poisonous ozone is present. Turbojet engines refuse to function above 20 miles [~32 km]. Altimeters stop working at about 28 miles [~45 km]. Rockets are required to work beyond that point, and the Germans had developed those rockets. When Dr Goddard developed his rocket and the Germans began to conduct manned rocket flights, they had their own version of astronauts: Raummenner. The first men to breach space were not Soviets or Americans, but were members of the Raummacht—the Space Force. This was a force that resulted from a collaborative program between Herman Göring and Heinrich Himmler. It was in conjunction with the Case Blue summer offensive in May 1942 that the Germans initiated a bombing campaign with what were called Sängers. These were used to strike at Stalin’s Trans-Ural industrial base. Extremely high altitudes limited the campaign’s effectiveness, but, over time, the attacks took their toll and they prevented the Soviet Union from advancing at a rapid pace. This is one reason why the Soviet advance was quite slow, comparatively speaking, and took so many years. The Sänger was designed as an antipodal skip-bomber, skipping on the atmosphere around the world after each attack run, soaring high above Central America and China while taking the long way back to Germany. The Americans never captured a single specimen of these bombers because all of them were deployed against the Soviet Union. By ceasefire, they were in Soviet hands, along with Wernher von Braun’s brother, Magnus. Just as von Braun subtly misdirected the American space program, his brother successfully stymied the Soviet space program. They directed them into different areas other than military, where they could. Essentially, they were working as saboteurs to prevent both the Soviets and the Americans from ever catching up with the Third Reich’s technological lead.
TK: Oh, really?
DD: Very much so. The reality is that much of the American and Soviet space programs were way behind the times, sabotaged by subversive cadres of German scientists, such as the von Braun brothers.
Nazi Links with Egypt and Spain
DD: Where do you think the greatest number of rocket scientists from Germany went?
TK: To Neuschwabenland?
DD: No. Many of them actually went to Egypt. Gamal Abdel Nasser, who as a high-ranking general was covertly sponsoring the Nazi scientific exodus into Egypt as the war was drawing down, had so many scientists that he created an entire city for them—Factory 333 at Heliopolis, outside Cairo. There were 400 of these Nazi rocket scientists, and they called this the new Afrika Korps. This was the foundation for a parallel Egyptian aerospace program. That is why Nasser was eventually able to threaten the US that he was going to nationalize the Suez Canal. Nasser used Spain’s Francisco Franco as an example because he’d also taken in many Nazi emigrants. Franco had several Nazi scientists building KM-2 electromagnetic rockets for him in secret laboratories near Marbella on the southern coast of Spain, east of Gibraltar. They were named after their inventors, professors Knoh and Müller. The KM-2 had a range of 16,000 kilometers. Once its control was disengaged, it was attracted by the electric vibrations of passing aircraft or the magnetism of the nearest metal mass. It exploded on impact with the source that attracted it. During World War II, Francisco Franco provided thousands of men to form the Spanish Blue Division, which served on the Russian front throughout the war, all the way up until 1945. This is why the Americans found that among the prisoners they were taking at the end of the war, many of them were from different countries that people didn’t even know were involved in the war. Some of those prisoners were Spaniards who wound up in American prison camps and were involved with the Spanish Blue Division. The Americans were incensed with Franco and they said: “Now that the war is over, why don’t we take out Franco? We are going to invade.” That is when, in the summer of 1946, Franco launched two of these rockets and he was literally watching from the deck of one of his private yachts when these rockets were launched to take out two American civilian passenger aircraft. He said: “You invade Spain and I’m going to take down more American passenger aircraft.” The Americans said: “Hands off.” When it came his turn, Nasser said: “I’m nationalizing the Suez Canal. Franco has two German scientists; I have over four hundred. If you take me out or try to take me out when I nationalize the Suez Canal, I’m going to wipe your civilian passenger airliners out of the skies.” The Americans said: “Well, we’d better get on Nasser’s side.” At that point, in 1956, the Suez Crisis developed, which was even more devastating than the Cuban missile crisis. America almost went to war against France, Britain and Israel when they tried to re-take the Suez Canal. America came in at the side of Nasser and said: “If you are going to retake the Suez Canal, we are going to war against all three of you.” That was the death of the Allies, the fall of the United Allied Front. This is the kind of power that Nazi scientists wielded throughout the world. This is why they were called the Dritte Macht— the Third Power—of the so-called Cold War. Wherever these Nazi scientists were present in the Soviet Union or in the United States, they were viewed as observers of a foreign government.
TK: Of a government in exile.
DD: Yes. That’s how they were perceived.
Operation Argus
TK: What happened with the government in exile?
DD: The government in exile is still there today. What we don’t know is exactly what changes took place within it. I will give you an idea of what it was like very shortly after the war. However, before I even go into this, we should talk about what happened with Operation Argus. The Americans—based on the disc war, the missile war, everything that was going on with rockets and disc technology—had every right to be convinced that the Nazis had set up a base on the south pole of the Moon. This was a very small base on the south pole, but it was considered to be such a threat to international security that the Americans, in 1958, approached Nicholas Christofilos, a mad genius who did not hold a physics degree. He worked at California’s Lawrence Radiation Laboratory at Livermore on techniques to harness and control energy released in hydrogen fusion reactions. There are no known physical materials in the world that could contain the super-hot plasma involved because that was at the temperature of the Sun. He worked on fashioning “magnetic bottles”, powerful magnetic fields to hold the electrically charged plasma. Because of the nature and the shape of the magnetic fields, a certain quantity of charged particles would leak out from the ends of the magnetic bottle—much as how trapped particles leak out of the Earth’s poles, producing auroras. While the disc war was ongoing, the US government approached Christofilos and said: “We have to eliminate the German astronaut program from colonizing the Moon.” On 10 January 1958, he responded with all of his equations on paper and said that if a nuclear weapon were to explode in near space, the radioactive debris would be trapped and directed by the magnetic field and the result would be the creation of an artificial band of relativistic electrons that would completely surround the Earth. In other words, he said that he could create an artificial Van Allen radiation belt which would be intense enough to destroy anything in orbit.
TK: Would that artificial Van Allen belt hold up for a longer time? Is it still there?
DD: No. It would be a militarily viable assault that would last only long enough to take everything out of space. Military astronauts already face a hostile environment. In situations where the enemy renders the region of near-Earth space temporarily lethal with radioactivity, that environment becomes impossible. The belt would produce worldwide radio noise on the HF and VHF radio bands that carry the bulk of all military communications. Most significantly, the explosion of nuclear weapons would create these artificial auroras and increase the intensity of a chosen region of the ionosphere wherever the bomb was blown. That would render warning radar and antiballistic guidance missiles useless. It would black out radio communications. The bomb, with accurate calculations done for the site of the explosion, could be made to produce effects over a specific area with enough of an electromagnetic pulse not only to kill all of the spacecraft flying in and out of the atmosphere but to kill any missile retaliation. Christofilos said that this was the only way that the Americans could fight the Third Reich in exile, with their rocket scientists and disc craft. On 1 August 1958, the Americans put his theory to the test when they rocketed a 3.8-megaton H-bomb which exploded 48 miles [~77 km] above Johnston Atoll in the Pacific. The resultant blast, according to the Atomic Energy Commission, was the most spectacular shot ever fired by the US. The fireball rose above the atmosphere, triggered a magnetic storm and blacked out radio transmissions all the way from Tokyo to San Francisco. On 27 August 1958, the first of three nuclear shots was fired over the Antarctic. One rocket carried a low-yield atomic warhead 200 miles [322 km] above the Earth. After that, the Americans followed up with 19 separate rockets to measure radiation. Near the Grand Canyon in Arizona, they even had a giant metal coil looped across the desert floor to measure changes in the Earth’s magnetism. Observers on ships in the North and South Atlantic watched how all the debris followed the electromagnetic field of the Earth and fell immediately in the atmosphere at the site of the blast, and then all the way at the other end of the blast and created artificial auroras. That is how powerful it was. The radiation encircled the Earth and created a new radiation belt 40,000 miles [64,440 km] high. On 30 August and 6 September, they did it again. These explosions in the ionosphere were so intense that they destroyed the products of the billions of Reichsmarks that the Third Reich had spent on a military space program. The high-energy radiation effects in space, the worldwide radio noise and the intensification of the ionosphere were lethal.
TK: Do you think that the Third Reich by that time had manned Moon bases?
DD: Yes, and it was concluded at the end of Operation Argus that all of the personnel of that base died without being re-supplied from the Earth. The Americans never learned the Third Reich’s name for its Moon base; they code-named it Moon Base Alpha.
TK: You said that it was on the south pole of the Moon. Would that be the dark side or would that be the side that we can see?
DD: It is neither side. The south pole of the Moon is in the twilight zone. That way, the base would be protected in a valley from the intense solar radiation that would be just as damaging to instrumentation as these explosions were. The regions of intensified radiation in space wreaked havoc with the Third Reich in exile’s military space systems. In the vacuum of space, there is nothing to dissipate or absorb the radiation. When the high-energy electrons strike any object, they generate X-rays which are penetrating. They damage electronic equipment, erase computer memories and are lethal to astronauts. Since the radiation belt was global and extended outwards for thousands of miles, all the orbiting satellites that the Third Reich had put into orbit, long before Sputnik, frequently kept passing through these regions of intensified radiation and they died in orbit. The implication for the Third Reich in exile for the use of space as a future field of operations was devastating. It showed how vulnerable the entire range of military space equipment really was, even with moderately sized warheads.
TK: But the base in Neuschwabenland kept…?
DD: The Third Reich in exile never launched any more hard-vacuum assets. The increased ionization of the upper atmosphere that resulted from these nuclear explosions proved hazardous to the high-altitude bombers and aerospace gliders that had been designed by Sänger. Male and female pilots flying above 50,000 feet through a region of intensified ionization received lethal doses of radiation before they could even reach their targets to retaliate. This was probably the most powerful series of nuclear strikes that America has ever launched. Near-space proved to be indefensible and unworkable during a nuclear conflict. This is why both the US and the Soviet Union decided that they were never going to have a military space program of any consequence or even try to establish bases on the Moon. On 31 October 1958, the US and the Soviet Union began a moratorium on the above-ground deployment of nuclear weapons. They realized: “What’s the point of our having a space race other than for propaganda purposes, because if either one of us goes to war, we can wipe out each other’s space assets so quickly that all the money we spent on it would be useless anyway.”
Trading with the Third Reich
DD: The Third Reich retreated to a total underground existence. The Americans were still willing, through their intelligence agencies, to work with the Third Reich in exile because they had Nazis as advisers and mediators thanks to Operation Paperclip. They had enough SS officers out there, Gestapo in the CIA back in the late 1940s and 1950s, for everyone to speak the same language with the Unterlanders. They co-opted the Gehlen Organization—not so much for its experience in Soviet counterintelligence as for its value in liaising with the exiled Reich. For a while after World War II, the Flügelrads were a common sight. There were flights over the UK, and major flights over New York City that caused the 1965 Northeast blackout which affected several US states and parts of Canada. We had a “normal” wave of UFOs every other month.
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TK: The blackout was caused by the Flügelrads?
DD: Yes. They were flying overhead and interfering with the electronic works of the area just to show that they could do it. This is what kept the Allies from attacking the Third Reich in exile while they relocated underground. This is why they had so much time that they were able to buy. They still needed things: underground machine tools, fabrics, pharmaceuticals, luxury goods, cigarettes, nylons.
TK: I would imagine that they needed all these things.
DD: Well, they got them from the Allies in trading for the threats they projected until the point of Operation Argus. Bear in mind when Operation Argus took place: 1958. From 1945 until 1958, more than a decade later, the Third Reich in exile held the Allies in sheer terror and was able to get everything it needed from them. What the Unterlanders needed was quite a bit. For instance, they needed enough of a food base—foods that they could not grow underground until they got their hydroponic gardens growing. As a matter of fact, it was a Taiwanese scientist who taught U-boat captains how to grow bean sprouts in their U-boats. As for materials, people may ask: “What is it that you cannot mine underground?” Rare materials such as tantalum. It’s a metallic element that is used as that thin capacitor strip in cellphones and other electronic media, and is often sourced from meteorites. Right now, there are a few places on the Earth’s surface, such as in Congo, where tantalum can be found. As a result, the tantalum wars run by major corporations employ mercenaries in Congo who have killed well over one million, maybe two million people. That is how rare and valuable it is, and you never hear of it but everyone uses it. You cannot find materials like that underground. That is also what the Third Reich traded for, at least until 1997. Until 1958, as unbelievable as it is, it was a battle, but, at that point, the Third Reich in exile was still trading and dealing with the Allies, the US and other surface governments. What would they be giving the Allies in return? They provided technical information, formulae, inventions for synthetic foods and materials. It was one of those incredible situations where they were obviously very much ahead of the Allies.
Defections and Abductions
TK: And they were still able to maintain that advantage in scientific progress?
DD: How could they not? They had a 50-year leap in technology. This brings us back to the major problem with scientists in Antarctica: defection. These guys wind up going to the Third Reich in exile where they are considered a tremendous resource. By the 1980s, the Unterlander population apparently had quintupled to five million “intraterrestrial Aryans”. They had their own equivalent of a baby boom through continuity of Lebensborn—the Spring of Life breeding program. Still, the Unterlanders had problems with a small breeding population, so they always welcomed in new Caucasian immigrants. These people also brought in new science, new ideas and information about what was happening on the surface world.
TK: Do you think they continuously keep their communication going with the world above ground?
DD: Not officially. These scientists are still able to catch what are uncontrolled and at this point unwelcome “enemy transmissions”. Remember that the US is still legally at war with the Third Reich. Abduction was one way to fuel the population of the Third Reich in exile. When they had problems with population, they abducted people and brought them down as breeding stock. There is also the brain drain with s c i e n t i s t s — p a r t i c u l a r l y geneticists and biologists— defecting to Unterland.
TK: Do you think that some of the UFO abductions or even cow mutilations could be caused by Unterlanders?
DD: I would say yes, certainly up until the point of 1958 in particular; probably even some time after that. I am not talking about abductions where people suddenly wake up and cannot remember where they have been for six hours. I am talking about abductions where people disappear and never come back. That is what Unterland would be responsible for. As for cow mutilations, no, I don’t see that as part of this phenomenon. Another thing that the Unterlanders traded with the surface world was genetic research. The biggest problem that they have is morbid inbreeding. Also, they need to work on genetic modifications to improve their own adaptability to a dark, hothouse environment. Through genetics research they were able to counteract any potential congenital defects. They developed the ability to extend life span. I don’t know how efficacious this is, but it was mentioned in the documents as being one of the discoveries that they traded to politicians of the surface world. Through such biotechnologies, the old guard—the original Neuschwabenland Nazis—held onto power for far too long. Dissent was repressed. Unterland started to resemble North Korea in some respects. Around 1997, it was concluded that some kind of uprising had occurred and all contact broke down. There is no more formal contact with Unterland. I stopped working with the Department of Defense as a librarian in 1992, and around then they were claiming that, since the early 1990s, communications were making less and less sense. The Unterlanders were becoming stranger and stranger, and it was felt that they were surely becoming a different species of humanity and were no longer relating to surface humans.
TK: So they finally became a true breakaway civilization…
DD: That is quite correct, but they are still attracting defections, such as what happened at Lake Vostok, Antarctica, in February 2012. Those Russian scientists, a team of half a dozen, disappeared and then the Russians suddenly claimed that they’d found them. The Russians do that all the time. They lose a team of scientists, and then they bring in a team of imposters and simply say: “They found us again.” Meanwhile, each scientist’s family is informed: “Your husband has disappeared while exploring for the state, and we don’t want the rest of the world to know what happened.” It is guaranteed that this was a case of mass defection. Those things are quite common down there, and they cover them up all the time. The Unterlanders are still getting new blood and new technologies, and, since most of the defectors are highly educated scientists, their science continues to advance.
TK: So you think that some of those disappeared scientists are not even held prisoner and decide to stay there in free will?
DD: Absolutely! They are literally dying to get down there. The Americans, and apparently the British, have taken to killing their scientists to keep them from leaving. According to the documents I was working with, whenever frustrated defectors were interrogated they reportedly said: “I want to go to a place where there is nothing but white people.” The surface world to them is a nightmare. They are looking for a rational society without minority problems. They admit to ignorance of the particulars of subterranean living, but have been made bitterly aware of an enormous frontier—with opportunities to breed never presented to such socially isolated individuals under our open skies.
TK: So, they want security from all the surface problems and dangers.
DD: Quite right. All-out nuclear war could break out on the surface and they wouldn’t even notice.
TK: Has there ever been someone who came back and gave testimony of how it is there?
DD: Here is the problem. How do you infiltrate a highly secured, highly militarized community? It would be more difficult than infiltrating North Korea. Until 1997, there were still enough people from the earlier generations, and in the early days the melanin and the skin tone were still similar enough to surface human beings so that people could pull off some infiltration. Nowadays, that would be impossible. Unless you were a defector, planning to stay there forever, how could you infiltrate? At this point, those people down there are white—literally white—and their eyes are adapted to perpetual twilight. What I could grasp through footage retained by the few reconnaissance teams able to make it back from below is that it’s like a futuristic theme park with overhead passenger monorails, as you’d find at world fairs, and plenty of artificial light. There are enormous convex parabolic mirrors positioned everywhere above, which disperse radiance from static searchlights aimed at them from below—all continually polished by punishment details comprised of political dissidents. Their office buildings have an “inverted mushroom cap” architecture with roof gardens that exploit the subterranean rains. The uneven terrain of cavern floors is defined by lines of freighted railcars that run between the “stems” of these structures, and lights outline tiered residential complexes built to skyscraper heights along the rock walls. I understand one of the main challenges to be air circulation, which would account for the massive industrial-scale fans channeling emissions into apparently empty tunnels. Otherwise, development is freed from the need to provide heat containment, wind resistance or shade, demanding instead translucent materials to exploit all illumination to maximum potential. Thus, I saw a “scaffolding” structural style using Plexiglas, Lucite, fabrics and lightweight paper wall paneling, like Japanese screens, hung on load-bearing frameworks that rise like stalagmites served by exterior elevators. The documentation I was ordered to destroy intimated that there are at least 17 Grand Canyon–sized pockets of this civilization and hundreds of smaller occupied cavities, connected throughout the Earth’s crust by networks of bored track.
TK: Wow! What might their plans be for the surface world? Will they ever come back and reclaim it?
DD: The Third Reich’s initial position was always that it was elected legally and therefore still maintained legal control over Germany. The Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic were artificial occupation governments set up in Bonn and in Berlin by force of arms. Until the Third Reich re-established itself and was legally voted out, it would never renounce its claim to the Fatherland. This was also the position of the Nationalist Republic of China which re-established itself on the island of Taiwan, where I was born. Taiwan and Communist China on the mainland are still legally at war. But today, many Taiwanese—as they increasingly call themselves, as opposed to Chinese from Taiwan—simply want recognition as a sovereign state by the United Nations. The UN refuses this because Communist China is on the Security Council. It was Nationalist China, not Communist China, that was an original founding member of the UN Security Council. When Nationalist China separately recognized the Third Reich and Imperial Japan, the Americans and the Soviets conspired to expel it from the United Nations. That is ultimately what they did. At this point, like many modern Taiwanese, maybe the Third Reich in exile just wants recognition. Perhaps the Unterlanders simply want to be left alone. Or, with the constant brain drain from the surface world, they have developed enough advanced weaponry and maintained enough biodiversity in the population that maybe they are planning an invasion of the surface world—having used “recessives” of darker melanin shades to conduct reconnaissance.
Nazi Links with Zionists
TK: Do you know if the major politicians on the surface world know about its existence?
DD: I will give you an example. The last year when I was working at the Department of Defense was 1992, and Bill Clinton was running for President. It was during the Clinton administration that all contact broke off with Unterland. My understanding from the connections I maintained in the Department of Defense is that Clinton never even knew of Unterland. The major politicians have no idea that there is an Unterland. It was only contacted through the intelligence communities, and only the original World War II politicians even knew a hint about it.
TK: So, the German government would also not necessarily know about it.
DD: Correct. The only people who knew about it were Reinhard Gehlen, his organization, some of the old SS, intelligence organizations like the CIA and Mossad, or criminal networks like Odessa. Why Mossad? Well, that is one of the biggest secrets of World War II. Now, you know that, even with the unification of east and west, Germany is still paying millions of dollars of reparations to Israel. Now, why would the Germans stand for this? One of the reasons why is because it was Germany that established the state of Israel through the Third Reich.
TK: What?
DD: Most people are totally unaware of this, but on 20 April 1945…
TK: Days before the European ceasefire?
DD: Yes. After paying his respects to Adolf Hitler on his birthday, Heinrich Himmler drove alone for several hours to meet with Norbert Masur, a representative of the World Jewish Congress. Why? Because throughout the war, there was only one group of Jewish people whom Hitler and Mussolini supported adamantly: the Zionists. The average European Jews were highly educated and deeply invested in the society around them. Why on Earth would they do as the Zionists asked and move to a strip of desert in the Mediterranean? The Zionists were a lunatic fringe, a militant movement formed in the 1920s dedicated to establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine. So who supported the Zionists? The Nazis and the Fascists, because the Zionists were the only Jews who were willing to leave Europe. Himmler’s SS agrarian schools trained the Zionists in agriculture. Suddenly, when they were re-established in Israel, they were growing oranges in the desert. How did they defeat the Arabs in several armored engagements? They were trained by Rommel’s staff in Panzer tactics. Why do they have an apartheid government? It is a white-settler regime. It runs an apartheid state against the Palestinians. It maintains migrant labor, just as the Third Reich did in Germany.
Fate of the Nazi Command
TK: I wonder what may have happened to the chain of command with all these top members of the Third Reich government when they went into exile. Did Himmler or Göring or even Hitler stay in command, or pass on the command at the point where they left?
DD: Martin Bormann and Joseph Göbbels seem to have been the most outstanding leaders of the Thousand Year Reich in Unterland until around 1997. It appears that Adolf Hitler became more like Mao Tse Tung did towards the end of his life—more of an ideological motivator as opposed to an administrator. Heinrich Himmler’s fate remains a mystery. The Americans claim that he killed himself. The reality is that we don’t really know. He loved his daughter very much, and could never return to the Fatherland to visit her. I understand that Göbbels had a degree of fanaticism where he was willing to leave his wife and family to die in Berlin as he moved to relocate the National Socialist government in exile. He took that as part of the sacrifice of the war effort because this was a total war and he was the ideologist of total war for the Third Reich. His wife was a practicing Buddhist, so she was able to kill herself and her children without guilt. In her personal belief system, they would all be reincarnated quickly. Hans Kammler remains a mystery, even in my notes, but I took volumes of notes.
TK: So, there is still more material in your notes, waiting to be discovered by you?
DD: Yes, because much of what I wrote down I would then forget. It’s miraculous that I remember what I do. Recall that I was burning what amounted to tons of material. We had a multimillion-dollar incinerator, similar to the one at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
About the Interviewee:
Douglas Dietrich is the son of a decorated US Navy sailor. He worked for 10 years as a US Department of Defense military librarian at the Presidio military base in San Francisco, where one of his major duties was document destruction. He was responsible for incinerating highly classified materials on critical historical topics. Each night, he made entries from memory in a personal notebook of all of the top-secret documents he had destroyed. Dietrich experienced the Kuwaiti campaigns of operations Desert Shield (1990) and Desert Storm (1991) as a US Marine, during which time he was exposed to cyclosarin nerve gas which resulted in collapsed lungs and radical experimental surgery. After mustering out of the USMC in late 1991 and undertaking military librarian duties again into 1992, he began a career as a private security agent which continued until he became a full-time carer for his dying parents. He now channels his energies into media production, conference presentations and radio interviews covering a wide range of hidden history topics. His DVD Roswell and the Rising Sun was reviewed in NEXUS 19/04
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